Read Healing Cherri Online

Authors: Jana Leigh

Tags: #erotica, #menage, #jana leigh, #shifter romance, #denver pack, #chosen wars, #drekinn series

Healing Cherri (14 page)

BOOK: Healing Cherri
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Someone said that some of the Chosen were true triad mating. What's that?” she asked curiously.

We were going to talk about that, uh well, it means that all of the people in the relationship have a sexual relationship with each other, and claim each other. If it's a trio mating, the woman claims both the men and the men claim her separately. In a true triad, the men will also claim one another, uh, well that is, while having sex,” Declan said slowly, waiting for her to figure out exactly what he just said.

Cherri thought about it and looked at both of her mates, so maybe they were actually bisexual. She had never experienced it, and after she thought about it, it was kinda hot. Her men touching each other as well as her. She frowned and looked at them and said, “So what are we? You haven’t really told me what your feelings are about this. We have so much we need to learn, I think maybe we should wait,” Cherri said and then went to move back and both of the men grabbed her arms and pulled her back along the wood floor. Wink thought they were still playing and so she was chasing her legs.

Hang on. We were going to talk about this. First off, I'll go. Yes, I'm attracted to Declan as well as you. I have no problems working through this and waiting with him. You're what's important right now, Declan agrees. We just need to make some kind of bond because our wolves are fighting us. I have to tell you it's getting damn uncomfortable.”

Declan then leaned forward and caught her eyes so he made sure she listened to what he was saying. “Darlin', I won’t lie either and tell you I don't feel an attraction to Nik also, but I agree, we can deal with that later, when you have time to let all this settle.”

Cherri was silent and looked at her men and thought she must be fucking nuts, or they thought she was that shallow, it kinda hurt. She may be the princess type of girl who likes to be pampered and the center of attention, but please. If they were mates, they were mates. She wanted all this to be right from the beginning. Nothing about this was traditional and what they did in their bedroom was no one’s fucking business. If they were thinking she was mad or jealous, they were just flat ass wrong.

Cherri sat up but stayed close. “Okay, here's my thoughts, take them for what they are, but I'm telling you that if we're supposed to be a true triad, then we should. Besides, I think it's kinda hot to think you will be mates as well. I mean, sometimes it would be fun to watch.”

Then men looked at each other and then her and shrugged. Nik made the first move and turned his head so she was facing Declan a little better. He then wrapped his hand around the back of his neck and pulled him close and claimed his mouth with the same demanding way that he had her. Oh yeah, he was gonna be the main man in the bedroom. Fun, they were defining their roles, she thought. Declan was just as dominate, but it looked like he even realized that Nik was the one who was going to be taking charge in the bedroom.

Cherri shifted, wanting to join in. She was sitting out here by herself. She thought, how unfair. Turning and letting her robe fall off her shoulders, she grabbed a glass of champagne, sipped it, and leaned back seductively.

Boys, I think maybe tonight should be about all of us participating, don’t you think?” she said huskily, and when they broke their first kiss, she smiled and made sure her breasts were in view. She tipped the glass of wine over her chest and invited them to come and help her clean up. Both of them growled and crawled until they were each on either side of her and then she smiled and arched her back. Both of the men took the hint and latched onto her nipples. Lapping and kissing, she shivered at the difference in the sensations of having two lovers. Declan was commanding and firm, seductive and teasing all in one. His mouth was amazing, using just the right amount of pressure to suck at her nipple to make it hard.

Now Nik was demanding and hard, and made her shiver when he pulled on her nipple with his teeth, scraping with just the right amount of pain to make her feel her panties get wet. Oh yeah, this was gonna be fun, she thought, and then laid back as they both pushed her and then giggled when Wink started playing with her hair.

You, my little Wink, are going to bed,” Nik said firmly and picked up the wiggling bundle of energy and stood up and took her outside, let her play for a minute or two before bringing her back and putting her in the kennel with her bed and little baby doll. Cherri melted when she saw the small puppy turn in circles and finally settle in her bed with her baby doll tucked under her chin.
So fucking cute

Now when were we?” Nik said and she grinned when he laid back down.

Well, I was thinking maybe it's time for a little dessert, don’t you?” Declan said and she frowned.

Oh yeah. I'm gonna eat that sweet pussy with a little chocolate, champagne and strawberries. That sounds about right.”

I think I will feast on her tits with a little chocolate, oranges, marshmallow, and maybe a little bit more of the sweet champagne to round it out.”

Cherri just laid there while they discussed what they were going to do and began to get hot and bothered when they set everything up without even touching her. She wanted to protest, but the stern look from Nik when she moved a little had her following their lead.

Declan pulled the robe all the way off her so she lay there with only her small, pretty, pink, lacy panties. And Nik grinned and leaned down and kissed her mound. “Have you ever seen anything so pretty?”

Hell no,” Declan said and pulled the top of her panties down and then licked her slowly. Nik helped him free her of her nice underwear by ripping the sides and she growled and he nipped at her breast until she sighed and relaxed.

Declan pulled her closer to him and said, “Gotta love wood floors. I'll get her ready for you, you get her ready for me and then we switch.”

Nik grinned and nodded. Cherri looked at them curiously and watched as they did exactly what they said. Each of them grabbed a spoon and dipped it in the small fondue pot that was still lit. She saw the chocolate drizzle off the edge and felt the anticipation.

Declan held the spoon up high and made designs on her pussy with the chocolate. She groaned when the warm liquid flowed over her skin, she felt it dripping down, mixing with her juices and wanted someone there right now to satisfy her.

Then Nik did the same thing over her chest and she knew she had to look like a mess, but she didn’t give a shit, her men were preparing her so they could feast on her body. She had never been this intimate with anyone before. She had always been the one in control and had sex with no speaking, and when she got off, she was done and got up and left. Yeah, sounded cold, but her wolf got pissed every time she was with someone that it didn’t like, which was anyone who wasn’t their mate. Now the wolf was howling in her head, pushing at her to hurry them along so she could claim them. But she knew they would never allow it.

Next came the small dribbles of champagne, making the chocolate pool in certain areas, like her cleavage and stomach. Nik planted marshmallows in strategic spots. And she almost came off the floor when Declan moved her hips up and poured champagne right into her pussy opening and then took a large strawberry and placed it right at the entrance and grinned at Nik. “Ready?”

More than,” Nik said and they did this complicated sliding thing so they didn’t move her. She giggled.

You think this is funny?” Nik said. “How about you laugh now, when I eat this pretty little pussy,” he said and leaned down and swiped his tongue quickly through her slit and lapped up the chocolate that was there, making sure he cleaned her clit and then bit down gently.

At the same time, Declan dove down to her nipples and began scraping his teeth across the straining nubs until she was writhing beneath both of her men. Shit, they were good; she couldn’t laugh now if she wanted to, hell she couldn’t breathe practically. The sensations were flowing over her and she felt the bonding with her mates begin. The physical contact they were having was creating the tenuous bond; she wanted it to snap into place.

Moving a little so she could put their mouths right where she wanted them, Nik growled and looked up. “You're not in control here, little lady; I will decided when you can come and when you get your pleasure.”

She shivered at the domineering tone in his voice and her wolf backed down. She laid back and allowed them to give her what they wanted and how they wanted. Each of them eating away at her, cleaning and lapping all of the food they had placed on her.

Come and help me, Dec,” Nik said huskily and the man complied. Together they spread her legs wide, Declan took her clit and Nik pushed her ass up so she was off the floor and resting on her shoulders.

He nipped at the strawberry that still filled her pussy. She felt him tug and push, fucking her with the sweet fruit little by little until she was ready to come. Then Declan pressed his firm tongue on her clit and flicked it relentlessly. She cried out her need and both of the men backed off.

You fuckers, let me come,” she cried and both men chuckled and then started again, bringing her to the brink and backing off. Declan used his free hand to reach up and cup her breasts and tease her nipples as he stimulated her clit for Nik.

Do you like this? So you like when we play you like a violin, your body is singing to us, playing such a sweet tune. Feel this, baby,” Nik said and then with his fingers he pulled and pushed the strawberry. “Watch us!” he demanded and she looked at them with passion filled eyes. Nik put one side of the strawberry in his mouth and then pulled Declan to him and offered him the other half, all of it coated with her cream. She almost came at the sight of them sharing the fruit and kissing each other over her body while still moving their hands, stimulating.

Nik slid a finger into her pussy as he kissed Declan and pumped it in and out of her a few times, before adding another finger. She gasped while still watching them. Declan pinched her nipple and then with the speed of a shifter moved his hand down to join Nik. One of them pressed a finger to her clit and they both put their fingers in her while never breaking their kiss.

In and out they moved, bringing her to the edge of climax. She could feel the tingling in her thighs and she bit her lip, not wanting them to realize she was about to go over for fear they would stop. They felt her pussy beginning to pulse and then both pulled out and ended the kiss looking down at her.

She growled and pounded her hands on the floor in frustration. “I need someone in my pussy right now!”

Both her men laughed and Nik said, “How about that sweet ass, would you like it if Declan fucked your sweet pussy, while I take your ass?’

Cheri looked at them in surprise. She'd never actually thought about it, she thought they would just switch off and on. But together? The need filled her and she nodded. She had actually had anal sex before, only once, and she promised to never let anyone have that control over her again. When the men were behind you, they could control your orgasm, and Cherri wanted to be the one who got off when she wanted. But now, the pleasure they had already given her surpassed everything that she had ever felt. She could feel the connection with both of them, and her wolf was ready to submit to both of their animals.

Declan pulled himself up to the couch and patted his lap. Cherri grinned and crawled to him and began to move up his body. He still had his pants on. Both of them did and she laughed. “Wait, you all got to play with me and I never got to play with you. How do I know you're worth all the effort I have going on?” She felt the sting of the slap on her right ass cheek and looked over her shoulder at Nik, who was standing there gloriously naked.
Holy shit
. His cock was huge, thick and long, it would split her in half if he tried to put that thing up her ass, she thought, and backed away for a second.

Nik grabbed her hips, put her back into place, and said, “Oh, this will fit baby, you were made for us. I can tell such a delicate, little flower on the outside and on the inside, a raging sexy vamp. We're gonna push you to the limits and then pull back and push you some more. You're our mate and our animals demand it.”

Cherri only nodded, turned and then reached out and took his cock in her hand, letting him know that she trusted everything he was going to do to her. Nik let his head fall back and he moaned his appreciation of her touch. She licked the tip a little, tasting the small bead of cum that was on the slit. She groaned and took him into her mouth slowly, stretching her lips around the large head. He held her hair with his hand and pumped into her mouth slowly, pushing only as far as she could take him and then pulling back, allowing her to use her hand to stroke him fully.

She could hear the rustle of Declan removing his pants, she grinned. While holding Nik’s cock with one hand, she turned, and her eyes widened. Shit, he was huge too. Cherri reached out, touched the similarly thick cock, though a little shorter and wider, since she could barely get her hand around the thing. She leaned over and did that same thing while still pumping Nik.

Ah, multi-talented, this is gonna be real handy,” Nik said. “Enough, up,” he commanded and she nodded crawling up Declan’s firm naked form. They were both built with muscles in all the right places, and now she had never been happier. She hit the jackpot with her mates. They were truly made for her, everything she had ever dreamed of.

BOOK: Healing Cherri
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