Authors: E.S Hoy
A week had passed since the tape had been delivered, the hypnotist hadn't turned anything up
apart from the man seemed to be hairy, he felt very tall and heavy set which matched the shadowy
image on the photo but so far nothing new, Marcus had her on sleeping pills so the sex was on
hold for now as a dreamless sleep was more important to both of them. Sophie loved having Diane
around they spent hours chatting and reminiscing about her childhood in Salford. It took Sophie’s
mind off things so having her there was brilliant though her iPhone was vibrating constantly she
was always in demand. Charlotte and Louise called in and they had a girlie lunch one day Florence
loved having them all and made them cocktails it was lovely, Beatrice and Henry came for dinner at
the weekend and stayed over that was nice Beatrice was lovely and had quickly taken to Sophie
and was taking her role as maid of honour very seriously and she was having fun with Diane and
Bruno with wacky outrageous ideas for their wedding. The week had passed without any contact
from the mystery shadow man and every one had started to relax a little Diane had to fly back to
London for an emergency on the Sunday, little did Sophie know it was a new lead on her father a
man named Saul had answered one of her ads in a National paper he was leaving messages with
her secretary so she needed to go and tend to it as she would not want to get Sophie’s hopes up if
it was a dead end. Sophie was sorry to see her go as she was now stuck with Griffin and Hobbs at
her side if she wanted to go out at all, but she knew it was necessary so didn't complain.
It was Sunday afternoon the house was empty extra security were staying in the spare flat above
the garage it had the monitors for the CCTV set up in there, Sophie was enjoying the September
sunshine sat in the garden in a pair of tiny shorts and a tight strappy vest she was topping up her
fading tan, she could tell she had lost some of the weight she had gained her stomach looked
hollow and her ribs stuck out her boobs hadn't gone down though so she looked totally out of
proportion, food was the last thing she wanted at the moment, all her appetites had dropped off
though she was anxious to reawaken one of those tonight, she would refuse her pills tonight and
pleasure her man, he had been so understanding every night wrapping her in his arms and holding
her all night, she felt his arousal many times but the drugs meant she had no energy to help him
with it. Florence brought her out a glass of Pimms “Dr Taylor has just got home Sophie he told me
to bring this out and he will join you shortly, he has asked me to fix him a Panini can I get you
anything dear, you haven't touched your food all week sweetie, you will fade away” Sophie smiled
at her “OK Florence I’ll have whatever you are making for Marcus and I will try my best with it.”
Marcus had had a quick shower and threw on a pair of shorts and T Shirt; he took the tray of food
from Florence complete with jug of Pimms and went out to join his girl. She looked more relaxed
than she had been all week, his heart tugged though as he took in her slight frame, he hoped to
get her eating again soon it was so sad watching her return to the broken creature he had first met,
her breasts still looked as large though and the fitted vest top she was wearing folded up to expose
her mid rif had the usual effect on his cock, he walked over and placed the food gently on the table
so he didn't make her jump. Sophie looked up at her gorgeous man he sat on the rattan chair next
to her he was tucking into his Panini enthusiastically making appreciative noises, watching him eat
turned her on but also reminded her of her promise to Florence so she picked hers up and took a
small mouthful, mm it was tasty she took a larger bite and was licking drops of the relish off her
fingers, she was totally engrossed and hadn't noticed Marcus had stopped eating, he was watching
her with such desire she paused for a moment, then carried on eating enjoying the effect it was
having on him, she noticed his erection twitching in his shorts, he was transfixed and finished his
food in record speed to carry on his observations, she was so sexy when she ate it was so erotic
the way she kept licking her lips he was a mass of hormones just watching her. As she finished the
last mouthful and took a drink of Pimms to wash it down the glass was removed from her hand
and she was suddenly hanging over his shoulder upside down on her way to the summer house
which was closer than the main house, she was breathless when he dumped her inside and shut
the door, he grabbed the bottom of her top and yanked it over her head pulled down her shorts
and pants and picked her up wrapping her legs round his waist, she groaned into his mouth and he
backed them up to the wall, he wrestled his shorts down freed his erection and rammed into her
she wrapped her fingers in his hair tugging his mouth against hers and sliding her tongue inside
him, he pulled his mouth away with a growl and went for her breasts sucking ferociously one then
the other thrusting harder and harder hands gripping her thighs pulling himself into her , she felt
the familiar pulsing and exploded around him shouting his name a few more thrusts and she felt
his release he stayed buried in her while he walked her over to the couch still wrapped around him,
he lay her back on the sofa hovering above her. “I have missed being inside you it feels so perfect
like this is where I want to be forever” she smiled up at him and ran her fingers over his muscles,
he still had his top on so she lifted it over his head so she could explore his body, she felt him
lengthen again inside her and he slowly started to slide in and out slowly her eyes closed as she
enjoyed every inch of him he stared down at her beautiful face then bent down to her nipples and
gently circled them with his tongue, her nails were scratching up and down his back and he started
to speed up the feeling was incredible she reached a hand between them and stroked her nails
underneath him along his scrotum he bit her soft breast as he felt a spasm of pleasure as she drew
her nails back and forth over him harder and harder he thrusted and as he felt her spasm he
reached down to press her clitoris and she pulsated underneath him he pushed up again on his
arms giving himself a better angle then he fired into her spurting deep inside and she milked him
every last drop.
Monday was Marcus day off and he had tomorrow too so they planned to make the most of it by a
trip to Chester, Griffin and Hobbs were sat waiting in the Porsche Cayenne, as Sophie went to get in
the back Marcus stopped her “we are going in my other car” Sophie didn't know he had a second
car and he trotted off with a big grin on his face she stood there in her pretty short sun dress
sandals and shades hair in two braids wondering what was going to emerge from the garage, she
was a little sex sore from their activities last night and this morning but she was happier and more
relaxed that things felt normal again, she looked at the diamond on her finger it looked huge on
her now her finger had shrunk a little and it didn't feel as secure, she really needed to keep up the
other appetite as well if she was going to be burning so many calories with Marcus, they had been
on a quick ride this morning too, so she had made sure Florence saw her eat up all the scrambled
eggs on toast she made her after her shower and she had sent with her a freshly baked chocolate
muffin for the journey. Sophie heard a loud low throbbing sound, she knew cars Top Gear was her
favourite guilty pleasure and that noise sounded like an Aston, she was right it was a Vantage and a
real stunner metallic grey waxed to perfection, she jumped in beside him squealing with
excitement, Marcus was taken aback he didn’t know she was an avid car fiend, he promised to let
her drive it sometime, she fidgeted with the seat until she got comfortable then put on Heart FM
for some tunes.
The drive was fast but thrilling, she had opened the window to listen to the engine as they drove
through the tunnels at Colwyn Bay, it was a fantastic sound and she screeched her pleasure out of
the window “joy rider!” Marcus laughed at her juvenile behaviour she was really cute when she
was childish.
They spent a lovely few hours walking the city walls boating on the river Dee lunching at a little
Indian restaurant, Marcus was pleased to see her eating again, she wolfed down poppadoms and
starter nibbles then impressed him by having a jalfrezi, most girls he had eaten Indian with had
chosen a korma, Sophie finished the lot accompanied with a Tiger Beer. They wandered around the
shops with security discreetly following and Sophie treated herself to some new jeans and a couple
of shirts for work. They drove home enjoying the silence smiling across at each other periodically,
Marcus phone clicked on with his blue tooth “Dr Taylor are you free to speak? Its Detective Collins
here” Sophie sat up and tensed “yes Martin its OK you are on hands free Sophie is with me” “good,
just to inform you Jake Saunders had a tape delivered today same time as last Monday, would you
like us to bring it round or could I play it now if you are willing?” Marcus looked at Sophie’s pale
face, she nodded her approval, “Now is fine Martin we would rather get it over with” Detective
Collins rustled around a bit then pressed a switch the voice came on
“ Hello Princess not long now I hope to have things settled this week then I can come for you
until then princess
That was it short and sweet “Dr Taylor I will forward a copy to your father and see if they can do
the enhancement again and maybe pick up a clue in the background of where he is” Don had done
that with the last tape but all they picked up was an air plane in the distance and total silence no
cars music voices, nothing “Worth a try Martin thanks speak to you later” he looked at Sophie she
was thinking deeply “why now what has happened he can come now it must be a clue of some
sort and we just can't work it out, suddenly she had a thought, “prison what if he is doing time?
Jasper had dodgy friends we know that, I bet he is due for release or something” Marcus redialled
the Detective “ Collins speaking” “Martin Sophie just had an idea and I think she could be spot on,
what if he is doing time It makes total sense he sees the media reports knows Jasper is dead,
knows where she is but can't get to her yet” there was a lot of noise going on Collins was barking
orders left right and centre “genius yes that is definitely the best lead we have had, we will trace all
his known associates track their movements and work out who is due out later this week, I will
phone your dad well done Sophie” he hung up Marcus grabbed her hand and kissed it, “clever girl,
not just a pretty face and hot body are you”
Marcus drove the Aston straight into the garage and remote shut the door so they were plunged
into darkness next thing he had dragged her out of the car and she was lying backwards over the
bonnet with Marcus licking her between her thighs, the next hour passed blissfully, Sophie slept
very well that night.
It had been a frantic week but still no identity had been confirmed they had checked and cross
checked but came up blank, Sophie had an appointment at the hospital with Sally for her
contraceptive shot so couldn't miss it, Don had sent extra men so she was driven by Hobbs with
Griffin and two others in a car following behind, it was Friday and newspapers were onto their
difficult situation and the press seemed to be everywhere, she had left Marcus asleep as her
appointment was 9am, as she arrived at the hospital her phone went it was Don “hi honey listen
we think we’ve nailed it with the ID, Reynard” Sophie gasped “ That's the guy who helped us get
Jasper?” “yes Sophie him, he should have been an obvious choice we knew he was up for release
soon, I am furious we didn't think of him first, with him helping us we just never put it together, he
was released yesterday Sophie so do what you need to do then get home quickly, are you with
Griffin?” Sophie was suddenly on edge “yes and Hobbs and there is a car following with two more
of your guys in “ Don sounded relieved “good now get in and out fast and call Marcus when you
leave so he can be expecting you” Don hung up. Sophie got out of the car and pulled her hood over
her head so she looked inconspicuous, Hobbs walked with her into the hospital; he had been given
orders to stand outside the room while she was in with Sally. Hobbs waited in the car to whisk us
away after, the other car went around to the rear exit in case we had to switch cars or get out
Sally was expecting her and she was ushered straight in to the chair “you look thinner than last
time I saw you Sophie let me weigh you, Sophie was alarmed to see only 7and half stone” Sally
tutted, I think this injection isn't agreeing with you it should make you gain weight really although
it has certainly added to your damn bust size by the look of it” she prodded her playfully “when did
you last have a period?” Sophie thought back “probably before I met Marcus” Sophie shook her
head I don't like that you are not having a cycle, we will switch you to the pill OK just for a trial 3
months it’s the combined pill so take it every day but it doesn't matter what time so it is easy to
remember “Sally wrote out a prescription for her to take to the pharmacy counter down the hall.
“thanks Sally” she was instructed to return in three months for a check-up, she came out of the
examination room, she turned to go to the pharmacy and told Hobbs to wait where he was as they
were coming back that way anyway. Once she had her pills she went back to Hobbs but he was
missing she looked around frantically but then saw a man in the same uniform waving her over to
the exit at the other end of the corridor, she must have to leave out the back way so she marched
after him, he was quick and seemed in a hurry, she wondered if there had been a sighting but
didn't know this guy so couldn't stop him to ask, at the bottom of the stairs was the car park exit
he held the door open for her she walked in front of him looking for the Range Rover the other
security had been driving, she turned to ask the man but just then she felt a sharp prick of a
needle in her thigh, she was aware of being held up and dragged towards a Mercedes “hello
princess” said the man holding her.