Heart Journey

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Authors: Robin Owens

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“If you’ve been waiting for someone to do futuristic romance right, you’re in luck; Robin D. Owens is the author for you.”
—Jayne Castle
Praise for the futuristic fantasy of Robin D. Owens
Heart Fate
“A superb romantic fantasy filled with heart.”

Midwest Book Review
“A touching tale of learning to trust again . . . Even for readers unfamiliar with the Heart world, Owens makes it easily accessible and full of delightful conceits.”

Publishers Weekly
“A true delight to read, and it should garner new fans for this unique and enjoyable series.”

“[This] emotionally rich tale blends paranormal abilities, family dynamics, and politics; adds a serious dash of violence; and dusts it all with humor and whimsy . . . Intriguing.”

Library Journal
Heart Dance
“The latest Heart fantasy is one of the best of this superior series . . . retaining the freshness of its heartfelt predecessors.”

The Best Reviews
“I look forward to my yearly holiday in Celta, always a dangerous and fascinating trip.”

Fresh Fiction
“The world of Celta is amazingly detailed, and readers will enjoy the bits of humor that the Fams provide. Sensual, riveting, and filled with the wonderful cast of characters from previous books, as well as some new ones,
Heart Dance
is exquisite in its presentation.”

Romance Reviews Today
Heart Choice
“The romance is passionate, the characters engaging, and the society and setting exquisitely crafted.”

“Character-driven story, brilliant dialogue . . . Terrific writing with a very realistic and sensual romance make
Heart Choice
a fantastic read.”

Romance Reviews Today
“Maintaining the ‘world building’ for science fiction and character driven plot for romance is near impossible. Owens does it brilliantly.”

The Romance Reader
“Well written, humor-laced, intellectually and emotionally involving story, which explores the true meaning of family and love.”

Library Journal

Heart Choice
is a wonderful book to lose yourself in for a while! I’ll be anxiously awaiting the next book in this wonderfully imaginative series.”

Romance Junkies
Heart Duel
“[A] sexy story . . . Readers will enjoy revisiting this fantasy-like world filled with paranormal talents.”

“An exhilarating love story . . . The delightful story line is cleverly executed . . . Owens proves once again that she is among the top rung of fantasy romance authors with this fantastic tale.”

Midwest Book Review
“With engaging characters, Robin D. Owens takes readers back to the magical world of Celta . . . The characters are engaging, drawing the reader into the story and into their lives. They are multilayered and complex and grow into exceptional people.”

Romance Reviews Today
Heart Thief
“I loved
Heart Thief
! This is what futuristic romance is all about. Robin D. Owens writes the kind of futuristic romance we’ve all been waiting to read; certainly the kind that I’ve been waiting for. She provides a wonderful, gripping mix of passion, exotic futuristic settings, and edgy suspense.”
—Jayne Castle
“The complex plot and rich characterizations, not to mention the sexy passion . . . make this a must-read . . . I just wish Robin D. Owens wrote faster. I hope she’s got a huge pile of ideas for future Celtan stories, and I for one can’t wait to go back.”

The Romance Reader
“Owens spins an entrancing tale . . . A stunning futuristic tale that reads like fantasy and is sure to have crossover appeal to both SF and fantasy fans.”

Library Journal
“Owens has crafted a fine romance that is also a successful science fantasy yarn with terrific world building.”—
Praise for
Winner of the 2002 RITA Award
for Best Paranormal Romance
by the Romance Writers of America
“Engaging characters, effortless world building, and a sizzling romance make this a novel that’s almost impossible to put down.”

The Romance Reader
“Fantasy romance with a touch of mystery . . . Readers from the different genres will want Ms. Owens to return to Celta for more tales of HeartMates.”

Midwest Book Review

is a dazzling debut novel. Robin D. Owens paints a world filled with characters who sweep readers into an unforgettable adventure with every delicious word, every breath, every beat of their hearts. Brava!”
—Deb Stover, award-winning author of
The Gift
“A gem of a story . . . Sure to tickle your fancy.”
—Anne Avery, author of
A Distant Star
“It shines, and fans will soon clamor for more . . . A definite keeper!”

The Bookdragon Review
“This story is magical . . . Doubly delicious as it will appeal to both lovers of fantasy and futuristic romance. Much room has been left for sequels.”

ParaNormal Romance Reviews
Titles by Robin D. Owens
(with Sherrilyn Kenyon and Rebecca York)
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Copyright © 2010 by Robin D. Owens.
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Berkley Sensation trade paperback edition / August 2010
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Owens, Robin D.
Heart journey / Robin D. Owens.—Berkley Sensation trade paperback ed. p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-101-18891-0
1. Life on other planets—Fiction. 2. Space and time—Fiction. I. Title.
PS3615.W478H45 2010


To Morgan, forever
Thanks for the company and motivation go to: the Live Journal Toono/ Word Warriors community, the Fairplay Hand Hotel weekend retreat writers, and the Low Country Romance Writers November retreat writers. You are all very special.
The Cherrys:
Cerasus Cherry (Raz)
The son of GrandLord T’Cherry. Formerly the heir to Cherry Shipping and Transport, a rising actor. Secondary character in
Heart Fate
Heart Change
. He provided the voice for the Turquoise House.
: Raz’s father and titular head of Cherry Shipping and Transport. He is a HeartMate.
: Raz’s mother, formerly a scholar of ancient Earthan language and early colonist language. She is a HeartMate.
Seratina Cherry
: Raz’s younger sister, in charge of Cherry Shipping and Transport and heir to that business. She is a HeartMate and has a kitten Fam.
The Elecampanes:
Helena D’Elecampane (Del)
: She is a master cartographer and has charted the western part of the two continents. Del is often on the road and in the field.
: Del’s FoxFam. He met and became Del’s Fam on the trail.
Helendula D’Elecampane (Doolee)
: Del’s young cousin. She is the daughter of Elfwort and the granddaughter of Inula.
The Blackthorns:
Straif T’Blackthorn
: FirstFamily (highest noble title) GrandLord: Hero of
Heart Choice
, the best tracker of Celta. Ex-lover to Del. His Family has a fatal genetic trait that makes them very susceptible to disease. He is a HeartMate. His Fam is Drina (Queen of the Universe).

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