Heart of the Forest (Arwn's Gift Book 1) (7 page)

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Authors: Christina Quinn

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Heart of the Forest (Arwn's Gift Book 1)
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“I’m not stupid, don’t plowing treat me like I’m stupid.”

“My friends can’t know because to keep you safe from them, I would have to…have you in front of them. And, I would much rather have you alone before publicly performing with you.”

“You still love me?” Tilting my head to the side, I curiously looked him over. In the shadow of his hood, I could see his lips twist into a joyous smirk.

“Mhm. And it’s taking all the control I have not to pull you into my arms.”

“My, aren’t you charming.”

“How have things been? Are they treating you okay?”

“Some refuse to pay my prices now because they supposedly have proof that I’m a witch. Oh, and I’m the cause of the drought, apparently. And I’m sure they’ll say I’m the cause of this storm too.”

“Clearly. I vaguely remember you dancing nude in full moonlight… Mmm, now that I think of it, that was probably in my dreams.” We shared a short laugh, “Gods, I’ve missed you.”

The whore took little convincing. All Aneurin had to do was say the word “elf,” and she was on her way to my cottage so fast I was afraid she’d left her shadow behind. Aneurin and I, on the other hand, walked slowly. Even through the chill of the rain it felt good to be around him, and I only felt a bit foolish for it… and for the smile that refused to leave my lips.

“How long do you think you’ll stay?”

“I don’t know. Until the storm clears at least, and by the looks of it that could be days.”

“I’d keep you around indefinitely if I could control the weather.” He smirked at my words but fell quiet as we passed through the gates and into the outskirts. The rain picked up again, soaking us thoroughly as thunder cracked and crashed overhead.

“You’re going to catch a chill.”

“I’ll be fine. When we get in, I’ll brew some tea and leave you to your orgy.” I stuck my tongue out at him before a half-laugh broke my lips.

“At least drink with us. The wine’ll warm you.”


“Can I sneak into your bed tonight?”

“Maybe.” We shared a laugh.

“You’re not giving me a whole lot to work with, now are you?”

“Mmm.” I smiled, and we laughed again. “You can… Whether or not I’ll be willing to do more than sleep next to you is an entirely different matter. I have the nasty habit of sleeping with a dagger.”

Upon returning, I honestly wasn’t sure what I had expected to find on the other side of the door. I did know that what I found wasn’t on the list. The room smelled like sex, which was a quite the feat considering I always burned sage, and the windows were cracked open. I expected Islwyn to be fucking the whore—that was a given. He was drunk and the whole reason I went to get her. However, I didn’t expect the other three elves to be in the nude, openly enjoying the show. Were I not drenched from the rain I probably would have said something. But my skin was nothing but puckered gooseflesh, and I was cold.

“You love that thick elven cock, don’t you,
bitch?” Islwyn growled to the whore as he forced her against the wall, mercilessly slamming into her from behind.
Sophisticated race, my ass.
The whore seemed to be enjoying herself immensely, as her nails literally shredded the paint from the wall in front of her. Her lips, smeared with rouge, hung open, and her eyes rolled back in her head, flashing pure white. I cocked a brow at the erotic tableau and then without a word stepped past them, slipping into my private rooms. I’d deal with the naked elves later. I needed to get out of my wet clothes.

I changed to the cadence of Islwyn slamming the whore against the wall. It would have been ignorable if he weren’t so vocal. The wet dress slipped off my shoulders and hit the floor with something halfway between a thud and a squish. Next, I wrung my hair out as best as I could. The last thing I wanted to do was get my shift wet, for then I’d be stuck freezing for the rest of the night. After my hair was as dry as it was going to get, I pulled on my shift. The thin fabric felt exquisitely warm against my skin and coaxed a happy moan from me. I didn’t bother braiding my hair; I was more interested in getting warm than looking presentable.

Aneurin had enforced some sort of order in the common room. The whore was now bent over one of the cots in the corner. Islwyn was still behind her, rattling the wood with each hard thrust. But now, there was another elf in front of her, forcing her to take every last inch of his thick, veiny shaft right to the base. I stared for a few seconds before turning my attention to the others. Aneurin was playing dice with one while another watched, eating what looked to be rabbit stew. It was like they didn’t notice what was going on a few feet away from them.

They had linen wrapped around their waists now. In the firelight, you could still see everything. The linen was thin enough that I could make out the length and thickness of each of them. The attempt to cover themselves, however, was appreciated. It made me look down at my shift and realize that the thin, soft linen gown that hung from my shoulders only thinly veiled my body.

“You’re a fucking cheat!” The elf Aneurin was playing exclaimed, shoving Aneurin’s shoulder. Cheerful masculine laughter escaped his lips.

“I’m loser playing. Fuck that.” The one eating the stew snickered, speaking in broken common.

“Fine.” Aneurin stood and ran his fingers back through his hair. Pausing for a second, his gaze fell on me, taking in my body.

“Could try the whore. You know, before Islwyn makes her too loose.”

“I’m too tired to fuck,” Aneurin, said scratching the corner of his mouth.

“If you say so. Oh, and…Valentina, thank you for letting us wait out the storm here.” The elf grinned up at me.

“It was nothing.” I smiled before I walked over to the two pots on the hearth. For a few moments, I inspected the crocks. One had spiced wine in it, and the other a thick rabbit stew. I poked the stew a bit with the ladle, but I wasn’t hungry. Instead, I poured myself a mug of the warm spiced wine. All it took was one sip to know the wine was strong. Oh, it was delicious, and you could hardly taste the alcohol at all—but it made my lips numb. I almost didn’t have a second sip. Foresight wasn’t necessary to know where I would end the night, drunk around a mostly naked Aneurin.

After the first few sips of that wine, the night was a blur. Aneurin and I played dice in front of the door as the storm raged on. With each sip, the world took on a warm, hazy glow. By the second glass, we were stealing kisses between rolls. By the fourth… He stopped me as I rested my hand over that ever-prominent lump of flesh under the linen. Sliding his hand over my wrist, his gaze swept over the room curiously.

“Let’s go outside,” he whispered, his voice thick with lust, and those odd irises darkened. The brown burned like embers, and that true green was almost black. Caressing from my wrist to my hand, he urged it over that flesh that seemed to be swelling by the second.

“But the storm?”

“Plow the storm! I need you, Valentina.”

With his frank admission of need, my body sprang to life. But at the same time, through my drunken haze, I was hesitant. It had been over five years since the last time I had sex. Admittedly, listening to Islwyn fuck the whore in the corner had aroused me, but I was still cautious. My gaze wandered over to what was now a group in the corner.

With all the wine, I could barely make sense of what I was looking at. Islwyn was no longer behind the girl but in front of her. She worked her pink tongue over his scrotum as he stroked himself, lacing the fingers of his free hand through her ash-blonde hair, forcing her to look up at him. Behind her, the two who had been playing dice thrust into her bottom slowly and deliberately. Below her on the cot lay the other elf. What exactly was going on didn’t sink in at first. It was as though my brain didn’t want to contemplate the scene unfurling before me. Bright crimson blush took my cheeks when it finally did. All four of the elves were inside the whore, fucking her at once. Swallowing, I watched wide-eyed, listening to the whore’s loud moans of pleasure. Still, I couldn’t help smirking as I turned my attention back to Aneurin.

“All right, I’ll go outside.”

The second the door shut, he slammed his body to mine as he kissed me hard, nipping and nibbling on my lips with such ferocity that they pulsed from the impending bruises that would blossom on my skin come morning. With one hand, he threw away the linen from around his waist. It caught on the wind and hit the side of the cottage with a thump. He trailed his other hand up my shift to cup my breast. Within moments, that thin linen shift was soaked through and through.

The wind whistled around us, and the thunder rumbled the earth. Those strong hands of his ripped through the delicate linen, baring my body as we walked back toward the garden. A soft moan broke his lips as he looked me over. His face read nothing short of hunger. My own gaze savored his lithe, battle-hardened form, which seemed to almost glow in the moonlight.

I couldn’t stop myself from touching him. I tried to curl my hand around the twitching flesh that stood so prominently from his hairless hips, but he was too thick. I couldn’t encircle that turgid length. I knew elves were larger than humans. They were taller and their skeletons lighter, with muscles denser and more compact than humans. It only made sense for their penises to be larger as well, but holding him and feeling his pulse surge through those veins with every slow stroke of my hand made me tremble and ache with desire. I was throbbing and anxious with need when he started his hand’s tantalizing descent down my body. The second he brushed against my bare, needy sex, I moaned. The first touch of his gently probing finger made my breath catch. I arched my hips eagerly for more friction, like a whore performing for a client, when he started tracing maddening circles around my eager little nub—only this was real. With his other hand, he slipped a single finger into me, and my whole body froze with long-forgotten pleasure.

“Mmm… Exquisite,” he purred, as a second joined the first and he pumped them into me, caressing that place that had the ability to melt one’s mind. I released him as I lost all words. Pulling me against him hard, he pushed that massive erection against my side as he fingered me. In my drunken haze, I was eager to have him finally inside me. I needed him. I didn’t even feel the cold as he slowly lowered to his knees before me, kissing down from my navel to my needy slit. He found the desperately throbbing pearl with his tongue and proceeded to trace circles around it, occasionally stopping to lance that hot, highly skilled oral muscle into me, making me gasp and moan as the rain washed over us. He stopped when I was right on the edge of climax. My body was practically humming with desire. A moan of frustration broke my lips, and I balled my hands into fists, my nails cutting into my palms.

“I want you to ride me,” he groaned as he lowered himself to the muddy ground.

We had somehow made our way to the middle of my garden. Staring at him as the rain pelted us, I took in the art of his body. The most talented sculptor couldn’t have done justice to the lean power of his form or that thick, pulsing manhood that rose proudly from his groin. I lowered myself over him and guided his throbbing erection into my aching, greedy sex. As I started to lower myself over him, I grabbed at my breasts, leaving tiny half-moon impressions as I clawed at myself, from the sensation of that massive invader spearing between my needy nether-lips, stretching me almost forcefully.

“Fuck, you’re tight,” he cursed as my head rolled back, and my nails left pink lines in their wake across my generous bosom and down my sides as I lowered myself over his cock. My moan was swallowed whole by the storm as I took every last inch of him. Pleasure and pain were battling it out within in me as the rain stung my naked flesh. I was almost afraid to move. The sensation of being filled completely was too much for me. He raked his hands back through the mud as he arched his back, his hips driving against me. We tested each other’s resolve as I slowly started moving my hips and found the air knocked from my lungs as my folds fluttered around him.

We smeared mud over each other as I found the mettle to move and set a pace that slowly started to urge incredible warmth through me. He always kept one hand on my hip, caressing his thumb over that hard, needy pearl at the crest of my sex. That thumb against me was like a rider’s spurs to a mare’s haunches. He dictated my pace as the storm raged around us. He knew how to apply the right amount of friction to spur me to ride him faster. “Just like that, fuck…fuck the gods…fuck,” Aneurin roared as he smeared mud over my stomach.

“I’m…I’m going…going to…” I cried, feeling that pressure and heat grow to immeasurable heights as my sex crushed around him, my unused orifice tensing and releasing as though its mission were to milk every last ounce of seed from him. I spasmed on top of him as he pulled me over him, kissing me hard as I rode my orgasm. His muddied hands pulled apart the cheeks of my bottom as he began thrusting into me mercilessly, touching all those places I had never been touched before. My body thrashed within his tight grasp as he assaulted my sex with his unrelenting thrusts. He flipped me onto my back with a splash. Mud splattered everywhere as he continued to ride me.

“Oh f-fuck,” I squealed as he bottomed out, caressing places I had never entertained as possible before. I rode his hips, wantonly meeting every last one of his thrusts until he finally came, raking his nails down my sides, pumping me full of his thick white seed. I felt spurt after thick, heady spurt as he filled me. His phallus twitched inside me like it had a life of its own. Moaning, I thrashed in the mud, greedy for more and far from sated.

As though he could sense my impending frustration he withdrew his shaft from my frothy sex and buried his mouth between my thighs. He worked his tongue tirelessly, lapping up every last ounce of his thick cum like an eager, greedy cat. My feet kicked mud onto his shoulders and my toes dug into his muscles as he ate at me, seemingly determined to devour every last ounce that he had deposited deep within me.

My second orgasm ripped from me. I clawed at the earth, my fingers leaving deep scores behind as my body exploded. I thrust my hips up against Aneurin’s mouth as he purred against the needy kernel of flesh at the crest of my sex. That vibration drove me wild as I rode his face. He chuckled darkly. After a time, he worked his way up my body to my neck with rough, brutal, nipping kisses. He lanced into me again, knocking air from my lungs as I was instantly forced to accommodate every last inch of him. I had never been so absolutely stuffed in my entire life. I writhed on his rigid, sensitive flesh as he pressed his hips hard against mine, a soft half-gasp escaping his lips.

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