Hearts of Gold (12 page)

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Authors: Janet Woods

Tags: #Romance

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The thought of which had made her giggle. All the same Mr Taggard visited often, and was a pleasant and gentle man. Sarette observed him with Iris over the following few weeks when he visited, and she thought that Gerald might be right.

She smiled and placed the photograph back on the dressing table.

‘All right now, Miss Maitland?’ Amy said.

‘Thank you, Amy, you’ve made me look lovely. You’d better go and see to Mrs Lawrence.’

Gerald and his father had already arrived and were in the hall when she went down the stairs.

‘Why, if it isn’t Miss Maitland, all grown-up at last,’ Gerald drawled. ‘Happy birthday, Sarette.’

‘Thank you, Gerald. Don’t forget that you promised to teach me to waltz when I was grown-up.’

‘So I did.’ He came to the bottom of the stairs, placed his hands around her waist and lifted her down the last two. ‘Come on then. I’ll waltz you along the seafront and back again, and everyone will stare at us.’

‘Oh, you.’

He kissed her on the forehead and handed her a jewellery case. ‘For your birthday.’

‘What is it?’

‘Open it.’

Inside was a string of glowing pearls. He fastened them around her neck, said, ‘My father has some earrings to match for you.’

‘Oh, Mr Grimble, in my excitement I forgot to greet you. I’m so sorry, and I am pleased to see you. She reached up and kissed his wrinkled cheek.’

His eyes crinkled. ‘That was the best apology I’ve ever received, so it was worth waiting for.’

‘Gerald told me you were suffering from a cold the last time we met. Are you fully recovered?’

‘Yes, Miss Maitland. I am.’ He handed her a little jeweller’s box and cleared his throat. ‘I do hope you like them.’

‘They’re beautiful.’ Removing them one by one from their purple velvet bed, she moved to the hall mirror and pinned the pearl drops to her ears. ‘What riches! I feel so grand, that I could be mistaken for the Queen of England.’

Gerald and his father exchanged a grin when Gerald said, ‘Thankfully, you could never be mistaken for Queen Victoria.’

She linked her arms through those of the men. ‘Come into the drawing room and tell me all the news. Have you heard anything from Mr John? I expected him to write, yet I’ve heard nothing.’

Ignatious gazed into her lustrous green eyes and noted the worry in them. As his mind composed something designed to soothe, he also tried to assuage his own worry. Apart from a telegraph to say he’d arrived safely, they hadn’t heard a thing from Edgar.


Edgar Grimble was a dapper young man of medium height with an air of bustling energy about him and an inclination towards spur-of-the-moment decisions. He was the possessor of a modest fortune in the form of a legacy from his maternal grandmother, whom he’d adored, and he idolized his half-brother, Gerald, who credited him with more sense than Edgar knew he actually possessed.

Discounting the tale the girl had told his father, for he’d rather go back to the beginning and find out for himself, he’d travelled to Coolgardie. He’d found it to be a bustling town with wide streets, prosperous buildings, and plenty of dust.

There he’d found news of John Kern.

The shopkeeper remembered him well. ‘A pleasant, honest gentleman was Mr Kern.’

‘And the girl, Sarette Maitland?’

‘A dear child. Abandoned by her father’s partner. She worked off his debt to the shop. Mr Kern took her in and looked after her. Then they upped and left one day. He sold his claim and everything, and the new owners are doing quite nicely out of it, I hear. They took the train, they did. Sarry said they were going to Fremantle to get on a ship to the old country. As I recalled she was excited about it, but she didn’t want to leave the horse behind. She kicked up a fuss, but Mr Kern took no notice of her tantrum. He boarded the train and told her that he was going, and if she didn’t want to come she could stay behind. That brought her to heel, I can tell you. I haven’t set eyes on the pair of them since. We would have knowed if he’d come back.’

So the girl’s account of things had proved to be genuine. ‘Thank you. You’ve been very helpful. You’ll be pleased to know that Sarette Maitland is well and reached England safely. It’s Mr Kern I’m looking for. If he comes back, would you ask him to contact Grimble and Sons.’

Edgar had travelled back to Perth, then on to the town of Fremantle, where he checked the shipping records. John Kern’s name didn’t appear on the passenger lists. It took time, but he did the rounds of the hotels. He was looking for a man called Angus Edwards.

He found him clerking in a lawyer’s office.

‘John Kern. Yes, I remember him. My employer was away on business and he wanted the will witnessed in a hurry, so I notorized the signature myself. He told me he was going to Melbourne on business. I offered to travel with him, since I was taking time off to visit my mother. However, he was vague about the sailing time and said they didn’t coincide since we were booked on different steamers.’

‘Did you read the will?’

‘No, sir.’ The man hesitated. ‘As I recall, he told me he was leaving everything he had to his niece. The document was sealed and notorized in the office.’

‘This niece . . . did you see her?’

‘She wasn’t with him. He said he didn’t want her to know about it. He seemed like a nice man, but I thought he looked ill. I did see him around town a couple of times afterwards, but he was always alone, and inebriated.’

‘Thank you. You have a good memory, and I’m obliged to you.’ He repeated the request he’d made to the Coolgardie shopkeeper. ‘If you ever see Mr Kern, perhaps you would ask him to contact Grimble and Sons.’

In Melbourne, a fine city which had taken his fancy at first sight, he’d discovered two men with the name of John Kern. He was in no hurry to leave his surroundings, even though neither man was the John Kern he wanted. The first one made boots, and the second one was a gentleman sheep farmer.

Invited to dinner by the latter, Edgar met a young lady called Amelia Rose Wallace. She was sweet-tempered and fair, and they fell instantly in love. Edgar was offered a position by her father, who was a wine merchant and they were married four months later.

After the honeymoon Edgar resumed his quest when he saw a notice in an old newspaper about John Kern’s death, and he realized he’d been in the country for several months without word to his father. It was already June. Duty called. He contacted the coroner’s office and the newspaper in Perth, in time receiving a copy of the report, plus further news about the escape of the convicted killer, Flynn Collins. The man had not been caught.

Resisting the sweet nothings his wife whispered in his ear, he sent her to bed on a promise one night, then pulled the inkwell towards him and began to write.

Melbourne Australia. June 1898

Dearest Father,

I’m sorry to have taken so long to report back to you, but my search has been as thorough as I could make it, as I will detail in the pages to come.

First I must tell you of the most pleasant and happy event. I have married the most wonderful girl in the world and have decided to settle in Melbourne, which is a fine city. Your new daughter-in-law is Amelia Rose Grimble (née Wallace) Her father is a wine exporter. I’m sure you will approve of her, and adore her as much as I do when you meet, which will be the year after next on a visit to England, if all goes well. In the meantime I have enclosed a photograph taken on our wedding day.

I intend to use the legacy from my esteemed grandmother to open a solicitors’ office. I thought I might call it Son of Grimble. I do hope you approve, and will, of course be available for any soliciting business you wish to conduct in the colony.

As for that other matter. I’ve been thorough and checked back to the Coolgardie goldfields in the west. Sarette Maitland’s story holds true in every respect. There are people there who remember them both, and the circumstances by which Miss Maitland was taken into the care of John Kern. So there is no need to doubt the young woman’s story.

Now for the bad news. I’m sorry to have to tell you this father, because I know that your friendship with John Kern was dear to you. It appears that he is . . .


John Kern is dead?’ Ignatious sank into a chair. ‘I can’t believe it.’

Gerald had been reading the coroner’s report, and said gravely, ‘It appears that he was shot in the heart through the back. It would have been instant and he wouldn’t have seen it coming, if that’s any consolation. The murderer was sentenced to death, but escaped before the deed was carried out. Good Lord! It happened while Sarette was still on the ship. No wonder we never got any correspondence from him.’

Gerald picked up the photograph of his brother with Amelia Rose and smiled to himself, even though the matter at hand was nothing to smile about. This was typical of his headstrong younger brother, but he hoped he would be happy. ‘I admire Edgar’s taste. She’s a pretty little dove.’

‘She’ll need the disposition of an angel to deal with him,’ Ignatious snorted. ‘Son of Grimble, indeed! Typical of Edgar to think up such a ridiculous name. He hasn’t even got his articles yet.’

‘I’m sure you can arrange that. Edgar was a quick learner and always managed to engage the finer points of law. He would make a fine barrister, one with flair.’

‘Yes, I suppose he would. All my sons are well taught as well as gifted.’ Ignatious Grimble couldn’t quite hide the pride in his voice. ‘I should have sent you, not Edgar. You’ve got much more common-sense.’ He gazed at the photograph. ‘A wine merchant’s daughter, eh. I suppose he could have done worse.’

‘He might have married the innkeeper’s widow.’

Ignatious shuddered.

‘What are you going to do about John? Magnus will have to be told as soon as possible.’

Ignatious sighed. ‘But not Sarette. John was adamant that she must finish her education with Iris Lawrence before she meets Magnus.’

‘I wouldn’t have thought she’d need any more. She’s been there for nearly a year and appears to be socially acceptable to me, and thoroughly delightful.’

‘Yes, I suppose she is. Oh dear . . . I’ve been dreading this day.’

‘Serves you right,’ Gerald said, trying not to laugh. ‘Your devious nature was bound to catch up with you sooner or later.’

‘This is John Kern’s deviousness, not mine.’

‘The pair of you have always been like-minded. Honestly, father. Magnus might growl a bit, but he was close to his uncle and he’ll understand his way of thinking over this once he gets over his shock. It might take him a while though.’

‘You think so?’

His father looked so dubious that Gerald wanted to laugh. ‘Would you prefer me to tackle Magnus?’

‘No, it’s a duty John has charged me with. We’ll go together. Then we’ll go on to Weymouth. You can take the girl out of the way while I inform Mrs Lawrence what has happened.’

‘I’ll go and tell Amos he’ll be in charge of the firm for the day, then.’


Magnus Kern added a splash of brandy to the coffee he’d ordered for them. His face reflected the sorrow he felt at the news. ‘I can’t say this comes as a complete surprise. My last letter to my uncle was returned and I wondered.’ Though he’d hoped his uncle had moved on. ‘You must bill me for Edgar’s expenses.’

Ignatious nodded. ‘I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news.’

‘What killed him? Heart? He seemed quite healthy when he left here.’

‘He was shot, Magnus.’

Magnus’s hand jumped and his cup rattled on the saucer. ‘Shot?’

‘In the back. Death was instantaneous.’ He handed over a copy of the newspaper cuttings and coroner’s report.

The men were silent while he read the papers, then Magnus glanced over at father and son. ‘At least he didn’t go into a pauper’s grave. I should have thought to look for him myself.’

‘Your uncle was strong-minded, Magnus. He wouldn’t have liked either of us to interfere in his life . . . or oppose his will come to that.’

Magnus’s eyes darkened as his glance slid over Gerald – who was examining his fingernails – to narrow in on those of Ignatious Grimble. There was a suspicion forming in the back of his mind and he said, ‘Oddly, you took it upon yourself to do both. You must have had a very good reason for that. What was it?’

Gerald cleared his throat and exchanged a glance with his father, who nodded.

‘There’s a girl involved,’ Gerald said.

‘So my uncle had a lady friend. What of her? Pay her off.’

‘Not that sort of lady friend, Magnus. John Kern took a destitute child under his wing and he’d made her . . . his responsibility, and he left her a bequest from his remaining estate. It was his wish that her welfare be passed over to you.’

‘The devil take him! Where is this girl?’

The bland smile Gerald offered him gave nothing away. ‘She’s at . . .
. We’re to deliver her into your care when we decide its expedient to do so. We will need your assurance that you’ll do as your uncle wishes.’

Magnus wondered if the girl was a child his uncle had fathered. John had been in Australia for long enough to have met some woman on the ship and got a child on her. She wouldn’t be older than four years, at the most. Rather young to be in school.

Pushing back his chair Magnus went to the window and gazed out over the pleasant garden. But he shortened his gaze and observed the reflection of the two men in the glass. ‘When
decide? If the child is to become my responsibility, it’s I who will decide. How long have you known about this girl?’

It was Ignatious who answered. ‘It’s eleven months since she stepped off the boat and her female chaperone handed her over to me.’

‘And you didn’t do me the courtesy of informing me?’ Magnus said silkily.

‘I was acting under your uncle’s instructions.’

‘The instructions of a dead man.’

Gerald stepped in. ‘According to the dates, John Kern was still alive when the girl left Australia. We sent Edgar to check on the veracity of the signatures on the will, and to seek your uncle out. As soon as we received news we brought it to you. The girl is a pretty little thing. I’m sure you’ll like her.’

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