HeartsAflameCollectionV (11 page)

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Authors: Melissa F. Hart

BOOK: HeartsAflameCollectionV
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Tara stretched out on the bed and watched him move
through the room, smiling at his strength and his grace.

There was nothing in this room that could hurt
them. She knew it, and she clung to it. She knew that the next day, they would
go to find their child, and that there would be danger in front of them. She
knew that there was a chance that she and
end up dead. Her heart hurt when she thought of Fen, and how alone he must be
without her, but that was for tomorrow.

Tonight, there was nothing else that they could do,
and when he came back to the bed, she reached for him.

We will find him,”
said, but he stilled at her sad look.

Don't,” she said. “Don't promise me things that you
can't know. Never lie to me again,

After a long moment, he nodded. She understood why
he had lied before, even if she had not entirely forgiven him, and now he
looked at her with perfect seriousness in his blue eyes.

I will never lie to you again,” he swore, “not in
all our lives
and I hope you allow me to
stay with you. Even if you do not, I would rather die than lie to you again.”

She looked in his face, and she felt in her heart
that he was telling the truth.

Mutely, she reached for him and he settled in her

Tara fell asleep almost immediately, and her dreams
were dark things. She had lost both Fen and
, and
she couldn't find them. She rose in the night, and
was there to lull her to sleep again.

In the morning, they rose, and though she lingered
in the doorway of the homely little room, she left it without a glance back.

Her path lay in front of her, not behind, and she
' hand firmly in her own.

Are you all right?” he asked, locking the door
behind them.

Tara thought about the question seriously and
honestly, and finally, she nodded.

I will be when we find our son,” she said, and he
looked startled.

I want us to be together. I want us to be a

swept her up in a hug that was fierce and
relieved, and she hugged him back just as hard.

Thank you,” he whispered, and she knew they were ready
to take on anything the world threw at them.


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this series

To Soar with Eagles - Volume 5

Love at the End of the World - Volume 6

Hunting Hearts II (Trilogy Bundle)


sure to check the first part of this series

The Book of Unbound Chains - Volume 1

Dreams of a Restless Sleep - Volume 2

The Wolf Released - Volume 3

Hunting Hearts (Trilogy Bundle)




University student Sophia Marshall has always been
fascinated with Longfellow Castle and the rumors that it was once the home of
A shy and innocent virgin, she
decides to make the historic old building the subject of her thesis paper and
dares to ask the current resident for an interview.
Logan Longfellow is handsome and charming,
and invites Sophia in for a guided tour and possibly a bite.
Passion, love, and lust abound as Sophia discovers
the dark secrets that Logan has been hiding behind the walls of Longfellow
Castle and he shows her a part of herself she never knew existed.




Sophia Marshall’s hands were trembling as she reached
out for the ornate brass knocker on the heavy front door.
Embarrassed by the foolishness of her
anxiety, she shoved her hands deep into the pockets of her jacket and forced
herself to take deep calming breaths.

Get a
hold of yourself!
It’s just an ordinary
house with ordinary people
She recognized that her fear was just an automatic reaction brought on
by a lifetime of hearing rumors.
since she was a little girl, she’d heard the scary stories about Longfellow
Castle and how the people who lived there were vampires.
It was a silly superstition passed around by
school children and told at campfires for a thrill.
The stories were nothing more than that, and
Sophia knew that more than anybody.

She’d spent her entire senior year at the university
researching the history of Longfellow Castle.
She knew everything there was to know about the architecture of the
magnificent building, the genealogy of the family who owned it, and the social
history of how the rumors of vampires and fears of the townspeople had grown
into the legend it was today.
She had
decided to write her thesis paper on the subject.
With any luck, it would earn her an “A” from
her professor and allow her to graduate with a degree in Societal History.
She’d been working on the project for months,
and the only thing Sophia had left to do to make her thesis paper complete was
to interview the residents of Longfellow Castle.

Sophia realized that her trembling wasn’t because she
feared the house, as much as it was fear of not being let inside.
No one had seen or talked to anyone in the
castle in years, and the owners were notorious for keeping their privacy.
If she could get an interview with someone
who lived in the castle, it would practically guarantee her an “A” on her
paper, and an internship at the Institute of Societal History, which had been
her dream career for as long as she could remember.
If they turned her down, she would be

if they tell me to leave?
What if they
won’t even open the door?
Sophia took a quick inventory of herself to make sure she was
presentable, hoping that would help convince them to talk to her.
Her school uniform looked proper, with black
tights covering her long legs, oxford heels on her feet, a pleated light-gray
skirt grazing her knees, her white cotton blouse neatly pressed, and finally
her black school blazer with the university crest emblazoned on the front.
Her auburn hair hung to her shoulders in soft
waves, her creamy skin was clean and fresh, and her blue eyes sparkled with
intelligence and excitement.
A notebook,
pen, and recorder were tucked under her left arm.
Sophia realized she was as ready as she could
be; now she just had to go for it!

Taking a deep breath for courage, she reached out a
second time for the knocker on the front door and sounded it firmly against the
solid wood.
It echoed through the walls
as loudly as her heart beat in her chest.

Long moments passed without any movement within the
stately castle, and her excitement began to fade.
Sophia sounded the knocker again and heard it
vibrating through the walls once more, but that was all.
No footsteps could be heard coming to the

She waited for several long minutes, then finally
turned away from the door with a disappointed sigh and started down the steps
to go back home.
The sun had just set
over the hills in the distance, and it was a brisk evening.
She pulled her blazer more tightly around
herself as a sudden gust of wind hit her, and the movement made her
accidentally drop the items she’d been holding under her arm.
They fell down the front steps, scattering
papers from her notebook everywhere and shattering her recorder.

“Damn it!” Sophia cried, and tears of frustration
welled in her eyes.

“That is a pity.
Let me help you,” a deep male voice said softly from behind her.

Sophia stifled a scream of surprise and turned to see
an incredibly handsome man standing in the doorway of the castle.
He was very tall, with a lean yet muscular
build, and appeared to be about thirty years old.
He had blond hair that hung to his shoulders
and pale blue eyes.
The moonlight made
his skin appear so pale it was practically luminescent.

wonder people think the
are vampires

The man saw her smile and took it as consent of his
offer to help. He quickly joined her on the front steps, grabbing her papers
before they could all blow completely away.

“Thank you,” Sophia said, as the handsome stranger
handed her the pile he’d retrieved.
frown creased his brow as he noticed the documents included articles about the
Sophia knew she’d better explain
She extended her hand and put a
warm smile on her face.
“I’m Sophia
Marshall, a student at the university.
I’m writing a thesis paper on the history of Longfellow Castle.
I was wondering if I could interview you
about the house and perhaps take some photographs.”

“No pictures!
No interviews!
I did not suspect
you were another vampire groupie, or I wouldn’t have helped you!
Now get off my property!” The man was
suddenly enraged.
He swept toward the
door, preparing to slam it shut in her face.

Impulsively, Sophia shoved her notebook into the
crack of door, just in time to block him from being able to shut it completely.

“Wait!” she cried.
“This isn’t some article for the gossip magazines about vampires.
This is a legitimate thesis paper on the
architecture and social history of this castle!
It’s beautiful!
It’s the most
unique and long-standing home in this entire town and I’ve always loved it!
I wanted to study its history, know about the
people who built it, and let people come to appreciate it and know that it’s
not something to be feared and rumored about.
Please, don’t lock me out!”

The man paused and widened the crack in the door
enough to look at her.
His gaze was
penetrating and Sophia felt awkward under his unblinking stare, but she held
her head high and let him appraise her.
She had no hidden motive, and she wanted him to know that.
After a moment, he opened the door fully,
stepped back and indicated for her to enter with a sweep of his hand.
“Okay, I’ll consent to an interview, but no
I’m Logan Longfellow, the
last surviving heir of this castle. I’ll tell you everything I know. Please
come in and have a bite.”

Sophia’s heart was pounding in her chest as she
crossed the threshold and the door latched shut behind her.
She knew this moment was going to change her
life, but she had no idea just how much.

Chapter Two


Logan Longfellow was intelligent, witty, and
He led Sophia through the
castle, room by room, telling her about each one as they went. The rooms were
even more beautiful than she had imagined they would be, but it was the rich
memories that Logan shared with her that had her utterly enthralled.
His stories made her laugh and cry and gave
her an even deeper appreciation for the castle and newfound respect for the
people who lived there.

Logan was impressed by Sophia’s knowledge of his home
and the intelligence of her questions.
It was obvious she’d spent a lot of time researching the subject, and he
wondered if she didn’t know more about his childhood home than he did.
At first, she scribbled notes on her pad as
quickly as her fingers could write, but soon her research was forgotten and
they talked as two friends would when both were deeply passionate about the
subject they were discussing.
It had
been such a long time since Logan had talked intimately with someone; he hadn’t
realized how hungry he had become for companionship.
He drew his stories out, wanting her to stay
as long as possible.

“Is the fireplace functional?” Sophia asked, admiring
the brickwork of the large fireplace in the upstairs library, but noticing that
it was cold and barren of any ashes.
could imagine residents from long ago warming themselves by the fire on cold
winter days as they read the books that lined the walls.

Logan shook his head sadly. “No.
One year a little girl was found dead and
drained of her blood in the woods near the castle.
The police never found any cause to suspect
my family, but the rumors that we were vampires were well established by then
and without any true suspects in the case, my family was blamed by many of the
The girl’s father swore
vengeance and one night he climbed onto the roof and collapsed several of the
chimneys in an attempt to smoke us out. They were never restored and haven’t
worked since.”

Sophia had read about the incident in her research,
but seeing one of the actual fireplaces from the event brought it to life for
her in a whole new way.
The brickwork
was beautiful and intricate.
It was a
pity to see it cold and unused.
“I bet
your family was relieved that the girl’s father was arrested for destruction of

Logan shook his head. “You would think so, but Mr.
Murray had been a beloved man in this town, and the death of his daughter made
him even more so.
The townspeople hated
us more than ever after he was arrested, even though we’d asked the police not
to press charges.
When he was sentenced
to jail, we feared a lynch mob would try and kill us all.”

“You talk as if you were actually there.” Sophia
giggled, knowing the event had taken place half a century before Logan had been

He smiled at the sound of her laughter, and they were
both relieved to have the serious mood in the air lightened.

Logan leaned in close, wanting to kiss her soft rosy
lips, but suddenly caught himself and crossed quickly to the window where the
curtains were drawn tightly closed. “That’s when the original fence was removed
and a new, taller security fence installed.
It wasn’t as pretty, but it worked wonders at keeping out unwanted

Sophia joined him at the window, disappointed that he
hadn’t kissed her, and pulled open the drapes so she could peer at the fence
with him.
As they curtains opened, they
were both startled to discover the night sky was just beginning to lighten with
the coming dawn.
The black sky was
morphing into a deep purple, and lowest on the horizon, the first hues of
fuchsia heralded the rising sun.

Sophia gasped. “Have we really been talking all night
I can’t believe the time went so

“Me neither.” Logan looked alarmed. He quickly pulled
the drapes closed and turned to Sophia with a look of terror in his eyes.
“I’m afraid I must ask you to leave.”

“I know; I’ve got class in just a few hours!” Sophia
said, rushing down the long staircase to the entrance hall.
“Thank you so much for the interview!
Is there any way we can continue it tomorrow
There was so much more I wanted
to ask you and your stories are so amazing.
I’ve always known this was an incredible building, but talking to you
has shown me that it’s much more than that. You’ve shown me that this castle is
a home.”

Logan flushed inside.
He had never intended to let this girl into his house or his heart, but
he’d been impressed by her enthusiasm and drawn by her passion.
He’d meant to give her a fast tour, maybe
answer a few questions, then kick her out the door; but each question she’d
asked was more intelligent and inspiring than the last.
He’d felt moved to tell her in-depth stories
about each room, which somehow turned into a heartfelt talk that had lasted all
night long.
Even now, he didn’t want to
see her go, but circumstances dictated that he must.

Logan knew he should shut the door on her and never
let her in again, but it was already too late.
Just looking at her bright blue eyes, sparkling with hope, he couldn’t
bear the thought of turning her down.
She was so full of life and enthusiasm, that it was contagious.
Being with her made him feel, young, vibrant
and alive in a way he hadn’t felt in a very long time.
He wanted to see her again, desperately, even
though he knew he shouldn’t.
The risks
to both of them would be too great, and yet he couldn’t resist the longing he
felt to see her again.

Thinking only with his heart and not his common
sense, Logan caressed Sophia’s cheek as he opened the door to let her out. “Be
here right after sunset tomorrow night.
I’ll cook you dinner and tell you enough stories to fill ten thesis

Sophia said with a happy squeal as she bounded out the door.

She met him again the following night, and the night
after that, and then every night that week, staying from sunset to sunrise
every time.

They couldn’t get enough of each other’s company, and
quickly gave up the pretense that she was still gathering research for her
They had fallen in love and
wanted to be together as much as possible, although that proved difficult at

Sophia had classes during the day, so it was fine
that Logan only wanted to meet at night, but she wasn’t getting enough sleep
and it was beginning to take a toll on her.

“Don’t go yet, the night is young.” Logan held her
softly in his arms on the antique loveseat in his sitting room.
They had been kissing, and her lips tasted so
sweet and delicious, he wanted more.
knew she was still a virgin, so he took things slow with her, satisfied to just
make-out and let her set the pace.

When she slid her hands up under his shirt to feel
his hard pectoral muscles, he followed suit and gently moved his hands under
her blouse to cup her breasts.
They were
firm and
and she gasped with surprise at the
sensation of feeling a man’s hands upon them for the first time.

Moving slowly, so as not to scare her, Logan caressed
her soft flesh and a moan of pleasure came from her lips.
Feeling daring, Sophia undid the buttons of
the white cotton blouse that was part of her school uniform, giving him easier
access to her breasts.
She hadn’t worn a
bra that night, in hopes that their making-out might lead to this.

Logan delicately put his lips to her exposed flesh,
kissing her breasts as he cupped and massaged them.
It was the most incredible sensation Sophia
had ever experienced, and thrills of sexual excitement pulsed through her
Her breathing quickened and soft
moans of pleasure escaped her lips.
he brought his mouth to her dark pink nipples and suckled her there, the
pleasure was so intense, she gasped and threw back her head, arching her back
and panting.

She became aware of a wetness growing between her
legs and her panties grew sticky with it.
Something deep inside her, that she’d never felt before, yearned to have
him enter her, and she began to spread her thighs.

Suddenly, the alarm on her watch began to beep,
breaking the magical spell of the moment.
She had an important test at school the next day and had set the alarm
as a way to make sure she got enough sleep.
Now she almost regretted doing so, although she still realized it was
for the best.

“I have to go,” she said regretfully, pulling herself
slowly away from Logan’s embrace and buttoning her blouse closed again.

“Please, just stay a little longer,” Logan pleaded

“I can’t.
have an exam tomorrow, and I really need to get my sleep.
You might be fine to stay up till dawn every
night, but I just can’t do it anymore.
I’m going home to sleep, and I’m not going to come here tomorrow
If you want to see me, meet me in
the afternoon, after my last class of the day. We can have a picnic in the park
and enjoy the sunshine.
It will be a
nice change from all this meeting in the dark and hiding indoors all the time.”

Sophia was smiling, excited about her idea, but Logan
looked oddly concerned.
“I’m sorry, but
I can’t do that. I want to see you, but it has to be after sunset.
We can have a picnic under the moonlight,

“Why?” Sophia asked, her enthusiastic smile turning
into an annoyed frown.
Sleep deprivation
was making her impatient and easily aggravated.
“I come here all the time, but you never meet me anywhere or go places
with me.
Are you ashamed to be seen with

“No, not at all!
I couldn’t be more proud of you, and it’s an
honor that you allow me to be your boyfriend.
I just can’t meet you during the day.”

Sophia’s nerves were frayed from exhaustion, and she
refused to be placated.
She stormed to
the front door in a furry.

“That’s what you always say!
You’re happy to have me come here to your
house so we can make out, but anytime I suggest we go someplace, you
I’m not some cheap call girl who
will show up at your door, so you can take advantage of her!
I’m never come back here again!
If you want to be my boyfriend and have a
real relationship with me, it has to be on equal terms!
You have to come to me, out in the real
I’m not going hide with you,
locked away in this castle, any longer!

“Sophia, wait!” Logan called after her, but it was
too late.
She slammed the door behind
her and ran into the street, sobbing with her broken heart.

Logan hesitated, torn between his heart and his
If he didn’t want to lose Sophia,
he would have to reveal his secret to her.
Of course, once she knew the truth about him, he might lose her anyway.
It was a risk he’d been aware of from the
very beginning, even though he’d told himself he kept the secret as a way to
protect her from the dangers knowing the truth might place her in.

Logan loved Sophia too much not to try and make
things work between them.
Her life was
in danger now anyway, just because she’d been in his company for so long.
There could be denying they were in a
relationship, and his enemies knew that.
Telling her the truth now was the best way to keep her safe, for at
least then she would have a fighting chance.
Whether or not she could accept him for what he was, once he told her,
was completely up to her.
In his heart,
Logan thought he knew what her reaction would be.

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