Heat in the Kitchen (7 page)

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Authors: Sarah Fredricks

BOOK: Heat in the Kitchen
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'Ella,' he whispered against her lips. With one last kiss he pulled back slightly and looked at her. Her eyes were heavy with desire. He could only imagine what she could see in his. 'I want you Ella. As I have never wanted another woman. I want to make love to you - make love to every inch of your body, slow, hard, here, up against the wall, in the shower, a bed. Everywhere.' He caressed the side of her face.

A brief flash of fear crossed her face before she masked it. 'I, er….' Ella cleared her throat and tried again.

'We need to get going.' She pulled away and stood up, turning away from him.

Matt stood and turned her back round. He studied her face. 'I'd swear you want it as much as I do Ella. Why are you retreating from it?'

Ella coloured, flustered. She'd never felt stirrings of desire with any other man. Had feared any contact with another man. Now she had a different fear. A fear of the strength of her desire for Matt, and she didn't know how to handle it.

Matt filled the silence. 'Okay, conversation for another time I think.' Last night's intention to send her on her way was well and truly out the window. Now he wanted to find ways of spending more time with her. How things had changed in just over twelve hours!

'So, tell me how come you play so well. What did you mean by your last recording and the studio? What is it you do?'

'I'm a pianist.'

'O-kay,' he dragged out, 'I think I worked that one out. Who for? Are you with a particular orchestra?'

Ella started to smile, self-consciously. Despite the years since she'd first become an internationally acclaimed pianist, she still wasn't comfortable telling people who she was. Once she was on the stage it didn't matter how many people were watching her, it didn't matter how many came backstage afterwards, she could handle all that. She should maybe take a leaf out of Matt's book - he had no problem at all blowing his own trumpet.

Matt raised his left eyebrow in an 'I'm waiting for an answer' gesture.

'I don't necessarily play with any particular orchestra. They generally play with me. I'm a solo pianist.'

'Oh, right. What name do you perform under? Would I know you?'

'That depends on whether or not you listen to classical piano music I suppose.'

Ella paused. 'I use my full name when I'm performing professionally.'

'Which is?' By now Matt had his arms crossed in front of him and was tapping his foot, clearly impatient with how long this was taking to get simple information.

'Daniella Lewis-Cannon,' she whispered.

Chapter 4

Matt stopped tapping his foot. It was his turn to stare at her in amazement. 'Are you serious?'

Ella held his gaze.

'You are serious.' Matt put his hands out to her. 'I have your albums on my iPod. I am always playing them. I sometimes put you on when I'm playing the piano and play along with you. It's one way I keep my skill honed.' He paused as a thought occurred to him. 'Maybe that's why we played so well together just now.'

Matt ran both his hands through his cropped hair. 'My god. Daniella - Ella. It figures. I didn't recognise you from your photos on the albums. I'm sorry. What must you think of me?'

Ella was now openly laughing at him. 'Why should you recognise me? I don't court publicity. I actively go out of my way to avoid it.'

'Yes, but I've spent hours gazing at your album covers….' Matt stopped and realised what he'd just confessed to. He grinned at her. His confidence restored.

'Busted! I'm a huge fan Ella. I've got tickets for your concert at the Albert Hall next month. I think it's the first time I've been in the same country as you when you've been playing a solo concert and been able to go. I missed you in Australia by two days and in New York by a week. I'm flattered that you're letting me play in your place today. I promise I'll do you proud.'

'I don't doubt that, otherwise I wouldn't have agreed.' Ella smiled at him, amazed that Matt could be so modest about his music when he was so extremely confident about everything else.

Matt was now even more determined to get to know this beautiful and talented woman. Just as he was about to rave some more about her talent his mobile phone rang.

'Good. I'll be over in ten.' Having listened to his chef's update he turned to Ella. 'That was the guys in the kitchen. Everything's pretty much finished. I need to go over and help get it all together.'

Having got what they needed from his apartment and locked up, Matt walked Ella back to her car still parked outside his professional kitchen.

'Are you sure you're okay to drive?' Ella nodded her head and rolled her eyes. This was the third time he'd checked in ten minutes.

'Yeah, alright. Protective big brother instinct kicking in again.' Matt lowered his voice and whispered in her ear. 'Instinct is well honed from bringing up the girls, but rest assured Ella I feel anything BUT brotherly towards
. You can count on us continuing where we left off earlier.' He heard her sharp intake of breath.
Oh yeah, she definitely felt the attraction

He brushed the gentlest of kisses against her lips. 'Mmm, I intend getting to know you very well Daniella Lewis-Cannon.'

With that threat he walked towards the building.

'See you at the reception Ella,' he called over his shoulder.


Matt strolled around the hall and checked each table. His staff had done a great job considering the short notice and lack of resources. Each table was covered in a cream cloth with a colourful floral display in the centre. The chairs were just standard plastic ones you found at places like this but his staff had placed cream covers over the backs and tied yellow bows around half of them and green bows around the other half. Yellow and green helium filled balloon displays were placed strategically around the room to detract from the clinical bareness of the walls. At the doorway they'd created a magical woodland entrance, dotted with yellow flowers and ribbons. As the guests approached the doorway from the corridor, they would walk through a similar woodland display.

The buffet was ready - it just needed the covers removing. The wide selection of sandwiches and rolls looked appetising and interesting. Miniature kebabs of cubed beef were artistically set around a dish of horseradish cream. Individual small dishes of roasted red onion, assorted peppers and mushroom drizzled with garlic and chilli oil were displayed on a set of shelves in the form of a pyramid. Tiny jacket potatoes were being kept warm in a large cast iron pot. A selection of savoury tarts using filo and short crust pastry along with vol-au-vents completed the savoury display. The steak burgers were in the kitchen ready to be cooked once the guests arrived.

Matt had already satisfied himself that the desserts were up to standard. There were platters of cubed fresh fruit, small meringues topped with various fruits and cream, a chocolate fountain with marshmallows and strawberries, individual portions of crème brûlée, profiteroles and apple pie.

As he made his way back to the kitchen he gave one final glance at the wedding cake. It looked elegant set on a pedestal with foliage around the base and the cascade of sugar paste flowers flowing from the top layer.

His staff had done him proud - as they always did. When they'd first arrived at the hall, they'd found the groom and best man setting up a bar. With great relief, they'd let Matt's team take over and agreed to keep everything a surprise for the bride. So, at short notice he'd pulled in a mobile bar and a few staff to run it. He was happy to see that the bar was pretty much ready to go with the staff setting out the glasses in preparation for pouring the sparkling wine left by the groom.

He could relax now and change into his clothes for playing the piano. He smiled to himself as he thought back to that morning and discovering who Ella was. A sharp contrast to what he'd believed her to be when they'd first met. It wasn't even twenty four hours ago and yet he felt like he'd known her forever. Impossible. He shook his head at such fancy.

'Boss! We've got company.'

Matt turned to where his chef was pointing. Standing just inside the kitchen was a woman who definitely looked like the sort of person he'd believed Ella to be. Reminding himself he'd been wrong yesterday, he kept an open mind and greeted her.

'Can I help you?'

She looked slightly surprised at the number of people in the kitchen. 'Who are you?'

Matt hadn't expected an aggressive challenge to his reasonable question. She stood there looking uncertain and unfriendly. Her short hair and facial piercings coupled with her tall, well-built frame did little for her. Mix that with the frown now on her face and Matt could almost believe she'd come to cause trouble. Stereotypical view, but that was the vibe he was picking up from her. He decided to play it heavy from the off.

'I'm Matthew Duval-Adams. Who are you?'

Her eyes widened and she looked at him apprehensively. His name had clearly registered.

'What are you…? Where's Ella? Why isn't she here? She's supposed to be doing all this!' She waved her hand around.

Ah! This must be the chef sister. Hmm, nothing like her sister in either looks or personality.
But then he hadn't really expected someone who dumped her sister in the proverbial to be very nice.

'You must be her sister. Nice of you to show up.' Matt was unable to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. 'What's your name?'

'What's it to you? I've come to see Ella. I thought she might need a hand.'

Matt gave a forced laugh.

'Oh, that's priceless. What did you hope to find? Ella run ragged with nothing ready with…' Matt glanced at his watch, '… another fifteen minutes to go before the guests arrive?' He could see from the emotions flashing across her face that she had hoped to find just that scenario.

'Sorry to disappoint, but as you can see everything is under control.'

'I still want to see Ella. I want my money. Where is she?'

'Hmm, money. Now then,' he reached into his trouser pocket, 'I found your receipt for the food. Terrible quality by the way. I'll pay you for what we used. You can take back what we didn't use.' Matt gave her the marked receipt along with the money he'd decided she was due.

'What! You can't be serious! This leaves me out of pocket. I want the rest.' She glared at him in defiance.

'You should have thought about that when you dumped it all on Ella. You buy sub-standard food - some of which was out of date by the way - and then expect your sister to do all the hard work while you sit back and reap the financial reward? I don't think so.'

Her scowl deepened. 'That woman always lands on her feet. It's not fair!' She seemed to forget for a moment that Matt was still there. He couldn't fail but catch the venom in her voice.

She pushed past him and went through to the hall. For a moment Matt caught a look of such longing on her face as she surveyed the scene before her - an attractive hall, with a substantial and stunning display of fine food.

Matt almost felt for her. She looked as if she would love to be able to produce that level of quality. Perhaps there was hope for her yet.

The look turned smug as she sniggered. Matt followed her gaze. Ella had arrived and was standing at the piano. Her hair was in a soft bun but you couldn't mistake the colour. It would seem that chef sister had been in on that fashion escapade. Two strikes at causing Ella embarrassment in one twenty four hour period. She really did have nasty scheming sisters.

The gaze turned to hatred as she continued to watch Ella. Matt had had enough.

'Right. Time to go. I'm in charge here. This is my kitchen and my event and you're not welcome. Out. Now.' With that, he grabbed her arm and hauled her outside.

'Turn up anywhere near here for the rest of the evening and I will have to assume you're here to cause trouble. I won't hesitate to call the police in. Understand?'

Chef sister glared at Matt. Her look of hatred transferring itself to him. She stormed off to her car and left.

Way to go Matt. How to make friends. Not!


Matt made it to the piano with seconds to spare. His fingers hit the keys at the same time as the first guests arrived.

'Here, sit beside me. You look beautiful by the way.'

Ella blushed at his compliment as she sat down. She'd made her way to the piano subconsciously - almost forgetting she wasn't going to be playing it. With no spare seats at the tables, staying beside Matt suited her fine.

'How was the ceremony?'

'It was good. Penny looks lovely. I came here while they were taking the photos outside the church in case I needed to do anything.'

'Guess who else turned up in case she was needed?'

Ella gave him a puzzled look. 'Who?'

'Your sister.'


'If she's the chef sister, then yes, Bianca. She wasn't exactly hot on manners.'

'What did she want?'

'Oh, from the little she said and her facial expressions - an expressive face is about the only thing she shares with you by the way - she was hoping you'd fallen flat on your face. She was also looking for her money.'

'Did you….'

'I paid her and turfed her out. After she'd had a good snigger at your hair. You really need to dump those sisters of yours Ella, they're only out to get you.'

'And what would you know about it Matt? They're my sisters!'

'So? If my sisters behaved like that they'd be grounded, even though they are adults.'

'Well bully for you. We're not all macho cave men!' Matt had the discourtesy to laugh which just made Ella even madder.

'I'm sorry. Look, I don't want to argue with you, or get you mad. I'm just concerned, that's all.'

'Hmmph. Fine. But you needn't be. I know how to handle my sisters.'

Matt gave her a questioning look as if to say he didn't believe her. Ella wasn't sure she believed it herself anymore either. Their behaviour was getting worse. But it was her problem not Matt's.

She lost herself in the music, mesmerised by Matt's hands flowing across the keys. He had the most beautiful long fingers. She started to fantasise again about what those fingers would feel like caressing her body. An involuntary sigh escaped her lips. She felt herself getting hotter as she succumbed to her fantasy.

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