Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations (10 page)

BOOK: Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations
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I was surrounded by the most beautiful singing. Angels were singing, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, who is worthy to receive dominion and power forever more. Wisdom and power be given unto Thee, O Lord. Amen and Amen.” You’ve never heard singing until you hear trillions of angels singing to the Lord. This singing meant a lot to me especially because I had earned a music degree on earth. Being in surround sound with the songs of angels was overwhelming, beyond what I can capture in mortal words to tell you.



Heaven is 1,500 miles in every direction. It’s 250,000 square miles at its base and 780,000 stories high. There’s enough room for 100 million people. The colors of the foundation stones of this city are the same as on the breastplate of Israel’s high priest’s garments. I saw the twelve foundational stones of the city, which were layered one on top of another as giant gem stones. The bottom foundation was of jasper, which is diamonds. Jasper stands for the glory. This is the foundational stone of the city. Each additional layer consisted of sapphires, sardis, beryl, topaz, emeralds, rubies—all different, beautiful colors, each layer another precious gem. Later, a certified scientist told me it would take seven of this world’s total accumulative wealth just to garnish one of the stones I saw in the foundations. I also saw the twelve gates, one for each tribe of Israel, each made up of one solitary pearl.

An angel nodded and I was granted access to the city. The first person I saw when I entered the city was my friend John who had been decapitated in an accident in high school. His death had been a haunting memory for me. When I saw him, I was overwhelmed with joy. He was just as I remembered him only so much more complete. He ran and embraced me. It was a glorious reunion. When he wrapped his arms around me, they went all the way through me—we went into one another. This hug was so much deeper than hugs on earth.

There is a loved one assigned to show us around when we get to Heaven. John took me on a tour. We went to a library-type room with solid gold walls lined with books. There were lots of angels caring for the library. Some angels had wings, others did not—but I never saw one less than forty feet tall. Some appeared very strong and sexless—not feminine. Some had beautiful long hair. Others looked like strong, virile muscular men. They were all busy at work.


There are volumes and volumes of books, books of souls won to the Lord, and books that contain all we have done in our lives up until we receive Jesus’ forgiveness. The angels were taking these books down from the shelves, writing in them, and then replacing them.

I was able to look down on earth and see what was happening. For instance, I saw a man approach an altar and receive Jesus as His Lord and Savior. When word came back to Heaven that he received the Lord, an angel took the book with his name in it and wiped out all the transgressions in his life that he had committed up to that time. Then an angel opened the Lamb’s Book of Life and wrote his name in it. The Lamb’s Book is covered with lamb’s wool. Then the angels went to the man’s mother’s mansion in Heaven and sang to her, telling her to rejoice because her son had been born again and received Jesus.

I saw the sins of others literally
erased out of their books.

I saw the sins of others literally erased out of their books. I actually saw my own book and next to my name in red ink was written, “PAID IN FULL BY THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS.”

I also saw records of our spiritual growth, how we grow in our walk with the Lord as we mature, and how we respond to situations. There are records of all that.

The only way to get to Heaven is to receive Jesus, but you don’t want to stop there. We should want to go on with God. I saw the names of people who were won to the Lord; also the names of the people I had led to the Lord. It is true that all we take to Heaven with us are the people whom we have impacted and influenced to bring them to Jesus.

There is one set of books in Heaven in which is recorded every person’s name along with every thought, every intent, and everything we do from the moment we are born. And one day, for those who do not receive Jesus, they will be judged out of those books at the Great White Throne of Judgment. Those people will have to stand before Jesus and give an account of why they have not received Him into their lives. Jesus will say, “I could have been your advocate, your go-between, your lawyer before the Judgment Seat—but now there is evidence against you.” His blood eradicates sins, but if we don’t come to Him, our sins remain to testify against us.

The most important thing to the heart of God is bringing people to Jesus. I saw people in Heaven sitting on a hillside in something like bleachers watching people on earth coming to know the Lord Jesus. They were cheering for them. They were saying, “I was faithful, now you fulfill your calling and come join us.” The people in Heaven can see the good things going on in earth. They are the great crowd of witnesses talked about in Hebrews 12:1, cheering on the people still on earth. They believe we’ll be faithful in our walk with God and finish the race we started.


Then I saw angels carrying bowls into the presence of God. I asked John what the angels were carrying in the bowls and he said, “The praises of God’s people on the earth and Heaven above.” God inhabits the praises. Angels come and take that praise to the Father above. Those angels gather our praise and it becomes a sweet sound in the ears of the Lord.

The angels who were carrying them had six wings. With two they carry golden bowls with prayer requests and the praises of God’s people and present them at the throne of God. They bow in reverence as they come into the presence of God and His power. His throne is all light, surrounded by a great aura of indescribable colors. There were peals of thunder, but there was no fear. Then the angels vanished into a fog or mist (like what dry ice produces), into the very presence of God. There were also some coming with bowls of something like water, which are the tears of the saints below. When you shed a tear, it may not be noticed on the earth, but Father God notices and keeps it on our behalf as a sweet smelling savor to Him.

Lightning and thunder came from
the throne but there was nothing
to fear.

I saw seven golden lamps with fire representing the Holy Spirit. It looks like fire coming out of the lamp stand in a blaze of fire. The lamp stand represents the holiness of the city and the power of the Holy Spirit. Then I looked and saw a magnificent crystal clear body of water flowing from the throne. Around the throne were rainbows of colors so much more intense than on earth. Lightning and thunder came from the throne but there was nothing to be fearful or afraid of.


The first time I saw Jesus I was completely overwhelmed. As I came into His presence, I fell down before Him at His feet as a dead man. He picked me up. He was about six foot two inches tall. You don’t lose your ethnic or racial origin in Heaven, so He looked Jewish, with an olive complexion. His hair was like some rabbi’s—with curls along the sides of His face. He wore a regal robe of righteousness—pure white with a purple sash. Written on one side of the sash was, “King of kings,” and the side read, “Lord of lords.” Jesus had a solid gold belt around His waist. He was wearing a crown. I could see the indentions in His brow from where the crown of thorns had been. His eyes were deep, beautiful pools of love, and they were blue. I have since learned that Jews from the tribe of Judah are known to have blue eyes. I could see where nails had been driven into His hands, not His palms as some paintings depict, but into His wrists which would have been able to support the weight of His body. I could see where one nail went through both feet as they were crossed.

His eyes were deep, beautiful
pools of love.

A radiant, beautiful light came from Him. When He looked at me, His eyes pierced me, they went all the way through me. Just pure love! I melted in His presence. He immediately started speaking to me. He gave me a message for this generation by speaking to my heart with His eyes. His words came as the same sound as the water flowing over Niagara Falls. He said, “Tell My people there’s a song for them to sing, a message to proclaim, a missionary journey to take, a book to write. They all have a purpose for being here in this life.” He looked at me with those piercing eyes and said, “Don’t ever believe the condemnation of the devil that you are unworthy. You
worthy. You have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Why do My people not believe in Me? Why do My people reject Me?”

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