Read Heavenly Angel Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

Heavenly Angel (19 page)

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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He toweled himself quickly and lifted her in one smooth motion and carried her to her neatly made queen-size bed and laid her on it. The December sun shone brightly outside, streaming in through the mini blinds on her bedroom windows. He climbed onto the bed with her and palmed aside her thighs as he took up his position between them. The light in the room left nothing in shadow, and she asked, “Should I close the drapes?” She thought he might like it dimmer, more intimate.

He smiled at her from between her thighs, glanced down at what lay before him in such close proximity that she could feel his hot breath on her pussy as he chuckled. He said with obvious relish, “I love being able to see every inch of you, every little dip and curve.” His tongue flicked out and licked at the hollow between her inner thigh and the curls of her mound, stealing her breath.

“Oh,” she said shakily as he rose over her and kissed her. “I’m far from perfect.”

He smiled understandingly at her. “You’re beautiful. I love you.” The truth was in his eyes as he kissed her again. She smiled up at him and relaxed, allowing her head to rest on her pillow. He caressed her collarbone and then both breasts. She gasped as he rubbed her nipples lightly between his fingertips then cupped the underside of each breast and licked one nipple then the other. Her back arched when he suckled one as she watched in the bright daylight.

A low growl rumbled deep in his chest as he tasted her flesh, and she felt a gush of moisture in response to the sound. Her clit throbbed almost painfully, begging for a touch. He stroked her waist with his big, strong hands, and tremors rocked through her core. His thumbs traced lightly over her mound, and he leaned down and pressed his lips there while his fingers skimmed over her hip bones. He slid a hand behind one of her thighs, which he lifted and placed over his shoulder then did the same thing with the other one. His mouth was poised over her pussy, and she could feel the heat of his breath. He gazed hungrily on the most intimate part of her, seeing her clearly in the bright morning sun.

He stroked with a single finger over her wet entrance. “This is a delicate, beautiful treasure, sweetheart.”

Angel slid his tongue into her slit, teasing her. Her head fell back, and her back arched at his loving touch. His words touched her heart, and the last of her inhibitions slipped away. He wrapped his hands around her thighs, and used his fingers to splay her outer lips open. She knew he could see every bit of her.

His velvety drawl was like a caress. “Your clitoris is swollen, beautiful. Your lips are parted for me. I think I’ll kiss them.” Teresa moaned as she felt his lips and tongue on her pussy. The tightening sensation that she now knew signaled an orgasm began inside her as she stifled a groan. More moisture flowed from her as he stroked her.

“Your pussy juices are like honey on my tongue. I love it. You like what I’m doing, don’t you?” At her mute nod he added, “I can feel you trembling.”

“Yes, baby, I love it. You’re so good to me.” Her voice shook with love for him and pleasure at this communion between them. “I like it when you talk to me, while you do…what you’re doing.”

“Good. There’s plenty more where that came from.” He slid his tongue into her slit again, flicking at her clit. She moaned and flexed against his mouth. He laved her with his tongue over and over, taking her higher with each pass of his tongue until she was writhing in his hands.

He glanced up, and she saw the utter enjoyment that danced in his eyes as he played with and loved her. Teresa smiled back at him and cried out when his tongue slid into her entrance as he slid his thumb over her clit. Her body tightened up, and she was certain that she was going to come any moment. Her back arched, and the wave she was on crest even higher.

Angel rose over her, spreading his knees and lifting her thighs and wrapping them around his hips. He smiled down at her reassuringly when her eyes flared, wondering what he planned to do next in this very intimate position. She wanted to thank him when he placed his thumb over her clit and began a slow but insistent stroke.

Angel slid a thick finger into her pussy and Teresa moaned and slammed her eyes shut, imagining that it was his cock he gave her. Then he slid in another finger and pumped in and out a few times.

The gripping tightness of her pussy on his fingers made her want to scream with pleasure. If it felt like this with only two fingers, how would it feel when he thrust his much larger cock inside her the first time? Oh, ecstasy! He would consume her! As always, Angel was incredibly gentle, but the sensations he evoked in her were explosive.

His voice sounded strained when he spoke again. “The sounds you make and the way you move makes me want to come again. Just feel for me.” He ceased the pumping motion and stroked inside her pussy. Clutching the bedspread in her hands, she felt like she was soaring. The pleasure he was building inside of her expanded outward. Her eyes opened wide, and she panted quietly.

“That’s your sweet spot I’m stroking. Do you like it?” He chuckled as he asked the stupidest question in the universe.

She laughed then moaned. “Yes, baby. I’ll be your slave.
don’t stop!”

“I’ll take good care of you, beautiful.”

He continued and once again to stroked her aching clit. He sent her higher and higher, surpassing anything she’d experienced the night before. Her body trembled hard, and the muscles in her pussy drew up impossibly tight as he continued stroking both places.

“That’s right, baby, unlike anything you thought possible, right? I love you so much, Teresa. It’s me who is your slave. I want to taste your cream.” He replaced his thumb with his mouth and firmly tongued her clitoris, holding her to him carefully as her back arched off the bed. Pressing his lips to her, he suckled her clitoris.

The wave broke in a magnificent crescendo as her body bore down hard and came explosively for him. Her hand clapped over her mouth to stifle the rapturous scream that escaped from her. She moaned and shuddered in bliss as his lips and tongue lapped and slid over her drenched pussy.

As she came back to Earth, she could hear him growling softly as he feasted on her pussy, just as he said he would. He sounded like he was enjoying himself. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire, and a blush spread over her whole body, making her nipples tingle fiercely. A hazy warmth crept over her as she listened to the sounds he made, still licking her.

His next words floored her as he gazed up at her from between her thighs, his lips and chin wet with the evidence of her orgasm. “You taste like spun honey. Joaquin is partial to spun honey. You’re going to have a hard time keeping panties on. I may not get any work out of him.” He chuckled at her when she flung a forearm over her eyes and giggled.

“That sounds like a good problem to have. I’m wondering if you’ll be able to share, though.”

“Oh, don’t worry. We share very well where you’re concerned.” He punctuated the end of his statement with one last long lick up the entire length of her slit.

“Oh, goodness,” she said a few minutes later as she tried to sit up but fell back limply on the bed.

“Feeling good?”

“A little better than good. I though last night was incredible, that it couldn’t get any better.”

“Wait until it’s my cock sliding into your pussy. We’ve only scratched the surface, sweetheart. I promise.”

She moaned at the image he’d just described and turned in his arms, stroked his firm, muscled chest and said, “Thank you for being so patient with me. My fears were all so foolish. I was
of becoming intimate with you for

Teresa rested her chin lightly on her hand and tears filled her eyes as she looked up into his honey-colored eyes. He pulled her to him so her head was on his chest and held her trembling body in his arms. His work-roughened hands felt perfect on her skin as he stroked her back.

Once she had quieted some, he said, “This is what love is supposed to feel like, beautiful. This good, this special. Yeah, we’re working up to bigger and better things, but it’s all supposed to feel this good. I’m glad you’ve left the fear behind.”

She wanted nothing more than to start her life as his wife. She didn’t want to come to this empty apartment tonight, not when the solace of his arms was so close. Waiting to get married didn’t make sense when her heart and instincts told her there was no point, considering she felt the same way about Joaquin.

“I want to marry you as soon as we can, as soon as Grace and I can put it together.”

His eyes flared a little at the change in subject, and he said carefully, “Couldn’t you give Joaquin a little more time? It will be better if he has a chance to prove himself to you, and we can start our marriage together.”

“Angel, I want you both. I
to be married to you both. I don’t want to be away from you any longer than I have to. Going home with Michael by ourselves tonight is looking less appealing all the time.”

Excitement gleamed in his eyes. “You’re sure? You’re sure you’re ready?”

“I know I am. I’ve never felt so sure in my life. Soon, please?”

“I’ll talk to him. He’ll want to propose to you, too. Can you give him a day or two to find your ring?”

“Of course. I’m looking forward to my afternoon with him. Tell him before then, all right?”

“You are about to make a lonesome cowboy extremely happy, honey. Hell, two lonesome cowboys, for that matter!” He wrapped his arms around her snugly and rolled with her on the bed until she was beneath him.

Feeling perfectly sheltered, she tilted up and kissed him, sliding her tongue between his full lips. As he drew her tightly to him, his body trembled against hers. His cock lay hot and hard once again at her naked hip.

“Do you need to…?”

He grinned, and his eyes twinkled devilishly. “What, honey?”

“Do you want me to…?”

“What, honey?” he murmured in a teasing tone.

She grinned back when she realized what he was playing at. “Do you want for me to take this
great, big, thick cock
in my hands and stroke you until you
, groaning and
my name?” she asked in her most innocent voice.

He let loose with a sexy chuckle as he rolled onto his back, pulling her along with him. “Well…now that you mention it. I do have a need. Oh, just like that, baby,” he groaned as she
took him in hand
and taught him a thing or two about teasing her.


Chapter Sixteen

Joaquin chuckled as he poured tea in glasses for the grownups and quietly said to Angel, “It’s about fucking time you got back. I was ready to send a search party.”

Angel leaned against the counter with the look of a man utterly satisfied by his woman on his sappy face. People said women were bad about gossiping? He could not fucking wait for some details. Whatever had happened between the two of them had left them both looking totally blissed out.

Angel grinned at him and Joaquin groaned as his cock swelled. What did they

“Don’t worry. We didn’t do anything serious. You and I need to talk and soon.”

“Good news?”

“Fucking fantastic news.”

* * * *

A few hours later, Angel and Michael left to run errands together. Teresa picked the movie and put it in the player while Joaquin prepared a snack for them. While he was in the kitchen, she dead bolted the front door and closed the drape over the picture window. He noticed the change when he returned with the snack and a glass of iced tea. He grinned at her, sat down, and pulled off his boots.

“So we can see the television without the glare coming in through the window,” she explained, smiling, and then added, “and also for privacy.”

He smiled at her and sidled up behind her and whispered, “I like privacy, especially if you’re with me, sugar.” Every note of his sexy, deep drawl sent a thrill to her pussy. His hand slid around her hip and pressed her back against his erection, and her body ached with desire. He drew her down to the recliner and used the remote to start the movie.

She’d picked a romantic comedy, and they watched for a minute or two before he picked up the plate and held it across his lap so she could see he’d made bean and cheese nachos. He lifted one from the plate and held it for her. Teresa looked up, as he waited for her to take it from his fingers, smiling down at her expectantly. She opened for him and took it.

“I hope this is okay.”

“It’s perfect. I love nachos.”

“I brought jalapeños, if you like it hot,” he added with a grin, offering the option.

“I like jalapenos, but I’d better not,” she said, grinning. Not with where her mouth was planning on going later. He offered her another one, and she took it from his fingers, pausing his hand long enough to lick a little of the salt from the chips off his fingertips.

He groaned softly and then offered her his glass of tea. She took a sip, smiled, and thanked him. She took a few more nachos from him, paying similar meticulous attention to his fingers, and shared his tea with him. Neither of them was really paying attention to the movie. The growing heat between them and the languid arousal she felt became a topic of greater interest. He offered her a last sip of tea then picked up the remote and hit the mute button.

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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