Heavenly Angel (9 page)

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Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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“Mommy? Wanna eat?” Michael called from the living room.

She closed her eyes, swallowed hard and sighed. The swirling tension building inside her shifted from anticipation to frustration and became almost painful. He rested his forehead lightly on her collarbone, which happened to put his lips near her breast. He pressed a quick kiss there and sat up as she released him. He grinned when she made a little whiny sound in her throat.

come in to let you know supper is ready. Grace called earlier and said she was bringing some presents for Michael to open in the morning. Joaquin will be here in a little while, too. How do you feel?” he asked, stifling a groan. Teresa smiled sympathetically, having a good idea how he was feeling.


“I’m coming, honey. We’ll eat in a minute.” She looked up into Angel’s eyes, “I feel much better. Maybe better than I’ve ever felt in my whole life.” She smiled ruefully at him. “I’m sorry about the interruption.”

“It’s okay. Let’s get some food in you.” He helped her sit up. In the dark room, somehow her hand landed lightly in his lap, and she gasped when she felt the size of his erection.

“Oh! I’m…sorry, Angel.” She removed her hand and apologized again when he groaned quietly. “I…you’re
so big
, Angel,” she whispered in a shaky voice, not even sure where the ability to speak had come from. She relaxed a little when she heard him chuckle.

“Well, thank you, beautiful. See the effect that you have on me?”

“Wow,” she whispered. She wanted so much to know what it was she’d just barely missed. She’d been so, so close. Her core trembled in agreement.

* * * *

Angel did his best to ignore the throbbing ache in his groin and helped her sit up without further incident. He was pleased that awakening her like that hadn’t startled her or frightened her.

He’d set the table nicely to celebrate Christmas Eve with her. The food was already on the table, and all they had to do was sit down. “This was so thoughtful of you, Angel, to go to all this trouble for us. After a day like
, it’s wonderful to come home to all this.”

Angel smiled at her mention of his house as home and held the plate while she chose her steak.

“I’m glad it made you happy. Come on, Michael. I’ve got a nice, thick phone book for you to sit on.” He held out a hand to Michael, and he ambled up onto the chair and plopped down. His head was still a little low at the table. “I ought to pick up a high chair for when he comes over here.”

“You’re very thoughtful, Angel. Mmm. This steak is perfect.”

“Thank you. So it was crazy at the store?”

“Yes! Two little blue-haired ladies who have been friends for years were fighting over a marked-down purse!”

They enjoyed the meal, and Teresa entertained him with other stories about shoppers that let the last-minute shopping anxiety get to them. After they’d finished eating and she’d helped him clean up, she put a plate together for Joaquin, in case he was hungry, and placed it in the microwave. Teresa was putting a Christmas movie in the DVD player when the doorbell rang.


Chapter Nine

Teresa happily flung open the front door, ready to wish Grace a Merry Christmas and give her a big hug.

“Merry—!” The rest of what she would have said ended with a quiet rush as she suddenly exhaled. She was gazing upon possibly the handsomest man, barring Angel, of course, that she’d ever seen. In fact, at first glance, he could have
Angel. The sparkle in his eyes was the same, but they were a different color. A heated rush bloomed through her body as she speechlessly took in the sight of him. He leaned into the doorframe, a sexy smile forming on his full lips.

“Well, hello, sugar. And who might
be?” he asked in a deep Texan drawl. The naughty grin he bore spread to his clear green eyes with a mischievous twinkle as he waited a few seconds for her reply, which was lodged in her throat. He was well over six feet tall, tanned, and hard-muscled just like Angel. The only other difference was his hair, which was shorter, hung loose, and reached past his shoulders.

Teresa finally mustered a soft, “Hello.” Her heart pounded in her throat, due in part to being startled, but she also felt a little flustered as she continued to stare at him speechlessly. He exuded overabundant charm and animal magnetism. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears and felt her cheeks grow aflame as that pulse was echoed somewhere else a little

Michael chose that moment to summon her from her stupor. “Wah-keeeen!” he screeched happily like he was Michael’s long-lost friend. “Mama!” he said loudly as he tugged at her pant leg. “Angel’s brother!” Feeling like an idiot for staring, she backed away from the door and welcomed him inside. Angel approached with a big grin on his face and arms held out. Joaquin chuckled, set his bags down, and grasped his brother in a full-on bear hug, slapping his back and laughing.

* * * *

Angel couldn’t help but grin at him after witnessing the whole deer-in-the-headlights experience Joaquin had with Teresa. She wasn’t used to Joaquin’s magnetic personality, so she wouldn’t have noticed he had a similar reaction to her. He just hid it better behind his notoriously flirtatious exterior. Right now she was on the receiving end of double-barrel bedroom eyes and looked in need of rescue. He noted with satisfaction that she didn’t avert her eyes. That in itself spoke volumes to him.

He turned to Teresa, twining his fingers with hers, and said, “Sweetheart, this is my brother, Joaquin. Joaquin, this beautiful woman is Teresa Palacios, and this little guy is her son, Michael.” He lifted Michael with one arm, not releasing her hand, and said, “Buddy, this is Joaquin.”

Teresa greeted Joaquin while Michael chirped something that sounded a lot like “Pleased to meet you” before he started babbling on about cowboys and Christmas.

Joaquin gestured to his duffel and another bag. “Where should I put all this? I have more packages in the truck.”

“Here, let me have it.” Angel lifted Joaquin’s duffel bag. “You’re going to use the other bedroom. I’ll show you real quick then I’ll help you bring everything else in. The gifts can go under the tree.”

His bags put away, Joaquin followed Angel out to the truck and horse trailer. Joaquin handed him the wrapped gifts from the backseat and looked around as if to see if Teresa was nearby. The front door was still open, but he could hear her inside the house talking to Michael.

“You weren’t kidding, Angel. She is beautiful,” he said quietly.

Because Angel knew Joaquin so well, he noted immediately the lack of playful banter, bragging, and teasing that was innate to him. He was never at a loss for something witty to say. Now, after meeting Teresa, his thoughts were limited to seven words? Interesting.

“Seeing is believing, little brother, and sweet as honey, too. Now you know why I’m proposing.”

“You’re lucky you’ve claimed her already. Otherwise I’d go after her.”

Angel observed Joaquin. At any other time, Joaquin would have said the same exact thing, but he would have meant an entirely different sort of pursuit. A pursuit, and conquest, of a more temporary kind. He was quiet and thoughtful, which confirmed Angel’s earlier assumption.

“We’ll talk more tonight. Let’s unload Deseo and get him squared away.”

After they brought the gifts into the house, they unloaded Deseo and walked him a bit while Angel showed him around. After getting him settled, they walked slowly back to the house. Joaquin was still distracted and contemplative. When he finally spoke, Angel wasn’t all that surprised by his words.

“Angel, if you need privacy, I can get a motel room in town or stay up at the ranch house for a few days. I don’t want to throw a monkey wrench into any of your holiday proposal plans.”

Angel noted Joaquin’s respectful offer to back off and allow him time alone with Teresa, which would also give Joaquin the chance to reconcile his attraction to Teresa and the fact that she was off limits. He appreciated the offer but knew it was unnecessary.

“Joaquin, all the plans
you. No way would we let you leave again tonight. We’ve all been looking forward to your arrival, even Teresa and Michael.” Angel grinned at him and clapped his hand on his brother’s beefy shoulder. “I saw your reaction to her when she opened the door. She inspires all these…protective instincts in me. I think you surprised her, but once she gets her bearings with you, it will be easier for her to talk to you. Give her some time. Michael’s a riot, isn’t he?”

Joaquin chuckled and said, “He’s pretty cute. He seems comfortable with you.”

Angel grinned, thinking of his ride earlier that day with the little boy. “Yeah, he’s even been calling me Daddy.”

“No shit? What did she say about that? Has she heard him say it?”

“Yeah, a couple of times. I think she was worried it would upset me, but I told her it was fine.”

“Wonder what she made of that?”

“I’m more concerned how she
about it. When we first started dating, she was so skittish. She was protective of Michael, and we didn’t even spend that much time with him until she got more comfortable around me. She’s a good mother to shield him like that. We’ve been taking our relationship very slow and gradual.”

“Slow and gradual is code for what?” When Angel didn’t respond, Joaquin turned to him in shock. “You mean you—

“Don’t act so surprised. Teresa’s story is a complicated one. Someone from her past did her some real serious hurt, so it’s not easy for her to trust. That’s why I suggested you not tease her too much about being shy. She’s nothing like
other woman we’ve ever known.”

“And shared?” Joaquin hinted in his oh-so-subtle way.

“We’re gonna have a serious talk about that later. I can see the interest in your eyes, but there are things you need to know first. Do not bowl her over with all your charm. Go easy and let her get used to you.”

Angel and Joaquin were close to each other growing up, separated by less than a year. Many people mistook them for twins. Joaquin had his mother’s green eye color, and Angel had his father’s light-brown eye color. Though all three fathers claimed all their children equally, it was obvious looking at Joaquin and Angel that they were both biological sons of the eldest brother, Eleazar. It was under Eleazar’s guidance they developed a talent for handling horses and horse breeding.

That was how Jack met the two of them. His father invited Eleazar to visit the Warner Ranch many years ago when the Martinez Ranch had fallen on hard times, to teach Joe and teenagers, Jack, Ethan and Adam, what he knew about horses. He stayed at the ranch for almost a year and worked with the breeding stock Joe had purchased. He taught them what he knew and sent his earnings home to his family.

During the summer months, Angel and Joaquin were sent to visit and work while they were out of school. The teenagers took a liking to each other and remained friends over the years. When Jack bought the ranch and knew he’d need someone with experience in control of it, the only people he thought to call were Angel and Joaquin. Joaquin was already on the rodeo circuit, but Angel preferred a more stable life and took him up on the offer.

It seemed almost inevitable to Angel that Joaquin would be attracted to Teresa. He supposed that was because he’d not been raised with any stereotypes about a woman belonging to just one man. He knew that if Joaquin wanted to make a commitment to Teresa, she would be very well cared for and cherished by both of them. Her needs would be their first concern. He and Joaquin had sewn some wild oats in their twenties, sharing a few uncommitted, one-night-stand threesomes, but that was in the past and had no bearing on the present situation.

They walked back to the house, talking and joking, and were on the porch when they saw lights coming down the driveway that led from the main ranch house. “That must be Grace bringing Teresa and Michael their Christmas presents,” Angel said as they turned and came back down the porch steps to help her as she parked the SUV.

is Grace?” Joaquin said in obvious anticipation to finally meet the woman Jack had been going on and on about anytime he talked to him the last few months.

“Hang on to your hat, brother.
a flirt.” Angel smiled, remembering a time when Grace was almost as afraid of her own shadow as Teresa had been. Grace popped the rear door on the back of Jack’s SUV and climbed out.

“Hi! I’m sorry…or

about not coming down to drop these off sooner. Wow, Angel, it’s like you have a yummy twin! Can we
him?” She giggled enthusiastically when Angel groaned.

“Grace, this is my brother, Joaquin. Joaquin, this irrepressible blonde is Grace Warner.” He turned to an unrepentant Grace and shook his finger, unsuccessfully hiding his grin. “You behave or he may not stay. You made him blush and
makes this cowboy blush.”

Joaquin gave her a crooked little grin and turned up the high beams on his charm. “Grace, up until now, I thought everything I was hearing about you was fanciful rumors. It turns out you’re every bit as precious as Jack, Ethan, and Adam have been bragging about.”

Grace’s eyes twinkled with merriment and good humor as she redirected their attention. “He’s a sweet-talker too, I see. Okay, boys. The presents are in the back, and the one in silver paper is very fragile. I’m going to run in and say hello to Teresa and MiniMe.”

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