Heavy: A Contemporary Romance (16 page)

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“I understand, Thatch,”
I said weakly to his back as he turned and walked out the door.




The next few days leading up to the weekend
had gone a lot smoother than anticipated. Thaddeus didn’t have school on Fridays and he was allowed to hang out with me when Thatch was at the gym and Bellamy was working. When Bellamy’s appointment ran over, I volunteered to escort Thaddeus across the street to the kiddies’ gymnastics class he participated in.

“Will you stay and watch me do a back flip?” Thaddeus asked as we made our way through the door to the large former warehouse and now-converted gym space.

I looked down at the little boy holding tightly to my hand.

“I can’t stay too long, angel
; I have to get back to work.”

His face fell at my words.

“You know what?” I added. “let Mo-Mo answer the phones for a few minutes. I’ll definitely stay to see you flip, okay?”

” Thaddeus cheered, instantly all smiles and giggles again.

“Hey, Thaddeus,” a young man about my age sai
d from behind the check-in desk, “is this pretty lady your girlfriend?” he teased.

“No, silly!!
This is Cali. She’s a fwend of Pop-Pop and Daddy,” he giggled.

The young man laughed
. “You all set for class, Thad?”

“Yes!” The little boy replied enthusiastically.

“Everyone’s grouping up over there and I’ll be with you in a minute, okay? Your daddy is on the climbing wall right now, but he’ll be joining us in about fifteen minutes.”

, Steve,” Thaddeus replied as he ran off towards the small gathering of five to six little boys all jumping in a boxed off area filled with squares of blue foam.

“I’m Steve, as you no doubt worked out for yourself,” the young man winked at me as he offered up his hand.

“I’m Cali,” I smiled as I shook it. My focus, however, was all on Thatch, who was almost to the top of a curved rock-climbing wall.

“You work at the tattoo shop?”
Steve continued, either oblivious to or just didn’t care that my attention was directed elsewhere.

“I’m only a temp
. Won’t be there too much longer,” I said absentmindedly as I watched Thatch progress further along the wall. It was a long way up and he was attached to a rope in case he fell, but that didn’t quell my anxiety any.

bad,” Steve chuckled. “We’d benefit from seeing more of you around here.”

Oh, I guess he was flirting

“Are you going to come watch Thaddeus’s gymnastics class?”
Steve added.

“Only for a few minutes,” I answered, my eyes still locked on Thatch.

As if he’d heard me, Thatch suddenly turned his head and looked straight at me. I immediately turned back to Steve.

“Sorry, you were saying?”

“I just wondered if you wanted to have a seat over here.”

“Oh, great, thanks
. Are you the instructor for the kid’s class?”

. It helps pay for college and the gym keeps me in shape.”

“You go to UNLV, then?” I asked
. “I was thinking of applying for fall classes.”

? That’s awesome. If you want to know anything about the college, or maybe hang out with a bunch of other students to get their take on the place, give me a call,” he said a little too enthusiastically, handing me his card and phone number. “A bunch of us meet up every Friday night and go bar-hopping. You’re always welcome to join us.”

“Thanks, Steve, I’ll think about it.”
Not a chance, Sunshine, but nice try.

Once he had me settled on the bench, he hurried over to the kids to
begin the class. I looked at the climbing wall and Thatch wasn’t there anymore.

I focused my attention o
n the little boys and their delightful squeals and shouts as Steve had them jumping off a platform and somersaulting into the blue foam. Thaddeus waved at me to make sure I was watching.

“He’s showing off for you, you know,” Th
atch’s voice came from behind and startled me.

“He’s amazing,” I answered
, as Thatch came around the bench and sat down.

“A few weeks ago I could barely get him to crack a smile
. Now look at him. It’s like he’s a different person.”

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked quietly.

“No, it’s a good thing.”

Thatch’s tone implied he didn’t like the fact it was a good thing.

“What did Steve want?”
he added, glancing down at the card I was still twirling between my fingers.

“Does it matter?” I asked softly, and was immediately reminded of those exact words said to Thatch in that hotel room all those months ago
. As it turned out it
matter. It
mattered. “He invited me out to meet some UNLV students and to go bar-hopping. I’m interested in meeting some students, but it’s a no to the bar-hop.”

“I went to UNLV,” Thatch stated as he stood up
. “Anything you want to know about the college, you can ask me.” He walked off towards the kid’s group without so much as a backward glance.

alrighty then.




“Tony and I got you a little something for when your guests come over later,” Zak said at breakfast Saturday morning.

“You did
? I’m intrigued,” I said as I opened the bag Zak handed me.

“It’s from me too,” Hayley chimed in
. “I helped Daddy pick it out.”

“That you did, sweetheart,” Zak winked at her.

Inside the bag, I found a turquoise bikini.

“Oh my God, I completely forgot to get a swimsuit this week
. You guys are awesome!” I said as I gave Hayley a big hug from my seat at the kitchen table.

“Yeah, we figured as much,” Zak laughed
. “There’s also a sarong in there too, so you can at least pretend to be halfway decent when you come over for the barbeque later,” he teased.

“Thank you
. I love them both! And thank you for not getting me a thong,” I laughed.

“There will be children in the audience,” Zak exclaimed in mock horror
. “But that shade of blue is going to look fab-u-lous with your hair, and that bikini is going to knock you-know-who’s socks off, that’s for sure!”

“That’s if he even comes,” I grimaced
. “It might end up being Bellamy that brings Thaddeus over.”

, trust me girlfriend, he’s coming.”

I giggled at Zak’s expression, and Hayley joined me.

“You looking forward to meeting Thaddeus, Hayles?” I finally asked her.

“Yeah,” she said in a shy voice

“You’ll like him
. He does really neat back flips and I’ll bet he’ll want to show you one.” That kid wanted to show
his back flips.

Hayley smiled and ran off into the living room.

“What time’s your barbeque, Zak?” I asked him.

“I’ll swing over and let you know
. Early… probably four-thirtyish.”

. You coming over to hang out by the pool with Hayley?”

. I want to give you and your man-friend some time to…chat,” he said, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

it, you’re making me laugh too much. We’re entertaining his child and your child. There will be none of
going on. In fact, according to him, there’ll be none of that going on, period.”

“We’ll see,” Zak winked.



Thaddeus and I pulled up outside the address that my dad had given me and parked the car. The neighborhood was quaint and low-key and completely not what I’d expected. I expected something a little more… Huntington… I guess. But, then again, the damn woman was answering phones in my tattoo shop. I certainly hadn’t expected that either.

“Walk faster, Daddy,” Thaddeus groaned as we got out of the car
. The kid was so excited to see that damn pool.

“We’re going through the side gate, little man,” I smiled at my eager son
. California had said to just come on back as she would leave the gate unlocked and wouldn’t hear the doorbell if she was already outside.

Thaddeus ran ahead of me and around the corner
. I heard him squealing California’s name and then heard her greet him in reply.

I walked into the backyard-come-patio and
stopped dead in my tracks.

California was wearing a blue bikini that took all of my breath away instantly
. She was standing slightly turned away from me, introducing Thaddeus to a shy-looking little girl about his height.

“Hello, Hayley,” Thaddeus said with his biggest smile.

“Can you swim?” Hayley asked him in a soft voice, her face going red.

“Yeah, of course
, I can,” Thaddeus scoffed. “Can I go swimming, Daddy?” he asked.

They all turned
as one toward me, California and Hayley noticing my presence for the first time.

ay in the shallow end unless an adult is in the pool, okay?”

“Yes, Daddy
. Come on Hayley, I’ll show you my back flip!”

Thaddeus threw off his T-shirt and jumped into the pool, Hayley laughed at him and chose to walk down the steps in a more hesitant and lady-like fashion.

I noticed all that peripherally, as my gaze was still stuck on California.

“Glad you could make it,” she said, her eyes locked to mine
. “Bellamy didn’t come with you?”

“Something supposedly came up last minute,” I shrugged, making it clear I hadn’t believed a word of the bullshit excuse my father had given me so I
to be the one to bring Thaddeus. “He said he might still stop by later, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.”

California laughed and tossed her thick hair over her shoulder.

My heart did one of those little trampoline moves in my chest.

This was
going to be an easy afternoon.

“Come on, Thatch,” California smiled, “let’s forget all about our shit for a day and concentrate on these kids and getting a tan.”

“All right,” I smiled back.

She was
right; today was all about the kids. I could do that.

, if you need me to apply any suntan oil to your back,” she winked cheekily, “I’m certainly up for the job.”

, you’re so in for it now,” I laughed, dropping my bag and wrenching my shirt over my head. She screamed and tried to run away, but I grabbed her and lifted her up in my arms – then jumped into the pool.

Thaddeus and Hayley
laughed as California came up spluttering and giving me an exaggerated evil-eye look.

“Daddy, do it to me
! Do it to me!” My son cried.

, that’s how the four of us spent the next hour: horsing around in the small pool at California Huntington’s house.

“Do you think Thaddeus need
s more lotion?” California asked me later as we lay on recliners watching the two kids play.

“I just put some waterproof stuff on him when you went in for the iced teas,” I answered, trying not to look in her direction.

I’d only seen her naked the once, but damn the woman had been working on her body since then. And that fucking bikini was driving me completely insane.

“You all right there, Thatch?” California asked with a smirk.

Oh yeah, she knew exactly what she was doing to me.

“You don’t play fair, Ms. Huntington.”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” she answered with fake innocence. “By the way, can you put a little oil on my back? I’m scared I’m going to burn.”

I laughed.

“You have got to be kidding me,” I finally answered.

? Don’t friends rub oil on each other’s backs? You don’t want me to be in pain later, do you…
?” She followed this with a cheeky grin.

“Turn over and pass me the oil

,” I said, rolling my eyes at her.

Two could play at this game
. Though, even with two of us playing I was pretty sure I was still going to lose.

California flipped onto her stomach, and then reached around behind her
self to undo the ties to her bikini top.

Damn her straight to hell.

I gently lifted her long hair up and set it to the side, my fingertips lightly grazing the back of her neck. I felt her shudder and couldn’t stop the corner of my mouth from twitching.

I wouldn’t be lying if I admitted there were other parts of me twitching too.

Dribbling a little oil into the palm of my hands, I moved over to sit on the edge of her recliner.

“You ready?” I asked in a low voice.

“As I’ll ever be,” she breathed back.

I started at her shoulders and slowly – very slowly – worked my way down
. Alternating between leisurely sweeping motions and deep circular movements, I couldn’t seem to stop myself from ‘accidentally’ pushing my fingertips just under the edge of her bikini bottom.

Flipping her hair over to the opposite side, she turned her head to look back over her shoulder at me.

“I wasn’t aware there was a danger of getting burned
my bathing suit,” she teased.

“I’m very thorough,” I answered
. “I don’t like to take any chances where your delicate behind is concerned.”

“I can see that,” she giggled.

The giggling stopped when I started on the back of her thighs. My wandering fingertips seemed to have a mind of their own.

California let out a little gasp when I ‘accidentally’ got a little to
o near to her most sensitive area.

“I’m thirsty, Daddy,” Thaddeus said coming up to stand next to us.

I pulled my hands off California as if I’d been burned. Her body began to shake with laughter.

“All right, little man
. You want some iced tea?”

“Yes, please.”

“Me too, please,” Hayley said too.

I moved back onto my recliner so I could reach the table with the pitcher on it
. I didn’t want to stand as there was definitely some activity going on in the front of my shorts I didn’t want on display right now.

I was pouring the kids their drinks when we all heard the sound of someone coming through the gate.

“Daddy!” Hayley cried in delight.

portly guy with red-blond hair came around the corner and Hayley ran to give him a hug.

“Hello everyone,” he grinned
. “I hope you guys are hungry because Tony went a little overboard at Costco this afternoon.”

“Hey, Zak,” California said fiddling
with the ties to her bikini top. “This is Thatch, and the cute little heart-breaker with the blond curls is Thaddeus, his son.”

“Hi guys,” Zak smiled at Thad and me
. “I’m Zak and it’s great to finally meet you both after hearing so much about you.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said, shaking his hand and willing my hard-on to go down faster than it was.

“I’m thinking about an hour from now for the barbeque. How does that sound to you guys?” Zak asked both California and me.

“Sounds good to me
. How about you, Thatch?” California looked at me expectantly.

“If you’re sure it’s not too much trouble

“Oh, it’s our pleasure,” Zak interjected
. “Any friends of Cali’s are friends of ours.”

“Thank you,” I smiled up at him.

“Daddy, can I show Thaddeus my toys? Please?” Hayley pulled on her father’s arm as she begged.

“Have any problems with that, Thatch?” Zak asked me.

“You want to go play with Hayley next door?” I asked my son.

He nodded in the affirmative.

“Put your shirt on then and I’ll come walk you over.”

Being left alone with California was
supposed to be one of today’s options.



The second Thatch left with Zak and the kids, I raced indoors to take a shower
. Sitting in a bikini covered in oil while alone with Thatch was just asking for trouble. Trouble I wanted – but he didn’t. Or, at least didn’t
to want.

By the ti
me Thatch came back around the corner, the oil was washed from my body, I still wore the bikini, but my lower half was wrapped in the midnight blue sarong my neighbors had bought for me.

“Thaddeus all settled in over there?” I asked as he sat back down on his pool chair.

“Yep, they seem like really nice guys,” he replied. His mood had definitely shifted from the playful one that had been on display when the kids were around.

“They’re the best
. Thaddeus will love them.”

, an uncomfortable silence hung over us like a dark cloud heavy with rain.

“So tell me about the tattoo,” Thatch finally asked in a hushed voice.

I looked down and opened up the sarong wide enough to show the small word tattooed right above my left hip bone. “This tattoo?” I forgot he hadn’t seen it before. He hadn’t mentioned it all afternoon until now.

The tattooed word was

tattoo. It looks like Rufus’ work.”

I wondered if he asked his father about the nickname he called me too.

“It is. He did it for me last week.”

“You let Rufus touch you there?”


“Well, kind of hard to tattoo without touching
. Are you going to accuse me of fucking him now, too?” I matched his accusatory tone with one of my own.

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