Heavy Metal Heartbeat (12 page)

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Authors: Ambear Shellea

BOOK: Heavy Metal Heartbeat
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The blaring heavy metal tune did nothing to sooth
e his anxiousness. His skin crawled across his bones like ants on parade and his muscles twitched. His inner animal salivated at the prospect of a kill and paced its cage, biding its time. Words sailors wouldn't even use fell softly out of his mouth from the pent up frustration.

Hang on
, Paige. I swear I will save you.

Anna's unique scent mixed with Jaxson's and he knew where they were. Sebastian was a little
farther out.

This is ridiculous! It's not like I can
’t find them.

He turned his gaze to his father.

“Really? Do they think I don't know that Anna and Jaxson are down by the river bank and Sebastian is over at the local bar flirting with...” Taking a deep breath, he rolled the air around on his tongue. “Three women, one of which just lied about her age.”

His chest rumbled as he laughed with his father who put the phone to his ear.

“Jigs up, he found you again!  He looks a bit agitated by this game. I say go twice as far this time. Two miles is great. Let’s try five and call it a day.”

He waited until the small piece of metal and plastic was safely stowed away before he spoke.

“Father, is another three miles going to make a difference?”

Today, Son, probably not, but when we go looking for Paige, it just may. I know you are chomping at the bit to be done with these tests, but I agree with your friends; it is necessary.”

Fine! Call them back. Anna and Jaxson are at the city limits sign, which is 5.4 miles from here, and Sebastian, well, he hasn't moved, but the lies have changed.” He shook his head. “He never quits, always the charmer to the ladies.”

The phone came to life in his father's hand
again, followed by his voice.

“He knew where you were. Bring it in.”

His thumb rubbed the leather wristband he’d gotten from his grandmother. With his eyes closed, he inhaled and took in the cool night air, separating all the different scents and searching for Paige. She wasn't close, he knew, but he couldn't help but try. His father's voice brought him out of his stupor.

Ozzie, go stand in the center of the yard with your eyes closed and your back to me.”

Narrowing his eyes,
he asked, “What? Why?”

“Just do it. A little test of my own. We have been working all day on your sense of smell. I want to try something else. Now move!”

Happy to be doing something, he jogged to his designated spot and waited, eyes closed.

This is....

It played out as if in slow motion. He heard everything effortlessly: The soft swish of his father's plaid button up shirt as he carefully gathered his bow from the ground, leather gloves squeaking softly as he gently pulled the taught string, arrow notched and ready for flight.  The breeze caressed every inch of the arrow as it sailed through the air with the speed of a jet. A wicked smile crossed his face.

That's new!

At the last moment, he caught what surely would have been his death. He inspected the colorful, fine hairs on the end of the arrow.

Red and black, hmm, he either really has faith in me or he just attempted to do me in.

His eyes flashed to his father.

The older man stood
, broad-shouldered, holding the bow in front of him with an arrow hanging loosely on the strings and wearing a proud smile across his face.

Well done, Son! I am impressed.”

Ozzie looked at the arrow amazed
. Adrenaline soared through him, and he chucked it to the ground.

“Do it again!”

“Are you sure?”


OK, turn around.”

Doing as he was told, he barely had time
to gain composure before the next arrow was sent through the air. He counted the seconds before it would collide with the back of his skull. Three...two...he spun, catching the arrow in the center. An idea struck him.

Get my gun!”


He rolled his eyes at his father's reluctance.

“Did you just see what I did?”

“Yes, but bullets travel much faster than arrows.”

He shot him his whitest grin.

“I know!”

Running to his car, he rummaged in the glove box and pulled out his pistols, tossing one to his father.

I want to see something. Fire another arrow at me. I want to see if I can shoot it out the air.”

OK.” His father let the disbelief play in his voice.

Back in position
and with the .45 in his hand, he took a deep breath. His thumb clicked off the safety as he slid the cool piece of steel into his familiar grip. Feet shoulder width apart, head down, he concentrated. The sound of tension on the bow string came and lasted only a moment before release. Again he counted.

His slowly turned and watched as the tip came barreling straight for him. He could see the arrow slowly rotate as it flew through the air.

Man, this is freakin' cool!

He lifted the barrel of the gun and aimed for the arrow. Squeezing the trigger slowly, he let loose his ammo. The sleek metal bullet charged from the gun, smoke trailing behind, spiraling toward the tiny wooden stick. They collided with the force of asteroids and wood splinters burst into the air as the arrow exploded six feet above the ground.

He lowered the gun, and a smile was on his face.


That was Amazing!”

His gaze shot forward and Sebastian and the rest of gang stood a few feet away clapping wildly, wearing shocked smiles.

“Awesome, Oz!”

Oh, Anna, I thought you were special...” crooned Sebastian. “But him...well done!”

He smiled back
at his friends.


Turning back to his father, he added, “Now try and shoot me.”

His father's gaze swept from the
group to his face, uncertain.

Father, I promise. It will be fine. You won't kill me.”

If you shoot him in the back of the head, I vow to use my vampire venom mixed with blood and heal the wound,” Sebastian said loudly.

I have to say, Mr. Zane, this is very exciting to see. This may never happen again. I mean, granted he has powers, but it is relatively safe to push all the boundaries when you have a vampire to heal you of any wounds if you find that you go too far. When will anther hunter ever be able to test his abilities the way Ozzie can right now?”

Father, come on. Sebastian is right. We need to know what I'm capable of.”

Jaxson weighed in with his opinion.

“I will do it if you are uncomfortable, Mr. Zane.” He shot Ozzie a wicked smile as he took the gun from the man. “Besides, I owe him...or, shall I say, he owes me.”

What do I owe you for?”

Let me see, there were some comments in reference to my sex life. Then, of course, there is always the fact that you cheat at poker.”

Just because you suck and lose at poker doesn't mean I cheat.”

Surely my son doesn't cheat at poker. I taught him how to play.”

His gaze slid to his father.

“I don’t cheat. It's not my fault I know when he's bluffing.”

Between the taunts and carefree harassment, he never
heard Jaxson fire the gun, but he felt it. He had only seconds. His eyes found the bullet heading straight for his chest.

Oh, hell!

Dodging, he spun and turned, shooting the .45 shell from behind, exploding the bullet.

Ohs and
ahs sounded around the yard as his audience clapped and cheered him on.

He stood staring at the spot where the bullet would have landed.
He looked back to his friends with a comedian's comment hot on his lips, but it was cut off as the atmosphere changed. He froze.

Her scent
infiltrated the air, floating in on the breeze, changing his light-hearted laughter to a stone cold killer’s snarl. His eyes darted toward the house just as Landers snuck into view. He growled and pulled the trigger.

The howl pierced the air and echoed off houses. He bolted before the dog could get away. Closing the distance, he jumped and pulled Landers
’ bleeding body to the ground. Thigh shot. He pinned Landers beneath him and pistol whipped the bleeding man as he screamed and growled frantic questions.

Where the hell is she and what have you done to her?”

It took all four of them to pull
Ozzie off the man. Jaxson's face appeared front and center.

“Ozzie, calm down!”

“I will not calm down! I will question him and break his face! They have her and...” he took another swing at the man and missed, so he kicked him in the groin for good measure. “He knows where!” This netted him to be man handled further and dragged away.

Jaxson yelled
, “Exactly!  If you keep at it, you are going to kill him and never find her. Dead dogs don't bark!”

became still and glared at Jaxson for the stupid joke.

“Is that supposed to be funny?”

“No, but it did what I wanted it to; you paused. Now, are you ready to ask questions without violence?”

He is a part of this kidnapping. I will calm down some, but I can’t promise there will be no violence. If he gets smart-assed or doesn't answer questions, I will beat the answers or his life right on out of him. If I have to, I'll kick all your asses, too!”

No one challenged his words. It was just the opposite. Jaxson turned to the beaten man on the ground

“Well, you heard him, start talking or we will turn him loose. It is his girlfriend you stole.”

The bloody heap upon the ground wiped his hands on what was left of his shirt and scooted back on his butt, his jeans sliding to his hips. He raised his hands in protest.

“Wait! I was supposed to bring this.”

A small ring box came into view as he pulled it from his pants pocket. Shakily he handed the square, crushed velvet over. Anna snatched it from him.

Ozzie took a step closer. Anna tentatively handled the small package as if it were a small bomb
with its timer racing to the zero. She clicked it open and gasped.

The boy on the ground took another beating. Ozzie sidestepped the commotion of breaking up yet another attack, reached down and picked up the box. A bright pink glittery fingernail stared back at him. He burst out laughing and dropped the box. He noted the party all turned and looked at him
. Anna was held in Jaxson's restrained grip, as if he had lost his mind.

“It's not her finger. Look! Besides the fact
that I can smell it’s not her, this is not her color. She hates glitter on her nails. She told me once that it was cute for a while, but it was a big pain in the ass to get off, like trying to pry rust from a bumper.”

saw the 'is he crazy' looks exchanged between them, the man upon the ground forgotten.

“Look, I am not crazy. I only remember because she had come back from a salon day with her gal pal from work, and they had been talking and she hadn't paid attention and they painted her nails a glit...tery...pink...color...” Despite the heat of anger flashing through him,
he broke out in a cold sweat. “Son of a B―”

He lunged for the escaping young man,
and secured his neck in a death grip. He shoved the guy into the side of the house.

“What is your mother's name?”

Ozzie, what is going on?” Anna chimed in.

He ignored her.

“Answer me, or I will rip your heart out through your throat!”

The young man's adam's apple bobbed nervously
as he was slammed into the wall once again.

“I am listening!”

M-my moth- my mother's name is Hallee. Hallee Woodson.”

He cursed and tossed Landers to the ground, gasping for air.

“Ozzie, who is this Hallee woman? I have never heard Paige speak of her.”

He turned to Anna.

“She just met her recently. She works with her. As a matter of fact, the day before all of this began...before you...” He waved a hand toward them. “And Jaxson...did...you know...”

gripped the man’s collar and pulled him close.

“Who is your Alpha now that we killed Perry?”

Perry was never our Alpha, Tyrick is.”

Tyrick? Why is that name familiar?” His gaze went to his father who closed his eyes and shook his head sorrowfully.

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