HedgeWitch (21 page)

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Authors: Silver RavenWolf

Tags: #witchcraft, #wicca, #witch, #spell, #ritual, #sabbat, #esbat, #solitary wicca, #worship, #Magic, #Rituals, #Initiation, #body, #mind, #spirit, #spiritual, #spirituality, #spring0410, #earthday40

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Full Moon Scrying Bowl

Just like tea-leaf reading (see section starting on page 205), scrying bowls also use the intuitive mind and symbol association to find answers to questions, solutions, or creative ideas. Gazing calmly into a bowl of colored water or a black mirror is like looking directly at the still point of the universe, where opportunity always exists and the answers are always there. Scrying is normally done in a quiet place with low light and pleasant aromas—no interruptions to scatter one's thoughts or intensify worries or negative emotions. The full moon and Wiccan high holidays are traditional scrying times. Before you begin, you may wish to invoke a particular moon goddess for assistance or focus directly on Spirit.

Here is a list of full moon goddesses:

Aido Hwedo (Haiti)

Amaterasu (Japan)

Aphrodite (Phoenician)

Arianrhod (Wales)

Astarte (Semitic)

Copper Woman (Native America)

Demeter (Greece)

Freya (Scandinavia)

Hathor (Egypt)

Hera (Greece)

Hina (Polynesia)

Ishtar (Babylon)

Isis (Egypt)

Kwan Yin (China)

Lilith (Hebrew)

Luna (Etruscan)

Luonnotar (Finland)

Mawu (Dahomey)

Parvati (India)

Selene (Greek)

Tiamat (Semitic)

Venus (Rome)

When scrying, the practitioner often positions a candle near the bowl to capture the reflection. You may also take the bowl outside to capture the reflection of the full moon during the scrying process. As in tea-leaf reading, shapes that seem to float across the water are deciphered using word association; therefore, full moon scrying becomes a very personal endeavor.

Here is a recipe for a divination water bowl, enhanced by the correspondences of empowered herbs. You will need:

1 clear bowl (about 3 inches in diameter works well)

1 bottle of India ink

teaspoon water lily herb

teaspoon poppy petals

Spring water

1 cotton gris-gris bag or tub tea bag

teaspoon eyebright (or one of the herbs listed in appendix 4
associated with divination or mental acuity)

teaspoon ancestral grave dirt (optional—
used to invoke the honored ancestors)

Mortar and pestle

Pen and paper

Magick bell or chimes

Grind water lily, poppy, eyebright, and grave dirt (from beloved ancestor's grave) with mortar and pestle. Pour in cotton bag or tub tea bag. Tie or seal. Place in bowl of warm water. Set water under full moon for an hour (it is best if the moon is reflected in the surface of the water). Remove. Add India ink to water until water is completely black. Set under full moon for another hour (it is best if it can reflect the light of the moon). Seal the moon energy in the water using your magick bell or chimes.

Instructions for scrying:
When you are ready to use the water, light your favorite incense and the white candle. Call upon a moon goddess, Spirit, or your sacred ancestors for blessings and assistance. You may wish to use this simple scrying charm by holding your hands over the water and slowly speaking the following words:

HedgeWitch Scrying Charm

Magick water, speak to me …

Tranquility (pause)

Harmony (pause)

Creativity (pause)

Positive activity (pause)

So mote it be. Thank you!
It always works. Always a blessing.

Smile. Now ask your question. Stare into the dark surface of the water. If your vision seems foggy, this is good! Write down any and all mental impressions, but don't make any formulations at this time unless they are crystal-clear to you. Sleep on the information you have received, and the following day, when your mind is clear, in a quiet place, review the impressions. Review again the following week. Practice makes perfect! Do not store water; make it fresh each full moon.

Water formula without ink can be used to paint the back of a prepared magick
mirror to heighten its power

To heighten your scrying experience, you may wish to employ other full moon correspondences, such as an oil or incense that relates to the moon; moon colors; or use moon powder (below).

Full moon color associations:
silver, dark blue, light blue, white, lavender

Moon powder:
Use this for scattering around magick candles and placing in poppets and gris-gris bags to enhance the power of any working. Grind together sandalwood, lemon peel (better if you have dried it yourself), and poppy. Add a pinch of bladderwrack. To increase fragrance, you can add three drops of any of the following full moon oils, as it suits your purpose: sandalwood essential oil, lemon essential oil, or lily fragrance.

You might also like to heighten your experience by placing your personal magickal symbols created in your HedgeWitch rites around the scrying bowl, or choose one particular symbol to assist in activating the water.

How the Void Moon Affects Your HedgeWitch Workings

Many HedgeWitch practitioners pattern their magickal work and daily tasks by the phases and the signs of the moon, following a magickal almanac for their information. From setting posts in the ground to breeding animals, from baking to canning, from hair cutting to going to the bank for a loan, the almanac and its advice are considered invaluable. These “best times” were calculated on the position of the planets in the heavens on a given day/night and the phase of the moon, as well as the sign the moon might be visiting. The moon passes to a new astrological sign approximately every two-and-a-half days, allowing the moon to visit each astrological sign at least twice a month. The moon's path isn't calculated by a calendar but by precise mathematical data, which means the moon switches signs any day or night according to her predestined movement. As the moon moves through the heavens, she communicates with the other planets (called
) while visiting the various signs. From the last conversation she has before leaving a sign to the first conversation she has in the next sign is called moon void-of-course. The moon is putting a busy signal on her phone, if you will, and isn't taking any calls. This window of dead air (so to speak) can last from a few minutes to several hours. It, too, is mathematically calculated. In classical astrology, a void moon means “nothing will come of this”—meaning actions taken during this time will most likely result in nothing. Important actions begun during the void moon are often based on poor judgment, missing information, inaccurate evaluations, and wasted effort. Daily tasks, however, don't seem to be affected by the moon void, other than producing an irritating delay or false starts, affecting our patience more than anything else.

Moon voids can be extremely useful. For example, it is a time when loopholes can be found and used. If you really don't want to go to Aunt Susie's house on Saturday, make your plans during a moon void. Most likely, something will occur later on to prevent you from going. Moon voids are a great time for meditation, reflection on goals, and a good old-fashioned power nap!

Try to avoid scheduling important meetings or signing sensitive documents during these times unless you want these things to come to nothing. Pay particular attention to phone calls and other missives received during moon voids—this will tell you the importance of the information, as well as the outcome of the issue. Try not to purchase any important items during a moon void, as the items may either be broken, torn, missing pieces, or break easily in the next few weeks. Spell work, magickal recipes, and formulations are best done with an eye on moon voids. If the void lasts only a few minutes, this won't affect your working; however, if the void lasts several hours, you may wish to reschedule making that special love or healing formula!

Start Your Day the HedgeWitch Way!

Sunrise provides perfect timing for communing with Spirit. Greeting Spirit with the sun puts you in a positive psychological mindset that will help you move throughout the day. It seems that no matter what goes wrong, if you have connected with Spirit each morning, you can handle whatever comes your way. As you did on the first night rite, use the spiritual affirmations given for that day at the moment of sunrise for at least thirty days, or try the quick sunrise meditation below. You will be amazed at the results!

Quick Sunrise Meditation

One glass of clear water; one white candle; your magick bell; your chosen affirmations for the day; your morning drink (coffee, tea, juice).

Sunrise; if you are unsure of the time, check your local newspaper, an almanac, or the Internet for the exact time.

Best done if outside, facing the rising sun; however, as this is not always possible, at least face the east, with a view of the sun.

Mornings can be super busy, so a bit of forethought may be in order to fit your meditation into your schedule. You might have to get up a little earlier than usual, move your shower time around, or set out your clothing the night before rather than searching for it at the last minute. College students may wish to have everything packed for their first class of the day the night before rather than rushing around in the morning. Maybe you are a person that is stuck in transit as the sun rises—that's okay. Work around this by doing your meditation while it is still dark, but facing the east. When the sun does rise, silently repeat your affirmations. You can always welcome the energy of the sun into your life, no matter where you are!

Settle yourself comfortably, facing east. You can be sitting or standing; the choice is up to you. Light the white candle and place the clear glass of water beside the candle. The candle represents your willingness to connect the flame within yourself to the living flame of Spirit. The water represents the ocean of possibilities for the new day. Root Witches say that if bubbles appear in the water throughout the day, Spirit will grant all your wishes and is pleased at your observance.

As the sun rises, close your eyes and let the light of the sun wash over and through you. Breathe deeply several times. I always begin by saying, “Thank you for my healing,” as a proactive approach to a healthy mind and body. Then I say several things I'm grateful for, because when you are grateful, a feeling of pleasure and relief washes over your body. Visualize white light flooding through and around your body. Allow yourself to feel that perfect connection with Spirit. You might next intone the names of your chosen divinity. For example, if Egyptian gods and goddesses fill you with a sense of peace and power, repeat those names that match the sun, or simply allow the general connection of Spirit to take place. This is entirely up to you.

Next, repeat your chosen affirmations for the day. These can be different every day, or you can use the same ones all the time. I usually start my affirmations by saying, “I am at peace with the gods; I am at peace with nature; I am at peace within; I am at peace with the world and everything in it,” and then I move on to affirmations that are pertinent to my present situation. For example, when writing this book, my affirmations went something like this: “Spirit flows through my fingers to create peace, prosperity, and healing for others through my words.” I finish by saying, “Peace with the gods; peace with nature; peace within. Thank you!” and smiling. Ring your magickal bell in your personal number.

If you have time, drink your morning juice, coffee, or tea while enjoying a few moments in the sunshine. With every swallow, believe you are drinking in the power and purity of the rising sun. Sit quietly and just observe the waking world. Keep any plans or thoughts of the coming day out of your mind; save those for later. For now, just

Extinguish the candle. If you can, leave the glass of water where you placed it for the day. At sunset, pour the water on the ground (or in a houseplant), repeating your affirmations and saying thank you.

For magickal gardeners:
Place the candle and water on a special stone in your garden, and walk your garden at sunrise, enjoying this sacred space.

Everyday HedgeWitch Herbals for Hearth and Home

The following mixtures and recipes encourage connecting with Spirit and Nature with every task at hand, helping you to live in harmony every day!

Furniture Polish

10 drops ylang-ylang essential oil

5 drops lemon essential oil

5 drops lime essential oil

2 ounces jojoba carrier oil

Blend ingredients and store in airtight container. Makes a marvelous magickal furniture polish! Rub on with a soft, clean cloth. Then polish with a separate soft, clean cloth.

Carpet Freshener

60 drops lavender essential oil

20 drops orange essential oil

10 drops eucalyptus essential oil

10 drops spruce essential oil

cup bicarbonate of soda

Mix all ingredients in glass jar that has a tight lid. Cap tightly and shake thoroughly. Set aside for at least twenty-four hours to allow the oils to blend. Sprinkle over carpet. Leave for fifteen minutes. Vacuum.

Carpet Freshener for Good Luck and Prosperity

30 drops lime essential oil

30 drops orange essential oil

20 drops patchouli essential oil

10 drops clove essential oil

10 drops cedar essential oil

Mix all ingredients in glass jar that has a tight lid. Cap tightly and shake thoroughly. Set aside for at least twenty-four hours to allow the oils to blend. Sprinkle over carpet. Leave for fifteen minutes. Vacuum.

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