Heinrich Himmler : A Life (195 page)

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Authors: Peter Longerich

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Sudetenland 391

survey of ethnic Germans in occupied Soviet Union 527

Yugoslavia 577

Corazza, Heinz 281

Cosmic Ice Theory 277, 279–80

Creutz, Rudolf 595

criminal police,


deportation of Jews 618, 668, 692

Italy interns Jews 625

Waffen-SS recruitment in 610, 612, 613, 674, 675

effects of 615

Cuno, Wilhelm 66


ethnic policy in 457–8

occupation of Prague 412–13

SD (Security Service) 387–8

see also
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

Dachau concentration camp 261, 482, 483, 674, 698, 730, 731

development of regime in 153

Disciplinary and Punishment Code 153–4

Eicke appointed commandant 152, 153

establishment of 151

herb gardens 483

investigation into deaths abandoned 154–5

model for future concentration camps 149

pre-war extension of 242

SS assume responsibility for 151

Dahm, Felix 44

Daluege, Kurt 164, 201,
, 295,
, 496, 538

background of 133–4

duties as chief of order police 240

Marseilles punishment operation 650

Soviet Union 522, 525

takes command of Prussian police 162

Dannecker, Theodor 217, 663–4, 691

Danzig, SS actions in 425–6

Darnand, Joseph 652–3, 693

Darré, Richard Walther 102, 224, 257,
, 740

Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Heritage) 275

appointed head of Racial Office 127

concerns over SS 415–16

distrust of Himmler 415

as Nazi ideologist 127–8

resignation from Race and Settlement Main Office 416–17

settlement policy 413

conflict with Himmler over 434–6

debt, among SS leaders 324–7

decency, as virtue of SS 308–11

de Gaulle, Charles 729

Degrelle, Léon 607–8


attempt to deport Jews 693

Himmler fails to acquire influence in 492

repression by SS 654–5

counter-terror 657, 705

Waffen-SS recruitment in 500–1, 606

national legion 603

denunciations, public cooperation with Gestapo 210

Deutsch, Heinz (Himmler’s pseudonym) 71

Deutsche Auslands-Institut (German Foreign Institute) 388

Deutsche Ostmarkenverein 388

Deutsche Schutzbund (German Protection League) 388

dictatorship, police role in 202

Diebitsch, Karl 260

Diels, Rudolf 164, 172

appointed head of Gestapa 162

becomes head of Gestapo 166

breach with Göring 165–6

compromising material gathered by Himmler 166–7

Dietl, Eduard 618

Dietrich, Sepp 117, 135, 164, 295, 554, 723

background of 133

on duties of SS 121

establishment of Sonderkommando Berlin zbV 156–7

reprimanded by Himmler 341

Dinter, Arthur 42

Dirlewanger, Oskar 345–6

Dohnanyi, Hans von 698

Dollfuss, Engelbert 177, 178

Dollman, Eugen 396, 397

Dönitz, Karl 729, 733

Dora-Mittelbau concentration camp 730

Drexler, Anton 83

East German Building Materials Works 484

Eberstein, Friedrich Karl Freiherr von 125, 133, 249–50, 337

Ebner, Gregor 372

Ebrecht, Georg 318, 417

Eckhardt, Karl August 269

Eden, Anthony 726

Eher Verlag 90

Eichmann, Adolf 217, 444–5, 477

deportation of Jews 441, 546, 562

establishes agency for Jewish emigration in Austria 407

exchange of Jewish prisoners 708

final solution, memorandum on 511

Hungary 694, 706, 707

Eicke, Theodor 173, 295, 305, 336

appointed commandant at Dachau 152, 153

background of 152–3

Death’s Head military units:

appointed commander of 427

creation of 175

made responsible for all concentration camps 174–5, 183

reprimanded by Himmler 340–1


Czechoslovakia, occupation of Prague 412

Greece 518

leadership cadre 521

Norway, deployment in 491, 492

Poland 429–30, 434

mass murder of leading Poles 428–9

murder of intelligentsia 430

preparations for war 425

Soviet Union, mass murder of Jews 525–6, 533, 537, 539, 567–8, 621

in Sudetenland 405

use of gas vans 548

Yugoslavia 518

Einsatzkommandos 491

General Government, mass murder of Jews 546

Poland, murder of mental patients 431

Soviet Union:

Heydrich’s instructions on those to be executed 523

mass murder of Jews 526, 531

Eismann, Hans Georg 716–17, 718, 723

Eisner, Kurt 27, 32



1924 (Dec) 81, 82

1928 96

1930 (Sept) 116

1932 (July) 140

1932 (Nov) 143

state elections:

1928 96

Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1927) 94–6

Saxony (1926) 93

Thuringia (1927) 93–4

Ellermeier 390

Elser, Georg 472–3, 698

Enabling Law (March, 1933) 147

Engel, Gerhard

Epp, Franz Ritter von 98

appointed Bavarian Minister of the Interior 148

cuts down use of protective custody 167

investigation of deaths in Dachau 154–5

Esterwegen concentration camp 183, 187, 241


Germanization 578

Waffen-SS recruitment in 677–8

Ethnic German Defence and Combat League 79

Ethnic German List:

annexed Polish territories 452–4

France 592

General Government 583

Soviet Union 585–6

ethnic policy (relations with minority German populations):

France 497, 498

Himmler’s direction of 388

Himmler’s indirect influence over 389–91

Hungary 391, 502–3

Nazi reorganization of 388–9

Netherlands 495

organizations concerned with 388

Poland 391

Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 457–8

Romania 391, 502

Slovakia 391, 458

SS recruitment of ethnic Germans 609–16

effects of 614–16

Sudetenland 387–8, 391

VoMi (Coordination Centre for Ethnic Germans) 389–90

relations with German organizations abroad 391

Yugoslavia 391

extermination camps 542

construction of 547, 548, 566

preparations for 538

in General Government 547, 548, 556, 561, 566

Globocnik proposes construction of 547

murder of those incapable of work 549, 560, 561, 562, 563, 567, 571, 572

use of gas as murder method 547–9

construction of gas chambers at Auschwitz 563

see also
concentration camps

Externsteine 296–7

Fahrenkamp, Karl 331, 332, 347

Fegelein, Hermann 306, 320, 523, 531, 701

Fehlis, Heinrich 491–2

Feierlein, SS-Hauptsturmführer 377–8

Fellgiebel, Erich 697

Feuchtwanger, Lion 277

Fiehler, Karl 90

final solution:

decision taken to conclude 664–5

deportation of Jews to the east 541, 542–4, 545–6, 562–3

dismantling of gas chambers 707

draft plan for (1941) 511–12

Eichmann’s memorandum (1940) 511

expansion throughout Europe 541–2, 563–4, 571–2, 618–20

problems with deportations 624–5

extermination camps:

construction of 542, 547, 548

Himmler permits construction 547

use of gas 548–9, 563

extermination through work 557–61, 573, 624

as first step in new order 574

General Government 556–7

extermination of Jews in 573–4

mass murders in 546–7, 561–2, 566, 620, 665, 667

German Jews 566–7

gypsies 668–72

Himmler’s justification of 689–90, 695

Himmler’s key role in 542, 551, 745–6

Himmler’s open references to 689–90, 694–5

Hitler orders Himmler to conclude 667

impact of Heydrich’s assassination 570–1

link with settlement policy 578–9

Nazi leadership’s consensus on 541, 550–1

radicalization of Himmler’s Jewish policy in east 528–30

Wannsee conference 555–6, 561

Finckh, Ludwig 41


Himmler visits 617–18

Waffen-SS recruitment in 501

national legion 603

fire service 241

First World War:

German defeat 25

Himmler as Cadet Corps member 22, 23

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