Hell and Determination

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Authors: kathleen Davies

BOOK: Hell and Determination
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The characters portrayed in this book are purely from the author’s imagination.

Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

                     Kathleen Davies

Cover and contents are copyright to the author. All rights reserved,

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted

In any form, or by any means without the written permission of the author.




To my partner Alan for his
help and patience during the many hours I have spent on my computer, love you.

To my three
sons of whom I’m so proud, Tony Terry and Danny.

To my dau
ghter-in-laws for all the love they show.

To Lorraine and David thanks for your friendship.

And most of all to our Grandchildren who are a joy to be around.

To the many friends who support me, may I write many more?

Bless you all Kath xxx

Hell and Determination                              

Fierce and courageous the rapids surged down the snow covered
mountains; nothing could prevent them reaching their destination.
“One day,” Jo sighed tossing her long auburn strands over her shoulder.
One day she would find the courage to tell her Pa what she thought of him, and these God forbidden mountains.
Jake Broughton had come to live in the valley twenty years previous proud and determined to set up home for his young bride.
After eighteen months of hard labour he placed the final floorboard.
The fine lines of satisfaction formed around his eyes as he placed his arm around his wife's shoulder.
“Are you glad we didn’t settle in town?” he was saying turning his wife to view the river that flowed along the valley, “all this my darling I offer to you.”
     Anna glimpsed at her husband in cogitation curious expression lighting up the sapphire in her twinkling eyes, “could this possibly be the same man she had married? No this must be a moment of self-esteem Jake had never been sentimental.
She smiled turning to view the endless acres of lavender and daisy covered uplands, and the green pastures that surrounded them.
Anna sensed her husband’s scrutiny as she shielded her eyes from the sun's powerful rays, observing the mountains so grand did they appear protecting their new home, he had been right the town was no place for a man like Jake .Now with only twenty miles to travel to the timber yard where he worked for the logging company, they could start the family they so eagerly planned.
       Placing her arm around his waist she gave a gentle squeeze, “well what are you waiting for Jake Broughton? If it’s a family you desire you had better get the bed down and make the place appear lived in.”!
             Anna carried the casserole from the oven where it had been slowly cooking all day placing it in the centre of the table; just to give the table that special touch she arranged a display of lavender and wild orchids.
             Since her return from town her usual calm composure had been replaced with an overpowering sense of self-esteem, fifteen months she had waited for  this day twice there had been false alarms, this time she was pregnant no doubt about it  the doc had informed her.
            Her heart skipped a beat as the truck could be heard coming down the mountain track. Straightening her skirt and placing the brush through her auburn curls she glanced in the mirror.
Lately Jake had been concerned the isolation had slowly taken its toll he had expected it and offered to buy her a dog for company.
Before he had time to remove the keys from the ignition she was in his arms. He was more than eager to share her excitement.
           After Jolene was born Jakes fears for Anna’s welfare had resolved, she was once more the vibrant creature he had married.
         Eleven months later Giles came along, as time passed Jake noticed how different in character he was to Jo. She appeared vigorous strong willed and a rare beauty. Giles was a hefty child so diverse in nature.
          Then the third came along Lidia, and Jake was destroyed by the bitter blow fate had dealt him.
Anna’s labour had been complicated and he had stood by powerless to help. The snow had come with a vengeance that winter, the pass blocked with drifts three foot and more.
In desperation he had tried to clear the pass, the only alternative was to send Jo through the pine covered forest where the snow had not managed to cover, it was a large task for a child  yet someone had to alert the midwife.
         Jake had placed his faith in Jo and she had let him down. No amount of prayers or tears could help Anna slipping in the wild beyond.
He became obnoxious unable to control his feelings as always directed towards Jo she was the eldest and made to share the consequences.



Jo had grown accustomed to her Pa’s ways time had been no healer. To labour under afflictions was endured day in day out for as long as she could recall, this time he was going too far but  what could be done about the situation she had no idea.
              She rose from the creaking wooden bridge wiping the perspiration from her brow, the midday sun almost unbearable. Her skirt draping like a damp rag to her thighs, feeling uncomfortable with the heat was an understatement, she strolled along the mountain pass to her favourite spot on the curve of the river, her long auburn strands had become wet ringlets.
           The temptation of the river proved too much, carefully she removed her sandals allowing the ice cold water to send shivers along her spine.
Her balance suddenly giving way on the slithery moss covered rocks, sideways she plunged. The freezing current taking her breath away as she tried
her body to an upright position.
           Securing her feet on the steady base she slid the ringing skirt over her body, her white flesh exposed to the radiance of the sun upright and slender her breast full with the firmness of youth, her waist so dainty and the curve of her hips exposing the dark triangle as her briefs were thrown to the safety of the banking divulging a woman of natural beauty.
           Holding her breath she plunged deeper into the freezing river, feeling intoxicated as she alone braved this raging current.
Suddenly aware of her depth she steered herself closer to the banking.
            Brandon Gibbs felt his passion rising as he watched Jo as naked as the day she was born resplendent in every move she made.
The roaring of the falls, deafened the sound of him stalking amongst the ferns.
Crouching behind the bark of the old oak, he wiped his hand across the beads of sweat that trickled down his face his mouth feeling dry and salty as he continued to watch.
Below the surface of water, her white breast revealing the hard cool nipples as she straightened carefully guiding her body from the flowing ravine.
He cursed trying hard to control the raging desire that divulged such a harrowing effect.
Discretion overcame his anxiety soon she would become his wife. Her Pa had consented.
Jo was aware of his intentions even though she wasn’t in agreement it only added to his excitement.
Brandon Gibbs was a malefactor hard case mercenary guy, fifteen years Jo’s senior.
Her Pa had been employed by him before he retired from the logging company; he had treated Jake with respect giving him many a helping hand when the time arose.
Now he had come to claim what he rightfully deserved, youth was no longer on his side and where else could he possibly find such beauty, just like Jake the mountains where is life.
                 He and Ben had taken over the logging company when their Pa passed away. Twenty miles south of Fort Ridge, twenty miles from civilization away from the gossips and accusing eyes.
The townsfolk never let him live it down even after he’d served his time.
His Ma had died of heart failure, though the assault on her lover had been the main cause according to the gossips, he felt no remorse for what happened that day,  he had meant to kill the guy- bye God-had he,! As far as he was concerned they deserved everything they got. She was a woman of loose morals, always complaining she needed a man to care for them when he was aware it was only her body they craved.
He had been the eldest tipping up is hard earned cash  that wasn't  good enough  “Jesus Christ, “he groaned  no woman of his would ever turn out like her, he would make darn sure of that.
He made haste, but not before glancing back once more to drool at the tiny beads of water that trickled down her neck over the firms swell of breast to the glorious hardened tip. Her long auburn hair forced back from her brow and her eyes shone like sapphires, this was one time he didn’t want to be caught deriving pleasure from her body.
                  Jo dawdled back to the cabin where her Pa would be waiting for his evening meal; the song sparrow calling to his mate could be heard in the bushes at the side of the track, and the band tailed pigeons nesting in the pine, flying back and forth with food for their young.
Sudden dread encased her body as she watched her Pa standing by the cabin door reminding her of the large grizzly  his dark hair draping his shoulders, his grey beard in desperate need of a trim aged him far beyond his years ‘afternoon , ‘she murmured, ‘I’ll prepare the table ready for supper.’
“That can wait till I’ve had my say,” he drawled clasping her shoulder, she chewed on her bottom lip as he turned her around to face him, so many unwelcome thoughts playing havoc with her mind.” ‘I have given my consent for you to marry Brandon, “he muttered his eyes unable to face her almost hidden by the deep brows, “I didn't come to the decision lightly,” he carried on as he released his hold, “you’re a grown woman who needs a man's protection, now you can both decide on the date after supper,! “And Jo,” he stated as she defiantly stormed out of his way, “I have given my word.
                   Jo gritted her teeth and held the hot burning temper that rose through her body, it would have made no sense to argue with her Pa, it would have only caused more conflict between them and that was something she could well do without.
                Somehow she would have to convince Brandon that the whole idea was ludicrous.
Lidia had placed a stool in front of the large dresser she was determined to reach the plates that were almost in her fingertips, ‘here let me do that, ‘fearing the outcome, “Jo I’m sorry, “she murmured wondering how her sister was to wheedle out of this one, only three years between them yet she had the ability to conquer situations that would have left her speechless, “if only there was something I could do,” her words hung heavy and the sentiment touched Jo’s heart.
               “Don’t you go worrying yourself over me I’ll find some way out,” she announced with a reassuring smile as she passed the plates to her sister. “Now you set the table for me. “Trying to concentrate on the task proved difficult she cursed as the boiling water from the vedge scalded her hand, furious that her Pa could agree to such an outrageous proposal without consulting her first.
            The cabin door creaked on the well-worn hinges Brandon entered in high spirits whispering something in her Pa’s ear; Jo breathed deeply squaring her shoulders and trying her best to diminish the tribulation she felt.
            At last all were seated and the meal was enjoyed in a dignified manner, once everything from the table had been removed, she decided to clear the air once and for all.
          Her Pa had settled in his usual heavy chair facing the window where he had a good view of any unwelcome visitors, not that may ever came.
“That’s darn good fencing,” Giles was saying placing his butt on the chair arm, “what are we going to use it for Pa?” he asked curiously.
“He has no need for it yet,” Brandon intervened, his hands resting firmly on the chair arm has though to rise,” though you never know when the need might arise.”
Lidia had helped clear the last of the pots, and Jo was leant against the doorway her eyes on Brandon trying hard to pluck up the courage for a sensible conversation, It wasn’t going to be easy he could be very forceful when he put his mind to it, and the last thing she wanted was to get on the wrong side of Pa.
Brandon glanced over his shoulder beckoning for Jo to join him making motions to the chair arm, his mind reverting back to the river. Before anyone could object she turned to her Pa, “just taking a stroll Pa,” Brandon rose from his seat giving a casual wink in Jake’s direction has he turned to follow.
Jo breathed deeply filling her lungs with the fresh mountain air.
Trying to build up the courage to speak her mind she carried on walking, out of distance of her Pa’s ears.
           “Pleasant evening,” Brandon managed to announce before Jo turned, her hands clasped firmly on her hips.
“What kind of game do you think you’re playing?” she demanded her head tossed high against the warm summer breeze and the blue of her eyes cold with temper.
“Don’t you think the polite thing to do was confide in me, before putting silly notions in Pa’s head.”
“Now look here,” he was saying, his calm composure changing to a sudden politeness.
“You knew I had every intention of asking you to become my wife maybe I jumped the gun a bit, but I had to be certain your Pa would agree.”
                “My Pa, Jo blazed, what about me? Did you not think for one moment that I would object.”
                  “So that’s what’s riled you, the fact that I didn’t talk it over with you first.”
Jo shot a glance of disbelief her irritation caused a raging desire to slap his unrelenting face.
                     “Let’s talk this over sensibly it’s doing neither of us any good getting into a frenzy,” her agitation subsiding, this had to be sorted without ill feeling if she could possibly avoid it, she threw herself down on the banking her head resting in her hands staring out across the river.
Brandon slumped face down beside her, his hands supporting his head has though deep in thought.
             “What is it about me you dislike?” he asked turning to face her.
Jo looked at him seriously for the first time for a moment there was a tenderness she had never seen before, for once she could think of nothing to say, as his eyes searched her own looking for some form of consolation.
“What had it been about him that always riled her so much?
          “Jo I need you,” he whispered” ’is it so wrong of me to want you has my wife.
          This was ludicrous she thought yet found herself softening he was not someone of her wildest dreams, he was not uncouth either he could have passed has quite handsome in a rugged sort of way, apart from the vivid scar down the left hand side of his face. Pa had mentioned on numerous occasions what a thriving business he had with the logging company, creating work for many in Fort Ridge and beyond.
                “Please say you’ll marry me Jo,” his voice almost begging has he caressed the surface of skin along her arm.
              She always believed one day she would meet someone and fall in love, she thought watching the shadow of disappointment flick across his face.
                She smiled warmly still not truly convinced, has she answered yes, with no regards to the future.
              “ Yip he,” he yelled his voice echoing around the valley, bringing Pa, Giles and Lidia to the door wondering what all the commotion was about, for the first time Jo saw a hint of a smile pass her Pa’s lips.
Jo straightened staring out at the sunset suddenly not so sure why she had agreed.
            “I will set a date with the reverend first thing tomorrow,” Brandon announced knowing she wouldn't dare go back on her word has her Pa raised his hand in a knowing gesture.

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