Hell Bound (2 page)

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Authors: Alina Ray

BOOK: Hell Bound
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"Allow me to explain what is going to take place. You see, your time here will be of two parts. You are here for two explicit reasons. The first is punishment. Even if you cannot remember what you have done, and that is not uncommon, you must pay for the choices that you made while your heart was still beating. That is where I come in. As a demon of the Dark Lord, I am to administer your punishments while you are here." Karawan paused for a moment before he continued, "The second, as we have gone over, is remorse. Throughout your time here, you will start to receive clues and hints as to what your life was. It is entirely up to you what you choose to do with them. That part, I cannot help you with, as I do not know what you have done to belong here. Nor do I care to know."

Craig felt a small glimmer of hope. "Throughout my time? Does that mean that this isn't permanent? Do I have a chance to get out of here?"

Karawan held up a single bony finger to silence Craig. "In theory. I suppose we shall just have to wait and see how it goes."

Karawan held up what he had retrieved from the wall, and Craig could see that it was a whip. It was about six feet long and ended in a small point. Karawan raised it above his head and gave it a test flick. Craig recoiled at the loud crack that echoed off the walls. His eyes tried to find Karawan's looking for some kind of reassurance. Karawan met his gaze, but instead of finding encouragement, he found an expression he couldn't quite read. Bemusement, perhaps? Not finding what he was looking for, Craig lowered his head and closed his eyes, preparing for what was about to come.

Karawan took his time with Craig, as he did with all of his human subjects. By not administering the punishment right away, and instead cracking his whip into the air, it built more tension and anticipation. He had seen Craig's eyes pleading with him, but he did not care. His job was to punish the humans for their wrongdoings in their life, not to show them mercy.

Karawan again raised the whip over his head, this time bringing it down on Craig's back with another loud crack. Craig screamed at the pain, and that was all the incentive that Karawan needed to keep going. Karawan slashed at Craig's back, making beautiful welt marks. Over and over again, he mercilessly whipped Craig.

The whipping only stopped when the screams began to subside. After a while, Craig began to mumble incoherently, and Karawan knew that his job was done, for now. He had lost count of how many times he hit the helpless man, but it must have been well over fifty. Karawan walked around to Craig's front and could tell from the man's glassy expression that he was barely registering what had just happened to him.

As Karawan reached up to unhook Craig's arms from the ceiling, he noticed a disturbing sight. Craig was hard, and not just a little bit. The man's dick was as erect as it could be. For a moment, Karawan was confused, as he had never encountered this reaction before. He quickly shook his head and regained his focus; now was not the time to dwell on such things. Karawan slung Craig over his shoulder and walked him back into the dark room, where he deposited him like a sack of potatoes. Once again, he shut the door and left Craig alone with his own thoughts.

Pain radiated throughout Craig's entire body, and he shook and shuddered on the floor. As he tossed and turned, trying to find a comfortable position, Craig tried to clear his mind. He realized that he had grown hard as Karawan beat him, but he didn't understand why. Was it the beating itself? Or the attention that he was getting? Did Karawan turn him on?

Craig reached down and began to stroke himself as he replayed the events in his mind over and over again. He thought of Karawan and the way he looked as he held up the whip for Craig to take in. Craig thought about the beating itself: how badly it had hurt, and yet, how it oddly felt good at the same time.

Craig's hand tightened around his cock, and he jerked it a bit faster, making broad strokes up and down. His breathing started to shallow, and his body quivered. Sweat radiated from his forehead as his member twitched uncontrollably under his fist.

He knew that he was getting close, and he closed his eyes in anticipation. Craig stroked, pulled, and tugged at his cock with all of his might, but there was no climax forthcoming. Eventually, he gave up and slammed his hand on the floor.

Of course there wouldn't be a climax, he realized. That would mean that he got pleasure from something, and that clearly wasn't allowed to happen here in Hell.


Craig tossed that word around in his mind. He was surprised by how dark Hell was. When he thought about the word, he pictured something red and fiery, with the Devil himself sitting on a throne of skulls. Instead, it was dark and isolating. The only person—if he was a person—with whom Craig had any contact was Karawan.

A loud bang interrupted Craig's thoughts, and he stood up, startled. He feverishly looked around to see where the noise had come from, but all he could see was black.

Another bang. This time it seemed to come from behind Craig, and he whirled around. Again, nothing was there. As more bangs resounded throughout the room, Craig curled into a ball on the floor. Slowly, it dawned on him that these bangs sounded familiar, that they were sounds he heard before. Maybe this was his first clue to his former life, he reasoned.

Craig closed his eyes as more bangs pierced through his thoughts. He realized that they were in a specific sequence; there were three quick bangs, silence, and then three more. Suddenly, the ache in Craig's chest grew as it dawned on him exactly what the sounds were. They weren't just ordinary bangs.

They were gunshots.

Karawan returned to Craig a short time later. At least, it seemed to be a short time, but it really could have been years, and Craig wouldn't have known the difference. "Get up, human," the demon snarled at him, and Craig hurried to comply.

Once again, Karawan shackled Craig's hands and feet and put the metal collar around his neck. The collar was attached to the leash that Karawan held. He gave it a quick tug, and Craig quickly followed.

Karawan didn't even look back once as he led Craig down the maze of doors, passing one room after the next. Finally, he stopped in front of one, opened it, and pulled Craig inside. Craig was dismayed to see something of a medical room. It was stark white, with a metal table in the middle and glass cabinets all around. Craig couldn't quite see what was in the cabinets, but he had a feeling that it wouldn't be good for him.

Before Craig had a chance to process where he was, Karawan undid his shackles and led him over to the table, where he forced him to lie face up. As soon as Craig felt the cold metal against his back, Karawan went to work, quickly strapping his wrists, feet, and head to the table. Craig was completely immobilized.

Craig heard Karawan rummaging through a nearby drawer, but he couldn't see what the demon was doing. Karawan returned to Craig's side. Without saying a word, he held up what was in his hand. Craig gasped when he realized it was a razor blade. And from the looks of it, it had seen better days. Rust covered the blade, and as Craig peered closer, he thought that he saw flecks of blood on there as well.

Craig couldn't take it anymore and cried out in protest. Unintelligible sounds came out of his mouth as he fought against his bonds. Of course, it did no good, and he was forced to stay exactly as he was.

Karawan circled Craig, and then started to drag the blade across Craig's skin. Karawan dug in, so that the blade would penetrate the skin and cause the human to bleed. Every time the blade touched Craig's skin, he felt as though his skin was on fire. Craig screamed at the touch and tried to flinch away, but nothing worked.

It felt as though Karawan was carving him forever and day, but eventually the demon lifted his head. He untied Craig's head and forced him to look at the handiwork. Craig looked down at his stomach and saw a sea of red, but underneath, he could make out the word "evil" carved into his skin. He was vaguely surprised to see that he could bleed in Hell, but didn't give it much more than a passing thought. Craig felt like he was going to pass out, but of course, Hell wouldn't allow that.

With his head swimming with pain, Craig didn't even realize that his cock had grown hard again. Craig's focus was fuzzy, and he tried to make sense of the shapes around him. He eventually found Karawan's face, and focused on that as everywhere else he looked made him dizzy. He thought he saw the hint of a surprise on Karawan's face, but he couldn't find the words to ask what caused it, nor was he exactly sure that he wanted to find out.

Craig felt some movement around his wrists and felt the straps that were holding him to the table loosen. Karawan disappeared from his view, and the ankle straps loosened as well. Craig wanted to bring his hand up to feel the carvings in his chest, but couldn't find the strength. He felt himself be lifted off of the table, and was quickly flung over Karawan's shoulder. It was obvious at this point that Karawan simply saw him as an object, someone to be punished, and not a person.

Neither man said a word as they made their way back to the dark room that Craig had started to know so well. Karawan deposited Craig on the floor, a little more gently than last time, before he shut the door behind him. Once again, Craig was left alone.

After leaving Craig, Karawan ran down the long hall and found the room of his mentor, Moloch. He raised his fist and pounded on the door.

"Come in, Karawan," answered Moloch.

Karawan entered the room, glad to be in a comfortable space. He gazed around at the familiar red walls and found Moloch seated on a black velvet chair in front of a brick fireplace with a fire roaring. Throughout his training to become a demon in his own right, Karawan had spent many hours here learning from Moloch how to best punish the humans.

Moloch raised a hand, indicating that Karawan should take a seat in the matching black chair. Karawan was barely in his seat before he said, "I do not think I can work with this human."

"Why not?"

"I took him to be punished, as is standard, and I fear he actually enjoyed himself."

Moloch stroked his long beard; it was stark white and shone against the red tint of his skin. The white beard signified the many centuries of service that Moloch had serving under the Dark Lord. "And what gave you that impression?"

"He grew erect," Karawan answered.

"When you say 'he grew erect', you mean...?"

"His member, Moloch! This...
is not supposed to like what I am doing to him. He is here to be punished. I am supposed to help see the errors of his ways. How am I supposed to do that if he finds my actions pleasurable? Twice now, I have taken him to be punished, once with the whip and the next with the razors, as you have taught me. This is not right, Moloch!" Karawan was seething.

Moloch stood from his chair and moved behind Karawan's. He reached down and began stroking the younger demon's hair. "Now, Karawan, I know that you have not been a full demon for very long, but have you really never encountered this?" When Karawan shook his head, Moloch continued. "Well, then, you do not really know how much of a good thing this is. In fact, it's fantastic, because it makes your job easier, and more fun, I might add."

Karawan was confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Moloch said as he came around to the front of Karawan's chair, "it's a little difficult to explain." Moloch knelt before Karawan and stroked his student's thighs. His hands found their way under the small cloth that covered Karawan's semi-erect cock.

Karawan was quite familiar with Moloch and his hands, as well as his mouth and, well, his cock; the older demon could never keep them to himself. Throughout Karawan's training, Moloch constantly used him for pleasure. Karawan should have realized that this time would be no different. However, he felt that this was not the time for such things, and he stiffened at Moloch's touch.

"Is there a problem, Karawan?" Moloch asked innocently.

"Why are you doing this now? Do we not have more important matters to discuss? I do not understand," Karawan answered.

"Ahh, but that's the beauty of it. You do not have to know. Just sit back and relax; I'll take care of everything." Moloch ducked his head under the cloth and began licking Karawan's cock.

At first, Karawan was surprised by the sudden moisture, but then sat back and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations. Moloch's tongue ran the length of Karawan's shaft , teasing and tickling it. Just when Karawan thought he couldn't stand the teasing any longer, Moloch enclosed his mouth around Karawan's cock.

Karawan let a moan escape from his lips, and he began to rock his hips in rhythm with Moloch's mouth. As the older demon sucked, his red hands came up to caress Karawan's balls.

Moloch's hands worked quickly and methodically, and it was obvious that he had done this many times. After a few moments of this, Karawan began to shudder uncontrollably. He bucked his hips, and he stifled a small scream with his own hands. He knew that he was very close to exploding his seed inside of Moloch's mouth.

Moloch must have sensed that, too, because he suddenly stopped what he was doing. He knelt back and looked up at Karawan.

"Why... why did you stop?" Karawan asked, out of breath. His cock continued to twitch, with trying to find Moloch's mouth. Karawan gripped the chair he was in, and he raised his head and opened his eyes. He searched out Moloch's face, because he wanted to get some answers. Moloch had never stopped before; he always made sure Karawan was completely satisfied.

"Karawan, do you not see?" replied the old demon, "have you ever known a torture such as this? Being so close to what you want the most and unable to get it?"

Karawan's body rocked subconsciously. "No, I cannot say that I have."

"Well, then!" Moloch said. "Imagine how that human must feel. Sure, he can get hard all that he wants, but while he is down here, he will not be able to come."

"So, I should provide him with pleasure, so that he can torture himself?" Karawan had never heard of such a thing. He had always thought that sex was for pleasure. It hadn't ever occurred to him that sex could be a form of torture. Karawan's thoughts shifted to Craig; he thought about trying this exact trick on him.

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