Hell Froze Over

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Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #erotica, #mc clubs, #womens motorcycle club, #womens fantasy, #womens adult, #bikers romance, #menage romance, #womens fiction, #bikers book, #womens contemporary erotic

BOOK: Hell Froze Over
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Hell Froze Over


Ops Warriors MC

Book Four


by Harley McRide




Published by JK Publishing, Inc.






© Copyright February 2016 JK Publishing, Inc.

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I learned a lesson a long time ago. Treat others as you would like to be treated, and while I strive to do this in my life, I have run across those who don't. Being a bully is not the 'cool' thing to do and I believe this behavior starts in the home. So as I write the dedication to this book, I urge everyone to remember that words can never be taken back, and your poor behavior will always be an example for your children.


Table of Contents





Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen


Books by Harley McRide

About the Author



“Stop it,” she yelled at the two men who were right now driving her nuts. The Ops had assigned them to guard her while she was recuperating, and they were pissing her off. Ever since they had been introduced to Boo, they had been way over attentive. And by that, she meant they were gonna die soon since they were irritating the shit out of her. My goodness, how the Lady Riders did it she had no clue, but alpha men were a pain in the ass.

“Babe,” Kink said. “You were shot. The doctor said until he gave you the okay, you were to remain in bed.” And then no shit, he began tucking her into bed. AGAIN!

Boo had been shot in the shoulder a week ago, and she hadn’t spent one night in the hospital since the Warriors thought it would be too dangerous. The Vipers had only sent fifteen men to attack the compound, granted they had all had bombs, but it was a suicide mission and Beast had known it. It was a message; one they were going to answer soon. Regardless of the situation, Boo was certain she wouldn’t be in danger, why would she, she was only a person who helped off and on. She had her own life, she didn’t even live on the compound. She lived in her small apartment a half a mile away.

The Ops who had been on the road had arrived when she was in the ER. Creed and Fork had made sure she received the best care, even though they had asked the doctor to release her into their care. She had been taken to a fancy hotel, where a private doctor and nurse had been waiting for them. Boo hadn’t been out of the room since. Truthfully, it was better than her place, the dark little hovel was all she could afford. But this, it was like a dream because she didn’t belong here, hell, she didn’t belong anywhere.

The only people she saw were the doctor, the nurse, and dumbshit one and dumbshit two. Or Kink and Magnum if you wanted to get technical about it. Although the phone apparently worked since the guys were receiving calls, but still no one had called her directly. The club was once again on lockdown until all the security was fixed (so the guys told her), they had been pissed the Vipers had found a way to break down their defenses, and until they fixed it, everyone was being extra careful (again, so the guys told her).

Boo was done with lying in bed though. She wanted to go out into the living room of this suite, she hadn’t asked to run a mile or anything. She just wanted to sit upright like a normal person, pillows were awesome but they didn’t give much back support.

“Call him then, because I am sick and tired of laying in this bed,” Boo snapped and Kink rolled his eyes.

“Mag,” he called. “The little princess wants to see the doc.”

She heard a chuckle and then Magnum called back, “I will call him again.”

“You would think with the amount of money your boss was paying him, he would be a little more available,” Boo sneered, thinking if she bitched enough they would give in.

“Babe, you are the worst patient in the history of patients. I am pretty sure he is ducking and covering,” Kink laughed and then winked at her. “But if you really want a doctor, I would be more than willing to help by playing doctor with you.”

Boo opened and closed her mouth, she had no idea what to say to these two when they kept saying shit like that to her. “No, I will wait for a real doctor,” she said.

“It’s okay, baby, we can wait as long as you can,” Kink chuckled and walked out of the room.

Not likely
, Boo thought and folded her arms over her chest, they didn’t know a thing about her, none of them did. They only knew what she had showed them and that was always a smiling, quiet, mousey little woman who just wanted to be a nurse. Only one thing was true, she wanted to be a nurse. It was the only thing that had kept her going when she was a kid, and she would not give that up.
Being a patient sucked
, she thought, looking around the luxurious room. She wasn’t going to ever do this again, of course, that would mean not hanging around the Lady Riders, but it was something she had to think about.

All of the Ops Warriors and Lady Riders were now on the same compound. They didn’t need her anymore, even if they had to begin with. No one really needed her, which was fine, she was a loner anyway.

Chapter One


Boo looked over her shoulder as she pulled into traffic. She had been dodging the Lady Riders and the Ops Warriors for two weeks, well only Bic, she was the only one who called. Boo wasn’t surprised, the other Lady Riders had come into town. She needed space and to figure things out, especially since she was shot and was currently on leave from her job and school, a break she hadn’t had since she was eighteen.

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