Hell or High Water (35 page)

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Authors: Jerrie Alexander

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Hell or High Water
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She sighed and realized Nate had done the same thing. It brought a chuckle from them both. They were alone for the first time today.

She looped her fingers through his and led him into the kitchen. They cleaned up the supper mess, which really consisted of paper sacks, a bucket of chicken bones, and four glasses.

“I wish I’d been coherent enough to watch the Fort Worth cops handcuff you,” she said, having trouble keeping her mind on anything other than the sensual nearness of his body.

“Nothing to see. As long as they were taking care of you, I went peacefully.”

He tilted his head and studied her. His lips lifted into that sexy, heart-stopping Cheshire cat grin. The one he had to know turned her knees to rubber. The one that said he was close to giving in. The one that he hadn’t used last night when she’d tried to get him in her bed. No way was she still too weak for sex.

He handed her a dirty glass, which she stared at until her brain started working again. She recovered and placed it in the dishwasher.

“Seriously. Are you square with the law?”

“Yeah. Thanks to Dalton having vouched for me with DPD earlier. Tyrell taking the Colombia assignment made my employment with the FBI more official.”

“Will you have enough work for all three of you?”

“I’ll have to get busy. Drum up enough business. We’ll lean heavily on Dalton for introductions and recommendations, but, yeah we’ll make it.”

“Is that the reason for the haircut and shave?” she asked.

“I think it had more to do with my mental state than anything.”

Smack, he hit her with the smile again. Cleaned up and in a business, he’d have women falling over him.

“You’ll be the front man for your detective agency.”

“Until we’re established. I don’t think you can call what we do detective work. We’ll be more in the business of problem solving.”

“For the government,” she added.

“Sometimes. The money’s good.”

“And the work’s dangerous.” She wished she could take the statement back. She loved the whole package and this was part of it.

“You’re right on both counts. Think of it this way. The pay’s enough to allow us to help regular people find solutions. I’d like to continue finding lost or missing people.”

“Lost and Found, Inc. has a nice ring to it.”

His hand went to his head. His fingers seemed to hunt for the long hair no longer there.

“You looking for a job?”

“I have a job.” She paused. “At least, I think I do.” She again noticed the tattoo on the inside of his bicep. The SEAL markings over his right breast made sense, but this one was a mystery. She stroked a finger down his arm. “You never explained the tattoo. It’s a word, isn’t it?” His raised eyebrows prompted her to press harder. “It’s my name, isn’t it?”

His laugh stirred heat through her veins, coiling low in her stomach. “Aren’t you the conceited one?” He tried to sound stern, but the edges of his mouth quivered.

“Well? Am I right?”

“No. As a matter of fact, you’re wrong.”

“Then tell me.” She stalked him, and he moved to the living room, avoiding her.

If he continued to handle her as if she were a piece of fragile glass, Kay might just tackle him.

“You didn’t give me a definitive answer. Do you want to work with us?”

His question floored her. “You’re serious.”

“Hell, yeah. Why not? You’re smart and trained. Besides, if you’re involved, maybe you won’t freak out every time I take a job that’s the least bit dangerous.”

She placed her hands on his chest and stroked up to his neck, kneading her fingers as she went. His gaze darkened for a second, then he tried to escape.

Kay pressed against him. The length of their bodies touching, she rested her head on his shoulder and breathed in his essence. Warmth rushed south when his large, strong hands caressed her back.

“Don’t push your luck. It was all I could do to resist your moves last night.”

She moved back a step and slid her hands under his T-shirt, up the trail of hair to his nipples. Lord, heat boiled from his body, soaking through her clothes and deep into her skin.

She stood on her tiptoes and nibbled her way around his jaw to his ear. She pulled the lobe between her teeth and then gently sucked. His groan sent flames licking through her nervous system.

“I won’t break. I promise,” she whispered, staring up into eyes full of desire. Waves of need rolled through her.

“There’s nothing I’d like better than to set you on that countertop and ravage that sexy body of yours. But you’ve had a rough few days. The doctor said bed rest.”

His chest rose and fell rapidly against her. From the size and hardness of the erection pressing against her, he was struggling. She wasn’t about to let him get away.

She kissed him, a soft and gentle touch of the lips that quickly exploded to a round of simulated sex as his tongue dove in and out. She willing surrendered as he plundered her mouth.

He tugged her shirt over her head.

“Shit,” he muttered. “I wish I could kill him again.” His head snapped back and studied her injuries. He lowered his head and placed feathery kisses on her collarbone.

“Nate.” She tugged his face to hers. “Don’t see the bruises. Don’t treat me as if I’ll break. Make love to me.”

The air crackled around them as his gaze filled with concern. “You’re sure?”


He tilted his head and captured her lips again. Hard, hungry and demanding.

She jerked his shirt up, and he finished by tossing it and his jeans across the room. She followed by kicking her yoga pants and panties off.

His gaze drifted down her naked body, searing her skin as he went. He cupped her breasts with those large hands.

“You are incredibly beautiful.”

His encouragement gave her strength and power. She sank to her knees in front of him, dropping small nips and kisses on the way down. She licked the satin skin of his erection with the tip of her tongue, circled him before taking him in her mouth.

“Oh, God,” he moaned. His tone urged her on. His hands tunneled deep in her hair.

She placed her hands on his butt, pulling him closer, deeper inside her mouth, feeling him grow larger still.

Nate hissed through his teeth. Ha. She had him.

“Tell me.” She took one more swirl with her tongue and then looked up from her kneeling position. “The tattoo.”

“You cheat. It’s nothing romantic. It says, One Shot One Kill.”

She stood, running her hands up his body as she rose. She placed her hand over his racing heart before continuing her trek down to his hips and back to his stomach. She kneaded, smoothed, and relished the perfection of his body as he stood still, barely breathing. Standing on tiptoes, she kissed his cheek and then the other.

“Make love to me.”

“My pleasure. There’s one particular thing I’m looking forward to. But we need the bed for this.”

She relaxed and let him take control. He wrapped his hand around hers and led her down the hall. As if she were a piece of fine china, he helped her to sit on the side of the bed. Kneeling in front of her, he tongued her nipple. Of its own accord, her back bowed, offering her body, her mind and her soul to him.

He lay down, and rolled her on top of him. “Sit right here.” He patted his chest.

She hesitated before putting one knee on either side of his belly and sliding up his body. She settled herself, the apex of her thighs resting against his upper chest.

“You okay? Not hurting?”

“I’m fine. I swear.”

“Then don’t get too comfortable. I need you to lift up for a second.”

“Do what?” A sizzle of excitement raced across her skin.

“Kaycie. Up on your knees, okay?” His eyebrow arched as if to say “don’t question me.”

He’d said her full name in the same throaty way he had when they were young and in love. It rolled off his tongue, seeped into her pores. He always could seduce her with his voice. She willingly complied.

He held her thighs still and slid down the bed between them. Kept sliding until his face lay directly under her most private parts.

“Nate?” she questioned, feeling way too vulnerable and exposed.

He answered with a slide of his tongue. Spreading her layers open with his fingers, he provided himself access to her very core.

She gasped out loud, her last remnant of shyness evaporated, leaving nothing behind but a glorious need. Her passion dominated her every thought, demanding more.

“You say something?” he asked, his breath warming her moist folds.

“No. Nothing,” she choked out. She struggled for balance, couldn’t find anything to hang onto until she leaned forward and placed her hands on the wall above his head. Then she surrendered to the luxury of his mouth.

He explored, probed, and licked, bringing her to the very edge of a climax, before backing away to nibble on the insides of her thighs.

She moaned his name as his tongue returned and set a blistering pace, holding her to him with his hands dug into her hips. She abandoned all reason as her orgasm rushed to the surface, and she lowered herself closer to his magical mouth. Stars exploded inside her head. She cried out as her body vibrated, pulsated, throbbed when his teeth gently pulled at her. Spent, she slumped forward, trying desperately to catch her breath.

When he slid out from under her and laid her down to face him, she was sated and exhausted.

“Sex like that should be illegal.” For a second, she considered purring.

“Then I’d happily become a criminal.”

He trailed kisses around her belly button. Slowly worked his way up to her face, setting every nerve ending on fire. Desire spread to her core like lava flowing to the sea. He moved away for a condom, and she instantly missed his warmth.

He rolled to his back, placing her astride him once more. Her body, still melted into the mattress, found strength in that desire.

“This way I know I won’t hurt you.”

His tender concern for her bruises touched a place deep in her heart. Emotion welled in her chest, and she slid sideways and then onto her back.

“No. You drive,” she whispered.

“You’re the boss.” His Cheshire cat grin lit his face.

“Not anymore.” Opening for him, her hand slid down, guiding him to her opening.

“At last,” he said as he drove himself deep. “Inside you, this is where I belong.”

His thrusts grew in intensity. Their Saint Jude medallions clicked against each other, playing the tune of lovers. His eyes turned midnight blue, and she lost herself completely. The fullness, the belonging, the love swept her to a new dimension of sensation. She went to the very edge with him, until in one breath, she cried out his name, and together they surged into a realm reserved for lovers.

“Kaycie?” His face was burrowed into the pillow next to her head, muffling his voice.

“Nate?” She answered from inside a dream. Still strolling around in the clouds, her mind seemed reluctant to return to earth.

“I love you,” he said.

“I know.” It was all she could say, words of joy stuck in her throat.


Nate hesitated. His heart jackhammered against his rib cage. He was pretty sure his climax had blown the top of his head off. Yet she’d ignored his announcement.

A satisfied, contented and confusing smile lit her face. “You’re amazing.”

“No. We’re amazing.” He rolled to his side and disposed of the condom. Returning to her, he held her snugly against him. “We keep this up and one of us will have to be wheeled down the aisle.”

She lifted her head and locked gazes with him, a question written across her features.

“What?” he asked. “You don’t think we should get married?

The light from the nightstand reflected off her eyes. Did he read doubt in her gaze?

“Never mind,” he said, trying to sound blasé. Instead, his tone came across as that of a hurt teenager.

“No.” She smiled and stroked her fingers up and down his arm, generating an instant reaction from his body.

“No what?” He braced for her refusal.

“No, you’re not backing out. You asked. I accept.” She reached up and wound her fingers through his hair. “I love you. Always have. Always will. So, no. You’re stuck with me.”

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