
Read Hellfire Online

Authors: Robyn Masters

BOOK: Hellfire
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Part One


Robyn Masters




“Hey it’s me. I’ve got to meet Jerry for a quick drink to talk over the marketing plan for the new product line. I probably won’t be home until late, so don’t wait up.”

“Again? This is getting to be a weekly thing. Tell Jerry to make time in his day schedule to talk about this crap instead of taking your time that you should be spending with your family. This is really starting to piss me off Ryan. I am feeling neglected and you know you don’t want that now do you?”

“Samantha, I need this job.
need this job. Since moving to Chicago, we are down to one income because you haven’t looked for a job yet. The new house payment is twice what the payment was for our townhouse in St. Louis and we have only two-thirds of the income.”

“Don’t blame me for this Ryan. You wanted to move to Chicago just as much as I did. Granted, moving here has made it much easier to see Tommy and I really wanted to avoid that six hour drive from St. Louis every week to pick him up from his dad, but you have family and friends in Chicago too, so we both agreed to this move.”

“I never said it was your fault for us moving to Chicago. I consider Tommy to be my son just as much as his real dad. Seeing him more often is great. I was just saying that money is tight and I need to do whatever I can to make up for the shortfall. I need to increase my commission earnings just so we can pay our bills.”

“Fine, I will look for a fucking job tomorrow. You better be prepared to start paying for childcare for Eva because I won’t be home to take care of her and Ashley told me that she pays $800 a month for Jason’s childcare. Hope I find a job that pays more than $800 a month or it will just be a waste of time.”

“Whatever Sam. I’m at the restaurant. I will try to make this as quick as I can with Jerry. Kiss Eva goodnight for me.”

“Yeah, okay. Be careful. Wake me when you get home.”

“Yeah, see you later.”

As the phone connection goes dead, Samantha sighs and lays her cell phone on the kitchen counter. A beautiful 29 year old, Sam is tall and thin with a $10,000 chest that Ryan gave her for her birthday two-years ago. Ryan and Sam were married three-years ago, just one-year after the birth of their daughter Eva. Tommy, Sam’s son from a previous relationship with his dad, Jesse was raised in Chicago when Sam accepted a job in St. Louis working for her brother.

Ryan works for a computer software firm as a Regional Manager and can pretty much work from any location as long as there is a major airport available within an hour away. Ryan is very handsome and could easily pass for a pop star. A grad from Northern University, Ryan met Sam one day coming back from a St. Louis Cardinals game and it was love at first sight. Ryan’s dad and several friends live in Chicago, so he thought Sam’s idea of moving there made sense to be closer to Tommy. As well he would have his wife back every weekend instead of seeing her leave every Saturday morning to either pick up or drop off Tommy at his dad’s.

“Mommy, mommy!”

“What Eva? What is it?”

“Where’s daddy?”

“Daddy has to work late again. I’m sorry sweetie.”

“So does that mean I have to go to Jason’s house now?”

“Yes Eva. Momma has to out since Daddy is not here. Ashley will take care of you until I get back later. Go get your shoes on okay?”

Eva ran off to her bedroom to get her sandals and as well, Sam went to her bedroom to change her clothes.

“I’m ready mommy!”

“Good Eva. Take some toys with you. Jason only has boy toys remember.”

“Oh man. Okay mommy.”

As Sam and Eva prepared for their evenings, Ryan was exiting his car on Fullerton Ave. near Western Ave on the NW side of Chicago. Not the best area of the city to meet for a drink but the perfect location for a little place called Hellfire. Ryan popped his trunk and retrieved a black sports bag. He crossed the street and walked up to a wooden front door typical of a Chicago two-flat. As he entered the building a women was sitting behind a podium.

“Hi Ryan. Welcome to Hellfire. Didn’t think we would see you here this evening”

“Hey Rachael. Is Patti already here?”

“Yes, she’s in the back. She said you would be paying for her as well.”

“Well, of course she did. Here’s a fifty. Keep the change.”

“Thanks Ryan. Have a great night and play safe.”

“I always do.”

Ryan walked past the podium and to a black drapery. As he parted the drapery and entered the room he saw Hans, the owner of the establishment.

“Good evening Hans.”

“Evening Ryan. What are you doing here mid-week?”

“I have to spend time with family this weekend, so I thought giving Patti sometime tonight might make her happy.”

“I saw Patti earlier. I think she’s in the main room.”

“Okay. Thanks Hans.”

Ryan walked past Hans and through a merchandise and book area. Toward the back of the room was another black drapery. Music and voices could be heard coming from behind the curtain.

Sam and Eva got into Sam’s Crossfire that Ryan bought her for her last birthday. Sam buckled Eva into the car seat and then drove the short distance over to Ashley’s house a few blocks away.

As Sam parked her car in Ashley’s driveway, a little boy came running over to the car.

“Hi Jason! How are you doing today”, asked Sam.

“I’m good. Hi Eva!”

“Take my toys in the house”, Eva told Jason.

“Just like her mother. Eva the Diva”, said Ashley as she walked over to the car.

“Oh shut up. She nor I am a diva. We just know how to get a man to do what we want” said Sam.

“Yes Sam. You are very good at getting what you want. I wish I knew your secret. You convinced Ryan to move to Chicago when he was perfectly happy in St. Louis. You convinced him to get you a $10,000 boob job and you convinced him to purchase you this very hot sports car. You must give one hell of a blow job.”

“You have no idea Ash. Okay, I have to run. If you need anything, call my cell. I will pick her up tomorrow morning at around 11.”

“Who are you off to meet tonight”, asked Ashley.

“I don’t know yet. I will know him when I see him”, and she laughed.

“Sam, one of these days Ryan is going to find out about your indiscretions and you are going to lose your happy home and everything that comes with it.”

“Not a chance Ash. I hold the key to our happiness, not Ryan.”

Sam winked at Ashley and waved good bye to Eva as she backed out of the driveway and sprinted down the street to the end of the block.

As Ryan pulled the curtain back the sounds magnified and several other men nodded to him as to acknowledge his entrance. He walked toward the bar and asked the cross dressing bartender for a beer. Dressed in a French maid’s uniform complete with seamed nylons and high heels, the bartender slowly drew a beer from the tap and handed it to Ryan. Beer in one hand and black sports bag in the other, Ryan made his way to the other side of the room where his eyes met with Patti’s.

A plain looking woman in her late 20’s, Patti was tall and skinny. She wore no make-up and had a wide smile with several teeth absent near the back. Dressed in a black, tight fitting dress that was extremely short, she grabbed enough attention from the men in attendance. Ryan walked up to her, dropped the bag and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

“Good evening darlin. So nice to see you this evening”, Ryan said.

“Good evening to you sir. It is always a pleasure to see you”, she replied.

“So, where would you like to start this evening”, Ryan asked.

“Hmm, would you mind if we started on the massage table in the next building? My back is killing me and I sure could use your magic hands to drive the pain away.”

Ryan replied, “Sounds like a plan to me. Let me look to see if I have massage oil.”

Ryan unzipped the black sports bag and began removing items including several vibrators, handcuffs, two floggers, one paddle, several feathers, and alas a sixteen ounce bottle of massage oil.

“Good to go. Shall we”, he asked Patti as he motioned for her to proceed to the annex across the outdoor play yard.

As Patti and Ryan walked through the yard toward the annex, Samantha was arriving at an apartment complex in the suburb of Arlington Heights, IL. Samantha got out of her car and proceeded to the first building to her left. Dressed in a very low cut sweater that barely covered her breasts and a pair of skin tight jeans, Sam pushed the buzzer for apartment 3F











Chapter Two


“Who goes there” a male voice over an intercom asked.

“It’s Sam. What are you up to tonight?”

“Come on up and we’ll see.”

The buzzer sounded and Sam opened the door.

Sam climbed the stairs and her heart began to pound.

As Sam reached the landing to apartment 3F, Patti and Ryan entered the annex and made their way to the massage table located on the right side of the room. Ryan dropped the black bag to the floor and came up behind Patti and began to rub her shoulders with his hands. As he slowly massaged her shoulders she sighed and closed her eyes. His hands were like magic on her body. It was if he knew exactly what to do without her saying a word. She then felt his mouth on the back of her neck softly kissing it. His tongue ran down from the bottom of her ear to the base of her neck at her collarbone. She got chills as he softly blew on the trace of moisture his tongue left behind.             

As Ryan continued to kiss her neck, he ran his hands under the shoulder straps of her dress and slid them off her shoulders and down her arms. He gently pulled the dress down off her body revealing her naked breasts. He could hear comments from others in the room as he continued to undress Patti. The annex was fairly crowded for a Wednesday evening. About 12 people were either playing or watching. Most were watching Ryan and Patti for their reputation at Hellfire was well known. Hellfire is a D/s style club complete with St. Andrew Crosses, stocks, benches, etc. D/s and BDSM enthusiasts would frequent the club to play in public which for most was about a Dominant controlling a submissive with a whip, flogger or paddle. This was not the case with Ryan and Patti. True, they did have these items in their little black bag of toys but even when a flogger was used it was done so in a very sensual and sexual way. Patti would sigh and moan often but seldom would she ever scream or emit a sound of discomfort. Ryan was known in D/s circles as a sensual Dom and was very sought after by many of the female subs for they longed to be dominated in his gentle and sensual way versus having their asses beat until bruised and bloody.

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