Henry (The Beck Brothers) (23 page)

BOOK: Henry (The Beck Brothers)
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The gorgeous dark
haired man stepped forward and shook her hand. He smiled and Claire was sure
he'd broken a thousand girls

hearts with it. "Nice to meet you."


"You, too,

Claire replied.


"Shea is
Christian's best friend,

Henry said, answering her unspoken question.


Claire nodded, then
went around giving his brothers hugs and kisses. "Thank you guys for doing


Of course they all
shrugged it off like it was nothing, but Claire knew how much work it had been
to decorate, especially a big place like Henry's house. Henry then took her
hand and pulled her into the living room. Claire gasped and slapped her hand
over her mouth when she saw the huge tree, all of the lights, and other
decorations. He did this for her and Ethan.



Claire breathed, squeezing his


"Do you like it?

he asked quietly.


Claire responded the
only way she could, she grabbed his face and kissed him. Henry wrapped his free
arm around her waist and pulled her closer. The kiss didn't really last long
because Ethan started pushing her away.


"No mommy, no kiss

Ethan said with a


Low masculine chuckles
filled the room behind her. Claire glanced behind her to see Henry's brothers
and Shea smiling softly. Even Quinn had a touch of a smile on his handsome
face. She guessed even the most stoic of men had a soft spot for Ethan. She was
glad that she had so many great men in her life for Ethan.


Ethan squirmed out of
Henry's arms and ran to the tree. He stopped in front of it and looked up.
Henry pulled Claire into his arms and kissed her softly on the lips. Claire
cupped his face, kissing him a few more times.


"Thank you,

she whispered, her
lips brushing his.


"You're welcome,

He smiled warmly.


Later that night,
after the guys left and Ethan was in bed, Claire went up to their bedroom to
get changed into something more comfortable. She pulled on sweatpants and a
long sleeved t-shirt, and then went into the bathroom to wash her face. She was
patting her face dry with a towel when two strong arms wrapped around her waist
from behind. Claire shrieked while Henry chuckled against her neck.


"Jesus, Henry,
you scared the shit out of me,

Claire panted, placing a hand over her racing heart.



he mumbled, but she could feel
him smiling against her skin. He was so not sorry.


Henry squeezed her a
little tighter and sighed. "I love you Claire,

he murmured, propping his chin on her shoulder so
he could look at her through the mirror in front of them.


Claire smiled softly.
"I love you, too, Henry."


"Are you happy
with me?

he asked.


"Of course I am. Why
would you ask that?



Henry shrugged.
"Just curious, I want to be sure I'm making you happy."


Claire turned in his
embrace; she cupped his face and stared up into his gorgeous green eyes.

"There is no one
in this world that could make me happier than you do,

she said sincerely.


Henry stared at her
for a moment before crushing her mouth with his. The kiss was frenzied and
desperate. Henry scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom, without
breaking their kiss. He laid her down and covered her body with his, and
Claire's legs instinctively wrapped around his hips. Henry's hands were all
over her, as his mouth plundered hers.


The next thing Claire
knew, they were both naked, and Henry drove into her to the hilt. Claire cried
out at the intensity of the pleasure he caused. Henry buried his face in her
neck and groaned long and low. He shuttered on top of her before slowly pulling
back and pushing back in. Claire gasped and dug her nails into his back, he always
felt so fucking good. She didn't know if it had to do with his size, or the way
he moved, or the fact that she loved him, but it was always so damn good.


They came together,
gasping and clutching at each other while screaming each other's name. Once they
came down from their highs, they got cleaned up and got into bed. Henry
snuggled up behind Claire, pulling her close, and tucking his face against the
back of her neck. They always fell asleep this way, and they always woke up
with Henry laying half on top of her. Claire never thought that when she met
Henry he was the kind of guy who liked to snuggle and cuddle, but Henry was
very touchy feely. He liked to give and get affection, which Claire loved
because she was the same way.






Henry growled as he
banged on his keyboard. His stupid computer was acting up again. He went to
rake his hand through his hair but stopped himself. He didn't want to mess his
hair up. Claire had styled it this morning and he really liked what she did.
Henry dropped his hand and shoved out of his chair. He paced over to the
window, hands on his hips. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths to
try and calm himself. He always got so irritated when it came to computer


Henry glanced over his
shoulder when he heard his office door open and close. Claire walked in, a
small smile on her face. She sauntered over to him in her ridiculously high
heels that brought her almost eye level with him. Damn, she looked sexy. Henry
fought the erection that threatened to tent his pants.



he said as she came up next to


"Hey, baby,
what's wrong?

she asked,
cocking her head in curiosity.


"My computer is
being a dick.



Claire chuckled and
started over to his desk.

Let me see if I can fix it."


Claire went to his
computer and bent over his desk. She placed her hand on the mouse and started
clicking. Henry couldn't help himself; he sidled up behind her, sliding his
hands over her hips. He pressed his ever growing erection against her bottom and
groaned low in his throat. Claire glanced over her shoulder, eyebrow raised.


"I swear, Mr.
Beck, you are insatiable, you already got some this morning,

Claire murmured.


Henry leaned over her
and nipped at her exposed neck. "I will never get enough of you,

he rasped. Henry slid his hands
up her sides to cup her breasts.



Claire warned.


Yeah, he knew he was
pushing it. They were at work, and no one knew that they were together. They
made sure that they didn't touch in a more then friendly way while they were
there, but he just couldn't help himself. Every day he fantasized about bending
Claire over his desk and taking her.


Henry pressed himself
more firmly against her, his fingers brushing over her nipples through her thin
shirt. Claire's breath caught and she straightened, turning her head so that
she could kiss him. Her fingers slid into the hair at the back of his neck as
her lips teased his. Henry brought one hand up, slipped it into the top of her
low cut shirt and into her bra, where his fingers played with her hard nipple.
Claire moaned against his mouth and ground her ass back against his extremely
hard cock.


"I fucking knew

came Asher's
victorious cry as the door slammed shut behind him.


Henry and Claire flew
apart. Claire pressed both hands to her chest as her face flushed bright red.
Henry shifted himself in his pants so he wasn't sporting a tent. Asher wore his
shit-eatin' grin as he walked up to the other side of Henry's desk and planted
his hands on it.


"I knew it! I knew
you two were together!

said smugly, looking back and forth between them.


"Did you even

Henry muttered,
dropping down into his chair.


"Fuck no; I've
been trying to catch you two for months now.

Asher snorted.


Henry rolled his eyes
then glanced at Claire, who now had her arms crossed over her chest, as she
glared at Asher.


"I can't believe
you guys. How could you not tell me?

Asher snapped, his smile gone, anger filling his eyes.


"We didn't want
anyone at the office to know,

Claire said simply.


Asher narrowed his
eyes at her. "I get that, but we're friends,

he said, turning back to Henry.


"And you have a
big mouth. You would have done or said something to out us,

Henry said, raising an eyebrow,
challenging Asher to disagree.


Asher opened his mouth
to then snap it shut. He straightened and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Alright fine, you're probably right."


Henry snorted and
shook his head.


"So how long has
this been going on?



"Four months,

Henry said.


"Asher, you can't
say anything to anyone,

Claire said seriously.


Asher sent her a dirty
look. "I won't."


"Seriously, if
you let this slip, I will fire your ass so fast...

Henry started.


"I get it! I
won't say anything to anyone. Fuck,

Asher grunted. "Are you ever going to tell anyone?

he asked after a moment of silence.


Henry shrugged.
"I don't know, we'll see."


"Well, I'm glad
that you two are finally together, you are definitely meant for each other,

Asher murmured softly.


Henry gave him a grateful
smile then shooed him out the door. This time Henry locked it after it was
closed. He turned back to Claire, intent on living out his fantasy.















Chapter 15


Sebastian walked
through Henry's front door. It was Christmas Eve and Henry was having dinner at
his house. Henry was also supposed to propose to Claire tonight. Sitting in the
living room was his parents, Claire's dad, Frank, and Ethan. Ethan was sitting
on his mother's lap while she sang
Itsy Bitsy Spider
with a loving smile on her face. Sebastian stared at
her for a moment. Was that really his mother? The condescending bitch? Henry
had told him that she'd been changing, but he hadn't believed it.


His mother, Anne,
glanced up to him, her smile slipping slightly. The pain and anguish in her
eyes was clear as she looked at him. Sebastian gritted his teeth and headed
into the kitchen where Claire was flitting around, getting dinner ready. Henry
was setting the table, and Christian was putting a case of beer in the fridge.


Sebastian walked over
to Claire, who had her back turned to him, and gave her a kiss on the cheek,
"Hey, lovely,

said, using his nickname for her.


Claire smiled over her
shoulder at him. "Sebastian! Hi!

she exclaimed then turned and hugged him.


Claire was one of his
best friends now. They really had the whole brother-sister connection going.
Yeah, he thought she was gorgeous and sexy, but he really didn't see her as
more than a friend. She was Henry's woman; always had been, always will be. He
was glad that she was going to be his sister-in-law. He loved her and trusted
her, and she was the best thing that had ever happened to their family.


Claire let him go with
a bright smile he couldn't help but return. Leave it to Claire to put a smile
on his face when he wanted to do nothing but scowl. "Grab a beer, relax,
dinner will be done soon,

she said, turning back to what she was doing.


Henry walked over to
him when he was done with setting the table and clapped him on the back.
"Hey, man."


Sebastian gave him a
brotherly hug. "Hey."


Henry raised an
eyebrow. "You okay?

he asked, knowing exactly what was bothering Sebastian. Damn him.


Sebastian shrugged.
"I don't know...I...she...fuck
he stuttered, not knowing how to express what was going on in his head at the


Henry nodded and
slipped his arm around Sebastian's shoulders. "Let's go talk,

he said, leading Sebastian down
the hall to his office. Once inside, Henry shut the door then sat on the couch,
crossing his arms over his chest and waited. Fucker.


Sebastian sighed and
raked a hand through his hair. "I just wasn't expecting to walk in and see
her singing baby songs to Ethan. I was expecting tonight to go as all the other
family gatherings have gone over the years, with her nagging the shit out of

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