Henry (The Beck Brothers) (6 page)

BOOK: Henry (The Beck Brothers)
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After taking a deep
breath, she said, "I want a divorce."


Sebastian stared at
her, not sure if he heard her right. "Uh, what?

he asked, shaking his head as he sat up.


"I want a

she repeated


Sebastian felt his
face screw up in confusion. "I don't understand."


Victoria sighed in
exasperation. "It's not that hard Sebastian, I don't want to be married to
you anymore."


Sebastian blinked.

he asked,
completely dumbfounded.


Victoria frowned.
"I've met someone else,

she said softly.


The words slowly sunk
in. They replayed in his head multiple times. "You've met someone else?

he repeated slowly, his eyes


Victoria nodded.


"You've been
fucking someone else?

Sebastian yelled, his anger taking over.


Victoria flinched, but


Sebastian pinched the
bridge of his nose against the headache that started pounding. His wife had
been cheating on him and wants a divorce. Was this really happening? Who the
hell was this woman sitting next to him? She wasn't the same woman he married
five years ago. Becoming well known in the fashion industry in LA changed her.
How had he not seen this?


"How long
Victoria? How long have you been cheating on me?

Sebastian ground out.


"A year,

Victoria whispered.


"WHAT? Are you
fucking kidding me?

Sebastian roared and shot off the other side of the bed. He had to get as far
from her as he could, without leaving the room. "Who are you?"


"I'm sorry
Sebastian; I just don't feel the same way about you anymore. Haven't for a
while now,

Victoria said,


"But yet you
continued to fuck me and pretend that everything is fine and dandy!
What the fuck for?

Sebastian snapped.


"I needed to make
sure my relationship with Julian was secure,

Victoria murmured, looking down at her hands.


"Julian? That
fucking model you've put in your runway shows?

Sebastian yelled angrily.


Victoria took another
deep breath and nodded.


"You bitch! How
could you do this to me? I've given you everything! I moved out here, away from
my family,
for you
! I had to leave the
gun shop I loved,
for you
! And
this is how you repay me? By cheating on me and asking for a divorce! You
ungrateful cunt!

Sebastian bellowed, slamming his fist into the wall behind him, denting the


Victoria just stared
at him, not sorry at all. He could tell by the lack of emotion on her face. She
didn't care the she was hurting him. She couldn't care less that she had just
torn his heart out and shit all over it. He knew her well enough to know that when
she would stare at you with a blank face, she really didn't care about whatever
was going on.


Sebastian shook his
head in disbelief. "Fine, send me the fucking divorce papers when they're

he muttered before
turning to walk out.


"Where are you

Victoria asked.


"I need to get
some boxes so I can pack up my shit, then I'm going back to Philly, as far away
from you as possible,

Sebastian grunted, then walked out of the bedroom before she could say another





Monday morning, Claire
was sitting in her office, catching up on her work when the phone on her desk
beeped, indicating that it was the receptionist buzzing her. Claire hit the
button on the phone to answer.




"Ms. Russell,
there is a Mr. Sebastian Beck here. He claims to be Mr. Beck's brother,

Jessica said. Claire heard a
male voice in the background say, "I don't claim to be, I am dammit!"


Claire stifled a laugh
then answered, "I'll be right there Jessica."


She hung up with
Jessica then headed out of her office towards the reception area. There was no
doubt that the tall, blonde, snarling man standing in front of the reception
desk was Henry's brother. Claire hadn't even known he had a brother. And that
thought hurt for some reason.


"Mr. Beck, I'm
Claire Russell, Mr. Beck's personal assistant,

Claire said in her professional voice and held out her hand.


Sebastian took it and
gave a firm shake while he eyeballed her.


"So you're
Claire, huh?

said, smirking mischievously. "Henry's told me about you."


Claire couldn't hide
her shock. Sebastian chuckled.


sweetheart, is he in? I gotta talk to him for a minute,

Sebastian said, smile fading fast.


"Does he know
you're coming?

asked, as she turned and led the way into the office.


"No, I don't make
fucking appointments to see my own damn brother, pompous prick,

Sebastian grumbled behind her.


Claire again had to
stifle a laugh. The gorgeous man had an attitude; she kinda liked it. She bet
if Henry weren't so professional, he'd be exactly the same way. Claire stopped
in front of Henry's closed door. She prayed that he wasn't on the phone. Claire
knocked then popped her head in.


Henry was sitting at
his desk, chewing on the end of a pen while he read over a contract. He was in
a black suit today with a dark green shirt that made his eyes pop. He looked so


"Yes Claire?

He asked without looking up.
His voice bored and a bit tired.



She started but then got
jostled out of the way when Sebastian barged in.


"'Scuse me baby

he muttered as he
pushed by her.


Henry's head shot up
as he dropped his pen onto the desk. "Sebastian! What the hell are you
doing here?

Henry asked,
obviously shocked to see his brother.


"Good to see you
too big brother,

drawled as he walked into the room.


Claire stood flattened
against the door.


"You can't
just...I thought you were in California?

Henry asked, confused and flustered.


"I was, and man
you weren't kidding when you said doll face over there has got an amazing ass,

Sebastian said, turning to wink
at Claire.


Claire's eyes widened
and her jaw dropped. She looked at Henry who looked about ready to explode. His
face was turning red, his jaw was clenched, and his nostrils were flaring with
the force of his breathes. He thought she had an amazing ass? Henry turned his
blazing emerald green eyes to her.


"Close the door

he bit out.


Holy shit! She'd never
seen him so livid. Yeah, he'd gotten mad a couple times, but nothing like this.
Claire could do nothing but obey. She pulled the door shut, closing the two men
in. As soon as the door was closed, Henry roared.




Claire gasped and
clapped a hand over her mouth. Everyone sitting in their cubicles near Henry's
office all looked up with wide eyes. Asher popped his head out of his office
and gave her a questioning look. Claire walked over to him so she didn't have
to yell across the floor.


"Henry's brother
Sebastian is here,

said, glancing back at Henry's door.


Asher sighed and shook
his head.
Dammit, Henry's gonna be
in a shit mood the rest of the day."


"Do they not get

Claire asked.


"Oh no, they do.
Sebastian is crazy though, likes to fuck with Henry whenever he can,

Asher said with a smirk.


Claire sighed.


"Please, like you
have anything to worry about? Henry treats you like gold,

Asher scoffed.


Claire rolled her
eyes. "No he doesn't."


Asher gave her a
dubious look then ducked back into his office. Claire headed back to hers and
got back to work. She couldn't help but think about what Asher had said about
Henry treating her like gold. Had he really treated all his other assistants so
differently? And if so, why? Why did he treat her so differently? Could he
actually feel something for her? Claire didn't know, and couldn't think about
it without thinking about her own feelings. She could so not go there.






Henry could not
believe his asshole brother had said that to Claire. And what the hell was he
thinking even telling Sebastian that in the first place? He shouldn't have been
surprised. Sebastian loved to fuck with him. The man didn't know how to keep
things to himself. Fucker.


Henry stared at his
little brother, who was lounging in the chair across from his desk. The black
t-shirt he wore showed off his tattooed arms. Sleeves, they were called. His
face was covered in a couple days worth of scruff. He looked as if he didn't
have a care in the world, but Henry could see the strain in his brother's green
eyes. Something was wrong, something serious. Henry took a couple of deep
breaths to calm himself. No doubt everyone heard his outburst.


"What's going on
Sebastian? What are you doing here?

Henry asked evenly.


Sebastian shrugged his
broad shoulders. "I was in the neighborhood."


Henry made an
irritated noise and raked a hand down his face. "Cut the shit asshole, you
don't just come see me for no reason."


Sebastian's arrogant
mask fell and pain filled his face, making Henry shift nervously. What the hell
could be wrong that his brother looked like that?


"Victoria wants a

murmured. The pain in his voice was almost unbearable to hear.


Henry flinched as if
he'd been slapped. "What?

he asked like an idiot.


Victoria and Sebastian
have been married for five years now. Henry had always been jealous of their
seemingly perfect relationship. They had always been so loving and all over
each other. It made Henry sick sometimes because he didn't, and never would,
have that. Sebastian had even moved out to LA for her so she could expand her
fashion business.


Sebastian rubbed his
face then squeezed the bridge of his nose. "She said that she's met
someone else."


Henry blinked, unable
to comprehend what Sebastian just said.

don't understand,



Sebastian lifted
tear-filled eyes to meet his. "Neither do I,

he croaked.
"I feel like my
heart is being ripped out and stomped on Henry. I couldn't stay there and look
at her; I packed up my shit and shipped it to Christian's house. I told the
deceitful bitch to send me the divorce papers as soon as possible."


"Shit Sebastian,
I'm so sorry.



"I thought she
loved me,

choked, leaning forward to put his head in his hands as he cried.


Henry got up, his
heart breaking for his brother. He hadn't seen Sebastian cry since he was
twelve and broke his leg when he fell out of a tree. Henry went to his brother and
put his hands on Sebastian's shoulders. Sebastian shot up from the chair and
threw himself in Henry's arms. Henry, "Oof-ed," and wrapped his arms
around Sebastian, who had started sobbing on his shoulder.


devastation was almost palpable. His body shook and his knees seemed to be
giving out. Henry clutched him tighter and just let him release all his pain.
Henry bet that he hadn't cried over the whole thing yet.


It took a few minutes
before Sebastian calmed. Henry made him sit back down, as he grabbed the box of
tissues off his desk, and held it out to Sebastian. Sebastian took a few, and
blew his nose and wiped his eyes.


"Fuck Henry, I'm
sorry, I didn't mean to fall apart like that,

he rasped, pulling in a deep breath.


"It's fine
Sebastian, you know I'm here for you,

Henry said softly, giving the back of Sebastian's neck a squeeze.


Sebastian nodded.
"I know."


"So are you
staying at Christian's?

Henry asked. Christian was one of their other brothers. There were four of them
all together. Henry was the oldest; then Sebastian, Quinn, and the youngest

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