Henry VIII's Health in a Nutshell (10 page)

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Authors: Kyra Cornelius Kramer

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Figure 1
- Henry VIII from a vintage engraving from 1855

Figure 2
- Detail of Henry VIII’s legs from a portrait by the workshop of Hans Holbein the Younger

Figure 3
- Henry’s May Day 1540 armour with a huge 51 inch waist and 54.5 inch chest. Photo ©2012 Tim Ridgway

Figure 4
- Henry’s famous “Silvered and Engraved” armour, made around 1515. Photo ©2012 Tim Ridgway

Figure 5
- Portrait of Henry VIII by the workshop of Hans Holbein the Younger 28

Figure 6
- A vintage engraving showing Anne Boleyn

Figure 7
- Henry lies in his death bed in “Edward VI and the Pope: An Allegory of the Reformation”, artist unknown.



Hutchinson, page 209.

The worst legs in the world

Ives, page 190.
Keynes, pages 180-1.
Chalmers and Chaloner
Chalmers and Chaloner
CSP, Vol 16, 3 March 1541.
CSP, Vol. 19 Part 1, 18 May 1544.
Ackroyd, page 176.
Erickson, page 328.
Chalmers and Chaloner.
Chalmers and Chaloner.
Park, page 38.
Hu et al.
Hu; Katon et al.
Other theories regarding Henry’s health try to account for his ulcerated and devitalized limbs, but since those theories focus mainly on trying to answer questions regarding his pursuit of a male heir and his volatile change in personality, they appear in those sections of the book.

A brief account of the king’s offspring

Cressy, page 46.

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