Her Alpha Saviors [The Hot Millionaires #2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (26 page)

BOOK: Her Alpha Saviors [The Hot Millionaires #2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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A pretty woman, occupied with a sketch pad, glanced up at them, surprise and then pleasure registering as a smile lit up her entire face. Skye gasped. The resemblance was too marked for there to be any doubt. The dark hair, the piercing navy eyes, the finely etched features—this woman was related to Jay.

“She’s your sister?”

“Yeah, my sister.”

“Jay!” The woman threw her artwork on the floor and launched herself into his arms. Laughing, he caught her round the waist. “How you doing, Cassie?”

“I’m drawing a bird.” Her words were slow and slightly slurred, but Skye was able to understand them. Cassie sat down again, picked up her pad, and displayed her work to Jay. “I can’t get its beak right.”

Jay crouched down to take a look, and Skye peered over his shoulder. It was remarkably good.

“That’s great, Cass,” he said. “You’ve almost got its beak.”

Cassie picked up her pencil and chewed its end, frowning at her drawing like she didn’t quite believe him. “You think so?”

“Look, I’ve brought some people to meet you. This is Luke, and this pretty lady is Skye.” Cassie wrapped her arms round her torso, looking scared as she assessed them. “It’s okay, sweetheart. They won’t hurt you.”

Skye crouched down as well and picked up the sketch pad. “That’s very good, Cassie,” she said. “It’s a robin, right?”

Cassie nodded just once.

“She’s wary of strangers,” Jay mouthed, sitting beside her and taking her hand.

Skye sat cross-legged on the floor in front of her. Luke perched a buttock on a chair opposite, his gaze flicking between Jay and Cassie and then back again.

“I like to draw,” Skye said. “Do you like horses, Cassie?” She nodded uncertainly. “Well, I have a horse called Rio. Shall I draw her for you?”


* * * *


Half an hour later, Skye and Cassie were chatting like old friends. Lunchtime came round, and Cassie walked willingly with Skye into the dining room. Jay and Luke followed on behind. As always, there were almost as many staff as there were patients, there to help everyone to get what they needed without patronising them. So they fucking well should, Jay thought, given how much it cost to keep Cassie here. Not that he resented the money. He’d pay ten times that amount to have his sister back the way she used to be.

They left the home after lunch, and Jay promised they’d all call again real soon, wondering if he’d be able to keep that promise. He’d never lied to Cassie. Her carers said it wouldn’t matter, she wouldn’t know any different, but Jay refused to believe that. He was still convinced that she remembered the things he said to her. Perhaps that was just because it was what he wanted to believe. Who knew?

“Why didn’t you say something before now?” Luke asked as they made their way back to the car.

“Let’s go back to The Fox. I’ll tell you everything then.”

No one said much as Jay drove fast back down the motorway. Skye barely paused to check everything was as it should be before she frog-marched Jay and Luke up the steps to the loft. She opened beers for the two men, poured herself a glass of wine, and plonked herself down in the only armchair, leaving the men to share the loveseat.

“Right, you,” she said, pointing at Jay. “Start talking.”

“She’s right,” Luke agreed when Jay rested his elbows on his splayed legs, dropped his head into his hands, and stared at the floor. “You’ve got some explaining to do.”

“She’s my older sister, but I guess you already got that bit.” Jay shook his head. “She’s five years older than me, and my earliest memories are of her carting me about like a doll.” He flashed a brief smile. “I adored her. No, make that I still adore her.”

“That much was very obvious,” Skye agreed with a soft smile.

“Beautiful, intelligent, funny, she had her whole life in front of her, not to mention a place at Yale with her name on it.” He scowled and took a long pull on his beer, still unsure how the two people he loved most in the world really felt about his devastating secret. The gentle pressure of Skye’s fingers as she reached across to touch his hand gave him the courage to go on.

“Her prom night was the biggest event of her life. She’d talked about nothing else for weeks. I still remember the look on her date’s face when she came down the stairs in a turquoise dress that shimmered like moving sea, her hair cascading down her back.” Jay closed his eyes, allowing a memory that he seldom let out of its box to briefly overwhelm him. “I know I’m biased, but she left every other female in her year in the shade. I wasn’t the only one who thought so because the quarterback on the football team was the guy all the girls wanted to have a part of.”

“And let me guess,” Skye said. “He was Cassie’s date.”


“What happened?” Luke asked when Jay’s words stalled.

“A car accident on the way home.” He sighed. “The quarterback was killed, and Cassie was left with permanent brain damage. We didn’t think she’d survive at first.”

“Oh, Jay, I’m so sorry.” Skye’s cheeks were wet with tears. “That must have devastated your family.”

“Yeah, and then some.” Jay scratched his jaw. “We tried keeping her at home for a while after the accident, but she got teased a lot, which was real upsetting for all of us. Anyway, her being at home was never gonna work. She needed specialist care and continuous therapy for years. When Dad died five years ago, Mom decided to return to her English roots and bring Cassie with her. We found that home for Cass, which is the best in the country, and she’s happy there, we think.”

“How much is she aware of?” Skye asked.

“Depends who you ask.”

“I’m guessing that’s why we decamped to this side of the pond after your Mom died,” Luke said.

“Yep. Cass is settled where she is, but she’s used to having her family around as well. Mom visited, sometimes twice a week, but she only has me now, and I can’t let her down. Besides, sometimes she has little fits, like she did when I dashed off on the day of the reception, so I need to be here as much as I can.”

Luke shook his head. “Why didn’t you say something before now?”

“I should have, I guess. It’s not that I’m ashamed of her or anything. It’s more a protective thing. She understood all the mean things people said, no one will ever convince me differently, and I can’t stand for my beautiful sister to be demeaned.”

Luke’s face turned a deep shade of crimson. “And you thought I’d—”

“No, buddy. I’m sorry, it’s—” Jay spread his hands. “I suppose I just got used to not talking about her. It’s deeply personal.”

“Thanks for introducing us,” Skye said softly. “I think she’s a very special person.”

“Yeah, she is. Mom used to take her on outings, sometimes have her at home for the weekend, and that’s what I do when I come up to town. But it’s less than satisfactory. She’s not happy in unfamiliar surroundings, or in crowds, or with strangers. It kind of limits the options, which is why I was so interested in The Fox.” Skye inhaled sharply. “I wanna find a nice place in the country that I can call home. Somewhere I can take Cass every so often and know she’ll be safe and happy.”

“She’s welcome at The Fox
anytime,” Skye assured him. “You don’t need to invest for that to happen. I’ll make her feel at home and take good care of her.”

“The hell you will!”

Jay shook off his sombre mood, relieved beyond imagination that Skye and Luke had both reacted so positively. How could he love them both so much if there was even a remote chance it could have been otherwise? He was a prise jerk. He reached across to Skye and took her hand in his.

“Cassie is the woman I love second most in the world.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it almost chastely. “You, Ms. Harrison, are
numero uno.

“What!” She blinked several times. “You’re not serious? You can’t possibly be.”

He offered her a full-wattage smile that heated the air between them. “Never more so. And, I suspect, my best buddy here feels the same way.”

“Right on,” Luke agreed, taking her other hand and giving it the same treatment.

“But we’ve only known each other a few days.”

“I knew after a few hours that you were the one.”

Luke nodded emphatically. “And I.”

Jay stood, scooped Skye from her chair, and sat back down again with her on his lap. Luke tugged at her legs until she stretched them across his thighs. She giggled when he pulled off her shoes, tossed them on the floor, and gently massaged her insteps.

“Oh, that’s rather nice.”

“Behave!” Jay tapped the side of her butt. “And listen up. I, that is we, have a proposal for you.”

“I’m listening,” she said, mischief dancing in her eyes.

“I’ll pay off the bank loan and help you get The Fox
up and running again.”

“You what!” Mischief was replaced with incredulity. “Why would you—”

“We’ll convert the floor beneath this loft into living space and a couple of bedrooms, just for appearance’s sake. The loft will get the treatment, too.”

“And some proper heating, I trust,” Luke added with feeling.

“Absolutely. The three of us will live up here together, just like we almost do right now. We’ll both be your husbands, lovers, protectors—” Jay paused to glance at Luke. He hadn’t discussed this with him beforehand but could see from his euphoric expression that he’d got it spot-on. “We’ll have to disappear occasionally to take care of business.”

“I don’t, I—” Luke had lifted one of her feet and was sucking her toes. “Luke, I can’t think straight when you do that. It goes straight to my pussy.”

Luke chuckled. “That’s kinda the idea.”

“Obviously, Cassie will come and stay some weekends,” Jay said, caressing one of Skye’s breasts with a featherlight touch through the fabric of her blouse. “If you’re serious about having her here. I think she’ll love the place.”

“I’ve told you,” Skye said, her voice dazed. “She’s welcome anytime.”

“When we take trips to America you’ll have to come as well. We won’t leave you alone for that long, so you’ll have to appoint a reliable number two at The Fox.” He smiled into her eyes. “What do you say, gorgeous? Will you let us make our home together at The Fox? Let me hear you say you’ll dedicate the rest of your life just to the two of us.”

“Yes, oh yes!” She frowned. “It’s funny, now that I think about it I
understand why you’re both so sure so soon because I am, too. I knew I’d fallen in love with you both but thought I was just being unrealistic so I didn’t want to let on.” She tried to tilt her chin, but given that she was still spread across their two laps, Jay playing with her tits and Luke sucking her toes, it didn’t have the dramatic effect she’d presumably intended. “A girl has her pride, you know.”

Luke laughed. “You don’t have much pride on show when you beg us to fuck you.”

“That’s different.”

“Just think,” Jay said. “You’ll be able to have one or both of our cocks on demand practically 24-7.”

“Only practically?” Skye giggled and then screwed up her features. “But what’s the catch? Life isn’t supposed to be this perfect. There has to be a catch.”

“Ah, I was getting to that.” Jay flashed a brief grin Luke’s way. “You’ll have to be our sub, treat us as your masters, do absolutely everything we ask of you without question,
take any punishments we deem appropriate.” He eyed her sternly. “You up for that?”

“Yes, master.” Her eyes sparkled with anticipation. “Can we start practising now?”

“We’re gonna have our work cut out for us,” Jay said. “She has yet to learn how to take orders and speak when spoken to.” He sighed. “I guess we’d better give our not-so-obedient little sub a preview of what’s to come.”

“Me, I hope,” she said, grinning inanely.

“Only if and when we say you can.” Jay started working on the buttons to her blouse. Luke unsnapped her jeans. “You completely okay now?” he asked. “This might get a bit rough.”

“More than okay.” She squirmed her butt against their thighs. “Are you both going to fuck me to seal the bargain?”

“Is that what you’d like?”

“If it would please you, master.”

Luke chuckled. “She’s getting the hang of this.”

“She’s getting off on it, which is very naughty.” He pulled her blouse away from her shoulders and threw it on the floor. “Stop rubbing your thighs together, Skye, and keep perfectly still.”

“Lift your butt, babe,” Luke said.

She did so, and Luke pulled her jeans off her legs, tossing them over his shoulders.

In just a lacy bra and skimpy G-string, she grinned up at her two lovers and wriggled about a little more.

“Is that thing soaked through?” Luke asked, running a finger along the edge of her G-string.

“Yes, master. I’ve been bad. I creamed my panties.”

“You shouldn’t have done that.” She lowered her eyes and said nothing. “I’m gonna have to punish you.”

She mangled her lower lip between her teeth, presumably to suppress a smile. “I know.”

“What do you think, Jay? How should we make her pay?”

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