Her Cyborg

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Authors: Nellie C. Lind

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Her Cyborg
Number I of
Bound by Her
Nellie C. Lind
Sense of Romance (2016)


MedAct is the company that can make all your dreams come true! Just give them a call and let them create the perfect man for you. But remember, you can never give him up. It will kill him, literally.

Loneliness and failed relationships made Phoebe want a cyborg of her own. With him, she would never be heartbroken again, but getting a cyborg is not easy. So when she turned to the medical and scientific company MedAct, she never expected to become one of the few people who passed their tests to be able to apply for one.

Now, months later, his creation is complete, and they are about to come face to face for the very first time. The day she has waited for has finally arrived, and it is about to change everything.

Her Cyborg


Bound by Her Series - Book 1


Nellie C. Lind

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Her Cyborg

Bound by Her - Book 1

Copyright © Nellie C. Lind 2016

Cover and layout: Nellie C. Lind

Editors: Jennifer Brock and Raven. PA

Publisher: Sense of Romance

ISBN: 978-91-983127-1-3

First edition



This book may not be reproduced or shared in any way without the author's written permission. The book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination.

Book Description


Can't find Mr. Right? Why not create him? MedAct is the company that can make all your dreams come true! Just give them a call and let them create the perfect man for you. But remember, you can never give him up. It will kill him, literally.


Loneliness and failed relationships made Phoebe want a cyborg of her own. With him, she would never be heartbroken again, but getting a cyborg is not easy. So when she turned to the medical and scientific company MedAct, she never expected to become one of the few people who passed their tests to be able to apply for one.


Now, months later, his creation is complete, and they are about to come face to face for the very first time. The day she has waited for has finally arrived, and it is about to change everything.




“So what do you think?” Doctor Jade Silva asked while typing on the keyboard in front of her.

Phoebe turned her head and watched the huge TV screen that hung on the wall. Apart from the screen and Jade's desk, there wasn't much in the office. The lack of plants and decorations along with the white walls gave her office that clinical look.

Anticipation lingered inside Phoebe. This was the moment she had waited for since she had signed the papers about three weeks ago. After months of studying and preparing, she had finally been approved to create her own cyborg. A 3D image of a naked man showed up to the left on the screen. His arms were stretched out and he slowly rotated so that she could see every little detail of him. To the right on the screen information and data about him blinked by, but she couldn't take her eyes off him. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen and he was all hers. Phoebe gasped with a smile and placed a hand over her mouth.

“He's perfect,” she said and rose from the chair.

She walked closer to the screen. She wanted to touch it, but that would give the wrong impression. Instead, she stared at the man, enjoying the view of his muscular body and enchanting face. His long, black hair lingered down his shoulders. His almond-shaped eyes looked at her. A gentle smile played on his kissable lips.

The only thing she couldn't affect was the color of his eyes, but they were the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. They reminded her of glass with their transparent color and the way they shone like cat eyes in the dark sent goosebumps all over her skin.

About a year ago, she had turned to the scientific and medical company MedAct to apply for a male cyborg. Relationships had never worked out for her. It had left her with a broken heart and more loneliness than she could bare, but with this cyborg, she would never be alone again.

She had chosen his features and personality with the help of Doctor Jade Silva. She had taken her time to decide everything just to make sure that he would be the perfect man for her, and he was. She was already in love with him. The fantasy man inside her head was becoming a reality, and soon, he would walk and breathe. She longed for the day when she would finally be able to touch him.

“Now, there are a few more papers to fill out,” Jade said. “But once they are done, we can start the creating process. It will take about three months before he will be completed.” Jade looked up from her computer screen. “Do you wish to change any details? Maybe another hair color or perhaps take away an inch of his height?”

Phoebe turned toward the doctor. “No, I'm happy with the result.”

“Are you sure? Once you press that button it will be final, there will be no turning back.”

Phoebe smiled. “I'm sure.”

“Go ahead then.”

Phoebe turned toward the huge TV screen again and stared at the green digital button bellow her cyborg's spinning image. Her hand trembled when she reached out, but she never hesitated. A clicking sound was heard when she pushed it, confirming him for creation.

Chapter 1


Three months later


“Maybe I should apply for a cyborg too,” Phoebe heard Faye laugh on the other side of the phone line. “I want a month away from work too.”

Phoebe laughed back. “Well, it's a little like having a baby, you know. The basic programming is already there, like eating, walking, and so on. I will have to teach him everything else, though. I will live at MedAct for four weeks to help him adapt to society.”

“That sounds like a lot of fun.”

“So why don't you give it a try? You already have the necessary requirements. You're thirty years old, you're single, you're healthy, you have a well-paid job, and a place of your own.”

“Yeah and then there's all that testing to find out how whacked up my head is. You spent months going through that.”

“It's for the cyborg's safety. MedAct wants to make sure that they are with good people. You can never abandon your cyborg because of the bond. It would kill him.”

“And that's why I'm not sure I want to apply for one. I like my privacy.”

“But that's the nice thing with this. You can program him to enjoy some time on his own. You can give him a personality that fits you.”

Faye sighed. “I don't know, Phebs. What if he won't like that part of his programming? He will be an aware being, a person of his own, like you and me, and he will have the option to ignore his programming.”

“It's your choice, Faye.”

“I must admit that I'm tempted, but I will wait and see how things turn out for you before I make my decision.”

“All right. I will call you in a few days and tell you how things are going. I'm entering MedAct in a second.”

“Good luck!”

“Thanks,” Phoebe smiled and ended the call.

She stopped outside the huge building with more glass windows than she could count. She had no idea how many floors there were, but it seemed to be more than fifty. She had taken her classes here and she had been tested here to see if she was suitable to own a cyborg or not. She had signed the papers here and this was where she would live with her cyborg for one whole month. Doctor Jade Silva and her team would have a watchful eye on both of them during that time.

She entered through the wide glass doors. A clean and bright hall with windows instead of walls greeted her. A sign above the reception desk said “MedAct”. Today was the big day. Today, he would open his eyes and look at her for the first time. Nothing could go wrong.

She hurried to the elevators, dragging her wheel bag behind her. She felt like a child who was about to open the best present ever. She noticed people smiling at her when they saw her happiness. She smiled back and stepped into the elevator. It felt like hours for it to reach the right floor. When the doors opened on the tenth floor, Doctor Jade Silva was already waiting for her. Her light brown hair was put up in a ponytail and she wore a doctor's robe over her black shirt and jeans. Jade was a slim and short woman with her five feet, two inches stature. Her facial features were sweet and gentle, but her eyes shone with strength and determination Phoebe rarely saw in people's eyes. This woman knew what she wanted and her intelligence was not to be taken lightly.

“Hello, Phoebe,” Jade said and shook her hand. “Are you ready?”

“Oh yes!” Phoebe was unable to hide her excitement.

“Good. Let me show you where you are staying during your visit here.”

Phoebe followed Jade through a long hallway. The walls were white and decorated with beautiful lamps. A gray carpet lay on the floor. There were white doors on both sides and Jade stopped in front of one of them. Phoebe stopped too.

Jade pressed a key-disk against a metallic plate located next to the door. It clicked and the door opened. They walked inside and Phoebe took a look around. The apartment wasn't big. A small kitchen, one bedroom, one small living room, and a bathroom. Everything was clinical and white. No paintings on the walls and no patterns on the curtains.

“This will be your apartment for a few weeks. Make sure he stays in here for at least two or three days before you show him around. Remember, he won't be able to talk in the beginning. It will take a few hours for his brain to function properly. Primitive instincts will drive him during that time and you will need to be there for him. Everything will be confusing to him.”

“I understand,” Phoebe said and placed her bag next to the bed.

Jade looked through the few papers that she held in her hands. “I see that you have taken the shot to prevent pregnancy. That's good. You need to focus on him in the beginning while he learns. Becoming pregnant during that time is not recommended.”  

“I know,” Phoebe answered.

She didn't want that either, but she hoped that they one day would have a child. She had made sure that he would want one in the future. She had put it into his programming, but that was as far as she could go. He had his basic programming, but he wasn't a machine. He was a constructed humanoid with cybernetic implants, created in a laboratory. And once he opened his eyes, he would be a person of his own, capable of questioning his programming. The only thing that would never change was their bond. She owned him and always would. Without her, he wouldn't survive.

The bond was love, literally. He would love her from the first moment he laid eyes on her. During her classes, the teachers had taught her and the other students the importance of the bond. It was the only thing that kept the cyborgs sane. Without it, they went crazy, but most died. She didn't know why, but that was the last thing she wanted to happen to her cyborg.

“Have you chosen a name for him yet?”

Phoebe nodded. “Shade.”

“That's a good name,” Jade said and wrote it down in her papers.

Cyborgs were not allowed to have human names like William, David, or Luke. It was a way of separating them from the humans. Phoebe didn't like that rule, but she had no other choice but to follow it. Cyborgs had made-up names or names of things.

Jade lowered her papers and looked at Phoebe. “So, are you ready to meet him?”

Phoebe's heart raced. “Yes.”




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