Her Demonic Angel (Her Angel Romance Series Book 5) (18 page)

BOOK: Her Demonic Angel (Her Angel Romance Series Book 5)
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“Just how old are you?”

He dipped down and pressed a brief kiss to her lips. “Around two thousand and something. You lose track... and now I’m losing track... I haven’t been with anyone in a very long time. My focus has been on finding a way to escape the service of the Devil and have my revenge on him, and on Heaven. I hadn’t so much as looked at a woman until I saw you in that cell, and I knew that very moment that I wanted you.”

“You did?” Erin looked up into his dark eyes and found them warm and full of affection mixed with desire, a dangerous combination that had her melting into the bed and forgetting her worries. Except that bit about him being two thousand years old. Talk about an age gap.

“I did... I still do. I want you.”

Her fingers brushed his belt and suddenly it was gone too, and so were his jeans. She looked down the length of him, between their bodies, and her eyes widened at the sight of his thick cock.

“And I will have you.” Veiron growled the words in the sexiest, most possessive and bone-melting snarl she had ever heard.

Her heart leapt into her throat and everything that was woman in her came alive and reached for him.

“So have me,” she whispered and his eyes narrowed on hers.

He settled his weight on her, hips nestled between her thighs, and shifted backwards. Erin held her breath. Veiron knocked it out of her. He entered her in one swift deep stroke, neither brutal nor gentle. Erin grabbed his shoulders. Veiron slid one hand beneath her, holding her body against his, and grasped the nape of her neck with his other, cradling her head. He kissed her as deeply as he thrust into her, claiming all of her, stealing a piece of her with each primal meeting of their bodies.

Erin shifted her hands to his hair, twining her fingers in the long red lengths and holding him to her. She hooked her feet around his backside, moaning with each deep plunge of his cock. In. Out. Shattering her. She couldn’t think. Couldn’t do anything but react and feel.

Veiron moved above her, his groans deep guttural growls in her mouth, his hands clutching her to him, cock stroking and filling her, plunging to the hilt until his balls brushed her and his pelvis slammed into her clitoris. She had never made love like this. She had never felt so completely possessed by a man, so deeply connected to one.

She kissed him, tasting his passion, letting it flow into her as hers flowed into him. Every time she tightened her grip on him or obeyed her instincts to shift her hips against his, to ride his cock each time it glided into her and withdrew, he groaned into her mouth and held her closer. If that was even possible.

Erin lost herself.

Moving in time with him, kissing him, clutching him, there wasn’t a place where she wasn’t connected to him. One with him.

She writhed beneath him, breathless, consumed by pleasure and racked by bliss, reaching ever onward for her climax, stretching for it. Veiron grunted, kissed her, pumped harder and held her closer.


That thought pounded in her head as surely and rapidly as her heart pounded in her chest.

Veiron belonged to her. They had been made for each other. Fit so perfectly.

One soul in two bodies.

He groaned and buried his head in her throat, clutching and squeezing her, hurting her with the ferocity of his grip but she didn’t care. She felt only pleasure. Endless. Engulfing. She drowned in it, in the way her sweat-slicked skin stuck to his as they shifted against each other, thrusting and pumping, lost in each other.

“Erin,” he growled into her throat and kissed it, and then bit with blunt teeth. The delicious pressure of his teeth against her flesh tore a moan from her. He curled one hand over her shoulder, holding her in place as he deepened his thrusts, long strokes of his cock that had her groaning louder and louder. She didn’t even care if anyone heard her.

Nothing mattered except finding release with Veiron.

“Veiron.” His name fell from her lips in a whispered plea that he answered by thrusting harder, deeper, pinning her body against his and taking her. He growled and snarled, a beast in her arms, primal and strong, wild and untamed. Everything she had begun to love about this man.

Erin tipped her head back and surrendered to him, letting him have his way with her, body filling with pleasure that threatened to sweep her away if she didn’t find release soon.

Veiron gave it to her. He withdrew and with the next hard plunge of his long cock a dazzling burst of white-hot fire exploded from her core, coursing through her veins and carrying her away into an endless sea of warmth and hazy bliss. She couldn’t remember if she had cried his name, or jerked against him. The sensations he ignited and detonated within her swamped all physical awareness of her body, leaving her floating on an emotional plane of existence.

Veiron growled something that she hazily thought sounded like ‘mine’.

His cock throbbed, shooting his hot seed into her quaking core and he stilled above her, hands pressing hard into her flesh, clutching her to him as his body trembled.

Erin felt too sated too move, too boneless and warm. He settled above her, body pressing into hers, and she realised that he was shaking too. His breath skated across her cheek and washed her face with heat. Erin opened her eyes and looked up into his, and found them dark and fathomless, but not cold. There was such heat in them. Not passion but something stronger, something that echoed within her.

Before she could figure it out, he closed his eyes and rolled onto his back, bringing her with him.

He settled with her on his chest, her cheek pressing against it, and his large hand covered the other side of her head, keeping her there.

She listened to his heart pounding, a fast drumming that matched his breathing, and closed her eyes.

She had never experienced anything so primal in nature. She’d had some wild sex in her life, even some risky out in the open sex, but she had never felt as she had just now with Veiron. It invaded her afterglow, leaving her mind churning.

Erin focused on his breathing and heartbeat, battling the rising desire to sleep in his strong arms, safe from her nightmares. She wanted to unravel the puzzle, wanted to know what it was about Veiron that had her feeling so connected to him, if it was anything at all. Maybe they were just a perfect fit.

Made for each other.

Veiron wrapped his arms around her, pulled her up to him so his softening cock slipped free of her body, and then dragged the flimsy blanket over them both.

He stroked her hair, the motion soothing, luring her to sleep.

She fought it.

He sighed, as though he had felt her battling her need for rest.

“Sleep,” he said, sounding tired himself. “I’ll watch over you. No beasties will come near you.”

“What about in my dreams?” she whispered, feeling like a child for mentioning it and admitting she was scared of her nightmares.

“Dream about me... like you were in the cave.”

She tensed. How had he known she had been dreaming about him then? Her dream hadn’t compared to the reality. Not even close. That had her feeling awake again, aware of the naked man beneath her, wanting another go with her on top this time.

“No denial?” There was a smile in his voice. So he had been guessing after all and her reaction had given her away. He chuckled and she liked the sound of it. It relaxed her. “You had good dreams both times you’ve slept in my arms. I don’t know how it works, but I swear to you, if I make the bad ones go away somehow, I will do it again for you now.”

That was sweet of him. Noble. Protecting her even in her dreams.

But she didn’t want to close her eyes and go there again.

“What if something happens and you have to go away to speak with Taylor or Einar?” she whispered and circled his pebbled nipple with her fingertip. “I don’t want to dream like I did just an hour ago. I don’t want to see that again.”

“I swear, Erin,” he said on a sigh and stroked her hair. “That I will not leave your side until you wake.”

That comforted her but she read into his words. He wouldn’t leave her until she woke. He was still planning to leave her then. She had felt it a few times now, an awareness of his intentions followed by a soul deep need to make him stay somehow.

“Sleep, Sweetheart,” he whispered and held her head to his firm chest. His breathing soothed her, soft and steady, and she looked up at him to find him watching her, his eyes as tender as his touch. “If something happens, I’ll wake you. I promise you, I won’t leave you alone again.”

Erin felt that promise deep in her heart. He meant it. He would stay with her, never leaving her side, at least until he had reunited her with Amelia. She would take that much for now, but she wasn’t giving up on him.

She would find a way to make him stay with her.

She would never let him go.

He was hers now.

A single word echoed through her mind as she drifted off to sleep, Veiron’s arms wrapped around her, holding her close to him, protecting her. Whether the word came from his half of their soul or hers, she would never know, but it was something she felt in every fibre of her being, and it was something she knew she would never feel with anyone other than Veiron.




Veiron had fallen asleep after thinking it for over an hour whilst watching Erin sleeping in his arms. That single word had been in his head, ever constant, never fading. Whenever he looked at her, it screamed in his mind, beat in his veins, drummed in his heart and awoke in his soul. A deep, unrelenting need to shout it at the top of his lungs so the whole world would hear and to whisper it into her ear so his whole world would know it, rode him all through the time he had spent sleeping with her in his arms.


He couldn’t remember the last time he had slept with a woman. He wasn’t talking about post-sex sleep where he couldn’t help crashing on his front and snoring up a storm. He was talking about laying with a woman in his arms, holding her flush against his body, aware of her even in sleep. He was talking about sleeping after making love, contented, both his body and his heart sated by a shared intimate moment.

When was the last time he had made love?

He was sure it might have happened with Taylor, but she had always been about the wicked and wanton rather than the deep and soul-searching. What he had done with Erin had gone beyond physical connection and release.

And that was a grand fucking mistake.

His biggest one yet.

He had thought that by sleeping with her, scratching the itch he had to get down and dirty with her, he would satisfy the desire he felt for her, the pull and the deep need.

He couldn’t have been more wrong.

What they had experienced together hadn’t got her out from under his skin. It had only made his need for her burrow deeper into his flesh and he had a terrible feeling it was heading straight for his heart.

He couldn’t stop thinking about her. Even when she was out of sight. His hunger to see her and have her close to him only worsened then.

No good was going to come of this.

She might have accepted a side of himself he had thought she would reject, but she was still mortal and fragile, and he was still a wanted man. He wasn’t right for her. She needed someone safe, someone who would protect her. He could do the latter but he wasn’t the former. Danger followed him everywhere and until he’d had his vengeance, it wasn’t going to go away. Afterwards? Well, he didn’t think the Devil and God would take his insubordination lying down, and he was probably unlikely to see such a thing as afterwards. They would kill him before he could do much damage. Even if he had an entire army of angels at his back and all the legions of demons in Hell under his command, he wouldn’t be able to defeat the Devil or his purer counterpart on high. Neither of them ever flexed their muscles but they would if Veiron proved a threat. It would only take a flick of one finger against him to shatter every bone in his body and reset his position on their chessboard.

“You’re thinking a lot today,” Erin said, voice soft and luring him back to the world. She walked beside him, milky evening winter sunlight streaming down on her, casting highlights in her cropped black hair and causing the lilac stripe down the right side to shine vividly.

He shouldn’t be out in the open with her but it seemed he lacked an ability to voice the words in his head when it came to her. Everything came out the opposite of what he intended to say.

When she had woken, refreshed from close to eleven hours of nightmare-free sleep, and had eaten a small bowl of fruit, she had asked him to take her back to her apartment so she could gather some clothes. Every instinct had told him to say no. His mouth had said yes.

Instincts meant nothing when it came to Erin. His heart overruled them all, forcing him to let her have her way, indulging her even when it was dangerous.

He had tried to take it back and convince her that going to her apartment was asking for trouble, especially when they had encountered Hell’s angels barely a day ago and reinforcements would be looking for them. Erin had listened to none of it. She had shot down every excuse with a sweet smile and a reminder that he was more than capable of protecting her.

While he enjoyed her faith in him and his abilities as her protector, he didn’t enjoy her rubbing his ego to manipulate him into doing what she wanted.

Neither did he enjoy the fact that it didn’t even take much of a rub to force his agreement. He was too pliant when it came to all things Erin, too eager to please.

Where was the soulless and merciless warrior now?

He had hardened his heart to females, to everyone, focusing entirely on his need for vengeance and his mission. He had vowed not to stop until he had fulfilled that mission and he was free of what felt like a curse. No woman, no man, nothing would stand between him and success or divert his attention.

Erin had softened him. He had tried to fight her, had closed himself off repeatedly, shutting down his emotions and hardening his heart once more, but whenever she was near to him, her fragrance filling his senses and making him hunger for her, he softened again.

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