Her Dragon Hero

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Authors: Angela Castle

Tags: #Erotic Romance/Paranormal

BOOK: Her Dragon Hero
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Table of Contents

Title Page




Angela Castle



Published by
An Imprint of Whiskey Creek Press LLC
Whiskey Creek Press
PO Box 51052
Casper, WY 82605-1052

2014 by
Angela Castle

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Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

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ISBN 978-1-


Cover Artist: Gemini Judson

Editor: Dennis Hays

Printed in the United States of America


ABDUCTING ALICE by Angela Castle

Rating: 4

“ The beginning of a series this fast little romp teased as well as delivered. The Kelon males are highly sexual. The Kelon females almost asexual in that they derive no pleasure from the act. When Alice, and her libido, make itself known to Kerr and eventually the entire male population, all hell breaks loose. An entertaining read that promises more to come, as well as an interesting premise as far as the mismatched sexual appetites of the Kelon.”


Night Owl Reviews

“Abducting Alice is a fun read full of unusual characters, and the unlikeliest of events, like a wife getting along with her mother-in-law. Ms. Castle has provided a great remedy to a rainy afternoon.”


Whipped Cream

SAVING SARA by Angela Castle

A must read if you are involved in the series, and a good read if you are not.

Happy Reading

~ Tammie King

Director of Marketing, Night Owl Reviews

Other Books by Author Available at Torrid Books:


Warriors of Kelon Series

Abducting Alice

Tempting Tara

Resisting Rachel

Claiming Claire

Saving Sara

Possessing Providence

   Blue Bloods of Archalon Series

Blood Rich

                 Moon Shadows Series

Moonlight Captivation

Sin’s City

    Dragon Down Under Series

Dragon Down Under

Dragon Down Under: Two Plus One


Tegan, you rock girl! Thanks for looking after us while in Darwin.


It was once widely assumed among dragon-kind, living in the Dragon Realm, that humans were an ignorant species. Therefore, they were extremely dangerous and to be avoided at all cost.

Dragon criminals were often punished with exile and tossed into the Human Realm, where they were never heard from again.

Until now…

Chapter 1

Brimstone the Crusher leaned his large frame against the ancient pillars at the very back of the Dragon King’s throne room. His ruby gaze moved from the Elders to the King as they argued.

“The fact remains humans are dangerous. To send more of us out there is going to invite trouble,” Council member and Elder Javir yelled above the muttering.

The old grey dragon stood on the left side of the King near the new Commander of the King's Guard.

Not too long ago, the old Commander, Kaden De-Kerr, had been accused by the Dragon Queen of attempted rape, but her deception and false accusation was brought to light when she ran off with the new captain, Merloc.

The King travelled to the Human Realm to seek Kaden’s forgiveness and bring him home, only to find the old Commander had found his true, dragon mate and didn’t wish to return. The news of human females being not only possible mates, but true mates spread through the whole Dragon Realm.

It looked as if a dragon could live like royalty among humans. Many dragons came to the King to petition access to the Human Realm to search for mates.

However, there were still so many uncertainties about it, hence the current debate. Brimstone, a gruff, red dragon, hatched to be a fighter, was dragged to this argument by his friend, Slade, who was interested in finding some pretty humans to impress and fuck. Judging from the massed crowd of dragon males pressing in on this debate, Slade wasn’t the only one.

“We can no longer pretend ignorance,” the King snapped at Javir. “Breeding of our kind is rapidly decreasing; the rarity of hatching a female dragon is ever more apparent. Do you want us to become an extinct race?”

“It’s better to become extinct, than have our bloodline polluted by humans!” Javir spat back at the King, disgust evident in his tone.

“I’ve seen human females and I don’t see the issue,” Slade muttered under his breath.

Brimstone snorted, knowing his long-time friend’s pickings of potential females to seduce were extremely thin.

Brim, on the other hand, didn’t care for females, only for battle; it’s better than sex. The heart-pounding thrill of getting to kill something was well…almost better than sex, but the King's point of having fewer dragons meant fewer enemies to fight. Currently, his only action was killing demons who dared cross over into the Dragon Realm.

Brim frowned, wondering why they have been catching more demons sneaking into their realm of late.

“Javir does have a point. Humans are a weak, non-magical species,” said Brim, his voice low, glancing down at his friend. Slade was a golden dragon. While also fighters, many of them were also suave diplomats.

“Those poor, weak, helpless females...” Slade’s smile morphed up into a calculating grin. “They need a good, strong dragon to protect them, and hold them.”

Brim rolled his eyes and grunted. His gaze returned to the elders, watching the King pinch the bridge of his nose in clear frustration.

Slade moved suddenly, shoving his way through the crowd, much to the surprise of Brim and several other dragons.

“My King, if I may suggest something?” His voice rang clear and everyone fell silent while angry gazes turned his way.

“Slade the Sly, is it not?” The King eyed him with suspicion. “Speak wisely and fast, or I will have your tongue removed and spikes driven under your scales.”

Apparently unfazed by the king’s threat, Slade smiled. “I propose a fact-finding mission. After Commander De-Kerr’s exile, it’s clear we now know less about humans than we thought. If a few dragons were to go and learn, gather current facts on human societies, and bring them back, I believe Your Majesty and the Elders will be more informed and better able to make clear decisions. Is it not wise to know your enemy before you engage in battle?”

Brim grunted at Slade’s speech. His friend was either the smartest dragon he knew, or the dumbest.

“And who do you propose should go on this fact-finding mission?” The King took several steps towards Slade.

“Two dragons, Your Majesty; a fighter for protection and one who is smart and quick to learn. I propose my friend Brimstone and I go for you.”

Dragon crap!
Brimstone straightened and all eyes turned to him. He didn’t want to go to the Human Realm. He was going to kill Slade for this.

“Brimstone, come forth,” the King called.

Oh yeah, I am going to pound his fucking, smug, dragon head into the dust.

The crowd parted and Brim moved through the path to stand by his friend.

The King glanced between Brim’s seven foot human height to Slade’s six foot four.

“I like this idea. I suppose I will postpone driving spikes under your scales for now, Slade.”

Slade chuckled. “It is appreciated, Your Majesty.”

“You will both go. Consult with Kaden De-Kerr when you reach the Human Realm. I will give you one lunar cycle to bring back all the information you can.”

Javir pushed forward. “But, Your Majesty! You can’t just —”

“Enough!” The king bellowed at the Elder, who shrank back. “These two have brought the only helpful argument to this debate. It is done. I will hear no more of your long-winded arguments, Javir. We will reconvene at the end of the lunar cycle.”

The King turned back to Brim and Slade while the crowd slowly filed out of the King’s throne room. Brim glanced down at the smug smile on Slade’s handsome face. Brim’s fists clenched; rearranging Slade’s features suddenly sounded like a really good idea.

“Your Majesty, I don’t think I should…” Brim let his protest falter as the King glared at him.

“You don’t wish to serve your king?”

“Yes, of course.  I always do my duty.”

“Good. Don’t let me down, you two, there is a lot at stake here. Before you leave, come to the archive room with the list of what we need to know, especially concerning human females.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Slade dipped his head in a respectful bow. “We won’t let you down.”

Fucking, demon balls!
There was no getting out of it now.

* * * *

Four Days Later…

The blue dragon, Kaden De-Kerr, and his little pregnant mate, Terrie, gave both Brimstone and Slade a crash course in living in the Human Realm, along with all the funds they needed to stay at places of lodging and to explore. Now, they sat at a human bar, not far from the oceanfront of Darwin City. The place was situated in the country of Australia, a dry, arid and comfortable climate for a dragon. Slade was in his element, but Brimstone felt out of place. While his height was nothing out of the ordinary in his own realm, here among humans, he stood out. Along with his hardened face, it made the humans stare at him in fear.

He didn’t really give a fuck what anyone thought anyway.

“How can you not be interested in this?”

Brimstone’s cold, amber liquid with its frothy top sloshed all over the bar when Slade elbowed Brim’s arm.

He growled at his friend, but as usual, Slade took no notice. He was used to Brim’s temper. Brim lifted his gaze to follow where Slade stared. No – he grinned at them like a damn fool. His perfect, white teeth flashing at the human females sitting at the other end of the bar.

All—from the sleek, slim redhead with hazel eyes to her friend, an attractive blonde in a short red dress, showing her long, slender legs—held seductive, 'come hither' smiles aimed at Slade. Brim grunted. They were short, too skinny and looked like they couldn’t take a hard round of fucking without being broken in half.

Humans are frail and weak. He wondered how they were ever considered a threat to his kind.  Mentally, he shook his head, because he knew in great numbers, they were capable of doing great harm, even to a warrior dragon such as himself.

Brimstone did a scan of the rest of the humans in the room. More than just the females at the bar glanced in their direction, fluttering their eyes at Slade.

Poor fools. They had no idea of the allure a dragon male had on the unsuspecting human females.

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