Her Highlander's Promise (10 page)

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Authors: B. J. Scott

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Highlands, #Medieval Romance, #Warrior, #Scotland, #Highlanders, #Scottish Highlands, #Highlander, #Love Story, #Romance, #Scottish Highlander, #Scottish Medieval Romance, #Scots, #Medieval Scotland, #Scottish, #Scotland Highlands, #Highland, #Warriors, #Highland Warriors, #Scotland Highland

BOOK: Her Highlander's Promise
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Chapter 16

Laurel shot up with a start, awakened by a loud crack of thunder. The sound of the wind howling through the parapets and stark flashes of lightning illuminating her chamber caused her to shudder. A befitting start to what could be the worst day of her life—a day spawned from the bowels of the netherworld.

She rose, padded to the window, then peered through the sheet of torrential rain pelting the stone walls of the castle. Dread twisted her belly. This blast of Scottish weather would surely slow Blair’s journey. If it hadn’t put a halt to it altogether.

Laurel closed the shutters, then began to pace. If Blair failed to return, she’d be forced to go through with the wedding. Wishing she’d fled when she had the chance, life in a priory was starting to look appealing.

“Nay,” she said aloud, then shook her head. There was no point in second-guessing her decisions. But hope was quickly fading, and she needed to figure out a way to prevent the nuptials from taking place.

Speaking to Allan again was the only option that came to mind. He’d had some time to think since their last encounter, and she prayed he had a change of heart. The question was, how to arrange a discrete meeting without his mother finding out.

“Lady Laurel, are you awake? I’ve brought you something to break your fast.”

Mairi’s arrival could not have been timelier. Laurel raced to the door. “Aye. Come in.”

The maid entered, carrying a tray laden with food and a tankard of what Laurel assumed contained more tainted mead. Deirdre’s gown was slung over her arm. “You look much brighter today. Are you feeling better? The cook made some of your favorite foods,” she prattled on cheerfully.

“Please place the tray on the table, Mairi. I have a boon
to ask of you.”

“If within my power, I’d be happy to do your bidding,” the maid replied. “But first, you should try to eat.”

“There is no time to waste. I must speak with Lord Allan before the ceremony.”

“Och, it is bad luck for a groom to see his bride on the morning of their wedding,” Mairi cautioned.

Laurel grasped the maid by the shoulders. “I care not about silly superstitions. In a few hours, I am marrying a man I canna stand. How could fate possibly be crueler? Besides, I suspect he is no happier about the prospects of our union than I am.” She released her and stepped back. “I would ask you to fetch him, but dinna want you to risk Deirdre’s wrath.”

“The mistress will be furious if she finds out.”

“Aye. But if you were to leave the door unlocked, I could seek him myself. I will take full responsibility. Will you do as I ask?”

Mairi remained silent for a moment, then lunged forward, throwing her arms around Laurel. “If it will save you from a life of misery with Lord Allan, I will do whatever you wish. Damn the consequences.”

Laurel issued a sigh of relief. While the chances were slim to none that Allan would stand up to his mother, she had to try. “You’ll leave the door unlocked?”

Mairi nodded. “What about the gown?”

“I’ll try it on now.” Laurel slipped the garment over her head, then glanced at her reflection in a polished metal looking glass. She cringed at the sight. “I look like a wanton whore.” She tugged at the low-cut bodice, in an attempt to cover the exposed swell of her breasts.

“I did my best. Unfortunately, I canna perform miracles. No amount of tucks or pins will make it fit properly.”

“I know you dinna have much to work with. But I do have an idea.” She moved to her wooden chest in the corner of the room, then opened it. On top lay a length of MacClay plaid.

Mairi leaned over her shoulder. “What have you there?”

She lifted the black and gold fabric, then clutched it to her chest. “My mother wove this for my da near the end of the war for Scotland’s independence. He wore it intae battle on more than one occasion and took great care to bring it home without any holes.” After securing a portion of it around her waist, she tossed the remainder across her breasts, then over her shoulder. “Does it help?” She turned to face Mairi.

“While the clan colors dinna match the purple tunic verra well, the sash does preserve your modesty,” the maid said as she tugged at the fabric.

“It will have to do. If we’ve finished here, I must find Lord Allan.” She opened the door and peered into the hall. “Do you have any idea where Deirdre might be right now?”

“She was in the great hall breaking her fast when last I saw her. I did overhear her telling one of the servants that she wanted a bathing tub brought to her chamber right after she’d finished her meal. She loves to soak in lavender oil so my guess is she will be busy of a while.”

“Good. I’d hate to run into her before I have a chance to speak with her son. Did he join her for the morning meal?”

“He was leaving the hall when his mam arrived. Several of the guests were there, and she tried to get him to stay. But he made his excuses. He told her he was going to his solar to prepare for the wedding. You know how he loves to primp. He is vainer than most women.” Mairi covered her mouth and giggled.

“Aye, my betrothed is an arrogant, pompous arse. Did the guests not wonder about my whereabouts? They must have thought it odd that I had yet to make an appearance.”

“Aye, they did ask, but the mistress said you had been feeling poorly for a few days, thought it might be something you ate, or pre-wedding nerves. According to her, you chose to take your meals in your chamber and to remain in seclusion until after the nuptials.”

“Leave it to my cousin to come up with a reason for my absence that people wouldna question.” She shook her head in disgust, then peeked into the hall. “There is no one around so best I go now. Pray Allan agrees to hear me out.”

“I will, m’lady. Shall I wait for you here?”

“Aye. And, Mairi, thank you again for helping me.” She hugged her friend, then made her way down the hallway.

Getting from the north tower to Allan’s room on the south side of the castle unnoticed proved easier than she expected. Those servants she encountered were too busy with Deirdre’s long list of wedding preparations to pay her any mind. She arrived at his chamber and drew in a slow deep breath for courage before she knocked.

“Come in, Paul, and make haste. I have been waiting for you to bring my ale for almost an hour,” he said.

Laurel pushed the door open. Greeted by a rush of warm, fragrant air, she stepped inside. “I’m not your manservant.”

Freshly bathed, shaved, and with every cropped auburn hair in place, her betrothed stood before her. Looking every bit the gentleman, he wore a pair of tan trews, matching stockings, polished black leather boots, a stiff saffron tunic, and a strip of gold silk around his waist. Known for his love of fine clothes and ornate jewels, many speculated he cared more about appearances than anything else, including women.

He spun around to face her. “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to speak to you before the wedding.”

“About what?”

“I’d hoped that after our discussion at dinner the other evening, you might have given what I said about us not being a suitable match some thought. It isna too late to call off the ceremony.”

“I told you my answer then, so we have nothing to discuss,” he snapped, then studied her for a moment. He crinkled his nose as if smelling a most unpleasant odor. “What on earth are you wearing?”

She smoothed her hands down the front of her garment. “The gown your mother selected. Apparently she wore it the day she married your da and demanded I wear it today.”

His thin, tawny brows knit together, making his sharp angular features even less attractive. She hadn’t noticed until now how much he resembled his mother.

“It looks hideous. I insist you return to your chamber at once and remove the rag.” He pointed to the sash of MacClay plaid.

“This may not be the elegant attire to which you’ve become accustomed, but I had no choice. And the plaid stays. I wasna blessed with a full bosom, and refuse to flaunt what I do have for everyone to see. I also don it as a tribute to my parents and our clan.”

“It matters not if you are plain or fair, buxom or built like a lad. We will be married in name only if I have any say. My mother might have selected my bride, but canna dictate with whom I consort beneath the pelts.”

Somehow, Laurel found some solace in his statement. Bedding her cousin was the last thing she wanted. “And you are fine with being bound to a woman you dinna love? What about bairns? Most men want an heir, and as clan chief, it will be expected.”

“I dinna believe in love. Nor do I have a desire to bring any snivelling, squalling babes into the world,” he replied coldly. “However, if an heir becomes necessary, there are ways to accomplish the task that doesna require me to take you intae my bed.”

Laurel brought a hand to her throat and swallowed against the rising bile. A myriad of deplorable possibilities flooded her mind, causing her stomach to roil.

“Why did you agree to our marriage if you find the idea of being with me so distasteful?”

“You know why,” he answered. “We have gone over this before. My mother has never accepted defeat lightly, and she gets what she desires no matter the cost. She decided on the day you were born we would someday marry, making me the laird of Clan MacClay.”

“How did she know I wouldna have a brother? Or that my father would die at such a young age leaving me an only child? He also had brothers, any one of which could have served in his place.”

When he offered no response, she continued. “You are a grown man. Have you no mind of your own, or are you like your father, afraid to stand up to her?” She had nothing to lose by speaking her mind.

“Fear has nothing to do with it. Unlike you, I wasna born the son of a laird. My sire was nothing, nobody, a man without land, wealth, or title. My mam, while she had great ambitions, was the daughter of a peddler, and a poor one at that. Had your father not died and named mine your guardian, we’d still have nothing.”

“So rather than being a man who makes your own way in this world, you would stoop to marrying a woman you dinna love in order to gain power and title? I find that as despicable as the way your mother manipulates everyone around her.”

“My mother has done me a huge favor by insisting we wed. True, I have no desire to consummate our union. And you are correct, I find the whole idea revolting. Nor do I have an interest in ruling the clan. But then again, I willna have to when others are willing to do it for me.”

Frustrated beyond belief, Laurel wanted to grab the fool and shake some sense into him, but it would do no good. She’d have an easier time getting a dead horse to run than she did of reasoning with Allan. She threw her hands in the air. “I canna believe how complacent you are. So-so—” She could not find the words to express her thoughts.

“We dinna get to choose our destiny. I can think of worse things than marrying for wealth and position,” he replied. “So you see, coming here was a complete waste of time. I suggest you return to your chamber resolved to the fact that in a few hours, you will be my wife.” He turned his back to her and resumed fussing with his hair.

“I’ll resolve myself to nothing,” she shouted as she ran from the room.

Chapter 17

As Laurel walked through the bailey on her way to the kirk, she fought the urge to run. Not that she’d get far flanked by two warriors. She’d have tried to reason with them, even ask for their help, but she recognized neither man. Her escorts remained silent. They were not MacClay born and most likely hired by her cousins from outside the clan, and were sworn to do their bidding without question.

Rather than joy, sadness and despair filled her heart. Like most young women, she’d dreamt of her wedding day for as long as she could remember. The daughter of a laird, and aware she’d be expected to enter into a union that benefited the clan, she was fully prepared to honor tradition, and do her duty. However, she always pictured herself standing before the priest, exchanging vows with someone she loved. A husband with whom she looked forward to sharing her life. Not a man who made her skin crawl with disgust.

The final steps of her short journey from the castle to the chapel felt like the march of a condemned woman on route to her execution. Her life was about to change for the worse.

As the clock in the bell tower chimed for the twelfth time, she braced for the inevitable. She glanced around the village streets, desperately hoping that Blair would come riding up and save her. But there was no sign of him. The guests were assembled and waiting. She bowed her head in prayer, asking the Almighty for the strength to get her through this day.

She entered, but came to an abrupt halt, shocked that the only people present were Deirdre and two of Murray’s men. “Where are the others? I dinna understand,” she mumbled aloud.

“Explain to me how grown men, both trusted soldiers in my husband’s army, can lose a priest?” Deirdre shouted and tossed her hands in the air. “I sent you on a simple errand and you failed.”

“We were attacked, m’lady. Brigands brandishing claymores ambushed us on the trail. They caught us by surprise and we were lucky to escape with our lives,” one man said while nervously fidgeting with the hilt of his sword.

“You are armed. Are you not brave or skilled enough with a blade to thwart such an attack?” Deirdre crossed her arms over her chest and glared at them. “If that is the case, my husband needs to find men with courage and fortitude to guard the castle, not cowards.

“Begging your pardon, Mistress,” the second man spoke up. “The odds were in their favor. The priest was of no help, and we feared they might harm him.”

“What happened to him?”

“They took him, along with the horses and our supplies,” the first man replied.

“I find that very odd. Cutthroat thieves attacked you, stole your horses and a priest, yet let you live to tell the tale.” Deirdre stroked her chin. “Tell me this. If they took your mounts, how did you get back to the castle so quickly? On foot it would take several hours at best.”

“They left the beasts a short distance up the road. We found them grazing in a meadow,” the second man said with downcast eyes.

Deirdre shook her head. “But the clergyman was still missing?”

“Aye. Gone without a trace. But they left our coin and supplies with the horses.”

“It sounds like the priest was their target. Would you recognize these bandits?” Deirdre asked.

The first man shook his head. “Nay, m’lady. They wore hoods. There was nothing distinguishable about them or their horses. At least from what we can remember. Everything happened so fast. We were in the forest at the time of the attack and it was storming. With strong wind whipping about and rain so heavy we could scarcely see our hands before our faces. Getting a good look at the blackguards was impossible.”

“All lame excuses! But the result is the same. I have no man of the cloth to reside over the wedding. A ceremony that should be taking place at this verra minute.”

“We did our best,” the second man said. “We—”

“Well, it wasna good enough,” Deirdre snapped. “I sent the guests to the great hall for some refreshments and said I would call them back as soon as the priest arrived. What am I to do now? Powerful lairds from across the Highlands have come to witness the nuptials. The king of Scotland himself received an invitation to attend and might still show up. I canna have a wedding without clergy to bless the union.”

“They could marry by declaration or you might see them handfasted,” the first man suggested. “It might not be the ceremony you had in mind, but both are binding and legal.”

“If that is what I wanted, I would have saved myself the trouble of sending two buffoons to fetch a priest. Your methods are legal, but if either the bride or groom decide they dinna wish to stay together beyond a year and a day, the marriage can be annulled. I intend for this union to not only be legal, but binding.”

“There is a monastery an hour’s ride from here. I could ask one of the friars to officiate,” the second man offered. “If I leave now, I’ll be back in about three hours. With any luck, the priest might show up in the meantime. Maybe they set him free as well. He could be on his way here as we speak.”

After taking time to ponder the suggestion, Deirdre spoke. “It will have to do. Leave now, and this time, dinna let me down. If you fail to return with a friar, I will see you drawn and quartered. Do I make myself clear?”

The men bowed and answered in unison. “Aye, Mistress.” They turned and raced from the kirk, almost running Laurel over.

“What are you looking so smug about?” Deirdre asked. She obviously had been too caught up in her anger to notice Laurel before now. “If I dinna know better, I’d think you planned the abduction.”

“How could I possibly have done that? You’ve had me locked in my chamber for two and a half days. Other than the odd visit from a servant, I have spoken to no one,” Laurel replied, then covered her mouth in an attempt to hide a grin.

Mayhap the Lord had answered her prayer. At least for now. If the Bruce did decide to come, she hoped it would be before the exchange of vows. The king highly respected her da, and he might be willing to listen to her plea.

“This little setback willna stop the wedding from taking place. It is merely an unforeseen delay. You may return to your chamber and wait to be summoned.” Deirdre dismissed her with a wave of her arm, but Laurel stood fast.

“This is a sign that the union shouldna take place. It isna too late to cancel it,” Laurel said. “By the time those men return with a friar, it will be close to sundown. If you wish—”

“I refuse to be humiliated before those who have come for this affair, and I have no intention of changing my mind. Too much planning has gone into this and I willna see it ruined now. Return to your chamber at once,” her cousin hissed, then addressed the men escorting Laurel. “Take her back to the castle and await my instructions. Stand guard outside the door, in case she decides to bolt.”

“Aye, m’lady,” one said.

“So you can speak,” Laurel mumbled. The fact her cousin felt comfortable issuing these orders confirmed her suspicion that the men sent to bring her to the kirk wouldna go against her orders.

“It appears the rain has let up,” Blair said as he poked his head out from beneath the plaid he’d used to shelter them from the inclement weather.

“And a good thing, too. You have been as edgy as a chicken in a pen surrounded by foxes since we decided to take cover,” Elise said with a smile.

“I’ve never liked being cooped up in small places, not to mention time is of the essence. I’d hoped to be at the castle by late-morning.”

“You obviously love Laurel verra much. She’s a lucky lady.”

“I know it is hard to believe, but I told her the first time we met that I’d marry her someday. She was but ten summers, and I had only seen thirteen. My father and brothers thought me daft, and I must admit, I was beginning to think they were right. But when I saw Laurel at the festival, my heart soared. I have no doubt the Almighty intended for us to be together.”

He crawled on all fours until he cleared the protective fabric, slowly rose, then brushed the dirt and wet leaves from his trews. “The storm has passed, but we have wasted precious time. Judging by where the sun hangs in the sky, it is noon. I fear we are too late.”

“We canna control the weather.” Elise joined him. “Did you not say you sent word to your brothers, informed them of Lady Laurel’s plight, and asked them to do what they could to stall the wedding until we arrived?”

“Aye, but I dinna plan to stop for so long.” Had he been alone when the storm hit, he’d have continued on.

He’d ridden in worse weather and lived to tell the tale. But he couldna risk Elise’s safety. While she sat a horse well and kept the pace, she was no longer a young woman.

“You also assured me that once they made their minds up to something, there was no chance of deterring them. Is that not what you said?”

Blair gave a curt nod. “I did, and you are right. If they got my missive, which Alasdair assured me they would, they will move heaven and earth if need be to protect Laurel. And your mother, too.”

Elise frowned. “Your shoulder has been bleeding again. Would you like me to have a look? It will take but a minute.”

“Thank you, but I’m fine. I’ll ask the healer check it when we arrive at the castle.”

“Then best we depart. I for one would like to get out of these wet clothes as soon as possible. As it is now, my skirt will take a day to dry.” She walked toward the horses, water sloshing from her slippers with each step.

Blair admired the woman’s spunk and determination. She had sacrificed all to protect her son and mother, and was now willing to risk all again to help Laurel. He started to follow her, but paused and pulled off his boot. After dumping the water from one, he did the same with the other, then trotted up behind her.

“Are you hungry or thirsty? Alasdair had the cook pack some provisions.” He took a wineskin from his saddle and handed it to Elise.

After taking a drink, she gave it back to him. “I was thirsty, but will wait until we arrive at the castle to eat.” She picked up the reins and prepared to mount.

“Would you like some help?”

“Nay. Thank you, but I can manage.” She led her horse to a fallen tree, climbed atop the trunk, then onto the animal’s back. After arranging her sodden skirt, she looked at Blair and smiled. “Ready. How much farther do we have to ride? It has been so long since I was at Thistledown Castle that I’ve forgotten.”

“If we dinna run intae any more bad weather, we should make it by sundown. I only pray we arrive in time.”

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