Her Lifeline: (A Romantic Suspense) (14 page)

BOOK: Her Lifeline: (A Romantic Suspense)
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Chapter Fifteen


Nick sat on the porch of the bunkhouse and watched as Noah played in the yard with the dogs. It was good to be back on the ranch after his hospital stay, and though his leg wasn’t one hundred percent, he was able to do small chores around the place. With John’s death, he worried for both Noah and Amelia and how they were taking the death of someone who had a major part in both of their lives. Noah hadn’t said much and Amelia had reassured him she was fine, but he knew it had to bug her some.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw her walking his way with two beer bottles in her hands. Reaching out, he gladly took one from her and unscrewed the lid, savoring the cold beverage. Sitting beside him on the swing, Amelia leaned in and pecked him on the lips.

“I just got off the phone with one of the detectives on the case,” she replied as she took a pull off of her beer.


“They’ve been working the case since you went into the hospital. Chris is getting locked up on several charges. Apparently there were several warrants for him and he somehow kept evading them all.”

Nick nodded and finished the beer, tossing the bottle into a nearby barrel. “And the debt?”

“It’s all gone. Clean slate. In the bank’s eyes, it’s all been taken care of. With Chris being brought up on charges, anything he had dealings with are gone. My dad should’ve never been involved with him, but he didn’t know any better.” Amelia tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and bit her lip as she watched Noah. “It all sounds too good to be true and a part of me doesn’t want to relax too much. It seems too perfect.”

Nick caressed her hand and kissed the back of it. “Believe it, Amelia. It’s over. Noah is home safe and we can focus on other things now.”

“I can’t thank you enough for what you did for us. If we’d have waited, there’s no telling where they would’ve taken him.”

“I did what I thought was right. No need to thank me.” He kissed her hand again and leaned in, allowing her head to relax on his shoulder. The cool breeze was relaxing and with her nearby, it was perfect. Noah’s laughter in the distance was like music, and though the boy wasn’t his by blood, he felt a strong connection to him.

“I can’t believe Noah’s father is dead, but I also can’t believe he was capable of kidnapping his own kid for money. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it had to be done. The cops told me he was seconds away from shooting you.”

Nick felt her shiver against him. “It all turned out okay, Amelia.”

She looked up at him, a smile parting her lips. “It did.”

“You two lovebirds have any plans for today?” Mr. Tucker picked Noah up and walked across the road, more hop in his step than Nick ever remembered him having before. “I thought I’d take Noah into town for some ice cream. Pump him full of sugar!”

Amelia sat up, her smile a full grin now. “Sounds good, Daddy, but don’t be too long. Noah’s gotta be up early for school tomorrow morning. I think Nick and I will stay back. He needs to rest.” She turned and winked at Nick, and he got her message loud and clear. It felt like it had been an eternity since they had been alone.

“We’ll bring y’all back something!” Noah yelled as they hurried for Mr. Tucker’s truck and sped off.

Nick pulled her in, her body fitting against his perfectly. Kissing her on the top of the head, he took in her scent. Her hair was soft and his fingers ran through the long strands on her shoulders.

“It’s getting a tad bit chilly out here. What do you say we take this inside?”

Standing, Nick had to remind himself to be easy on his injured leg. Guiding Amelia through the front door, he locked it behind him as she led him toward the bedroom, the sway in her hips noticeable as she peered over her shoulder at him. She was so seductive, so sexy, and he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.

He placed his hand on the curve of her back and with his other, he cupped her ass as he gently pushed her against the wall. Still gazing at him over her shoulder, Nick pulled her hair to one side, giving him more access to her soft neck where he kissed and licked up to her ear. Again, she shivered, and a subtle moan vibrated in her throat.

Pushing back against him, she hinted toward the bed, where he moved backward, falling slowly against the mattress, making sure he pulled her down with him. Laughing, she rolled on her side and traced her fingers over his lips and down his jaw line, as if she were studying him.

Her smile faded and her brow creased as she looked into his eyes.

“What’s the matter, Amelia?”

“I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I love you.”

“Well I love you just as much,” Nick replied as his hand ran down the side of her face.

“I know you do. No one else would’ve ever done what you have for this family. You saved Noah. You saved me. You saved this ranch. My dad hasn’t been near as happy as he’s been lately, all because of what you did.”

Nick felt his face heat up and he looked away. “I can’t take all the credit.”

“You should…” Before she could finish her sentence, Nick kissed her hard, but was caught off guard when she pushed him on his back and straddled him. Looking down at him, she slipped her hands under his shirt, touching him in all the right places.

“Remind me to be easy with your leg,” she whispered as she dipped her head, her breath tickling his ear.

“My leg is the last thing on my mind, Amelia.” He ground his hips into hers, enjoying the friction.

Reaching up, he tried to touch her breasts but she grabbed his hands and shook her head. “No sir. You just lay back and relax. This is all about your pleasure. This is part of your reward for being so good to us.”

Lifting his shirt up, she kissed his stomach and stopped at the top of his jeans. Nick felt his breath catch in his throat as she unbuckled his belt and unclasped his pants. The air was cool and her hand traced over his hips through the thin fabric of his boxers. Closing his eyes, he moaned when he felt his boxers slide down, revealing himself to her. Everything he was feeling was incredible and he still couldn’t believe that Amelia was his. How could a woman of such beauty and charm even consider being with a man like him? What they had between them wasn’t just sex. The emotional bond was something he couldn’t put into words. There was no way to explain it.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Amelia next to him, her beautiful smile breathtaking as she snuggled in beside him. Nick was so relaxed that he could fall asleep easily, but he didn’t want to miss a single moment with her by his side.

“What did I do to deserve you, Amelia Tucker?”

She kissed his chest and up to his lips. “You’re a good man, Nick Miller. Don’t ever think otherwise.”

“There is one thing we do need to change about all of this.”

Propping herself up on her elbow, Amelia arched her eyebrow. “Yeah? What’s that?”

“Your last name. That’ll be the final touch on something that’s already perfect. What do you say?” Nick was shocked at how bold he was being, but he couldn’t think of a reason not to consider it.

Amelia giggled as her eyes lit up at the suggestion. “Amelia Miller?” she asked, contemplating it. “Amelia Miller,” she repeated, nodding as if she liked it. “Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”

“Sounds like heaven.” Nick never thought he’d get married, but just like old country songs say, it hits you blindside when you’re not even looking. “With everything we’ve already been through, the only way to look is up.” It was corny, it was mushy, and before he met Amelia, Nick imagined he’d have never even considered saying something like that. Funny what a good woman does to a man.

He couldn’t wait for what the future held for them. For once in his life, Nick had something wonderful to look forward to – a family and a home where he belonged.




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More stories by Danica!


Hometown Glory: Fox Creek Series #1


Jace Cooper always hated Fox Creek. Guilty by association, he took the blame for a crime committed by his friends one wild night four years ago. Recently paroled, he returns to his hometown, unsure of why he came back. With most of the town pulling up their welcome mats and closing the door on him, he has to find the one reason he wants to stay. Was it the familiarity? Was it his desire to rekindle broken relationships with family and friends? Or was it Annie Martin, his ex-girlfriend he left broken hearted? Reunited for the first time after all of those years, they discover intense sexual passion, igniting new feelings Jace has never felt before. Is it lust, or is Jace Cooper falling for Annie Martin? He must make a decision – stay in Fox Creek and act on what he is feeling, or go to a different town where no one knows his name or his past.



Private Desires: Fox Creek Series #2


For Jace Cooper, life has never looked so promising. His time spent in prison is quickly becoming a distant memory and he is finding pride in the honest work he is putting in as a ranch hand. After a few short weeks of returning to Fox Creek, he realizes he is growing attached to Annie, the daughter of the ranch owner. They have re-discovered their passion for each other and Jace can't imagine a life without her. There is only one problem - Annie's family and their harsh disapproval of them ever having a future together. His troubled past is one that many can't forget, including her father, who fears he will break her heart again. Jace realizes that he can't continue to hide his feelings for the only woman he has ever felt such devotion for. Should he tell her family and risk being run out of town, or keep it a secret and hope no one finds out? 


Building Trust: Fox Creek Series #3


Jace should be on top of the world with a job doing what he loves, a roof over his head, and most of all, the love of his life by his side. Only one thing is spoiling his new found happiness--the rift between Jace and his father. He can't forget the hateful words his father had said to him before Jace was sent to prison, and now, he can't face the man. He can't risk knowing for sure that his father still hates him. Confronting him might give Jace the truth he is not yet ready to face. He is left wondering what it will take to work up the courage to see him and what it would take to gain his trust back. Annie urges him to make amends because nothing is more important than family. Putting his anger and fear aside, Jace takes a chance when his father is put in a dangerous situation. Is it enough to gain his respect, or will he and his father forever be estranged?


Dangerous Threat: Fox Creek Series #4


A year ago, Jace would have never imagined his life going the way it was. His and Annie's relationship no longer has to be hidden, Mr. Martin and his father trust and respect him, and his reputation with everyone in Fox Creek is getting better every day. The ex-convict label that stained him before is now becoming a thing of the past. An unwelcome blast from the past catches him off guard and turns his and Annie's life upside down - an old friend involved in the robbery that landed Jace in prison shows up in town. Rather than just assume that the man is up to no good, Jace is gracious in giving him a chance, much like many others had given him. Is Jace's pal back to change his ways or is he in Fox Creek to cause more trouble?


Damaged Love: Fox Creek Series #5


Jace and Annie’s relationship is going strong. As Fox Creek’s sweetheart couple, they are able to express everything they ever felt about each other without the fear of the small town rumor mill that once threatened them. One question continues to be brought up to both of them – when will they tie the knot and make it official? Jace knows she is the only woman he wants. Annie is completely head over heels for him. The sexual passion they share is stronger with every embrace. They try desperately to avoid the pressure being felt by friends and family, but with it constantly being brought up, neither can help but think about their future with each other. An eye-opening situation serves as a wake up call for both of them. With Jace in danger, both he and Annie realize that life is too short to drag their feet and put things off. Should they move their relationship to the next level or avoid putting a label on something that is already going great for both of them?


Midnight Oil: Fox Creek Series #6


Things are going great for Jace and Annie. They have both taken a huge step forward in their relationship toward a long life together. After overcoming so many obstacles along the way, they feel there is nothing that can tear them apart. A past flame of Annie’s shows up in town on business, stirring things up in the small Texas town. Jace’s criminal past causes him to question his ability to take care of Annie when comparing himself with her rich ex-boyfriend. The longer he is in Fox Creek, the more it becomes known that he is there to shake up Jace’s life in more ways than one. Can Jace and Annie’s love for each other trump another challenge, or will the wealthy businessman sweep her off her feet and split them up for good?

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