Her Perfect Man

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Authors: Nona Raines

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Her Perfect Man 

                                    by Nona Raines 


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


COPYRIGHT © by Nona Raines 


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


Contact Information: [email protected]

Cover Art by
Angela Anderson

The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

PO Box

Adams Basin, NY -


Visit us at www.thewilderroses.com

Publishing History

First Scarlet Rose Edition, June Digital ISBN ----


Published in the United States of America



I’d like to thank my critique partners, Denise Como and Suemarie Simpson, for the hours they spent listening to the story and for all their wise input.

Many thanks also to Kristan Higgins, whose suggestions for the first chapter improved it immeasurably and helped make Kim a more rounded and sympathetic character.







"This was a really good story that I truly enjoyed reading. …The writing was smooth, the sex hot and the ending satisfying. She will definitely go on my short list of go-to authors. This book does not disappoint."

~Dianthus, Long and Short Reviews

"Ms. Raines again delivered a great story. I couldn't make myself put it down… If you are looking for a great erotic romance with the right amount of conflict, romance, love and hot sex then look no further."

~Sarah L., Romancing the Book



is really a story with depth!...

Can two people on the rebound help heal each other? Or will past issues and family keep them from finding happiness in this sexy story about how finding yourself in someone’s arms is as important as standing on your own."

~Vicky, Sizzling Hot Book Reviews

"This was a great story and exactly what I am looking for in an erotic romance. Not only does it have an engaging storyline but also lots of hot sex. Once I started reading I couldn't put it down. "

~Sarah L, Romancing the Book

Trademarks Acknowledgement


The author of this work of fiction acknowledges the following trademarks:

Ben & Jerry: Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc.

Cadillac: General Motors Corporation BMW: Bayerische Motoren Werke

Dockers: Levi Strauss & Co.

Honda: Honda Motor Co.

Lexus: Toyota Motor Corporation

Tylenol: Johnson & Johnson Corporation Xbox: Microsoft Corporation


Chapter One

“Okay, Mrs. Fogle, now you’re sure you have a way home?” Kim Hansen helped her elderly neighbor out of the car and handed the woman her cane.

“Don’t you worry, dear. Bill will see I get home safely. And thank you so much for the ride. Bill would have come for me himself, but he’s so busy, you see.”

So lazy, you mean
. Too lazy to even bother picking his mother up at home for their lunch date.

And too cheap to spring for anything pricier than a fast-food joint. Hamburger Haven was certainly not one of the more elegant eateries in Summit, N.Y.

But she kept her low opinion of Bill Fogle to herself, seeing how eagerly her neighbor looked forward to this lunch. Mrs. Fogle had dressed up for her son in a silky dress and a matching sweater that was a bit too warm for this day in late June. She’d even worn lipstick.

“No sweat, Mrs. Fogle. Like I told you, I have to come this way anyway for work. You have a nice time, okay? I’ll see you at home.” The two women lived down the hall from each other.

She watched her elderly friend enter the restaurant and breathed a sigh of relief as Bill met her just inside the door. Kim wouldn’t have put it past him to stand his mother up, considering how busy
he was and all.

With Mrs. Fogle safely delivered, Kim realized she’d have just enough time to grab her own lunch before reporting for her shift at the coffee shop.

But no hamburgers. She didn’t want to feel compelled to say hello to creepy Bill. The sub shop was just down the street. She’d leave her clunker here in the parking lot and hoof it.

But now that she no longer had Mrs. Fogle to worry about, Kim had nothing to distract her from obsessing about her cell phone. Fighting the urge to tough it out, she broke down and checked the tiny screen one more time. Still no message. Nothing.

Nada. Zip. Zero.

What to do now?

She’d already left Adam two messages on voice mail and had yet to hear back.

“Hey, just checking in. Are we still on for tonight?”

“Hi, just wondered if I should pick up some take out on my way over after work. Let me know.”

Just how many voice mails could a woman leave a man before she was officially considered a stalker?

Were three too many?

If there was a third, it would probably sound like this:
“Hey, dumbass, nice way to blow a person off. What, you’re too important now to answer your phone? Learn some manners, dickhead.”

Scratch that idea. Much as Adam deserved a message like that, Kim knew it would only end up biting her in the ass. It surely wouldn’t help promote her efforts to move forward from
friend with benefits to girlfriend status with her guy.

Her guy. Yeah, right. She only wished Adam Vostek was hers.

They’d been kicking it for a few months now, and though she wasn’t officially his girlfriend, Kim was sure they were headed in the right direction.

Adam just needed a little more time to sort out his feelings.

She had exactly twenty-seven minutes to grab a bite and get to work at Cool Beans. The manager was gunning for her. If Kim was even a minute late, Snotface would write her up again. Time to pick up some lunch and stop fixating on Adam.

Her mind was still stuck in cell phone mode as the heavy glass door to Sammy’s Subs closed behind her. But as Kim glanced at the sandwich counter, her empty stomach performed a flip-flop. Adam Vostek, hard-bodied and handsome, the pro at avoiding her phone calls, stood there as large as life.

Too busy scowling down at his sandwich, he didn’t see her.

Kim moved close and laid a hand on his arm.

“Hey, you.” She almost asked
how come you didn’t call?
But then she’d sound too needy, too much like a whiny loser. Adam would hate that. She had to play it loose and breezy, as always.

He blinked, and a funny look crossed his face.

The kind of look someone gave to a person he owed money. A look of surprise, but not happy surprise.

“Hi, uh, hey…what’re you doing here?”

Her heart flattened at his response, but she refused to show her disappointment. She gave him her best smartass grin.

“Same thing you are. Grabbing some lunch before my shift.”

“Uh, yeah. The coffeehouse, right?” Well, at least he remembered where she worked. She had an inspiration, something to brighten their conversation. “Yeah. Hey, listen, why don’t I grab some take-out before I come by tonight? Your choice.

Pizza or Chinese?” The day wasn’t a total loss—at least she had an evening with sexy Adam Vostek to look forward to.

Adam’s face turned red. “Uh…” He nervously glanced around the shop as through trying to find the nearest exit. Kim’s stomach cramped.

Someone bumped them as customers began to line up at the counter. The swarm of impatient, hungry customers crowded them closer, but Adam held himself stiffly, as though trying not to brush against her. Trying not to touch her. “Ah, you know, maybe we should do it another time.”

“Another time? Why? What for?” The words popped out of her mouth before she could soften them. She probably sounded like a pushy bitch, but she couldn’t help it. He was blowing her off.

“It’s just, uh, tonight’s not good.”

Kim frowned. What the hell? Was she supposed to accept that lame-ass excuse like some airheaded little bimbo? No way.

Adam must have felt her scorn. His head dropped and he let out a long breath. “Look, we need to talk.”

Oh, shit. The most hated phrase in the English language.
We need to talk.
Translation—I’m going to dump your ass. Sweat popped out on her hairline, and her guts churned even more. In a fog of disbelief, she heard, “Get your sandwich and meet me in my truck. I’m parked right out front.”

Fuck the sandwich. Kim needed to know what was going on, needed to know right now. She stalked out to the sidewalk right on his heels.

“What is it?” she demanded as soon as they got outside.

Adam gestured to his vehicle. “Let’s get in the truck.”

She felt the blood drain from her face. Shit. If she had any doubts before, she had none now. This would be bad. He wanted to get her alone so she wouldn’t cause a scene. Kim shook her head. She didn’t want to be alone with him, didn’t want to wait. She wanted the bomb to drop right now and put her out of her misery. No more suspense. “No. I’m not getting in the truck. Don’t fuck with me. Just man up and say what you need to say.”

“I think we should take a break.” He blurted the words, then looked surprised by them.



“A break?” Now her heart felt stomped.

“Yeah. I just—” His face twisted in misery.

But so what? Why should she care how he looked or what he felt? The man was smashing her dreams, tearing them to pieces on the sidewalk of a sandwich shop.

Kim’s icy shock melted and she was left with a choice. She could dissolve in a puddle of tears and pleas
—What happened?
Can’t we talk about it?
—or she could keep her self-respect, what there was of it.

There was no contest.

Her mouth curled in contempt. “Get over yourself, Vostek. Break from
? From screwing?

That’s basically all we do together, isn’t it? Or do we actually have a relationship that I’m not aware of?”

Adam said nothing in his own defense, which only made her angrier. She wanted to duke it out, go toe to toe with him. Punch his lights out. This guy had wasted months of her life, and for what? But even as she tore into him, Kim knew the one she really wanted to kick was herself.

She thrust her fists on her hips to keep from planting one square in his face. “And I guess I’m supposed to wait by the phone for you to call when you decide the break is over. Dream on, buddy.”

She turned away, to hide the tears of shame and rage ready to overflow, then whipped back again.

“You’re a real chickenshit, aren’t you, Vostek? You want to be a lonely pathetic fuck your whole life, don’t you? Well, go for it. But let me just tell you something. If you ever happen to change your mind, do
come running to me.” She jabbed her finger in his face. “Are we clear?”

He stood there, a great big lump of stupid. No.

was the stupid one.



But it wasn’t enough. Without thinking, she grabbed the neatly wrapped sub sandwich from his hand and smacked him on the head with it.
Man, that felt good

So good she kept whaling on him until the paper wrapper tore and the foot-long Honey-Baked Ham and Cheese exploded. Cold cuts sailed through the air and shredded lettuce speckled Adam like soggy confetti.

When the fun was over, all Kim had left was a nub of bread. She smashed the soggy remnant into Adam’s hand.

“Enjoy your lunch.” ****

Kim could barely see over the pile of clothing in the big laundry basket. Balancing it in one arm, she tried to close her apartment door with her free hand while simultaneously using one stocking foot to block her cat’s escape. Groucho was too fast for her.

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