Her Secret Sex Life

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Authors: Willie Maiket

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Her Secret Sex Life
Willie Maiket
Chapter 1
The tall gray-haired man finished the last of his Grand Marnier soufflй and accompanied it with a swallow of the strong black demitasse, leaned (back against the comfortable red-cushioned back of his seat in the Quo Vadis Restaurant with a happy sigh of repletion. It had been a memorable day for him in New York, and what awaited him already had set his pulses tingling with an almost boyish anticipation.
At three-thirty this Friday afternoon, old Hector Dunbar, president of Dunbar-Thorby Industries, had smilingly informed him that the firm's three-million-dollar advertising billing would be awarded to the Chicago agency of Duffy, Woodling and Stander. To have come all the way from Chicago to give a presentation against the competition of at least a dozen of New York's finest agencies and win a lucrative plum like Dunbar-Thorby was in itself a spectacular day's work. And now there was the celebration which would climax it: first, a leisurely dinner at one of the world's great restaurants, savoring the culinary marvel of a chicken gismonda accompanied by a bottle of Corton de Charlemagne. And now, or rather half an hour from now, to spend the night with one of the most talented call girls in all of Manhattan-or so at least Ted Amberly, the affable advertising manager of Dunbar-Thorby, had intimated.
As he signaled to the gracious yet always unobtrusive waiter to bring him another demitasse, he clipped the end of a Havana panatela, lit it and drew on it till it was going satisfactorily. Then after another sip of the strong hot coffee which had appeared as if by magic, he closed his eyes as speculative images began to insinuate themselves in his mind. The rustle of silken garments, the soft shir of zippers being drawn, the delicate aroma which perfume and soft eager flesh made in their rapturous blend, the satiny-smooth feeling of naked warm palpitating skin against his own, and the little sounds of feverish gasps and sibilant murmurs in the night. He felt his loins quivering with a dull ache which was the presentiment of fleshly delight to come. It helped dispel the gloomy, brooding thoughts which had preceded it, the impressions of his recent second marriage and his ineptness in that marriage. That was why, all the more, he hoped that tonight would finally banish the specter of failure from the bed of passion.
To be sure, commercial lust had its drawbacks. It was usually contrived, generally mechanical, and it sometimes left one with a self-disgust which entirely destroyed the temporary carnal relief from sexual tensions which it was meant to ease. Yet Ted Amberly out of a clear sky, clapping him on the back and telling him that he had really scored with old Jason Dunbar, had volunteered the name of this gifted play-for-pay girl out of a clear sky. He had winked and said, "I think I know just how you feel, Tim boy, but you did a great job and you deserve it. You know what I'd do if I were in your shoes right now? Treat myself to the best chow in New York and then have a night with Eleanor."
And when he had looked blank and asked who Eleanor was, the plump, nearly bald advertising manager had winked and whispered, 'She doesn't do it for free, old buddy, but she picks and chooses, so you might say she's still a sort of amateur. College girl- from what I heard, she went to Barnard. European graduation trip and all, and then the family fortunes went down with the Dow average, so she set herself up in a swanky pad. But she's a terrific actress and she likes sex, and I just happen to have her number because I celebrated my own promotion with her about two years ago-and I'm here to tell you it was like nothing in this world!"
The tall gray-haired man took another puff at his cigar and frowned. He hadn't liked the idea of anyone's pandering for him, but Amberly's enthusiastic praise had piqued him, and so he'd finally accepted the phone number. Then, back in his own hotel room, he'd called this Eleanor. Her voice had been crisp, yet pleasant, guarded and yet friendly. He'd told her only that he'd come to New York to celebrate a big business deal, and wanted a little companionship to end -a very memorable day. And so she'd told him to be at her apartment by nine o'clock tonight.
It was a long cab drive out to Rego Park, and so he rose now, opening his wallet and nodding to the waiter for the check. He left a generous tip, stopped to compliment the suave black-haired co-owner of the restaurant on the magnificence of the cuisine and service, and then had the doorman hail him a cab. Then, finishing his cigar and leaning back in complete relaxation, he waited for the adventure which he hoped would not only end this day in a burst of glory but also solve the nagging, babbling problem that had cropped up since his re-marriage…
He did a double-take when the second-floor door opened and a stately coopery-haired young woman in a green hostess gown confronted him. Her burnished red hair was piled into a thick almost prim bun at the back of her head, leaving dainty little ears bare and the smooth long nucha of a beautifully chiseled neck. Her brows were short, thick, expressively arched, her nose slightly aquiline with sensuous, flaring wings, and her mouth was full and passionate.
"You're Tim?" her voice was husky-soft.
He nodded, suddenly, inexplicably trembling. "Yes, I'm the one who phoned."
"Do come in, Tim. First we'll chat a bit because I want to get to know you. That way, you see, it will be much more personal. You won't be just an unknown stranger and I won't be just another girl. We've come together for romance, and I pride myself on trying to give a little more than the illusion."
He chuckled softly. "He said that you were gifted, Eleanor. I can see already he was right."
"Because I can talk intelligently? I'll do better for you than that, Tim." Her own soft laugh revealed beautiful, perfect small white teeth, and he caught a glimpse of a pert pink tongue and shivered at its intimations. "Now first, as is traditional, let's get the sordid details out of the way at once. I presume you'd like to stay the night?"
Again he nodded, already fascinated by this stunning, obviously more than competent young daughter of joy.
She took his hat and coat and hung them up on a rack in the foyer what seemed to be a large and most luxuriously furnished apartment, then moved over to a richly upholstered couch and gestured to him to sit beside her. "You were in luck I wasn't already engaged on a Friday night in New York, Tim. It's two-fifty, and yes, I'll admit it's a bit much. But when we're finished, if you aren't satisfied, then I'll let you pay me just what you think it's worth. Fair enough? After all, you're a guest to our fair city, and I don't want you to go away thinking that New York girls are highway robbers."
"I'm sure I shan't be disappointed." He took out his wallet and swiftly paid her. The redhead deftly tucked the money away in a pocket of the lustrous hostess gown and smiled her thanks: "Now then, tell me a little about yourself. Your first trip to New York, are you married, whatever you want to say in strictest confidence. I'll tell you in advance that I don't work with anyone, certainly not many cab drivers and never a pimp, and I don't gossip about my friends-which I want to count on you as being one. I'll also tell you that I'm twenty-three, this is my second year in the world's oldest but I think still honest profession, and I'll even tell you how a nice girl like myself got into a place like this. I was an only child and spoiled rotten, with a European trip after my high-school graduation. And then when my father went broke in the stock-market, and my mother died of a broken heart after he'd jumped out of his office window, I decided that I wanted to go on having the same luxurious, pampered life-and this seemed to be the only certain way I'd be able to do that. Now then, the rest of the night is all yours. Start by letting me know what you like and what makes you tick, Tim."
Over the years, before and after his first marriage which had ended with his wife's unexpected death, he had bought the services of many a comely, delectable companion for the night But this was the first one who had intrigued him and who made him want to establish as close a communal bond as two strangers who meet in passing can procure in a single night. That was why he found himself telling her about his wife's death and his two children and how he had married about two months ago in the hope of a new happiness. And then, finally, not without embarrassment, looking down at the floor, that he hadn't yet been able to achieve that happiness because of his own imperfections.
"I think I understand," she said gently after he had finished. "You're a very fine and decent man, Tim, and I'm very glad that Ted gave you my phone number. I'm going to try to rid you of that little problem. Will you do just what I tell you to? I spoke about romance a little while ago. That's the way I like to think of these encounters, as you might call them. Each one is new and with its own special setting and implications. I like to adapt myself to them, because it's a kind of challenge. And it's more exciting for me that way. As he may have told you also, I happen to enjoy sex and I think it's natural and beautiful."
"So do I, Eleanor."
"Good! Then you come right along with me now, and I'll start the treatment."
Again he felt himself trembling, but this time with a new hope and expectation. She took his hands in hers and led him out of the large living room into a beautifully tiled bathroom with a huge sunken tub. "Take off everything," she smilingly instructed, and he obeyed.
She had started the water running, and bent down to test its temperature." It has to be warm, that stirs the blood," she said almost as if she were giving a lecture in the Sorbonne. Her eyes scanned his still strong, athletic body. "You certainly have nothing to be ashamed of, Tim. You look better at your age than most of the men I see who are ten or even twenty years younger. There now, it's just about full Now I'm going to put in some bubblebath, and then you're. going to soak yourself and just relax for a little bit. After that, I'll really start the treatment."
He carefully lowered himself into the sunken tub, and lay back. The warm water was indeed pleasant, and the fragrance of the bubble bath added a new nuance of sensual pleasure. He could feel his dormant penis stirring, and he glanced down at himself, hoping for prodigious energy tonight For a haunting moment, the memory of his past inadequacies savagely returned to haunt him, but her smiling face and her svelte beauty in the clinging, molding hostess gown reassured him.
Eleanor had left the bathroom for a moment, and returned now with a tray on which was placed an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne, a straight razor and a tube of shaving lather. Setting it down on the laundry hamper against the opposite wall, she playfully beckoned to him: "Time for your shave, Tim dear. Just sit down on that stool and I'll do you.
He clambered out of the sunken tub, grasped the large Turkish towel she handed him, and quickly patted himself dry; then sat down on a heavy leather-padded footstool and watched her with mounting interest.
Her face calm and inscrutable, the red-haired call girl opened the tube of shaving lather, squeezed Out a copious portion, went over to the wash basin and turned on the tap for a moment, then came back to kneel down before him. "Spread them wide, Tim dear," she instructed, and again he obeyed, a rapt smile on his face as he intently watched her.
Vigorously she rubbed the now foamy lather into the thick pubic bush at his lower abdomen and about his penis, then took up the straight razor and began to shave 'him very delicately and carefully. He quivered at her soft touch along his groin, his abdomen and lower thighs. When she had finished, she whispered, "Stay just as you are," and went back to the tray to uncork the bottle of champagne. Then, pouring a little in a glass, she handed it to him, and then tilted the bottle to her lips.
Holding the liquid in her mouth, she moved back to him, and knelt down and then began to rinse his loins with the cold champagne. He gasped and squirmed at the stinging, tickling sensation. Once again she returned for the bottle, and this time brought it hack. Kneeling back down, she repeated the process three times. "There you are, clean as a baby, darling. And now I think the time has come to adjourn to the bedroom, don't you?"
His penis was half-erect, and the cords along his inner thighs were flexing and tremoring convulsively.
"My God, yes, Eleanor!" he hoarsely ejaculated.
"I'll bring along the rest of the champagne. And I'd say right now, you've nothing to worry about, darling. Come along."
He followed her down the hall to a door which she opened. She reached in and touched a switch, and there was a soft indirect bluish lighting. As he came to the threshold, he gasped in surprise. Beyond him he could see that the walls and the ceiling were mirrored, and that there was a huge round waterbed dominating the very center of the room. Over to the left was a backless low wide couch padded in black leather, and to the right was a huge deep armchair and a footstool beside it. Near the chair was a hi-fl console, and the red-haired call girl moved to it now, bent and turned it on, adjusting the dials. At once he heard the soft music of Debussy's "Nuages," the first of the set of three orchestral "Images." The ethereal beauty of the music wafted a kind of spell over this exotic room.

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