Her Survivor: A Black Eagle Ops Novel (11 page)

BOOK: Her Survivor: A Black Eagle Ops Novel
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“You know, if you kept me away while you were being treated for something, I’d feel belittled.” She ran warm fingers over his pecs and flicked his nipples with her fingernails. “I’d get super bitchy, which isn’t a pretty sight. Then you’d have two kinds of pain to deal with.”

He shook his head and laughed. “God, Kitten, where do you come up with this shit?” The woman was perfect for him.

She straightened and unhooked her bra, allowing it to hit the floor. His tongue nearly did the same thing. God help him, he’d never seen a more perfect pair of breasts. “Take your prosthesis off while I remove my thigh-highs. Big guy, the time for talk is over. I want to get close to you, skin to skin.”

He removed the apparatus and the silicone sock. “If I were back at the ranch, I’d cover the stump with a thick socklike thing called a ‘shrinker.’ It helps keep the circulation going and the stump in shape for the prosthesis.”

To his surprise, she knelt in front of him and wrapped a hand around the part of his upper calf that remained. The fingers of her other hand trailed over the end of his leg.
She’s touching me. No hesitation. No signs of disgust.
A breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding whooshed from the depths of his chest. A warming breath of…

Her green eyes rose to lock on his. “Does your stump ever swell? Is that why they use the term ‘shrinker’?” As if it were the most natural thing, something she’d done a hundred times already, she gently lifted his stump and pressed three kisses to it. First, she’d honored the scars on his face and now his amputation. Could there be another woman on the face of this earth like her? As precious and lovable as her?

His throat thick with emotion, he could barely make a sound. “Not…not like it used to, but occasionally, yes.” He leaned over, fumbled in the pocket of his pants for the two condoms, and placed them on the nightstand. If he didn’t move, he was going to fall apart. She made him feel whole again.

He shucked his underwear and shifted on the bed, placing his head on the pillow, to watch his woman roll off those sexy nylons. Meanwhile, his pecker stood at attention like a proud, strong SEAL, watching her movements, too.

Once she was naked, he finally got to see her butterfly tattoo. It was on the inside of her pelvic bone, inked in bright blues, golds, and shades of brilliant greens. “Nice tat, Kitten.”

“Thanks. You’re the first to see it other than the girl who gave it to me.” Kelcee glanced at him and grinned. She slowly crept from the foot of the bed between his spread legs, a sensually wicked expression on her beautiful face. Her hand wrapped around his engorged cock. “Is this all for me?” Her pink tongue swept out and circled the head. He nearly came on the spot. “How long has it been for you?”

“Over a year. Closer to two.” His voice cracked like a freaking adolescent’s.

“Let’s take the edge off, then.” Her lips surrounded his cock and with her tongue swirling around him, she slowly took him completely inside her mouth.

Holy Mother of God! She didn’t strike me as the sexually aggressive type.
She pulled out and then took him inside her luscious mouth again, this time balls deep. How much sweet torture could one man endure? He’d better give her fair warning. “Kitten, if you soon don’t stop, I’m going to come like a volcano down your throat.”

She slipped her lips completely from him and searched his face. “Would that be a bad thing?”

“Not for me, but you might not enjoy it.”

Her hands swept over his abs, the corners of her sweet mouth curling into a sensual smile. “Oh, I intend to enjoy every part of you, every taste of you. Beginning with this…” Her lips settled around his cock again and her fingers scratched his balls lightly as she took him into her mouth.

She worked him over until an electrical current zinged down his spine and heated his balls to boiling. He fisted her hair and shouted her name when the eruption hit. Sweet Lord, she’d taken control of him, of his heart, his soul—his future. He reached and lifted her into his arms, snuggling her head in the crook of his neck. His hand swept along the bumps of her spine to her firm ass where it found home.

“I’ve never had anything so fantastic before. I don’t even want to know who the bastard was who taught you how to do that. I’d have to hunt him down and snap his neck. Or maybe buy him a bottle of the finest whiskey in gratitude…and then snap his fuckin’ neck.”

“So, I did an okay job?”

He leaned back and studied her odd expression. She chewed her bottom lip, almost as if she was nervous. “You’ve never been one to fish for compliments. What is it?”

“I’ve never done that before. I’ve only read about it in romance books, so I was going on what I’d learned from them. As time goes on, I’ll get better.”

“Yeah? I’ll fuckin’ die from the pleasure. My tombstone will read, ‘Here lies Dustin Sloan Franks. He died of sensory overload from the world’s best blow job.’ ” He wrapped his arms tighter around her, until they were so close a strong Texan wind couldn’t have fluttered between them. “Damn, Kitten, what a way to go.”

She snuggled against him, her breasts rubbed his chest, her abdomen pressed to his hardening cock, and her legs entwined with his. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, and she smiled that wicked grin she had. “A woman likes to know she pleases her man.”

He smiled in response. “And a man, a real man, receives great pleasure in satisfying his woman.”

Her lips settled against his ear and her tongue made one sweep around his outer ear. “Show me, big guy.”

“Do you think you can handle me? My need for you runs deep, Kitten.” He ran his teeth along her jaw and down her throat. She moaned and made noises that drove him mad. He cupped her full breasts and kissed them, moving ever closer to her beaded nipples. In frustration, she placed her hands around his head and moved him toward one. His Kitten wasn’t long on patience when there was something she wanted.

He lapped the rosy bud with his tongue and drew it into his mouth. She gasped and bowed off the bed. “I got you, baby.” He wrapped an arm around her back and continued sucking on one nipple before moving to the other.

He slipped a finger inside her and, finding her wet, reached for a condom. He couldn’t wait any longer to be inside her. “How long has it been for you?” His voice rasped with need.

“Over three years. Four maybe.” Her eyes were closed.

He tore the foil packet open and rolled the protection over him. “Open your eyes, Kelcee. Open them and keep them focused on me. I want to watch your reaction while I love you. Spread those beautiful thighs of yours and guide me in.”

As her body accommodated his girth, he relished her tightness. He withdrew and entered her again, just to experience the pleasure another time. She was perfection—tight, wet, and hot. He slid his hands under her teacup ass and lifted her to angle his penetration for her enjoyment. Her mouth formed an “Oh” and she wrapped her legs around his hips. “Sweet heaven, Kitten, nothing has ever felt this good. No one, baby. Only you.”

She tightened her fingers in his hair, bringing his face to hers so their gazes locked. “My man.” And that’s how she made him feel—like a man, a complete man. Lord, it had been so long. But this sweet, yet sassy woman treated him as if he had no scars, no deficiencies, only goodness she respected and sex appeal she responded to.

He stroked in and out while his mouth found the spot where her neck joined her shoulder. He kissed her, bit her gently, and soothed it with his tongue. All the while they moved together as two matched halves of a jagged, splintered puzzle, creating something beautiful.

Her thigh muscles began to quiver and so did her internal muscles. She was so snug he could feel the approach of her climax.

The climax shuddered through her body and a couple strokes later, his exploded through his balls and his cock like a bomb detonating in his soul. His vision went black for a few seconds and all he could think of was her and what she meant to him—
This spitfire was everything.

Chapter 11

Safe. For the first time since her nightmarish life on the run began, Kelcee could rest, truly protected. Dustin would never allow her brother to get to her. She sensed that truth, deep down in her soul where the razor-edged, malicious pain resided, that her own brother, the sibling she’d once followed like a shadow, wanted her dead, at either his own hand or someone else’s.

She burrowed deeper in Dustin’s embrace. He breathed her name and tightened his hold on her. Kelcee had never slept in the arms of a man before. Her previous sexual partners were more the “slam, bam, grab-his-pants-and-scram” type. No words of endearment, just crass instructions issued through clenched jaws.

Not Dustin, though. He had a way of treating her as if she was precious beyond words with every passionate kiss and gentle touch. The way he spoke to her touched something barren within her heart—and her heart quickly absorbed each utterance like a withered sponge.

Her hands skimmed his muscled back while she inhaled the male essence of him—soap, musk, and sex. Sweet heaven, he was testosterone beaten into a trained weapon. “My sex grenade,” she whispered.

“Be careful, Kitten, if you pull on the pin, it’ll explode.” Dustin rolled her over and settled his growing erection against her abdomen. “Why are you awake and what thoughts are firing in that fantastic mind of yours?” He pressed kisses to her neck as he asked his questions.

Frankly, she was having a hard time coming up with answers. Her female bits, though, were screaming a response. “I’ve never slept with a man before and you’ve got testosterone seeping from every pore of your body.”

In the room’s darkness, his eyes bore into hers. “Baby, I think I would do anything for you.” He bit her lower lip, pulling it out and sweeping his tongue behind it. He took his time as he made slow, sweet love to her, giving her no brook until she’d climaxed three times. And she was sure her eyes rolled back in her head the third time the spasms rocked her body and she screamed his name.

He reached for a condom. “Roll over, Kitten. Let’s do this one doggie style so I can watch that beautiful teacup ass of yours.”

The next time she opened her eyes, sunlight streamed in the blinds. She inhaled freshly brewed coffee and smiled at the rich baritone voice in the kitchen singing “Yeah, She Loves Me Like That.”
Huh, a sex grenade that sings. Who’da thought?

Footfalls sounded in the hall and wide shoulders filled her doorway. “Morning, beautiful. I made coffee. A dab of cream and two packs of artificial sweeteners. Right?” He smiled as he approached and set the coffee on her nightstand. A pink daisy from the bouquet he’d given her yesterday lay on the saucer. Her heart did a slow roll; the man brought her coffee in bed and remembered exactly how she liked it.

He tucked the daisy in her hair. “It’s seven-ten, Kitten. I’m going to head off. I promised ZQ I’d help with the horses today. I’ll walk the two getting ready to foal and clean out their stables.” He wrapped a hand around her neck and leaned in for a kiss. “Are we still on for tomorrow? I’m thinking an all-day date is in order.”

The falls. “Can you swim?”

His one dark eyebrow arched. “I’m a fucking SEAL, what kind of question…oh, with only one foot you mean. I have a special prosthesis for swimming. I haven’t had much chance to use it. Why?”

“I was thinking we could swim in the pond below the falls and I could show you the little cave behind them.” She hoped she hadn’t made him feel less-than by asking if he could still swim. His face wasn’t showing any distress.

“I like that idea. We’ll go for breakfast and then to some car dealerships. In the afternoon, we’ll swim and come back here to shower and take a little
” He waggled his eyebrows indicating there’d be very little sleeping. “You decide where you’d like to eat breakfast. I’ll call you tonight.” His hand skimmed the sheet over her hip. “If I can stay away from you until tomorrow.”

He took the cup from her hand and placed it in the saucer before stretching out on the bed beside her, pulling her into his strong embrace. “Last night was phenomenal.”

“Yes, it was.”

His hands roamed over her and her female bits moaned a needy cry. He nipped and kissed her jaw and neck and collarbone, tugging the sheet down as he worked her over. “I’m thinking a beautiful woman like you shouldn’t spend Saturday night alone. How about a romantic dinner? Candlelight. Wine. Holding hands. Some slow dancing, awkward though I’ll probably be, but at least I’ll have you in my arms.”

“Sounds divine, but there’s no place like that in Warrior Falls.”

“I’ll ask ZQ to recommend one and text you. Of course then I might as well spend the night.” His slow, sexy grin spread. “You know”—he tongued the nipple he’d finally exposed—“since we’ll be going out for breakfast anyhow in the morning.”

She laughed. “You are one determined schemer.”

He smacked her bottom. “That I am. See you later, Kitten.” He kissed her and left.

Once she’d showered and dressed for work, Kelcee did a fast inventory of her closet. What was she going to wear to a fancy restaurant with candles on the tables and music for dancing? By the time she opened the store, she was in full-blown panic mode. Dustin had texted her with the name of a restaurant—Marcel V’s Fine Dining and Dancing. Dear God, what would she wear?

Ten minutes hadn’t passed before Fran stormed in. “How did your date go? Did he spend the night? Oh, I can tell he did. You’re wearing a turtleneck top to hide a suck mark, and it’s hot outside. Tell him to put them lower like my Silver Stud does.” She pointed below the U-shaped neckline of her red-plaid pants set, her charm bracelets jangling.

Kelcee wanted to pinch her eyes shut at that visual. Still, maybe the answer to her wardrobe problem stood in front of her, practically panting for details of her sex life. “Fran, I need help. Dustin’s taking me out for a candlelight dinner tonight and I don’t have anything appropriate to wear!”

Her friend laid her chubby hand over her ample cleavage. “Oh, how romantic. Where is he taking you?”

“Someplace called Marcel V’s. We’ll be dancing and I’ll look like a bag lady in what’s hanging in my closet upstairs. I saw a little black dress, with a beaded halter top, in the window of Lacie’s Lovelies the other day. If I give you the money, could you go buy it for me?”

“Oh, hon, you know I’d do anything for you. I love Marcel V’s. We go every year on our anniversary. Things must be getting serious if Dustin is taking you there.” Her voice had taken on that singsong quality again and she winked.

“Bite your tongue.” Kelcee looked at her friend’s frown. “He’s on medical leave, Fran. He’ll only be in our area for a short time. Yes, we’re attracted.” The heat of a blush slapped her cheeks as she recalled the five climaxes he’d given her throughout the night. She cleared her throat. “
attracted. We’ve decided to enjoy our time together and when it ends, it ends.”
God, that sounds lame, even to me.

Fran and her chins nodded. “Uh-huh. This is me you’re talking to. I watched how you two looked at each other at Sandoval’s last night. Now, what size dress do you need, Ms. When-it-ends-it-ends?”

Kelcee stuck her tongue out at her before she pulled some money from her wallet and told her the size she wore. Two customers came in and Fran whizzed out, obviously thrilled with her shopping errand.

Linda Cobbs watched Fran’s retreating form and elbowed her daughter. “That is exactly why I’m so strict about what you eat. Her ass looks like two boys wrestling under a blanket.”

“Oh, totally,” teenaged Olivia agreed.

Kelcee wasn’t about to let these two disrespect her dearest friend. “I struggle with my weight, too. It’s not easy. People get so fixated on your outward appearance, they forget you might have great beauty inside.” She sighed for effect. “Fran’s a beautiful woman. She’s my best friend and I love her just the way she is.”

Kelcee and Patty Flemming were deep in conversation over books about plants, comparing two volumes, when Fran returned. She carried a large bag. “Got it! I’ll take it upstairs and hang it up so it doesn’t wrinkle. I don’t know how it would iron, so it really needs to be hung.”

“Okay. Thanks, Fran.” Patty asked Kelcee a question and Fran’s heavy footfalls were sounding on the stairway before Kelcee had a chance to look at the dress up close or feel the fabric.

Once Fran came back down, Kelcee excused herself from the ever-talkative Patty and hugged her dear friend. “You’re a lifesaver. I was frantic about tonight until you came in earlier.” She kissed her cheek. “Thanks again.”

Fran smiled wide and waved an open hand. “It was a blast. Land sakes, it felt so good buying a smaller size.”

“I’m not small and you know it.”

“Well, you’re much smaller than I am. The styles are a lot prettier for thinner women, that’s for sure. I might have to go on a diet. Wouldn’t Silver Stud be shocked at that? Have a ball tonight. I’m off to buy groceries.” She pursed her lips. “Don’t think I’ll buy any chocolate, though. Or potato chips or cookies. Guess I better leave the donuts alone, too. It’ll be a sacrifice, I tell you.” Fran bid both Kelcee and Patty goodbye and bustled off.

Twenty minutes before six and Kelcee exerted her power as store owner, flipped the sign on her door to “Closed,” and turned out the main lights. She couldn’t wait to see her new black dress up close and try it on. Thank goodness it had been a busy day, not just for her bottom line, but to keep her mind off her date tonight. She was going to be out of her element at some upscale place. Still, she’d be with Dustin and he always had a way of making her feel special.

She ran up the steps, back the hall to her bedroom, and skidded to a stop. On her bedspread sat a pair of silver open-heeled stilettoes with a sequin-covered bow, a tiny silver purse, and a pair of shimmery lace-topped thigh-highs. She hadn’t given Fran enough money to buy these plus the dress. What the hell? Then she spied emerald green chandelier earrings and a green lacy thong. She did a quick pivot to her open closet. All her clothes were pushed back to reveal a strapless emerald cocktail dress with a band of green sequins across the top, except for the middle where a cord of matching fabric laced a revealing opening. The dress’s hem was longer on one side than the other. Thank goodness the material was stretchy because she had a sneaky feeling it would fit her like a second skin.

A note hung from the hanger.
“I know this isn’t what you had your heart set on. While I was telling Lacie I wanted the black dress in the window for you, that bitch Wanda grabbed Lacie’s salesgirl, Phoebe, and told her she wanted it. Can you believe she had the nerve to buy it right out from under me? We exchanged words and, land sakes, before I knew it, the poor woman ran right into my fist. Clint will kill me when he finds out. But at least her eye will match the dress she stole from you. And she did it out of pure meanness, too. Wear this, baby, and strut your stuff, as the young girls say. Fran”

Oh man, Kelcee would have given anything to have been there when Fran unleashed her wrath on Wanda, the wicked witch of Warrior Falls. Fran must have gotten so pissed she bought out half the store. Where was the receipt so she could calculate how much more she owed Fran? She looked, but didn’t see one. Slipping her cell from her pocket, she dialed.

“Fran, I love what you bought me, but how much more do I owe you? I don’t see the bill of sale.”

“I probably shoved it in my purse. Don’t worry about it. My treat. And it kept Lacie from calling the cops.” She cleared her throat. “I may have knocked over a round display of handbags and jewelry when Wanda ran into my fist.”

“Jesus Christ, woman!” Clint’s voice boomed in the background.

“How mad is he?”

“Land sakes, you’d think I tried to scalp her or something. He ordered me to call Wanda and apologize. I told him I’d sooner take an ass whooping. And he said that could be arranged pretty damned easy.”

“You got that right, Sugar Loaf. You’ve got ten minutes to make that call, or else.”

Kelcee grinned and sat on the edge of her bed. “You’re going for the ass beating, aren’t you?”

“You bet your sweet bippy. Have fun tonight. I’m glad the dress I found will be a suitable substitute. Bye, darlin’.”

Kelcee wasn’t worried about her best friend. Clint’s bark was worse than his bite. She would pay her back, though. One day soon, she’d stop in at Lacie’s store and ask how much Fran had spent, explain how she hated owing anyone, especially a good friend.

A hot bubble bath eased some tender muscles from Dustin’s putting her in various positions last night. He certainly knew how to satisfy her. It was as if he knew all her hot spots, as if they’d always been lovers.

After drying and curling her hair, she applied her jasmine lotion and put on her lingerie, thankful Fran had opted for a longer length of thigh-highs. The shoes were half a size too big, but adjustable. She took the dress off the hanger and noticed the built-in shelf cups. She slipped it on and looked in her full-length mirror. Oh yeah, this dress qualified as skintight. The tops of her boobs puffed out and up, the lacings appeared strained against the cleavage of her full breasts, and her nipples looked like M&M’s stuffed inside her dress for a future snack.

Don’t even go there, girlfriend. Crap! I can’t help myself. Melts in his mouth, not in his hands. Well, that’s a lie. He can get them to melt in his hands, too.

One side of the pointy hemline tickled the top of her calf while the other kissed her mid-thigh. She was almost afraid to see the back, fearful her teacup ass would resemble a spaghetti pot. A slow pivot made her groan. Well, she was the way she was. No use putting herself down.

She added the dangly earrings and lipstick. Then took in the full effect. The green dress accentuated her eyes. The shimmery hose was a nice effect. Now, Dustin better appreciate this because the butterflies were back in her stomach, practicing dive-bombing and loop-de-loops.

Earlier she’d texted him to come up the back steps to her balcony since she’d locked up the bookstore. She placed some essentials in her little purse, knowing he ought to be here any minute. Slow and steady footfalls sounded on the outside wooden steps. Kelcee pressed her hand to her middle to help settle her nerves. What would Dustin think about the way she looked? He rapped on the glass and she hurried to let him inside.

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