Her Swedish Billionaire's Baby: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance For Adults (15 page)

BOOK: Her Swedish Billionaire's Baby: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance For Adults
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I’m supposed to get money for him, or he’s threatening to
tell Alison about some things I did that she might not like.”

Bjorn laughed, “Your
sister adores you. There’s nothing you can say or do to change

Alison stared at him
with wide eyes, “How do you know?”

Bjorn’s mouth
twisted, “Because I have a big sister too.”

There was a small

don’t even know what I did,” Alison said in a small

I don’t have to. I know you. I see what a little tiger mom you
are with her. You remind me a lot of my own sister.”

Alison looked down,
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

it any way you want.”

it still doesn’t help me with my problem.”

is what exactly?”


change,” Bjorn said with a shrug.

you maybe,” Alison snorted.

Bjorn lifted his
brow, “I thought…don’t you want me to pay him?”

way. He’ll just be back for more. I need you to take Samara and
head back to Sweden. Keep her safe and away from him.”

Bjorn stared at her
in disbelief.

what about you?” he asked.

Alison shrugged,
“I’ll deal.”

you think Samara would let me leave you behind?”

Alison shrugged
again, “She’s not exactly in a position to protest.”

Bjorn looked down,
“How about we see if there isn’t a permanent solution to
your daddy problem?”

do you mean? Like…kill him?” Alison’s eyes were
wide with horror. Bjorn laughed.

course not. There are other ways of dealing with toxic people without
killing them. You don’t let yourself dream big enough.”

Alison spread out her
arms, “I’m here to learn sensei,” she said dripping

That’s settled then,” Bjorn said with a nod as he turned
to head up the stairs to Samara.

she a good girl today? Did she rest?” he asked as he climbed.

Alison snorted, “I
put her out on the balcony. She wanted to watch the ocean. It was the
only way to get her to settle down.”

Bjorn nodded his
understanding, “Good. Good.” He murmured, mind clearly


It seemed like every
time Samara managed to take a step forward under Bjorn's defenses,
something happened to shove him back out, she thought; pissy and not
hiding it. Bjorn had all but dragged her to the benefit, which Samara
didn't particularly care about, until Bjorn found her a seat and then
wandered off to pick up girls.

She scowled down at
her virgin bloody Mary that she still hadn't finished and was all set
to ignore everyone when someone sat down next her. Samara looked up
and saw a pretty girl who would likely be right up Bjorn's alley, if
Bjorn had been paying Samara's corner any sort of attention. "What'd
that virgin bloody Mary ever do to you?" the girl asked with a
small smile.

Samara couldn’t
help but smile back, because the girl didn't do anything to her and
she was not rude. "Nothing," she said. "But the guy
who bought it for me was being a total douche."

"Pretty guy with
the violet eyes and the Armani jacket?" the girl said
sympathetically. "I saw you two come in. What's up with him?"

Samara shrugged one
shoulder. "No idea. Tempted to leave him here though."

The girl laughed.
"I'm Inga."

Samara smiled and
offered Inga a hand. "Hi Inga, I'm Samara."

Inga pulled her in
close to whisper in her ear, "Hey, if I were you, I'd go up and
show those girls around him just who he belongs to."

"Is that so?"
Samara asked with a laugh. "I'm not sure about that."

Clinking her drink to
Samara's, Inga said, "Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but
all those girls kind of look like you. So maybe he's scared and not
dealing well." Samara hadn't noticed, and she turned new eyes to
the girls – three of them for Christ's sake – around
Bjorn. "Been together long?"

"A few months,"
Samara admits quietly. Inga's right, the girls look a little like her
– in terms of height and build anyway. Her. Maybe it's time to
start thinking that way, she admitted to herself as she finished her
virgin bloody Mary. "Thanks, Inga," she said and gave her
an impulsive hug. "I think I'll take your advice."

When she stood up
from the table, Samara shook herself off and strode towards Bjorn.
She let her hips sway in a way that was difficult with her stomach
the way it was, and rearranged her hair into more tidiness than it
had been in before. When she reached Bjorn, she tapped Bjorn on the
shoulder, and when Bjorn turned to look at her, Samara let herself

She wrapped her arms
around Bjorn's neck and yanked him down closer to her. "I'm
bored," Samara said with a slow smirk. "Can we go home
now?" She pressed close to Bjorn, arching her back so their
chests touched and she kissed him, wet and deep and messy. It was
staking a claim and the other girls around them, all of whom made
annoyed noises, didn't complain overly much when Bjorn's attention
was dragged to her.

Bjorn said hoarsely. "Let's go."

She slid a hand in
his back pocket as they walk back to the Mercedes, and when they were
settled inside, she moved to lean against Bjorn's side and nibble on
his neck and ear as he drove them back home.

Once inside the
penthouse, Bjorn pressed her against the wall, hoisting her up and
pinning her there with his hips. She compensated for the change in
center of gravity by wrapping her legs around his waist and holding
on tightly with her arms around his neck. Samara had made sure to put
on the caramel-flavored lip gloss that evening when they left for the
benefit, and it seemed to have paid off because Bjorn was doing
everything he could to lick the taste out of her mouth.

Bjorn palmed her
right breast with one hand as he kissed her, sliding it up under her
frilly blouse and undoing her bra with one hand to get to her skin.
Samara spared one moment to wish they were horizontal since it would
be more comfortable, but then his fingers on her nipple distracted

She kissed back with
as much passion as she could muster, and Bjorn stopped rolling her
nipple between his thumb and forefinger to unzip her skirt . Once he
had pushed it down enough to push her underwear out of the way, he
let her legs slide to the floor even though Samara wasn’t sure
she could hold up her own weight.

Then Bjorn dropped to
his knees before her, and Samara really wasn't sure her legs could
hold her. She’d never had a man’s tongue so close to her
center; and she really couldn’t see much over the baby bump but
whatever he was doing was making bolts of electricity zoom
everywhere, all over her body, and making her tremble.

As Bjorn's tongue was
licking away at her clit, Samara wished she'd spent more time making
sure everything was fresh and clean down there because it was
certainly making her self conscious. Bjorn didn’t seem to mind
though. He tugged down her skirt and panties the rest of the way and
Samara had enough forethought to step out of them as Bjorn spread her
open and sucked her clit into his mouth.

Samara shrieked when Bjorn slid the middle finger of his right hand
inside of her, and pressed against her G-spot. She'd read about it
but wasn't sure it was ever going to apply to her, and now Samara
knew why hindsight was 20/20. Bjorn rubbed her clit with his tongue
and her G-spot with his finger and though the dual stimulation kind
of felt like she was going to pee, it also sent her spiraling into an
unexpectedly intense orgasm. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

She thought that was
it, that she'd come and Bjorn would pull off her and fuck her now,
but she was wrong because Bjorn just added another finger and kept
licking at her clit until she was so sensitive with the stimulation
that she was practically humping his face with her hips. Samara had
never been this turned on, ever. After the second, third and fourth
orgasms, Samara couldn’t take it anymore and pushed Bjorn's
head away to kiss him deeply – ignoring the taste of herself on
his mouth – and yanked off the rest of Bjorn's clothes.
"Bedroom," Bjorn said sharply and Samara lead the way in a
hurry, afraid that if Bjorn walked away for even a second, he'd have
second thoughts and decide they were done.

It took her a second
to divest of her fluffy blouse and put one knee on the bed, turning
to watch Bjorn come in, shedding clothes as he did. She flopped down
on the bed, making herself comfortable on the pillows so that she
wouldn’t get cramped if she had to maintain one position for
too long. Bjorn and his impressive physique loomed over her as he
studied her, head to toe, eyes almost black with lust. She held out a
hand to him and he came to her.

A moment later and
Samara wished she'd actually thought this all the way through. The
angle was all wrong, and she could feel her leg cramping. She didn’t
want to say anything but Bjorn had already noticed. He was pulling
away. She grabbed him by the hips to keep him where he was because
she was pretty sure it'd hurt worse if he stopped now, and it hurt
badly enough as it was. "Yes, it twinges a bit" she said,
because lying was pointless now. "But I don't care. I want you

It sounded like bad
porn dialogue, but Bjorn seemed to buy it, settling in the rest of
the way and holding himself still even though she could feel him
trembling under her hands. "Just tell me when you're okay,"
he said, and kissed her. She captured his tongue between her lips and
sucked on the slick muscle, thrusting her hips on him a little when
he groaned. "Seriously, you're killing me," he muttered
when she let his mouth free.

"So fuck me,"
she challenged, and wrapped her other leg around his waist.

Bjorn wasted no time,
thrusting into her shallowly but with steadily increasing movements
until he was practically pulling all the way out before sliding back
in. Samara orgasmed twice without any other stimulation than that,
and Bjorn swore each time she did, his face tightened with holding

"Come on,
Bjorn," she whispered in his ear before playfully biting his

He slid a hand
between them and thumbed her clit just to hear her shriek and when
she came for the third time – though it was actually the
seventh – that's when he joined her, coming with an atonal

They lay there for
about an hour, and Samara started to fall asleep even though she was
getting cold. Bjorn dragged the duvet from below her and tucked her
into bed when she started shivering, then got in beside her, kissing
her on the forehead.


Bjorn woke her with a
warm glass of milk the next morning and a tray of breakfast in bed.

I hesitate to ask what you did for me to deserve this,” she
said pushing her hair out of her eyes. For a minute she thought about
rushing to the bathroom, fixing her hair maybe brushing her teeth but
Bjorn smiled.

never looked better,” he said. Samara’s eyes narrowed,
wondering why he was being so nice.

I have something to tell you. The reason why I’ve been

Samara said heart speeding up.

dad came here two weeks ago,” he began.

What did he say? What did he want?”

you shush and listen, I will tell you,” he said irritably.

Samara put an
exaggerated hand over her lips and Bjorn sighed, rolling his eyes.

he tried to extort both I and Alison for money-“

Samara gasped but
didn’t say a word.

we thought we needed to find a way to get rid of him for good. That
is if you’re agreeable to that.”

huh,” Samara said leaning forward. “But how? You’re
not going to…have him killed are you?”

Bjorn snorted, “I’m
a businessman not a mob boss Samara.”

know that. But you said ‘get rid of’ and short of killing
him, I don’t see how you can make him go away. Even if you give
him money, he’ll be back for more eventually.”

Bjorn nodded
impatiently, “We know that. That’s why Alison and I came
up with a plan.”

plan?” Samara asked feeling anxiety claw at her throat.




we meet?”


come to you. Diner across the street, right?”

I can wait for you there.”


hung up. Trust her dad to be lying to her about where he was staying.
She took a deep breath, hoping against hope that this plan
She paced up and down until it was time to go meet him. He was right
on time. He always was when money was involved.

I don’t have access to fifty large Dad,” she said once
he’d sat down at the outdoor café where she was waiting.

why am I here?”

I happen to know that Bjorn Fredriksen has a safe full of cash and
jewels in a safe place inside a false wall between his room and

How does that help me?”

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