Her Wanton Ways [Notorious Nephilim 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (13 page)

BOOK: Her Wanton Ways [Notorious Nephilim 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“You’ve never made love this way?” he asked, giving her a tender look.

She shook her head, not trusting her voice. And she most definitely didn’t want to talk about Scott at a time like this.

Behind her, Cristian rubbed more oil into her ass then teased the opening with his cock. She tensed slightly, but he was as gentle as Blade had been, and there was no pain as he slipped inside. The sensation of having both holes filled with huge cocks was overwhelming. Joelle couldn’t even think. All she could do was cling to Blade as both men fucked her silly.

Her pussy contracted in the most prolonged orgasm she’d ever had. It didn’t feel like it was ever going to stop, and Joelle no longer cared if it did. All she wanted to do was stay here with Blade and Cristian and never return to her job or her home.

That thought ricocheted around her brain, and the impossible idea that she was falling for both of them joined it, until Joelle knew she was way past deep trouble. She’d gone all the way over the edge. Her feelings for Cristian and Blade went far beyond admiring their sense of humor or how easy it was to be around them. There was no point in denying it any longer. She was in love with both men, as impossible as that seemed.

Cristian pulled off his condom, and Blade put one on. Then the men changed places. Joelle whimpered as she floated into the most exquisite pleasure she’d ever had. They changed places two more times, then Blade pulled off his condom and asked Joelle to get in the water, but not too deep. He wanted her to stand in it no more than waist deep.

She could barely walk, let alone climb into the pool, so they helped her. As she faced the edge, both men sat side-by-side with their legs in the water. She grinned as she realized what they wanted her to do, and wasted no time in taking Blade’s cock into her mouth, while she grasped Cristian’s at the base.

She took turns with them, sucking and licking, and it didn’t take long until both men were obviously ready to come. Blade grabbed the back of her head and held it still while he and Cristian both squirted their hot cum onto her face and breasts. Joelle opened her mouth to try and catch some of it, enjoying the salty taste. She’d never done anything so decadent in her life, and she loved every second of it.

When they finished coming, both men got into the water with her and wrapped her in their arms.

“Can we both spend the night with you, Joelle?” asked Cristian.

Joelle smiled. “I was hoping you’d ask that.”

Chapter Thirteen


Cristian stood in front of the open window in Joelle’s sitting room, watching the snowfall, just as he’d done a few days ago the first night Joelle checked in. So much had happened since then that he found it all difficult to reconcile.

He’d had more fun with her the day before than he could remember having with any of the countless guests he’d seduced. Most of them who came here knew exactly what to expect, and they used Cristian and the others as nothing more than sex toys. The current societal culture might be modest and demure, but the women who sneaked away to this place were anything but, at least during the time they were guests here.

Not that Cristian had ever minded, but now everything had changed. Joelle wasn’t just a guest. She may have started out that way, but something had shifted the day before. Somehow she’d turned into a confidante, and one hell of a fun time, in and out of the bedroom. Cristian had fallen hard for her, and he’d bet his left nut Blade had done the same.

“Not possible,” he muttered, even while knowing it was true. There was no point in denying it. He was head-over-heels crazy about Joelle Marie Albright, and nothing would ever be the same again.

“Good thing it’s me and not Joelle.”

Cristian jumped and whirled around at the sound of Blade’s voice. He hadn’t heard him approach or sensed his presence. His instincts were getting too rusty.

Blade furrowed his brow as he pulled on his boxer shorts. “Put something on. Do you want her to catch you standing stark naked in front of an open window? Close it. She’ll feel the cold and wake up.”

“I told you to stop telling me what to do.” Cristian pulled on his boxers. “You’re not my fucking boss.”

“You’re a screw-up, Cristian. Did you see her face at the pool when you said Molly was one of the first people we hired?”

“I know, I know.” Cristian ran his hands through his hair. “I’ve slipped up more than once with her, okay? I can’t help it. It’s her hair color and her scent, and those emerald eyes, and the way she laughs at every silly thing I say. I can’t think straight around her.”

Blade’s gaze softened. “I know. She’s gotten under my skin, too.”

“Let’s not get carried away.”

“Bullshit, Cristian. You just said as much.”

Cristian cut his gaze to the hallway. “I don’t want to wake her.” Cristian lowered his voice. “So what are we going to do about it? The slipups, I mean.”

Blade looked at him as if he had lobsters crawling on his face. “Do about it? We don’t need to
anything about it.”

“She’s going to keep asking questions. Did you see her face by the pool before you picked her up? She knows something isn’t quite right here.”

“Our job is to keep her happy in bed. She’s a paying guest. It’s why she came here.”

“Fuck you, Blade. She’s more than just a guest.”

Blade’s eyes grew dark the way they did when he was very pissed off but trying to control it. “Don’t go there, Cristian. We can’t.” He lowered his voice. “We have to bide our time until Joelle leaves, and hope like hell we forget about her when she does.”

Cristian snorted. “Yeah, right. Like that’s going to be so fucking easy for either of us to do now.”

Blade sighed. “Fuck. Look, okay? I really like her. More than I should. And unless my instincts are completely off, you do, too.”

“She’s a cool dame.” Cristian averted his gaze.

“A cool dame? You aren’t fooling me, Cristian.”

“Yeah, well, so what? It’s not like I’m going to do anything about it.”

Blade laughed. “I don’t believe it.”

“What?” If Cristian hadn’t been so dead set against leaving Blade alone all night again with Joelle, he’d finish dressing and return to his own suite. Fucking mind reader. Blade had a better command of that power than almost any of them.

“You know damn well what. You’re falling for her. It’s finally happened. Cristian is falling for a mortal woman.”

“Fuck you.” Cristian walked into the kitchen and made himself a drink. If he had to sit out here the rest of the night to avoid Blade he would, but he wouldn’t leave.

“Chill out, Cristian. I care about her, too. I just told you that. But I’ve been down that road before and you haven’t.”

“So what?”

“Okay.” Blade stood up and stretched. “This is going in circles, and I’d rather be snuggled up against Joelle. You leaving?”

“Not on your life. As soon as I finish my drink, I’ll be in.”

After Blade returned to Joelle’s bedroom, Cristian stood in front of the window again. He hated the fact that Blade and the others could read him so well. Their powers had always been so much stronger than his. He’d never used them to seduce women like some of the others had. Cristian often wondered if that was why some of his powers had never developed to the same degree as the strongest among them—Blade, Zach, Emmett, Hugh, and Demetrius.

But Cristian could still do one thing none of the others could. Up until Leo and Andras had chosen Blair sixteen years earlier, Andras had been the only other one of them who could still make his wings appear. Now, Cristian alone held that distinction among them. What would Joelle say if she saw his wings unfurl, right before her big green eyes? She was an adventurous girl. She might think they were super cool.

Cristian crept into the hallway that led to Joelle’s bedroom and listened. If he concentrated very hard, he could hear her breathing. She was asleep. He drained his drink and made another one, then took off his boxers and opened the window again. As he breathed in the crisp clear scent of snow and cold air, he closed his eyes and relaxed the muscles underneath his shoulder blades.

As the wings unfurled, tiny jolts shot through his body, as if he’d ventured too close to an impending lightning strike. He knew if anyone were to watch him right now, they’d see his hair stand on end and his eyes glow. He let them unfurl all the way, delighting in the powerful feeling it always produced.

In this state, he never felt quite as confused and lost as he usually did. Living among mortals was exhausting for him. If he were one, at least he wouldn’t have to try and fit in. But he wasn’t human. He was a Nephilim, as they all were, with the exception of the four who’d chosen a mortal life.

What was it like to change from immortal creature to human? He’d asked Sterling once, and all the man could tell him was that it was such a gradual, subtle change, that he’d hardly noticed anything. Sterling and Hugh now shared a suite with Caleigh. Since the nightclub had closed after the War, Caleigh had no place to sing, so now she helped both men supervise construction on the billiards room.

Blair had helped run the nightclub until they decided to close it since it was no longer profitable. Now Blair, Leo, and Andras were in charge of general renovation at the resort and making sure everything was kept up to date.

All four men seemed blissfully happy, and the women they’d chosen were wonderful additions to the resort. Cristian used to have trouble imagining himself choosing one woman to spend a mortal life with and having to share her in the bargain with one of the other owners. That was the condition of their punishment, and now none of them could deny the fact that the curse could be lifted—something they still had doubted even as Leo and Andras began to age and change in small ways after choosing Blair.

But now that Hugh and Sterling had chosen Caleigh and had begun to exhibit the same changes, the other owners no longer denied the fact that their punishment was real. For that matter, so was the possibility of redemption, for the same fate that condemned them could also redeem them.

For the first time since 1919 when they’d been handed this punishment by the archangels and cast to Earth for their sins, Cristian began to imagine a mortal life with one woman—Joelle. But as wonderful as it sounded, he’d have to share her. Would Blade agree to such a thing? For that matter, would Joelle?

A jolt of fear shot through Cristian as he imagined telling Joelle what they were, about their punishment, and the only conditions under which it could be lifted. How would she react? Sure, she was a fun dame, but she was also levelheaded. She’d think they’d both gone off the deep end.

Cristian was so lost in his musings that by the time he registered the fact he’d heard water running and soft footfalls on carpeting, he had no time to pull his wings back in before Joelle’s terrified cry reached his ears.

Chapter Fourteen


“Holy hellfire! What the
are you?” Joelle stared at the wings on Cristian’s naked back.
. Huge wings attached beneath his shoulder blades, that spanned at least ten feet and hung down to his calves. They waved gently back and forth in the breeze from the open window.

What the hell?

Cristian whirled around, and Joelle recoiled at the look of terror on his face. “Joelle…it’s okay. They won’t hurt you.”

“What the fuck is going on?” A million questions ran through her mind, but she couldn’t give a voice to any except that one. Her heart hammered so loudly surely he could hear it. Her palms were damp and breathing was difficult. As she stared at the wings, they slowly started to disappear. Only disappear wasn’t exactly the right word. It was more like they withdrew. She was certain if he turned around again she’d watch them being sucked right back into his body.

The corners of Cristian’s mouth turned up as if he were trying not to laugh. “You’re cute when you swear like a sailor. Right now I’m picturing you in a midshipman’s uniform on the deck of a destroyer.”

“What are you?” she whispered. She wasn’t in the mood for his humor right now.

She heard footsteps and spun around to find Blade behind her.

“Cristian…what the hell have you done?”

His tone was more accusatory than surprised. Joelle stared from one man to the other, trying to make sense of what she’d just seen and heard but failing miserably. It couldn’t be real, and yet she knew it was. But what the hell did it mean? Who and what were these men? Were they even men, for that matter?

Cristian looked crestfallen, and Joelle’s heart gave a strange lurch. There were times when Blade was too sharp with him.

“It was an accident, Blade.”

“Letting out your wings was an accident?” Blade came up behind Joelle and put his hands on her shoulders. “Are you all right?” he asked quietly.

She looked into his eyes, unsure how to answer.

“No,” said Cristian. “I mean the fact Joelle saw them was an accident. I didn’t hear her come into the room.”

Blade made a sound of disgust, and Joelle turned on him. “Stop that. He’s not a child. And you obviously aren’t shocked by this, so instead of chiding him, why don’t you tell me what the
is going on here?”

Blade looked mollified and reached for her hand, but she pulled it away and took a few steps back. “Oh no, not again. You are not going to distract me with your damn sexy eyes and your scent again.”

Cristian’s wings were no longer visible, but the window was still wide open. Joelle crossed her arms. “It’s freezing in here.”

Cristian shut the window then pulled on his boxer shorts. Blade glanced around the room, spotted his, and put them on. Joelle wrapped her robe tightly around her body and began to pace the room. Every strange thing that she’d been mulling over last evening by the pool before Blade picked her up came back to her. He’d distracted her on purpose last evening. She was sure of it.

“What’s going on here? What is
going on?” she asked again. “Either you tell me or I’m out of here.” She didn’t know if her threat would pull any weight with them, but it was an empty one as far as she was concerned. These men had touched her heart in a way no others ever had. And now that she was over the initial shock, she was fascinated by the possibility of what Blade and Cristian might truly be.

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