Here With Me (28 page)

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Authors: Megan Nugen Isbell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Mother & Daughter

BOOK: Here With Me
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Chapter Thirty-Nine


February 1, 2008

Dear Mom,

I can’t believe I’ve only been here two weeks and you already sent me a care package!  My roommate was very jealous when she saw the box, especially the cookies.  Don’t worry, I made sure to share.  Her name’s Leslie and she’s an RN from Florida.  She’s nice enough, but she’s a little older than me, so we don’t have a whole lot in common.  It’s fine though because I really don’t have much time to socialize anyway.  We’re pretty busy.  It’s a lot different than the hospital back home.  You don’t realize how good we have it until you see how other people live.  The doctors and nurses here are amazing and I’m learning so much from them.  They’re from all over, so it’s been interesting talking to them.  I’m at a clinic right now in the center of Rio De Janeiro.  I’m basically learning the ropes and seeing patients from some of the more depressed areas of Rio.  You can tell the people are so grateful for what we’re doing here and I’m glad to be a part of it.  I’ll keep you posted if anything changes.  Thanks again for the package!  I love you, Mom.  You’d better be taking care of yourself!  You didn’t think you’d get away from my nagging that easily, did you? 






February 5, 2008

Buenos Dias Senorita!

Wait…they speak Portuguese in Brazil, not Spanish, so I guess my greeting kinda sucked.  I’ll brush up on my Portuguese before the next letter.  Anyway…I digress, my dear friend.  How are you?!?!?  Have you found a totally hot Brazilian man to keep you company yet?  I can just imagine you on the beach with his slick, Adonis like body ravaging you.  What’s his name?  Alberto?  Filipo?  You lucky woman you! 

Seriously, how are you?  I think about you every day and am still so stoked that you did this.  You’re like a rock star to me.  I love you, Mal and I’m so happy for you.  I’m sure you’re the most amazing nurse they’ve ever seen.  I can’t wait to hear about everything you’re doing.  Email me some pictures, okay? 

New York is still amazing.  I hope you’ll come visit when you get back to the U.S.  We’ll have a fabulous time.  I’ve sold a few more paintings and I’m going to put some of my work into an exhibit at Bryant Park in the spring.  I love working in the gallery too.  I’m learning a lot.  I think I’ve finally found my niche. 

Well, I’ve got to run.  I’m going to a club tonight.  I promise to behave myself, well, maybe I’ll behave myself.  That all depends on how much Deacon behaves
himself.  He’s this gorgeous artist I’ve been hanging out with.  There’s nothing there…yet, but I’ll keep you posted.  He’ll fall for me eventually! 

Stay safe,
chica!  Maybe chica works in Portuguese as well as Spanish.  I’ll have to check on that.  Miss you!

Your favorite and most awesome friend,




February 11, 2013

Dear Mallory,

I’m glad you enjoyed the cookies, but no need to thank me.  I wish I could say they were homemade, but we both know you’d probably end up sick as a dog if I baked them.  I picked them up at the bakery.  I’m not sure what kind of cookies they have in Brazil, but I doubt they’re chocolate chip.  It sounds like you’re having quite the adventure.  I can’t wait to hear what else you end up doing!  Please be careful though and don’t be annoyed at me for worrying.  I’m your mother and it’s my job to worry.  I try not to, but I can’t help it.  You’re my baby and I miss you.  I didn’t realize how lonely it is around here without you, but I’m so proud of what you’re doing.  Your grandmother loves to brag to anyone who
will listen about her world-traveling granddaughter.  Customers at the diner ask about you and I have to admit, I often gush way too long about what you’re doing.  I really am proud of you.  And don’t worry.  I’m still only working a couple of shifts a week.  It’s not getting in the way of any of my therapy. 

Things here are good.  We’re supposed to be getting a big snowstorm at the end of the week.  I’m sure you won’t be missing that.  Enjoy your summer while we’re stuck in our never-ending winter!  To make up for you leaving me this winter, I’ll expect you to d
o all the shoveling next year. 

I’d better end for now.  I’ve got physical therapy soon. 
I’m still hating it, but it’s getting better.  Whenever I get frustrated, I just imagine your voice nagging me to keep at it.  I miss hearing that for real.  I love you.




February 15, 2008

Hey Kenna.

I have to tell you I was shocked to get your letter.  I expected email, but not a handwritten letter.  I’ve missed your curly q writing.  I haven’t seen it since junior high when we’d pass notes between class.  Now we’re passing notes between continents.  Wow…that was a bad joke.  Sorry.

Yes, I have found an incredible stud named
Carlito.  He’s tall with luscious black hair and chocolate eyes.   His skin is like honey and I love rubbing my hands all over his rock hard abs as he ravages me on the beach as you so eloquently put it.  I may never come back to Maine.

Now tell me about this Deacon guy.  You sound pretty enamored with him, but don’t do anything stupid, Kenna Rounds!  I know you won’t listen to me because you think I make the worst decisions when it comes to guys, but just don’t be dumb, okay?  Just be yourself and remember how great you are and he’ll see it too.  If not, dump his ass! 

I’m still adjusting to Brazil, but I think I’ll end up loving it here.  The food is great and the people are so nice.  I’ll try and get some pictures to you, so be checking your email.  I love you, Kenna.





February 16, 2008

Dear Ryan,

I’ve got to be honest.  I’m nervous as I write this letter to you.  I know you asked me to on the beach my last night in
Kenneunkport, but part of me wonders if you changed your mind.  I’ve been here nearly a month now, so if I’m going to write, I’d better just do it.

Things are going well here.  Brazil is very different than Maine.  I miss the Sunday dinners at Mabel’s, but I’m having fun trying new food. 

I’m in Rio right now, but that could change. We go where we’re needed. 

Are you still in D.C.? 
You mentioned the inauguration when I last saw you.  I looked for you when President Bush was leaving.  It was a long shot, I know, but with you, I never know when you’re going to turn up.  I hope you’re doing okay.  Thanks again for making this happen.




February 23, 2008

Dear Mal,

I’m sorry it’s taken so long for to get a real letter off to you.  I know we can email, but I thought you’d appreciate an actual letter.

I’m not going to lie.  I’ve worried about you every day since you left, but you’re still alive, so I’m trying not to worry as much.  How are things? Was it everything you expected it to be?  All that matters is that you’re happy.  I learned that the hard way.

I’ve been busy lately.  My internship is going well, but it’s a lot of work.  It’ll all be worth it in the long run though. 

I thought you should know that I’m seeing someone.  Don’t worry, it’s not Veronica.  Her name is Corinne and she’s another intern.  She’s really a great girl.  I think you’d like her actually.  Perhaps when you get back, you could meet her.  Mom’s already planning her big gala for July.  This year’s cause is something to do with animals or fur or anti-fur, I’m not really sure.  You never know with her.  Maybe you’d like to come again.  I’ll send you an invitation.

I hope you’re doing okay.  I’ll keep worrying, so keep me posted. 





February 28, 2008

Dear Mallory,

I didn’t change my mind about wanting to hear from you.  I was excited to get your letter and I hope it’s not your last.  I wish you’d stop thanking me.  I may have sent in the application, but you are the one who decided to actually do it. 

I’m still in D.C. and to answer your question, I was at the inauguration.  It was crazy how many people were there. 

It’s freezing here.  I’m sure you’re nice and warm though.  I’ve never been to Brazil, but I can imagine how different it is than Maine.  Are you happy though?  I couldn’t tell from your letter.  What kinds of stuff have you been doing?  I’d like to hear about it.  Take care of yourself.




March 1, 2008

Oi Mallory!

So, I
Googled how to greet someone in Brazilian Portuguese and this is what I came up. I don’t really know if I’m right, but hey, it’s the effort that counts, right?  You can correct me if you’d like, but I probably won’t listen! 

So, how’s life below the equator?  I hope you’re warmer than me right now because it’s freezing up here!  I’m tempted to book a ticket and join you, so if I show up at your doorstep, don’t be surprised.  I probably would never find you though, considering my incredibly poor language skills. 

How’s Alfredo?  Or was it Benito?  Oh wait, it was Carlito!  Send me a picture of your Brazilian lover!  I know you’re dying to know, so I might as well tell you.  Deacon and I have not been behaving ourselves.  He’s pretty awesome actually.  He’s got this sexy jet black hair and the most amazing blue eyes you’ve ever seen.  I swear there are flecks of purple in them and don’t even get me started on what he looks like with his shirt off.  Okay, I may need a minute to regain my composure. 

I was happy to hear you’re doing so well in your last letter.  I kind of like this old fashioned means of communication.  And they say letter writing is dead.  We’re bringing it back!  One request though,
try and send some pictures, okay?  Stay safe!




March 2, 2008

Dear Cole,

It was great getting a letter from you.  It made my day.  I’m glad to hear your internship is going well.  You’re going to make a hell of a lawyer someday. 

I want you to know I’m honestly thrilled about Corinne.  I’d love to meet her.  I’m glad she makes you happy.  I have to tell you, I was worried our break up would be the end of our friendship too.  I’m so glad it wasn’t.   You know you mean the world to me and all I want for you is happiness.  It sounds like you’re on your way to finding it.

  As for the invite to your mother’s gala, it would be fun to go again, but only if I get to sit at the VIP table like last year.

Try not to worry too much while I’m gone.  I’m being careful and most parts of Rio are fine.  I don’t venture out to the scary parts and if I do end up having to go for work, we’re always together and we’re always super cautious.  So breathe easy.  I’ll be fine and back in Maine in no time.  Talk to you soon.



March 12, 2013

Dear Ryan,

It was nice to hear from you and my nerves are much less as I write this letter.  What are you doing in D.C.?  Wait…you’ll have to kill me if you tell me!

My mom mentioned it was pretty cold up in Maine, I’m sorry it’s got a grip on D.C. as well.  It’s beautiful here.  I’m actually in shorts and a tank top as I write this.  I’m not trying to rub it in or anything though. Well…maybe I am, but just a little.

I’ve been working at a clinic in Rio, just seeing patients for typical things like colds and the flu.  It’s actually pretty sad how little some people have here.  They’re very grateful though for all we’re doing and the kids are so cute.  There is this one little girl, named Karalina, who I really love.  She broke her arm, but she didn’t even cry.  The poor thing is only six, but she had the biggest brown eyes you’ve ever seen.  She was so brave and you should’ve seen how big her smile was when we told her she could have a pink cast.  She came by the clinic almost every day after that for a week, just to say hi and get a lollipop.  She hasn’t been by in a while.  I hope she’s okay. 

I was talking to the director of the clinic the other day and we may start going into a place called
Complexo de Alemao.  I don’t know much about it, but it sounds a little scary.  I won’t dwell on it though.  I’m just happy to be here, which answers another one of your questions.  I really am happy, even if I miss Maine so much it hurts sometimes.  I love helping people.  It must be the do-gooder in me.  Are you laughing?  I’ll bet you are.  I wasn’t too sure about you that night at Bandaloop when you called me that.  You turned out to be alright though. 

I should get going.  It’s late and I’m pretty tired by the end of the day.  Stay warm!



March 15, 2008


Happy Ides of March!  I don’t know why I always remember the day of Julius Caesar’s death, but I remember Mrs. Temple teaching us about it in fourth grade and it’s always stuck with me.  Anyway…I’m rambling, but you know that’s my style and that’s why you love me so much.

Thank you so much for the postcard you sent me!  Brazil looks amazing.  We will have to go there together someday.  And speaking of things looking amazing, let’s talk about you!  I loved the pictures you emailed me.  I know I already told you this,  but you look fabulous and so tan!  I’m very jealous, especially since my legs are currently a nice shade of Elmer’s glue white.  Not only do you look incredibly hot, but you look so happy.  You’re smiling so big in all the pictures, it seems to reach all the way up to your eyes. 

You know I love you, Mal, so stay safe!  Deacon will be here in a bit.  Speaking of Deacon, I may be in love with him!  I’ll let you know though.  Love you!



March 23, 2008

Dear Mallory,

It was good to hear from you again.  Sounds like things are going well.  Have you heard from Karalina yet?  I know how you like to worry.  Stop rolling your eyes at me.  You know it’s true. 

It’s still freezing up here in D.C.  It’s almost April, so I’m hopeful spring will come sooner rather than later.  As far as what I’m doing up here, I’m just doing office work at the moment.  And now that you know that, I will have to kill you.  This assignment is actually pretty boring.  I miss working in the field.  Maybe it’s time for a change. 

To be honest, your letter got me worrying.  I know you can take care of yourself, but I looked into it and that Complexo de Alemao doesn’t sound safe.  Please be careful.  I know you think I’m overreacting, but just promise me you’ll be careful.  Okay, enough of that. I’ve said my piece.  You don’t need me hovering. 

I’ve got to get going. 
It’s dinner time and I’ve got to see which TV dinner I’ll be having tonight.  I wish you were here to make me some spaghetti.



March 28, 2008

Hi Mallory.

I know you’re the last person you expected a let
ter from, even after our reconciliation the night before you left.  I know things are still tense between us.  I don’t expect your forgiveness to come easily, but I wanted to let you know I love you and have been thinking of you since you left.  Justin and the kids say hi.  When you left, Brady spent days on the internet learning all about Brazil.  He wanted to know all about where Aunt Mallory is right now.  He’s even been trying to teach Mackenzie some Portuguese words he learned.  It’s not going over well though.  Mack’s just hoping you bring her back a pretty doll.

  I’ve been trying to get up to Kennebunkport when I can to see Mom.  She’s doing so well.  I just thought you’d like to know so you don’t worry about her so much while you’re gone.  We love you and I just wanted to you to know that.



April 1, 2008

Dear Ryan,

I thought about beginning this letter with some ridiculous April Fool’s joke, but to be honest, I’m in no mood for joking.  You were right to be worried about Complexo de Alemao.  I knew coming here would be tough.  I knew it would be different than back home, I guess I just wasn’t prepared for how different.  Seriously, I’ve never seen anything like it.  The violence here is like something you’d see in a movie.  As I watched, I had to convince myself it was real, that I was actually seeing it.  I heard there are about 150,000 people in the area.  It’s so crowded and crazy.  There are no health facilities in the Alemao and government ambulances won’t even enter.  There’s too much fighting.  I can’t tell you how many guns I saw out in the open during the course of one day.  If I’m being honest, I have to tell you I was scared.  I tried telling myself not to be afraid, but it was impossible not to be.  I was afraid to look at anyone the wrong way.  I really don’t think anyone would’ve hurt me though.  Most of the people were just as afraid as I was.  We didn’t do a lot of medical work there.  It’s mostly psychological.  Some people have been traumatized so badly by what they witness and endure on a daily basis, they have no idea how to cope.  The psychiatrists I’ve been working with are amazing though.  They really care about these people and I know the people are grateful for the help. 

I’m sorry for telling you all this.  I know it just makes you worry, but I can’t tell anyone else and I need to tell someone.  I don’t know how my mom would react if she knew I’d been in an area like the
Alemao, so it’s best I not tell her at all.  The less she knows, the better.  This is already hard enough for her.  I’m not going to tell Grandma, Kenna or Cole either.  None of them need to worry, because really, I’m fine.  They wouldn’t think of that though.  They’d dwell on what could’ve happened, instead of focusing on the fact that I’m okay.

On a better note,
Karalina finally came by the clinic again.  It was a relief to know she’s okay.

Have you heard anything about a new assignment?  I hope you’re not too bored.  I remember how antsy you got when you couldn’t work after you got shot.  Anyway, I hope everything’s good with you.  I’m going to get some sleep.  I’ll talk to you soon.


P.S. I’d be happy to make you some spaghetti when I get back.



April 11, 2008

Dear Mallory,

To be honest, your last letter scared me.  I knew the Alemao was bad, but I didn’t realize how bad.  I’m glad you’re okay though and that everything is alright.  If you have to go back there, be careful.  I know you will be, but I just have to say it.  I don’t want to sound like your mom or Cole, but I do worry, even though I know you don’t want me to.  It sounds like you guys did some good work there and it took a lot of guts.

It looks like the desk job is going to end soon.  I’m not exactly sure what’s next for me, but I’m pretty excited about a change.  I’m thinking about trying something I’ve never done before.  I can’t really go into detail, but I promise to keep you posted.

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