Here's to Forever

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Authors: Teagan Hunter

BOOK: Here's to Forever
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Teagan Hunter

Copyright © 2016 Teagan Hunter


Cover Designer:
Najla Qamber Designs

Lindee Robinson Photography

Kelly Kirstein
Travis Robert Bendall

Editor: Murphy Rae of
Indie Solutions by Murphy Rae

Formatter: Wendi Temporado of
Ready, Set, Edit

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To Will Cooper.

You’ll always be my number one.

#SorryNotSorryLake #BethWho


“You want to do what to my daughter?”

The man speaking to me right now like I’ve lost my mind is none other than Ted Kamden, AKA, my girlfriend’s father. He’s looking at me like I’m absolutely insane. He may be right.

Looking Ted right in the eye, I say, “Marry her, sir. I’d like to marry Rae.”

Ted stares me down. Squinting his eyes and cocking his head, he says, “Why, son?”

Not what I was expecting.

I clear my throat. “Why, sir?”

do you want to marry her? That’s quite a commitment and you’re both still young. Never mind the fact that you haven’t even been together a year yet.”

His words are true. We
been together that long, but for some reason it feels like an eternity that we’ve known one another.

A little less than a year ago, the brightest, snarkiest, and most beautiful woman I’ve ever known walked confidently into my shop. She won my heart over almost instantly with her smart mouth and captivating forest green eyes. Our connection was easy, seamless, uncomplicated. It took a while for me to work up the courage to tell her about Joey, my now eight-year-old daughter, but once she got over the initial shock, Rae accepted us both with open arms. We became inseparable, in love, and infinitely happy.

Then life happened.

It turned out our intense connection came from the fact that we had already sort of known one another in the past, me having rescued her from drowning at the tender age of six. It wasn’t until I took her to the beach for her birthday last year that we realized it. Being near the sea caused Rae to have a disturbing flashback where she discovered that her deep-seated fear of being a mother came from having her own stand and watch as she drowned.

The bigger, more present issue was Joey. As Rae came to her realization, my daughter waded into the ocean a little too far and got swept away in the angry waves. Joey nearly drowned.

It was two weeks before I spoke to Rae again.

Once I finally did, we decided that in the end, despite what had happened with Joey, we survived it. And that meant more to us than anything else.

Since then, we’ve managed to make our relationship more solid than ever. Together, we moved on and our once deep connection dug a hole even deeper.

Several weeks ago, Rae moved in with me and Joey, and so far things have been incredible.

Until life happened, again.

Life, the fickle thing, is a small reason as to why I’m here.

Trying to calm my nerves, I rub my palms together and sit forward. After taking a few moments to work some sentences through in my mind, I give the speech of a lifetime to Rae’s father.

“To put it simply: I love your daughter. But if you’re looking for the long version, here it is: She absolutely completes me. Last year when I met Rae, I was resigned to a life of single fatherhood. I had Joey and she was all I needed. Or at least that’s what I thought at the time. But then this incredibly beautiful woman stepped foot into my shop and opened my eyes to what I was missing—her. Rae’s wild. She’s a little crazy, sarcastic as hell, a fighter, tough, and sweet all wrapped into one. Everything about her is amazing, even her flaws. Yes, she has them. Everyone does. And she’s fantastic with Joey.
Holy hell
is she amazing with her. There’s nothing that makes my heart more erratic than seeing them together,” I tell Ted honestly. “I want to spend the rest of time with her because she’s the most real thing I’ve ever had in my life.”

Ted doesn’t say anything; he only continues to stare at me. I start getting a little uncomfortable under his stare, but I don’t back down. After another moment passes, I tell it to him straight.

“With all due respect, sir, nothing you say here today will deter me from asking your daughter to marry me. Nothing. And if she says ‘yes,’ I
going to marry her. Our love doesn’t need the stamp of approval from someone who will never understand it like we do. This is all a formality.”

A slow, almost sinister grin stretches across his face. “Brave. You’re very brave, Hudson.” He’s looking at me like the fucking Cheshire Cat, and I’m man enough to admit I’m nervous as hell right now.

“And determined,” Ted continues, sitting forward and mirroring my position. He’s about a foot from me, holding my stare with a fierce one of his own. “Whether or not you need it, you have my blessing. I just wanted to hear you say that you loved my daughter enough to not let anyone tell you otherwise.”

I expel a relieved breath and Rae’s dad starts laughing. “Dammit, Mr. Kamden. You had me scared for a second.”

“Couldn’t resist screwing with you, son. And for the love of all holy things, call me Ted. I’ve already told you a million times.”

“Sorry, sir. Shit. I mean Ted.”

Ted gives a hearty laugh as he gets up to walk into the kitchen. “You want a beer?”

“No, thank you. I’m driving.”

“Good answer.”

I sink into the couch as he disappears to the other room. He said yes.
Fuck. Yeah.

Now I just have to find the perfect way to propose. Low-key or large event? Simple or over the top? Audience or in private? How in the hell do people do this shit?

I’ll be honest. I didn’t
think this whole thing through. I only know that I want to marry Rae. Now. Tomorrow. Next month. Next year. Any damn day. I want her. I want forever with her.

We lost someone last month. The brother of my best friend was taken away in an unexpected accident. While we technically lost two people since Tucker is on the road, one of them still has the option to return. Tanner doesn’t. While neither one of us was much a fan of him in life, his death has still taken a toll on us. So much so that we’ve spent the last several weeks discussing what would happen to Joey if I died, how we’d handle an emergency situation, and loss in general.

We’re both accustomed to it—loss, that is. Rae’s mother committed suicide when she was only seven, the same day Rae almost drowned, and my father passed away three years ago. Both of them were sudden. Each left everyone completely unprepared for the future without them. Neither one of us wants that for Joey.

I’ve never been one for legalities, but now, I want them. I want to know my future is bound to hers by a fancy contract. I want to know I’m as legally hers as she is mine. And Joey. I definitely want the legalities for her.

Other than that, I don’t
need them. In the deepest depths of my soul, I know. Rae is my forever. My tomorrow. My everything.

“I can hear the wheels spinning from the other room. Relax. You’ll know when it’s the right moment,” Ted says as he walks back into the room, cold beer in hand. “Want to know how I proposed to Rae’s mom?”

Ted must see the sadness in my eyes before I can hide it because he shakes his head. “It’s okay, Hudson. We had many good years together before everything happened. I have some fond memories of Erin.”

He takes a heavy, calming breath before starting his story. “We were young but wildly in love. We’d been together for two years and some change when we found out we were pregnant. You think we’d have been nervous since we were still living at home with our parents and barely scraping by, but we weren’t. Our love was enough.”

Rae’s father sits back in his chair, eyes closed and chin tucked into his chest. I have this odd feeling he’s realizing that in the end, their love
enough. And it’s breaking his heart all over again.

When he speaks, he stays in the same position, like he’s trying to remember every last detail of what happened. “I had this whole huge night planned. We had just told her parents about the pregnancy, and they were surprisingly supportive of it. We went to dinner to celebrate—the fanciest restaurant I could afford. I had my timing perfected and everything was going according to plan. But then it wasn’t. In the middle of our romantic dinner, she broke down in tears. And I mean sobbing. ‘What are we going to do, Teddy?’ she asked over and over again. I kept quiet and held her until her tears subsided, paid our bill, and walked her to the car. We drove down to Lake Quannapowitt and walked to the shore, skipping stones for several minutes in silence. It was our thing. After about twenty minutes, she apologized for her breakdown, obviously embarrassed by what had happened. I knew it was all just the baby hormones. I was a kid, but I wasn’t stupid. I understood how that stuff worked.”

A small grin plays at Ted’s lips, like he’s watching a movie play in his head, detailing his happy memories with the woman who still owns his heart.

“I didn’t respond to her apology right away. You want to guess what happened next?”

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