Heritage (6 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Walton

BOOK: Heritage
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“I was born here. You will have to go the way you came,” He replied getting up from his seat and pointing in the direction of the door.

“I think he wants us to leave,” Josh mocked sarcastically and headed to the now open door. We all proceeded to the door and had just made it out before Cedric slammed it behind us.


“What a peculiar little elf he was, So what now?” Josh asked as we started walking back up the path we came from. I stopped for a moment, processing what the hell we were going to do next. I did not have the strength to orb us all back again as it took too much energy. Then again Alex and Josh had to know where they were and where they were heading in order to orb. It seemed like I was the only ticket back home. No pressure then I thought as I began walking again.

“Well I suppose we could try finding out where we are exactly,” I proposed.


They both stopped and looked at me with there are you kidding expressions. It’s cute, they both look the same when they did it, they were not twins, they had been born two years apart, but they had similar features. Certain looks they did were exactly the same; this one was one of them.

“Come on guys I’m knackered. This orbing has taken all my energy, I don’t think I could do it again, I’m sorry,” I sighed and took a look at their worn out faces. The battle had taken a bit out of all of us, and I knew that we all wanted the same thing, to be back at home.

“Fine, come here and take a hand,” I sighed.

“No Elle its fine, we can find another way out,” argued Alex, carrying on walking down the path.  I walked to Josh and grasping his hand I led him to Alex. When I had them both, I closed my eyes and thought of home. Feeling the familiar rush of wind, I opened my eyes and recognised my garden.


The castle in front of us was my house, but half of my dad’s people lived in there including Alex and Josh’s family. It was ten times bigger than Buckingham palace and even at the age of eighteen I still hadn’t been in half the rooms.

“Home,” Alex sighed. I began to walk to the door, after three steps I stumbled and felt the soft grass as my body hit it, I was exhausted. I’d used too much energy and needed to go to bed.

“Elle!” Alex shouted as she tried to catch me.

“Are you ok, I knew we shouldn’t have orbed, Josh help me get her inside.”

“I’m fine honestly, just give me a minute,” I gasped trying to get my breath back. 

“You two go inside, I’m going to sit here for a while,” I sighed lying back on the grass to look at the stars. I had almost forgotten it was about one o’clock in the morning. The sunlight in Icarus had set my eyes off balance, so the sudden darkness left me woozy. Josh’s heavy weight landed beside me.

“I’ll stay here Alex, you go find someone to help Miss Orbatron over here,” Josh taunted. Alex let out a slight giggle before
walking off into the direction of the entrance gates.


“Orbatron ay? How long have you been waiting to say that,” I mocked.

“Just about an hour,” He let out a deep laugh and rolled onto his side facing me.

“You look tired, maybe I should carry you in or something,” He tested.

I mimicked his position and gave him a reassuring smile. 

honestly, and you wouldn’t be able to carry me,” I mocked. Moonlight lit the side of his face making his skin glow, highlighting his jaw line and his glittering green eyes. The scar he received from a demon last April, lay from the corner of his right eye and travelled into his hairline. The jobs that my dad gave us were always dangerous, and someone was bound to get hurt. That was one of the reasons that I disliked being a witch.


“What?” He asked bringing me out of my trance.

“Nothing I was just thinking.”

“About what?” He asked turning onto his side to face me again. Looking into his eyes I could see why all the girls in Gracia fancied him. His hair covered one of his eyes, and you could always see him with his hand in his golden curls, shifting it so that he could see.  Over the years,  his boyish looks had turned into handsome features.

“Ok you’re freaking me out now E!” He complained.

“Sorry, let’s go inside, I’m feeling better now,” I smiled, getting up. Grabbing Josh’s stretched out hand I pulled him up, and we headed for the direction of the castle.


As we reached the gates two guards appeared in suits, they nodded their head in my direction and opened the gates for us to pass.

“Here come the men in black….” I heard Josh sang as we passed through the gates and continued through the court yard. With further nods from the guards, we made our way into the entrance hall.

it is
about time, I was getting worried.”

“Dad!” I yelled running into my father’s open arms. Taking in the smell of his aftershave I reluctantly pulled away.

“So how’s my girl doing? I hear you have a new power.” He asked positioning me so that he could take a better look.

“Yes, I can orb other people now,” I mumbled.

“How was the hunt? Did you smite the demon?” He beamed.

“No,  there was some distraction your highness,” Josh answered.

“Excuse me Josh, Do you mind if I have a private word with my daughter,” He gestured Josh to the door. As he left he gave me a cocky ‘have fun’ look.


I heard his footsteps as he came to stand next to me, he let out a sigh, and I could see his reflection in the frame of the painting I was looking at. I looked very much like my father, he had blue eyes like mine and his short brown hair was a shade lighter than mine. Placing a hand on my shoulder he sighed again.

“One day you will realise how special you are,” He praised.

“I know I’m different dad,” I muttered taking my eyes off the painting to glance at him. “I’m not ashamed of who I am.”


“Yes, I’m a soldier right? One of your men”

“You are my daughter, and no matter what happens, you are my main concern. I love you, and the main part of you is the powerful angel that I know you will one day become.” He avoided my question.

“But what if...”

“Child, there
no buts. One day all of this will be yours whether you want it or not. This is part of who you are. A demon hunter and with that title comes immense responsibility and also

Kissing me on the forehead he gave me a hug and left the way Josh did. For a minute or two I stared at the painting. I watched as the children danced in the field next to their house, without a care in the world. Lucky things I mumbled as I turned towards the door.             

“Oh Elle!” she shrilled as I was pulled into a hug.

“How are you?” Emerald chattered as she straightened me out. Taking my hand in hers she led me to the kitchen.


She smiled at me, gesturing for me to sit on the stone seat that was directly facing the stove, in which she was now occupied bustling pots and pans around.

“So what has been going on down there?” She asked over the noise. She spoke with the normal tone she had when speaking about humans.

“Nothing much,” I mumbled. The banging of pots stopped,
she turned to face me, her bright green eyes seemed to be searching my soul.

“What?” I questioned chewing my lip.

“You can’t fool me child, I’ve known you since you were a baby.  Even then when
said you
pull down that curtain rail during your Ethan’s knighting ceremony. I knew it was you, you can’t lie to me. Of course,  I didn’t tell your father he would have gone mad but even so …..”

“Emerald you’re babbling,” I interrupted.  She wiped her forehead and pulled up a chair beside me.

“Child, what’s wrong?” She asked sympathetically, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ears.

“Nothing, honest.” I lied with a weak smile.

“I have to go change out of this dress
a bit cold in here. Ever heard of central heating,” I joked.

“Ok if you won’t tell me I’m sure you will tell Peggy. Take these for her will you,” She smiled taking a bunch of carrots from her vegetable box and handing them to me.


Turning my back to the kitchen I made my way to the stables. As I entered I picked up my blue and pink cloak that I had left hanging there the last time I had been home. A gust of wind blew through the stables as I wrapped the soft fabric around my body.  It lifted in the wind sending goose bumps up my arm.  The sound of neighing comforted me as the stables came alive with sounds from each pen, the loudest, coming from the far corner of the stable as I made my way through the hay piled walk way. Pushing her way through the stables she met me half way.

“Hello gorgeous!” I exclaimed stroking the mare’s face. I kissed her muzzle and pulled out the carrots to feed her, she nuzzled my neck in appreciation.

“It’s good to see you Pegs,” I smiled stroking her silver mane.

“I’ve had a weird night.” backing away she lay down opposite a seat and nudged it with her muzzle.  I laughed as I took my usual place in her pen and began to comb her mane with my fingers. Her silver skin glowed in the moonlight shining through the cracks in the wooden panels. I told her all about my night, and she sniffed and neighed at all the right places. I had been given her when I was five, when she was a pony. We were inseparable ever since, and I knew she understood everything I said.


I must have fallen asleep as I was awoken by the sound of footsteps outside, and the sun was shining through the cracks in the wooden walls. I stood up groggily, trying to find my balance, falling back Peggy caught me, pushing me up with her muzzle.

“Thanks.” Kissing her goodbye, I made my way out of the stable.  I walked the short way to my room and was pushing the door open when I felt someone orb behind me. Spinning around I saw a tall figure standing in my door way. His brown hair was spiked up, so he looked like a hedgehog.

“So I hear you are yet again the topic of everyone’s conversation.”

“Good to see you to Ethan,” I groaned as my stepbrother pushed passed me and sat on my bed. I shut the door behind me and collapsed on the side of the bed in which my brother wasn’t hogging.

“Tough night?” He asked picking up a small jewellery box on my bedside cabinet. I reached up and took it from his hands.

“What do you want?” I snapped.

“Cool it. Sheesh! I was just seeing how you are,” He said sounding hurt. I sat up and placed the jewellery box back on the side.

“I’m sorry, I’m just really tired it’s been a long night and it’s only what... Seven now, I just want a few hours’ kip.”

“Okay I can take a hint,” he laughed making his way to the door.

“But before I leave I just want to say one thing. Dads worried, the demon who came to you last night, he’s trouble,” he said sounding serious.

?” I asked

“No,  Logan,” my heart stopped. The other major demon was the drop dead gorgeous one that seemed to be the leader.

“He’s just trouble ok. Be careful,” He gave a weak smile and left. I sat there thinking over everything that had happened yesterday. The girl that was attacked, my new power, Lorias. The main thought in my head was the new demon Logan. I fell asleep with a million questions in my head.









Chapter Three



“I think I just had a heart palpitation,” Alex announced just as I took a sip of orange juice. Her sudden outburst made me jump,
almost choking; the tang of orange stung my throat.

“What are you on about?” Josh croaked through a mouthful of toast.

“Have you seen this?” She asked holding up the Gracia Times.

“No. I’ve never seen a paper in my life,” Josh replied sarcastically taking the paper from his sister’s hand. While Josh was preoccupied it would be an opportune time to fill my plate up.

“Mayor of Icarus resigned from the post and mayhem erupts.”

“What!?” I bellowed taking the paper from his hands.

He was right, in black and white was the headline, it wasn’t over a day ago that I had no idea what Icarus was, now it seemed like it was going under in a matter of hours.


Mayor Aray has resigned from his post today following the recent mysterious deaths of government officials. He declared his resignation over evening patrol of the realm and the discovery of another government official’s body.
was found
near the remains of last month’s Icarus riverside circus. It is still unclear how he died, but police officials have stated that it was the work of the demonic kind. Mayor Aray has this to say:

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