Hermes (Frozen Origin #2) (14 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance eBook

BOOK: Hermes (Frozen Origin #2)
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“I love your cooking. Are you going to cook something for lunch?” He asked knowing it was too late for breakfast, besides he’d eaten too many cookies to eat anything else. He went to the shelves and pulled down a paper sack filling it with cookies. He thought another moment then filled another paper bag. He walked up to his mate and kissed her soundly on the lips.

“Thanks for the cookies, Baby.” He said with a smile as he left to go to his meeting. It was a lucky thing gods rarely gained weight because with Cher cooking and baking they would all have to buy new clothes otherwise.

Zeus, Sierra, and Hercules were all waiting for him when he got there. He handed Zeus one bag of cookies before he had a chance to say anything. “I see you were ready with an excuse.” Zeus said as he bit into a cookie. Sierra grabbed the bag and ate a cookie too then handed Hercules one.

“Damn these are good. Did Cher bake these?” Sierra asked. Hermes nodded. “That girl is a keeper.”

“I know that, she’s my mate. She would be a keeper if she couldn’t cook at all, but her food is a pleasure to eat.”

“Didn’t she feed you while her brother kept you captive?” Sierra asked.

“That and her company was the only good things about the experience.”

“You are aware of who she is, aren’t you Hermes?” Zeus asked gently which set off alarms in his head.

“Yes, I believe I am.” He said slowly.

“She could be a big help to us if she was willing.”

“Just tell me Zeus, what is it you want from her?” Hermes asked with a sigh. He wasn’t sure he was going to like it.

“We are trying to get established in security and your mate owns the largest security company in the world.”

“I can’t ask anything of her. I haven’t even secured her affections and sometimes I’m not sure I ever will.” Hermes admitted painfully.

“I didn’t realize, I thought your bond secure.”

“She has something against those she considers man whores and she includes me in that group. She thinks I will find it impossible to remain faithful to any woman and that my only interest in her was jealousy because Jack wanted her.”

“Jack wanted her
permanently? That wasn’t in your report. You said he flirted, but he wanted to mate her?”

“It was personal and not something I enjoy sharing.”

“Perhaps after your bond is cemented.”

“Maybe you should just talk to her, Zeus. She is a business person and I think everyone could benefit from your plan.“ Sierra finally spoke.

Hermes made a strangled sound. “Damn you Hercules! That bag was just for me.”

“You snooze you loose. Damn but these are good!” Hercules said with a snort and a chuckle.

“Let’s call Erebus in, speak to him, and maybe Nioma will have the blood test results for us by the time we’re done.” Zeus said as he called Erebus to join them. “What were the results on the mating tests of the females on site?” Zeus turned to Sierra.

“Ninety percent of those present including Nancy are
mateable, but Hegias is not her mate.”

“Do they know who might be?”

“It’s too time consuming and expensive to test every god and demon against each mateable female. Just because they are mateable also doesn’t mean there is a mate for them.”

Zeus shook his head. “I don’t understand and it seems so complicated.” Erebus came in and sat down at the table.

“Zeus, what did you need of me?”

“Erebus, I want to understand what happened to you. Maybe if we do, we can find others that were taken away.”

“The way I understand it, is Jerome Elders was just one of a group of scientists they contracted with to do experiments on gods or demons. They paid them, provided subjects and any other needs that arose. The subjects still belonged to Origin, but the scientists held them until the research bore fruit.”

“What then?” Zeus asked.

“I can only assume they would have turned us back over to Origin or terminated us.”

Something suddenly occurred to Hermes. “I thought you guys were sending us help when we were in Texas.
Doc mentioned it, but no one ever showed up.”

“They were there, but they were only back up if you couldn’t handle it on your own.” Zeus said as if Hermes should have realized that himself.

Sierra spoke up before Hermes could respond. “The results are in and Maria is mateable and Cher is going through the changes of mating.”

“What should we do with Maria?” Zeus asked as he turned to look at Erebus.

“She’s a good guard, but she is still actively employed by the military. She was sent in undercover when they started suspecting Origin was doing jobs for terrorists. She got information out before she was caught. Someone should still be looking for her.” Erebus said looking at Sierra.

“I’ll put out some feelers and we’ll give her some choices.”

“That’s all we need you for Erebus. We’ll get you an assignment when you’re ready, for now take it easy and enjoy yourself.” Erebus left and closed the door behind him.

“Okay, there was a little more about the lab results I didn’t want to share with Erebus in here. Maria is pregnant and the baby is a god.”

“You think Elders was doing breeding experiments?” Zeus asked.

“It makes sense and they need more gods now that they’ve lost most of them.”

“Heaven help us all.” Hermes mumbled half under his breath.

Zeus dismissed them all and
Hermes hurried to get to Lucifer’s suite hoping he had not been alone with Cher too long. He entered and Lu was sitting across from his mate entertaining her with his vibrating tongue. It was a demon thing and females seemed to love it.

“I was just showing Cher why she was being cheated by ending up with a god instead of a demon, but it’s never too late to change your mind.” Lu whispered the last part to Cher not Hermes. Lu stuck his tongue out even further and showed her again. Her eyes were round a
nd her mouth hung slightly agape as she watched him make his tongue vibrate so fast it blurred.

“It’s enough Lu. She’s mine and she’s staying that way.
Keep your tongue in your mouth and your tail to yourself.”

“Alright, I just wanted her to make an informed decision but I suspect it’s too late now anyway.”
He sounded like a spoiled boy to Hermes but the pouting thing worked with the ladies.

“Why don’t we get Fabian in here and we can eat lunch before it gets cold?” Cher asked.

“Anything for you, love.” Lu said agreeably and Fabian came running in seconds later.

The plates had been sent down from the kitchen and as soon as he pulled the lid off his, the scent of Cher’s lasagna hit his nose. His mouth watered and he was so happy his mate could cook. “You’re in for a treat, Lu. Cher’s lasagna is fabulous.”

Lu took a bite and savored it, he moaned as he chewed looking like a man in the throes of passion. “I may have to fight you for her, Hermes. This is just too good and the cookies, oh those cookies!” Hermes growled, he seemed to be doing that more and more. He knew it was possessiveness and jealousy but he couldn’t stop it.

He looked at her and she was the most beautiful female in the world. All he wanted was for her to
accept the mating, accept him like he accepted her. The need for it overwhelmed him and as soon as they were finished eating he was going to drag her back to their room and reclaim his mate. He would keep reclaiming her until there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that she belonged to him.

Cher blushed prettily. “Thanks, Lu, I hoped you would like it.”

“What about me?” Hermes grumbled under his breath but she heard him. Lu’s face lit up with enjoyment. Damn, he shouldn’t have let him realize how unsure he was of where he stood with his own mate.

“You’ve already had my lasagna and you said you liked it.” Cher pointed out and he knew she was right.

“You’ve cooked for Hermes? When ever did you get the chance what with him being caged and the daring escape?” Lu said as he settled back clearly hoping to hear the whole story.

“It’s a long story best for another time.” Hermes said his voice deep with emotions he found it hard to control.

“Oh, that’s okay. I’m sure Cher can tell me all about it after you go back to work.” Lu said with a smirk.

“When hell freezes over. Cher is leaving with me. Zeus wanted me to discuss some things with her.”

It was clear Lu was fighting not to laugh at him. He was enjoying this far too much while Hermes wasn’t enjoying it at all. “One of these days, Lu, you’ll find your mate and you will be worse than any of us and no one will help make it easier on you.”

“So not true, Hermes. All the lovely mates will help me. Won’t you Cherish?”

“Of course, Lu. You can count on me.” Cher assured the demon with a smile on her face.

A vicious growl burst past Hermes lips. Both Lu and Cher looked at him in astonishment. After that, even Lu who lived to tease and aggravate, backed off a little. They didn’t stay much longer and Cher left with him willingly. It was a smart choice because otherwise he would have thrown her over his shoulder and carried her straight to bed. Instead, he was leading her to bed unable to wait another second to sink into her warm welcoming heat and claim her once more. It drove him crazy knowing she was among so many unmated males all of which looked at her with hunger for more than just her cookies.
It was hard on a newly mated male and it just drove his already wild desire for her even higher.

He pulled her through the door of their suite and back to the bedroom. He started stripping off his clothes as he kept his eyes on her. She swallowed then licked her lips nervously. “What are you doing?” She asked and though he feared she’d try to run, she seemed rooted to the spot.

Naked, he stalked towards her. “I think that should be obvious.” He pulled her to him for a kiss then started divesting her of her clothes as well.

“Hermes, don’t.” She said, but he was beyond stopping. She was undressed and ready as he picked her up and carried her to bed. Her arousal so strong, it washed over him and her skin so hot it was like a fever tormenting them both.
He looked into her hazel eyes which looked greener with passion. It was something he had noticed before and it interested him. She had the most unusual eyes he had ever seen. They went well with her light brown hair mixed with strands of sun lightened blonde.

He positioned himself on top of her but then he rolled them over leaving her on top. As he pulled her head down so he could kiss her, he saw confusion and desire on her face. He kissed her like a starving man finally granted a meal and though she tried not to, she responded in kind. He arched up against her to remind her his cock was hard and ready whenever she was. She would take him, he wouldn’t take her. She needed to be reminded that she wanted him
too, so she couldn’t blame everything on him like she had been doing. He would kiss her, stroke her, and tell her what he wanted, but he wouldn’t take it.

He ran his hands down her back to her soft rounded ass.
He squeezed it gently and she moaned softly breaking their kiss. “I want to sink into your hot, sweet pussy so badly.” He whispered in her ear and felt her shiver.

“Then do it.” She said as she writhed above him.

“Your turn to do it.” He said as his hands worked their way back up and cupped her breasts. His thumbs sliding over her nipples making them even harder.

Her hand slid between them finding his engorged shaft and stroking it. He shuddered from a desire almost too much to contain.
A groan ripped out of him, he couldn’t wait much longer. She finally lined them up and slid down on his rock hard rod. He almost shook with urgency to take them both to mind blowing ecstasy. She was hot, tight, and he felt as if he was where he always should be. He had found his home, his mate, forever. Nothing had ever felt so accepting or so blissful. She rode him like a cowgirl would, rocking his world and driving him toward complete fulfillment. He had always enjoyed sex, but this was something more. He wasn’t just giving use of his body, he was merging his soul with hers, gifting his heart to her.

She was driving them both higher, nearer until they both rode the edge of release. He was eager to be washed away by this tide of rapture. She tightened on his burning shaft just before she screamed his name and bucked on top of him. Her pussy clenched, clutched at him like a ravenous animal pushing him over the edge to paradise. He jerked and writhed beneath her, he had never felt such a perfect gratification.

He felt at peace, restful, and without worry if only for a little while. Cher had passed out, completely exhausted and in need of rest. He rolled them both to their sides and he pushed her hair from her neck. He lowered his lips kissing her neck then he scraped it with his teeth just enough to break the skin before releasing just enough fluid to coat her wound. She moved restlessly in her sleep, but didn’t wake. He took a shower and returned to complete his work for the day.

Hermes was giving out instructions to a group of gods when Zeus called. It was only a couple hours after he had left Cher and Zeus said she was headed to this meeting too. He had wanted her to sleep longer since she seemed so tired.

Zeus was waiting on him when he entered the meeting room. No one else was there but Cher arrived soon after. “I’m glad you could join us. I would have preferred to wait but with the ball in three more days, I needed to speak to you now. I know that you’re a security specialist and I hoped you would work with Hercules to go over the security in place to assure there are no problems.”

Hermes saw that Zeus hoped to stroke her pride and self worth. Wouldn’t he be surprised to find she really was an expert in truth not just on paper
? He looked at Cher to see what she would say.

“I’d be happy to. When would he like to begin?”

“Sooner is better. Are you free to do it right now?”

“Of course. Where do I need to go?”

“He’ll be here in a moment.” Zeus said just as a knock sounded.

“Hello, I’m Hercules.” He said as he held out his hand to Cher. Hermes growled. “I know she’s yours, brother, calm yourself.”

He might know Cher was his, but Hercules’s male appreciation of his pretty mate was obvious in his eyes.

“I’m Cherish or Cher if you prefer.” Hermes noticed she didn’t find Hercules unattractive either although she didn’t gush or flirt.

“If you’ll come with me, I’ll show you our security.” Hercules started to give her his hand, but looked at Hermes and thought the better of it. Hermes rose, helped his mate up and started to go with them.

“Hermes, if you don’t mind, we’re not through.” Zeus said causing Hermes to stop
, caught between the discipline instilled in him that insisted he obey his commander and the need to follow his mate to ensure no one tried to take her from him. Discipline won, but barely.

“What do you need from me?” Hermes asked resignedly.

“You can’t stick to her side and manage your duties. I understand better than anyone else the need to stay by your mate’s side, but you would suffocate her. She’s a lot like Sierra, independent, strong. She won’t allow it and it will hurt your relationship.”

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