Hero (9 page)

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Authors: Rhonda Byrne

Tags: #Mind Body Spirit

BOOK: Hero
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Even if you’re stuck in a job or a profession you don’t like, you’ve got a better shot than ever in human history to end up doing something that really satisfies you.

Don’t wait until you get to the point where you can’t take it anymore before you make a change. Change your life now! Anything but true happiness and fulfillment is not good enough for you, so don’t settle for anything less. Even if you think the tentacles of security have already wrapped themselves around you and you can’t move because of your obligations, it’s never too late – there are always unlimited ways to follow your dreams, and it is much easier than you think.

The absolute frustration of humankind – what do I do with my life?

What do you want? Put your hand on your heart and ask yourself, what do I want? The first thing that comes to mind is always the right one.

Try and let go of the opinions, beliefs, and conclusions you have about yourself, because they’re the very things that have prevented you from seeing your dream. Don’t compare yourself with anyone else, because you have potential inside you that no one else on the planet has. Let go of all the limiting thoughts of what you think is possible for you, and open your mind to all possibilities. If you could let go of all the baggage you’ve accumulated in your life and wake up in the morning as though brand new, with a clean slate, every incredible possibility would be free to pour into your life!

People look outside of themselves, but you know once you look inside yourself.

We don’t always know what we want, but we sure know what we don’t want. Stop doing or thinking about what you don’t want, and move on. It’s like, if the train ride’s a bad one, get off. You’ll never experience anything else if you don’t get off that train. Then you leave yourself open to something else.

Look at those moments where you’re feeling blissful, moments when time just flies by, when you really feel lit up, when you really feel inspired. Think about, “Where have I been most inspired? Where have I really been happy?” Even if it was a few moments in your life, those are doorways showing you what your dream is about.

Some people will hit upon their big dream the moment they start thinking about their future.

What would you do if you could do anything? What would you do if money weren’t a consideration at all? What would you do if success were guaranteed? When you ask any question, or you ask a question about your purpose, the Universe will transmit the answer to you. The answer doesn’t come from your conscious mind; otherwise you would already know it. The answer comes from the Universal Mind.

Most of us go through life not knowing what our dream is or what our purpose is, because we’ve never made the time to ask ourselves. It’s important people take the time to identify what they love. If you don’t, you’re just a rudderless boat.

Before you ask any question, get yourself relaxed and in a calm state of mind. Then simply ask a question, like, “What is my purpose in life?” Or, “What am I meant to do?” Or, “What is my reason for being here?” Don’t try and answer the question with your mind, but leave the question hanging in the air. Remain quiet for a minute, pay attention to anything that comes to you, and then take particular notice of what you’re inspired to do during the day.

The answer will come into your mind in a flash, most likely when you’re focused on something else altogether. Don’t second-guess the answer when you get it, but think of one small step you can take toward it.

It’s about listening to yourself, going inside, and being still. Go into the forest or go into the sea; be in a place where you can hear it. You’ll be told by your own subconscious. You have it in you, and it’s always been there, you’ve just put it someplace deep inside.

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