Hero: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (22 page)

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I lay back in the sun, the beautiful rays warming me and reflecting the same happiness that was bubbling around me in our old backyard.

Mom and Leah were laughing at something as they prepared the salad together, and I couldn’t believe how good it felt to see her back from Pittsburgh now. That, and the first of the truly good weather, had been enough reason for the impromptu barbecue - and my stomach was already anticipating the appetizing scents from where Dad was working the food.

“Here you go.”

Jason came over to me, the sexy swagger of his hips making my thoughts turn in an entirely inappropriate direction for a family gathering, and my eyes wandered up and down that hot body as I took the plate.

“I thought Dad said it wasn’t done yet.”

“Mm, with the way you were eyeing it up from here, I thought it best to give you a sample.”

I took a rib from the plate as I watched him.

“Oh? And how was I eyeing it exactly?”

He shifted around to sit behind me, pulling me back against his chest and taking a rib for himself from the plate on my lap. I sighed automatically, the warmth and shelter of his embrace never failing to make me melt against him.

He leaned down and let his breath tickle my ear as he replied.

“Kind of like you were looking at me just now. Very…hungry.”

I blushed as he laughed at me, but the rush of heat had me shifting against him. Which made his
reaction fairly obvious.


I whispered it over my shoulder, but I could almost sense his smile as he started to play with my hair. As much as I admonished him, it was wonderful to see him like this. He might never fail to bait me in front of my family - but I couldn’t be happier with how easily he’d become a part of our life.

My life.

From the first time he’d come back with us, after that awful night with Leah, my parents had taken him in with open arms - and not just because he’d brought us both home safely. Maybe they recognized the same thing in him that I had from the beginning. Or hell, maybe he could just sweet-talk his way into anything. Either way, it didn’t matter. He was part of the family now.

And watching how much he’d changed and opened up now that he had a home and family again…there were times I barely recognized the man he’d become. And other times that I thought I’d never known him any other way. We could never replace what he had lost, but it made my heart happy that he wasn’t alone anymore.

I gripped the firm thigh lying next to me at the thought. I’d never let him be alone again.

I wanted him too damn much to let him out of my sight, for one thing.

“It’s good to be home again.”

Leah’s happy sigh interrupted my thoughts, and I glanced up at her with a smile. She’d grown over the last few months - maybe not in height, much to her dismay, but she seemed stronger and more confident. I’d caught glimpses of it when we’d come out of that wretched place together, but whatever spark I’d seen then had bloomed now that she was away from home and studying where she wanted to.

“You still top of the class?”

She just shrugged, the self-conscious glance she gave me answer enough in itself, and I laughed.

“Well done, baby sister, well done.”

She stole a sausage from my plate and my smile turned into a mock-scowl. She grinned.

“If you will get first pickings, I think a little free-for-all is fair game. So, you back in college? Working towards becoming a full registered nurse?”

I nodded, smiling again and squeezing Jason’s hand, feeling grateful again for all the blessings I’d had since he’d come into my life. He might be out of the mob now, but - as he’d pointed out - it
paid good money. And after a few pointed arguments about letting him support me, he’d managed to turn my own convictions against me - asking what better way he could spend that money than in sponsoring a nurse’s training. My mouth lifted at the warm memories as I answered Leah.

“Yeah, but part-time. I got a shift at St James’ Hospital, so I’m getting more experience along the way. It’s just temporary, but I’m hoping they keep me on.”

“Hey, that’s new! How did that happen?”

“Well, the position opened up recently. They wanted someone with experience, and despite…the work I did before, I didn’t have anyone who could vouch for what I knew - the contact Jorge promised me disappeared after, well, everything that happened. So it was touch-and-go, but after I thoroughly described everything I would do in a dozen situations, they agreed to give me a shot.”

I couldn’t help the pride I felt at that, especially with the way Jason squeezed my shoulder. It was everything I’d ever wanted - and there was some stubborn part of me that liked that my justification for that crazy endeavor with Jorge had actually paid off. Of course, it had paid off in other ways too, as I thought of the changes we’d been noticing in the city.

“Leah! Come help me serve up.”

“Ugh, ever since leaving, it feels like all I ever do is bounce around from conversation to conversation, so everyone can hear my news. Seriously guys, it’s not that interesting.”

But her eyes were shining as she jumped up to help Dad, and I could tell she loved it.

I smiled as I leaned back into Jason’s arms, my appetite calming down. At least, my appetite for food. I ran my fingers along his arm, enjoying that hard muscle as I felt him shift under me.

The sound of laughter caught my ear and I looked up to see a few kids playing in the street, some unintelligible game involving a bat, a ball and some cans.

“It sure has changed around here.”

Jason’s voice in my ear warmed me. I knew he said it partly just to make me feel good - but it worked. Largely because it was true. There were now kids playing in my neighborhood - not fighting, not cursing -
. In the street that grown men had hesitated to walk down in the dark.

That one terrifying day had been the end of the 55th Streeters. When it had calmed down, I’d shown them my book, and Valentini had said it was the last thing he needed to shut them down for good. So I’d left it with him and turned my back on it all. I’d tried, but that stuff wasn’t me - the secrecy, the fear and the stress. I wanted to help those that needed it, and especially those didn’t have anyone else, but - as Jason told me again and again - there were dozens of safer ways to help the exact same people.

And as it turns out, I’d done all I needed to do. My streets were my own again, in a way they hadn’t ever been before. I didn’t know what Jason had worked out with Valentini, but premier mafia boss or no, his touch
ended up being light. Jason had hinted that he had other - more wide-ranging - interests.

We watched them playing for a little while, the lightness in my heart reflected in Jason’s gaze.

“Makes me want one of my own.”

His voice was deep, but the caring quality there had my heart beating faster - along with those words. I’d thought about that a lot recently. Looking up at him, I smiled.

“I’ve always wanted a large family. And you’d be a perfect father - just the right amount of protective…”

The raised eyebrow made me laugh.

“Okay, maybe not - you’d drive them batshit crazy, I’m sure. But still, that’s what
want for them anyway.”

The gleam in his eye had the air around us heating up again, and he dipped his head to run a light tongue along my ear, making me shudder.

“How about we retire early, hmm? Large family…sounds like we should get started on that sooner rather than later…”

I laughed, but melted into him at that comment. With a roll of my eyes, I shook my head at him.

“I think you’re skipping a bit far ahead.”

“You know me, baby. I take what I want.”

That seductive voice ran through me.

“And I always thought you were a
kind of girl.”

I shot him a small grin, certain we were going to end up in bed
soon. But not unprotected.

“Sure I am, but I’m also the traditional kind. Marriage first, then babies.”

At the look in this eyes, I thought for a moment he hadn’t heard me. Then the almost-dangerous intent in his next comment told me he

“Okay, baby. I’ll work on that.”



This copy of HERO also includes a bonus copy of HARD – keep reading to enjoy it!

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A Military Stepbrother Romance




I heard the click and pushed the hotel door open in one quick movement, refusing to give the butterflies dancing in my stomach any chance to make me hesitate.

I want this. I’ve wanted it for months.

That didn’t change the way my eyes darted around when I finally drew up inside. The dimmed lights of the spacious room let me skip over the rich furnishings quickly - taking in the sophisticated, traditional decor and forgetting it a moment later.

At least until I saw the bed. That large, four-poster monstrosity immediately brought to mind what I was doing here tonight, and my eyes flitted away and back within a few seconds, alive with the same anticipation and hesitancy that had plagued me all night. My heart rate jumped as I took it in, and I tried unsuccessfully to tell myself that I wasn’t nervous.

A low chuckle interrupted my thoughts, drawing me to a sight that always banished my doubts and hesitations.

“So, you actually showed up.”

Seth leaned easily against one of the pillars of that extravagant, over-the-top bed. His half-naked form gleamed in the low light, shadows highlighting rock hard abs and a body more powerfully sexy than any eighteen year old had a right to be.

He shifted slightly and his muscles flexed under my gaze, inviting my eyes to run down to the light spattering of hair that arrowed temptingly under his jeans.

Smart jeans - a nice dark gray with an impressive lack of rips or tears. For Seth, that counted as dressing up. The corner of my mouth turned up as I pictured the Principal’s face earlier that evening when he’d shown up in jeans and a shirt to our black-tie graduation ball - I was sure he’d be refused entry for the outrage, but only an hour later he was sauntering across the dance floor, the attention of every girl there regardless of what he chose to wear.

Somehow, Seth had always been able to get away with anything.

His hot gaze sent lust shuddering through my body and gave me confidence in my own sensuality as the heat of his expression seared me.

It was easy to rise to his challenge with a quick quirk of an eyebrow, the role feeling familiar and natural as I ran my eyes obviously up and down his hard, taut body, letting one hand settle on my hip.

“I thought I’d see what all the fuss was about.”

His eyes smoldered as they looked at me, every line of his body dangerous - and unbelievably sexy. He shifted closer with a predator’s grace and I found my breath caught as it always did, pulse beating hard in my ears.

Instinctively, I wanted to rush to him, let my hands touch the firm heat of his muscular chest while his arms encircled me - but I couldn’t move.

Lust was already building within me, everything we’d ever done rising through each movement and gesture now and promising so much more. I stood, caught helplessly, as he approached.

That slow, sexy smile as his eyes read everything in my expression lit my panties on fire, making me fight not to moan aloud as his hand cupped my chin, a gentle finger caressing my cheek while he tilted my head to hover moments from his lips.

His body held apart, he took me with just that one contact holding us together - a sweet, sensual kiss warming my eager lips, keeping it slow and steady as I longed for more, ached for more.

Oh god…

I was already gone. I tried to take it further, to push hard against his mouth, but that one hand and devilish body controlled me utterly, forcing the slow pace as he kept me in that chaste kiss for an age.

By the time his soft lips opened to let his tongue dance with mine, I was lost in the one simple, powerful sensation he was giving me, everything hinging on that sweet penetration, on that almost-innocent joining of our bodies while my pulse started beating with need in my center.

Just as I was sure I was going to have to throw him down on the bed myself, he withdrew, looking back at me with eyes that sparkled with amusement on top of our shared lust.


This time I did moan, not even trying to pretend my customary display of aloofness.


I pressed against him, my hands exploring his strong muscles unreservedly while I let my lips graze his neck, tongue darting out to taste his flesh as his hands came around to grip my ass hard, rubbing my soft body against the thick wall of his - the sweetness he showed only to tease turning instantly to a burning need that I knew would take me over completely.

I smiled against the skin of his neck, shooting him a glance as my hands hovered around his hips, taking a deep reassurance in how solid he was.

“I liked you in that shirt, you know.”

He chuckled again, the roughness of it stirring my blood as his lips brushed across my temple.

“Too bad, baby.”

Yeah, he wasn’t going to be caught wearing that again - not even for me.

A girl could hope…

He drew back and ran his hands down my smooth satin dress, chasing the fabric as it tucked in close to my body. The floor length gown was a regal purple, darker lace covering the tops of my breasts until it met the silken material, the long dress following my curves until mid-waist when it dropped sensuously to the ground, layers of amethyst that shifted as I walked to give a glimpse of the darker layer underneath.

It flattered me in all the right places, and I’d never felt as sexy as I did that night - my graduation…and, if I kept my nerve up, another milestone I was longing to pass.

“I’ve been picturing stripping this dress off you all night.”

His dark promise thrilled me, but I found myself latching onto that spark of amusement between us - a light touch that provided some relief to the intensity that threatened to overwhelm me.

“But I spent so long picking it out…”

One strong brow rose over those deep gray eyes and his mouth teased mine again while he watched me.

“Oh? Surely the most important factor when picking out a dress is how quickly it will make others want to get it off you.”

I scowled up in mock outrage, pushing one hand ineffectually against his muscled chest as I drew myself up.

“Maybe among the people you know, jackass, but I can assure you I’m not that type of girl.”

The quick banter slipped out easily, a bigger part of our relationship than the red-hot desire - the top-of-the-class ‘good’ girl and the notorious bad boy who couldn’t stand each other. When he’d shown up at our school at the beginning of the year, I’d made it obvious how disgusted I was with how quickly everyone had seemed to fall over themselves for a few cocky, arrogant muscles. But for some reason, that disdain had only drawn his attention.

I’d put it down to the perverse desire for something he couldn’t have, and shot down every mocking jibe he sent my way. Until our initial dislike slowly grew into a reluctant respect for the others’ quick-witted responses, the competition heating until we somehow moved beyond that simple understanding of our enmity. 

And then he’d kissed me. Sure, I’m convinced it was just another trick to get a rise out of me, but it was the first decent kiss I’d ever had…and after that, we couldn’t stop ourselves.

We poured our passionate dislike into every touch, every kiss, every stolen, secret moment - until my body raged for him at night and my blood lusted after that hard, infuriating body I’d held myself so aloof from. And surprisingly, he didn’t push us further - despite that devilish reputation, our little teases played out for months without a single suggestion for more.

Or at least - not a spoken suggestion. His body…well,
was hell-bent on convincing me.

Which meant that tonight had been my idea. The intelligent, driven academic girl. The butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-her-mouth good girl. The frigid, stuck-up bitch girl. Inviting the most outrageous, inappropriate piece of delicious man-flesh to the hotel room her father had paid for.

The father who would never approve of his good, obedient daughter’s wild behavior.

And my father was right about that, of course. I knew that. He always was. But that couldn’t stop the driving lust, the endless curiosity - and surely, I couldn’t be expected to go off to university still a virgin? Not that I was going to ask my father that particular question.

With a brief frown, I tried to push him out of my mind, the thought of his disapproval sending a shimmer of unease through the hot lust I’d been enjoying just a moment ago.

He’ll never know. And you’ve done everything else he could ever have expected…

Seth’s voice deepened with amusement while his hands explored the smooth dress he was so keen to have me out of, bringing me back to the moment I wanted to lose myself in as he stroked my ass with a firm confidence that had me rocking back against him, his mouth stealing kisses from mine as he murmured into it, turning our easy banter into something more as he stroked the pure desire simmering within me.

“So high and mighty, Baby-Bella, perhaps I should do something to take you down a notch…”

I shuddered at his words and let his mouth take mine again, meeting him with every movement as my body pressed hard against his.

I could feel my chest rising with every quickening breath I took, my breasts sensitive and desperate to be free of the restrictive dress to take the attention he promised so much of. I’d only felt his tongue against them once before, and that had been what finally drove me to insisting on this night.

His hands found the zipper to the side of the dress the moment I raised myself on my toes to murmur in his ear.

“God, Seth…do…”

He laughed again, but it was strained this time, his own desire thick in his voice, and the knowledge of what I was doing to him drove my need even deeper. One smooth movement opened the side of my dress and his head dipped to kiss along the laced edge still holding up at the top, my hands balanced against his broad shoulders as I threw my head back and let him have what he wanted.

He gave a couple of quick tugs of my dress down, before raising his mouth back to me in a frustrated growl, his body pressing up against mine, hips rocking and letting me feel his thick need for me for the first time.

God damn.

What I felt there was far bigger than I’d anticipated, and even as I felt myself clenching with the need to feel him deep inside me, my nerves danced through me again.

“How do I get this damned dress off you?”

His mouth covered mine as he spoke, teasing and nibbling at my lips while I tried to reply, breathlessly gesturing with one arm.

“Over my head.”

Before I’d quite understood just what my answer to that question meant, he had the bottom of the dress in two hands and was drawing it up and over my shoulders. It slipped past me with an ease I wasn’t expecting and suddenly I was standing before him in only the thin, laced material of my panties and bra, my elegant high heels suddenly seeming to enhance my vulnerability instead of the sexual confidence I’d felt only moments before.

My face flushed instinctively as I found myself both trying to cover my exposed body and push him away with a glare.


“You asked for it, babe - and see, it worked. Not nearly so smarmy now are you?”

His grin sent both lust and fury spiraling through me and as I stepped forward to explode in indignation he folded his arms neatly around me, pulling me back into him and letting me feel the sudden heat of flesh on flesh.

Electricity sparked between us and I shuddered with the sudden intimacy as every part of me longed to feel him all over. The warmth of his body overtook me and I couldn’t help burying my head against his chest, inhaling his musky male scent as I let my arms find his the hard muscles of his back.

My sputtering embarrassment subsided into a moan as his hands glided across my sensitive exposed skin. He came down to nuzzle at my bare neck, the roughness of his stubble contrasting with his soft lips to make me breathless all over again before he raised his head to look me in the eyes.

I bit my lip at the intensity between us, lost in his eyes as I felt his hands running through my artfully styled hair, pulling it out of its coiled position on top of my head and gently taking it down to curl in waves around my shoulders. His fingers tangled in my thick locks and caressed my scalp as he shook it out, eyes taking on a strange gleam as his gaze lingered on my red-gold hair glinting in the low light.

It was strange for a moment, having it tumble down around me out of my usual practical tie, but the look in his eyes was making me feel like a different person tonight.

“You look so beautiful like this…
…my beauty.”

The whispered caress touched something inside me, making my heart squeeze with a sudden longing I couldn’t name. He’d only called me that a few times - the one name that didn’t seem invented to wind me up - and every time I’d seen that strange look in his eyes.

Before I could stop it, my mind turned to the one place I’d promised myself I wouldn’t go tonight, the words slipping past my lips as I felt him slowly stepping forward, taking me backwards until the full weight of the bed was behind me - the significance of what we were doing hitting me again.

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