Read Hero Found: The Greatest POW Escape of the Vietnam War Online

Authors: Bruce Henderson

Tags: #Prisoners of war, #Vietnam War, #Prisoners and prisons, #Vietnam War; 1961-1975, #Southeast Asia, #20th Century, #Modern, #Dengler; Dieter, #Asia, #General, #United States, #Prisoners of war - United States, #Laos, #Biography & Autobiography, #Military, #Vietnam War; 1961-1975 - Prisoners and prisons; Laotian, #Biography, #History

Hero Found: The Greatest POW Escape of the Vietnam War (37 page)

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“no side tone”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 10.

“like a lightning”…“tumbling through the”: Dengler interview.

“wild gyrations”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“shiver from nose”…“wobbled”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 11.

“boresighted”: Ibid., p. 12.

“continuous grinding”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 13.

“stumbling and falling”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 13.

Zero Four
”…“rendezvous circle”…“
Electron Five
”…“Time to get”…“We’ve got a”…“Got our charlie”…“by-the-book”…“I’ve got the”: Johns interview.

“brought up the”…“disappeared on purpose”…“dropped out of”…“just disappear”: Griffith interview.

“off the wall”: Enstam interview.

“good way to”: Farkas interview.

“fifty-fifty whether”…“go on a”…“wasn’t out of”: Enstam interview.

“a little different”…“the end of”…“another flying job”: Lessard interview.

“real cool guy”: John McGrath interview.

“real nose high”…“incapacitated in the”…“dead before he”: Jeff Greenwood interview.

“wasn’t uptight and”…“liked Dieter”…“square search”: Lessard interview.

“nuts enough to”…“ditch in the”…“could escape from”: Farkas interview.


“tearing metal”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 16.

“no time for”: Dengler interview.

“so close”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 15.

“no sweat”…“walk right out”…“forgotten all about”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“Really, really”…“squared away”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 14.

“at least 120”…“had it beat”…“nearly mad”…“bag a helicopter”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 16–17.

“they’ll call in”…“within five minutes”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 14.

“impossible to get”: Dieter Dengler, GE Lecture Series, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C., March 23, 1989. Hereafter cited as Smithsonian lecture.

“staring up”…“big, round”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“think right away”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 15.

“tasted wonderful”: Dengler, Smithsonian lecture.

“about 30 pounds”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 15.

“so clear”…“lay low for”…“take a train”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“getting familiar”: Dengler, Smithsonian lecture.

“a miniature waterfall”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 21.

“practically tore off”…“ready to do”…“So happy”…“sickening”…“middle of nowhere”…“deeper in the”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“stolen goods”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 24.

Yute, yute
”: Dengler, Smithsonian lecture.

“came alive”…“comically”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 27–28.

Nicht schiessen
”…“waited for the”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“dead by now”: Ibid.

“real good ears”…“stopped dead”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 17.

“not having the guts”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“smashed to pieces”…“more and more”…“drink anything”: Dengler interview.

“fell most of”…“angier and angier”…“dirty looks”…“
This is to be
”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 33–35.

“simple, ten-cent”: Ibid., p. 43.

“out of pure”: Ibid., p. 45.

“looking for a”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 23.

“spell in the”…“a newfound plaything”…“almost happy”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 41–42.

“like and respect”: Ibid., p. 59.

“evidently a province”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 18.

Dialogue between Dengler and the province chief: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 55–56.

“genuinely good man”…“poor mother”…“alive and well”: Ibid., p. 57.

“in good hands”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 19.

Dialogue between Dengler and the province chief: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 59–60.

“one of his”…“just short of”…“ashamed of his”: Ibid., p. 62.

“murderous policies”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 19.

Dialogue between Dieter Dengler and the Laotian province chief: Ibid., pp. 19–20.

“blurry feet and”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 63.

“threw it at”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 21.

“sudden surge of”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 52.

“very heavy sleepers”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 22.

“fake snoring”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 69.

“series of hundreds”…“
”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 23.

“just beautiful”: Dengler, Smithsonian lecture.

“dipped a wing”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 23.

“an injection”…“vision”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 74.

“brownish, scum-filled”: Ibid., p. 75.

“drank and”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 23.

“like a madman”…“never known”…“as large as”…“thousands of”…“only numbness”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 75–76.

“endless night”: Ibid., p. 78.

“There will be”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.


“Evidence of death”: Radio message from USS
, February 7, 1966.

“rough copy”…“Time of Death”: Certificate of Death, c. February 1966.

“could do anything”…“if anyone could”: Algimantas Balciunas interview.

“There was no”: Daniel Farkas journal, 1966.

“with pilot fixation”…“squared-jawed”…“give you the”…“Not much”: Farkas interview.

“in the hopes”…“hoping for good”…“still no sign”…“Still no word”: Lessard interview.

“in the basket”: Bumgarner interview.

“suspected truck”…“target of opportunity”…“got down really”…“hit in the”…“straight in”…“waste”: Dixon interview.

“so the navy”: Johns interview.

“mysteriously”…“screws and bolts”: Bumgarner interview.

“That’s two pilots”: Lessard journal.

“At this rate”…“engendered a whole”: Farkas interview.

“great-sounding”: Hunter interview.

“Gary and I”: Commanding Officer’s Comments, Memorial Services, February 12, 1966.

“about 12 miles”…“nothing firm”: Lessard journal.

“good guy”…“90 percent chance”…“running around out”: Lessard interview.


“different breed”…“running the show”: Dengler interview.

“food for the”…“long prayer”…“construction of bamboo”…“filth and blood”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“only remaining link”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 83.

“cut up to”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“Steve McQueen movie”: Dengler, Smithsonian lecture.

“down the sights”…“dead and deserted”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 91.

Dialogue between Dengler and Duane Martin: Ibid., pp. 92–93, and
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“Not gonna get”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“slamming the door”…“Don’t worry”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 93.

“Hey, you guys”…“Don’t be stupid”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“just to keep”: Dengler, Smithsonian lecture.

“by two girls”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 61.

“Take it easy”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 95.

“no sign or”…“in a giant”: Phisit Intharathat, “Prisoner in Laos: A Story of Survival, Part I,”
, October 2006.

“started to believe”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“Are you sure”…“Of course”…“Well, I’ll be”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 100.

“Tell them”…“I was alone”…“face value”…“let off too”…“rotting away”: Ibid., pp. 102–103.

“one percent”…“what to do”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 62.

“could be our”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 105.

“scrape and shape”: Intharathat, “Prisoner in Laos: A Story of Survival, Part I.”

“former ruddy complexion”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 129.

“yet learned to”…“wasting it”: Ibid., p. 108.

“Reverend Duane”…“hours and hours”…“loved it”…“nuts”…“get free”…“nothing else”…“What about chess?”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 60.

“We’re going to”…“that little no-good”…“lying bastards”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 110.

Not this guy!
”: Ibid., p. 113.

“religious hard-headedness”…“mellowed”: Ibid., p. 115.

“that’s what they’re”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“crazy”…“escape-happy guy”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 114.

“listened and thought”: Intharathat, “Prisoner in Laos: A Story of Survival, Part II,”
, January 2007.

“Go to hell!” Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 118.

“forced to write”…“invade Laotian territory”…“endured more pain”: Intharathat, “Prisoner in Laos: A Story of Survival, Part I.”

“squeal loud and”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 132.

“except Phisit”…“singing to cover”: Ibid., p. 115.

“little pool”…“putting an end”: Ibid., p. 116.

“didn’t know beans”: Ibid., p. 126.

“bark like a”…“moving and bubbling”…“chowed down”…“black and thick”…“stunk like heck”…“just collapsed”: Dengler Debriefing, pp. 49–50.

“dizzy all the”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 127.

“much better position”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 61.

“sweltering in the”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 117.

“special favors”…“Just leave”: Ibid., pp. 125, 126.

“kept on going”: Dengler interview.

“either be free”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, draft.

“That’s it!”…“even odds”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 143.


“at almost the”: Hobson,
Vietnam Air Losses
, p. 51.

“Supposedly he crashed”: Ken Woloszyk interview.

“tight right echelon”…“superlative fighter”…“glued to the”…“not an easy”…“extremely good stick”…“typical Irish”…“a Southie all”…“big, blond”…“his head buried”…“almost certainly”…“just covered up”…“we are not”: Bennett interview.

“pissed off”…“kept their heads”…“You’re shooting”…“steaming in the”…“Oh, my God!”…“You couldn’t hit”: Johns interview.

“fit and friendly”…“almost movie-star”: Ray Hanzlik interview.

“quick stutter”…“rough runner”: Johns interview.

Dialogue between Malcolm Johns,
Cobra Four
, and John Tunnell: Ibid.

“eaten up”…“curled up”…“bunch of ranking”…“I don’t want”: Ibid.

“meritorious achievement”: Air Medal citation, c. 1966.

“borderline of trouble”: Bennett interview.

“Skipper, Spook”…“I told Spook”: Johns interview.

“couldn’t hit shit”…“just bubbles”…“Launch the Alert”: Bumgarner interview.

“under a mushroom-shaped”…“Target is an”: Johns interview.

“ludicrous weather”…“moon on the”: Bumgarner interview.


“so they’ll rot”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 144.

“covered up all”: Intharathat, “Prisoner in Laos: A Story of Survival, Part II.”

“lie in wait”…“Don’t be a”…“And I want”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 147.

“our peacemaker”…“kind and good”…“twice the amount”: Dieter Dengler letter to the family of Eugene DeBruin, October 24, 1966.

“Boiling mad”…“nothing idle”…“worried and cautious”…“Not on your”…“Guards entering”…“Guards don’t”…“All in the”…“Hell, let’s”…“It’s on”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 150–151, 154.

“realized something was”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 31.

“Yute! Yute!”…“all alone”…“finish him”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 155.

“dead right on”…“banging away”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 32.

“Where the hell”…“The clip”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 155–156.

“picked clean”…“Go on, go on”…“God, please help”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 156–157, 159.

“no more reference”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 33.

“vomiting right away”: Dengler, Smithsonian lecture.

“it really rained”…“first taste”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 33.

“Just one more”…“gulping air like”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 164.

“take three days”…“an exact east”…“pretty good”…“real fast”…“snap out”: Dengler Debriefing, pp. 33–34.

“thundered down from”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 165.

“just like ropes”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 35.

“broke out in”…“half-walked”…“thousands of years”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 166–167.

“Duane, it’s no”…“We can’t travel”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 35.

“pretty sick now”: Ibid.

“smiling the biggest”…“good fortune”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, p. 170.

“right in the”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 36.

“fighting just to”…“Dieter”…“Sure, buddy”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 172–173.

“all of a”…“completely dark”…“very buoyant”…“completely free”…“splitting into pieces”…“to hell with”…“bigger rivers”: Dengler Debriefing, pp. 36–37.

“mad idea”…“impossible seemed”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 175–176.

“That’s it!”…“Okay, let’s”…“falling and falling”…“A new river”…“ate and ate”…“a hundred ears”…“drop dead”: Dengler Debriefing, p. 37.

“You know that”…“Well, it’s just”…“I don’t believe”…“the end of”…“an idea flashed”…“Duane, the ammo”…“as still as”: Dengler,
Escape from Laos
, pp. 180–181.

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