Heroes of Falledge Book One: Black Hellebore

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Heroes of Falledge

Book One

Black Hellebore


Nicole Zoltack

Heroes of Falledge

Book One: Black Hellebore

Book Two: White Hellebore

Book Three: Scarlet Magi

Other Books By Nicole Zoltack

Kingdom of Arnhem Book One: Woman of Honor

Kingdom of Arnhem Book Two: Knight of Glory

Kingdom of Arnhem Book Three: Champion of Valor



Desert Breeze Publishing, Inc.

27305 W. Live Oak Rd #424

Castaic, CA 91384




Copyright © 2013 by Nicole Zoltack

ISBN 10: 1-61252-363-3

ISBN 13: 978-1-61252-363-7


Published in the United States of America

Publish Date: October 1, 2013


Editor-In-Chief: Gail R. Delaney

Content Editor: Ann Videan

Marketing Director: Jenifer Ranieri

Cover Artist: Jenifer Ranieri

Cover Model: Len Gunn

Photography Credit: Charles Paz, Fifth Element Studios


Cover Art Copyright by Desert Breeze Publishing, Inc © 2013


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To my sons who already are, and always will be, heroes in my eyes.

Chapter One

Nicholas Adams slowed his motorcycle and stopped at the red light. Not much had changed since the last time he had been here -- a year ago.

He hated the small town of Falledge. Hated the sights, hated the sounds. Held too many memories -- the bad far outweighing the good.

Yet every year, those same memories forced him to return.

He glowered at the red light, willing it to change. It mocked him, making him even more restless than he already was, and he tapped his fingers against the handlebar.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a feeble old woman entering the crossway. She took her time, and soon she was in front of him. He avoided eye contact with her, wishing she would hurry up and cross, that the light would change.

Instead, she stopped in front of him and shouted, "Please, sir, do you have some spare change?"

Nicholas dropped his jaw. Was she kidding him? Asking for money while crossing the street?

He stared at the crosswalk. Several pebbles and small rocks dotted it.

"Please, sir? I don't need much... Say, $5.41?"

The precise number brought him up short, and he lifted his visor and cut his eyes to her. Reaching into his pockets, he pulled out a crumpled up bill and some change. He handed her the five, a quarter, a dime, a nickel, and a penny -- all he had on him, other than a twenty in his wallet.

She thanked him and walked across the rest of the crossway with a lighter step, as if he had given her the world.

The car behind him honked. The light had finally changed color. He jumped forward, and it wasn't until he stopped at another red light that he realized he had given her the exact amount she had requested.

A coincidence.

Still, he found his thoughts returning to the old woman more than the memories nagging him. Just what did she plan to use the money for?

A mile or so down the road, Nicholas pulled into a gas station. He had enough to get to his destination, but nowhere beyond it. After yanking his worn wallet from his back pocket, he opened it up and rifled through it. The twenty he could have sworn would be inside wasn't. He had given the old woman his last cents.

Nicholas groaned. He removed his helmet and dropped it onto the ground. After a moment, he kicked it so gently it hardly moved.

A chuckle brought his attention away from his dilemma. He looked up to see a gorgeous blond. His heartbeat raced, and he found it difficult to swallow. The lovely before him was the one he dreamt of every night.

Yet it wasn't

She opened her mouth to say something, but he couldn't hear her. He didn't care to know what she was saying. With a low growl, he jammed the helmet back onto his head. Not bothering to snap it beneath his chin, he jumped onto his bike and peeled away. He knew better than to stop for gas here in town, yet he had stopped anyhow. How could he be so stupid? The whole town was a damned reminder of what he had lost. It was hard enough returning each year; it nearly killed him.

He cut off a car and zoomed down the street. It was time to do what he had come for, and then time to get the hell out of here.

Welcome to Falledge.

Nicholas Adams' personal hell.




Julianna Paige couldn't believe her eyes. Seeing Nick Adams again after all these years came as a shock. He was taller, broader, stronger... but the pain still lingered. His face had turned so pale when he'd seen her. Maybe she shouldn't have tried to talk to him.

She clicked her fuel cap shut and climbed into her car.

"Something wrong?" Mark Hamson asked.

She glanced over at her passenger. His shoulders were smaller than Nick's, but his clothes fit much better. Good looking, yes, but he didn't make her feel alive. No one did. A part of her had died years ago, and she'd never recovered. Probably never would. The only one who understood her pain was Nick, but he had too much of his own to help her deal with hers.

"Nothing." She started the ignition and drove away.

"Wonder where that guy's rushing off to."

Julianna knew exactly where Nick was going, but she neglected to share this information.

"So movie first, or dinner?" Mark reached over and patted her knee.

Eyes still on the road, she removed his hand. "I've told you, I'm not interested."

"And I've told you, I don't take no for an answer."


"Look, Julianna, we're all worried about you. You're obsessed with work--"

"What's wrong with that?" She didn't bother to deny his claim. They both knew it was true.

"You never get out."

"Because of aforementioned job. There's a lot of paperwork involved and--"

"You need some fun in your life."

Fun. She didn't know what that was anymore. Mark was right -- her job was her life. Keeping Falledge safe wasn't always easy, but it was fulfilling -- the only fulfilling aspect in her life.

She stared at him out of the corner of her eye. Why couldn't she say yes to Mark? Although a little arrogant, he was a good guy.

But she knew how it would play out. All of her previous relationships had followed the same pattern: they started dating, they had fun, the issue of commitment would come up, and she'd take off running.

None had lasted more than six months.

"I'll join a bowling league if it'll make you happy," she said as she turned onto his street.

"The point is, I want you to do what makes
happy." Sighing, he leaned against the car door. "Fine, I give up. For some reason, you don't want this fine specimen."

Despite herself, she laughed.

"But I do know what you like." He reached into his pocket. When she pulled in front of his house, he handed her free pizzas coupons for his restaurant.

"Thank you, but I can't accept." She tried to give them back.

Mark shook his head. "Keep 'em. At least I'll be able to see you a few more times, even if it's not on a date. Thanks for the ride."

"Not a problem. Just watch that pothole -- it's a nasty one."

"Don't I know it. Take care, Julianna."

She waved and drove off. Although she didn't want anyone to get too close, her plans for this evening did not include curling up with a romance novel in bed. Nick had returned to Falledge for some reason, and she was going to find out why.




The shining sun had long set by the time Nicholas willingly left the comfort of his bike. Squaring his shoulders, he took a deep breath and strolled into the cemetery, as if without a care in the world. Nothing could be further from the truth -- each step required all of his will.

It didn't take him long to find her grave. He could find it with his eyes closed.

Nicholas knelt beside the tombstone. He traced the letters, the numbers:
Justina Paige 1988-2003

She had only been fifteen when she died. Ten years had passed. Ten long, lonely years.

He closed his eyes and strove to remember every detail of her face, every line, every freckle. She had two on the right side of her nose, one on the tip. One above her right eyebrow. No, above her left.

Nicholas pounded his fist into the top of her grave marker. How could he forget her face? How could he profess to love her when he hadn't been there for her? Hadn't saved her?

He had failed her. Why hadn't he seen the warning signs? Why hadn't he realized how much she had been hurting inside?

Now he was the one hurt, with no one to blame but himself.

The moon was ready to go into hiding when he knelt down and kissed the "J" in her name. With trembling hands, he removed a black hellebore from inside his shirt. He kissed the dark petals and removed each one from the flower, letting the five petals waver and flutter as they sank to her grave.

With each petal he dropped, he tried to imagine transferring some of his pain into it.

It would help for a week or so, he knew from experience.

He hung his head after the last petal dropped from his fingertips. This was the hardest part -- leaving her again, even though
had been the one to leave

A rustling sounded behind him, but he didn't stir. Someone else had come to visit a loved one. He would give them the privacy they deserved.

"I knew you would come," a soft voice said.

Nicholas closed his eyes. With a deep breath that shuddered throughout his body, he slowly turned. It wasn't often that he saw her, and he knew it was only a trick of his mind succumbing to his grief, but he welcomed the chance to see her again.

She looked radiant tonight -- even more beautiful than he remembered. A bright white gown, almost a slip, covered her thin form. With a wide smile, she beckoned him to come to her.

He almost tripped over a grave as he rushed to comply. He knew the rules -- he couldn't touch her but they could talk, sometimes for hours, sometimes only a minute.

Nicholas stopped short, inches from her. "I still miss you so much," he whispered, the words tumbling out of his mouth.

"I know you do."

"You said it would get easier, that time would help..."

"And it will." She nodded sagely, a gesture at odds with her eternally youthful appearance.

"It's been ten years!" To prevent himself from wrapping his arms around her, he clasped them behind his back.

"Time will only help if you want it to. You have to let me go."

"No," he growled. "Never!"

Her form wavered, flicking in and out, then vanished.

Nicholas could have sworn he heard her say, "I love you," before she left, but that might have been only wistful thinking.

He collapsed to the ground. A tear streaked a course down his cheek and dripped onto his hand.

His heart felt as if it was breaking all over again. He would do anything, give anything, to see her again.

"I knew you would come here," a soft, female voice said.

Chapter Two

Nicholas jumped to his feet and rubbed the wetness from his cheek. "Who are you?" he demanded, backing up until his feet bumped into a gravestone.

A figure stepped forward into the early rays of the dawning sun. She looked just like the ghostly vision but with some signs of aging from the extra years she had lived. Justina's twin and the one person he most wanted to avoid out of everyone in Falledge.

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