Heroic Abduction (12 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #General, #Science Fiction, #Time Travel, #Space Opera, #Contemporary, #alien, #Abduction, #Paranormal, #ufo, #space, #Travel, #opera, #Fantasy, #Romance, #Science, #Fiction, #sfr

BOOK: Heroic Abduction
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“I will do my best to keep her from harm.”

Zista snorted. “Good luck. That girl is like a magnet for it. So, what are your plans now?”

“With her protection now my affair, do you still need to rush off to the Zonian world, or would you prefer we continue on our current route to visit the Obsidian Galaxy? My offer to supply you still stands.”

“I guess now that Betty is accounted for there is no rush to return.” Zista bobbed her head. “I would like to travel to this black market you speak of. I’ve heard much of it, and having one who knows his way around it for my first visit would be welcome.”

Agreed, they parted, him to sluice off in a quick shower and find clothes while Zista took herself to the onboard gym to train some more. The Zonians kept to a rigorous schedule, one of the reasons why their species were so renowned for their fighting skills—and left unbothered. Ruffle their short feathers and the offender was liable to find himself trounced, plucked, and roasting on a spit.

It didn’t take Dyre long to cleanse and cloth himself. Feeling refreshed, and eager, he went to find his bride–who had hopefully eaten something and would greet him in a better frame of mind.

Out of courtesy, he pressed the buzzer by her door.

No reply.

He buzzed again. Still no answer. He queried the computer. “Location of Earthling known as Betty on board the ship.” He’d have to change that designation to mate.

“The Earthling is currently in the captain’s quarters.”

So, she was in the room he’d assigned her, but ignoring him.

The mannerly hero in him urged him to walk away and let her have time to assimilate recent events. The mercenary throttled that voice and overrode the lock code and entered. He had the right, after all. Wasn’t he the captain of this vessel? Wasn’t she his mate? Didn’t that make this now
room? It wasn’t trespassing.

Apparently, his new mate would need a memo. Betty whirled from where she stood at a porthole window and glared at him. “What are you doing in my room? Get out.”

“Our room now, dear mate. I came to see how you were doing.”

“How do you think I’m doing? I’m annoyed that you tricked me into marrying you.”

“I tricked you? You told my father you’d agreed.”

“I lied to him because he was pissing me off.”

“And how was I supposed to know this?”

“It should have been obvious.”

His brows drew together. “Obvious how? You said you’d agreed to marry me. You demanded I perform the ritual immediately.”

“You were supposed to fake it so your dad would think you did when, in reality, we didn’t.”

“How in the universe was I supposed to know that?” he sputtered, utterly confused by her logic.

“Because I’m a woman.”

He gaped at her. “That makes no sense.”

“Not to you. But that’s because you’re a man. Men never get it.”

Annoyed, irrational, and still dressed in his cloak, Betty threw her rebuke at him, and Dyre couldn’t help but laugh. “Then it is a good thing you now have a lifetime to teach me. Perhaps next time you will think twice before acting so rashly.”

“Not likely. If the Zonians couldn’t teach me responsibility, I doubt you can. Now, what are we going to do to fix this? I don’t want to be married. And I’m pretty sure you’d rather not be tied to a woman who’s not happy about it.”

“What’s done is done. You will have to accept it.”

“What if I don’t?”

Was she truly daring him again? He took a step toward her. Another. She backed away until she hit the wall, her eyes wide, her breathing getting rapid, but not out of fear. She licked her lips, and Dyre just about lost control. Did she not know how inviting she looked?

“Do you really want me to prove to you that this mating can work?”

“So we’re sexually compatible. That doesn’t mean we should be married.”

“On my world, matings happen based on less.”

“I’m not from your world.”

“I know.”

“Your father hates me.”

“Which makes you even more desirable,” he admitted.

“Aha, so you admit to doing it to piss him off,” she declared.

“No. I mated with you because I want you.” He crossed the remaining space between them and grabbed at her before she could dart away. His hands fisted the fabric of the cloak, but missed her body. She ducked out of the material, leaving him holding a fistful of cloth. Naked, she ran to the bathing chamber. He followed.

“Cleansing sounds like a mighty fine idea,” he stated, shedding his clothing on the way. Never mind the fact he’d already bathed. He wouldn’t mind getting wet again with her.

He entered to find her brandishing a brush. He arched a brow. “Is combing my hair a form of human foreplay?”

“No, it’s called stay back, or else,” she threatened, jabbing it his way.

Once more, laughter rumbled forth from him. “You are so delightfully entertaining.” And he was acting more of a debaucher than a hero, but he couldn’t help it. With her naked and challenging him, all the rules and niceties he’d learned fled, leaving him only with one prime desire. To have sex with her again.

She flung the brush at him. It bounced off his chest, and he paid it no mind as he reached for her, drawing her into his body. Despite her protests, she didn’t attempt to harm him. On the contrary, her lips parted, her pupils dilated, and she said in a husky voice, “Don’t think I don’t dislike you.”

“I shall make it my life’s purpose to change your mind,” was his reply.

As a matter of fact, he’d never accepted a more pleasing quest, one worthy of the hero within. If his damsel required convincing—daily and naked, with him coaxing her luscious body to orgasm until she screamed—then he was more than willing to sacrifice himself.

Despite her claim to not like him, her embrace said otherwise. She didn’t protest or move away when he ran a hand down the smooth curve of her shoulder to her waist. She didn’t shy from him when he pulled her close to his own naked body. Bare flesh met and melded, her full breasts flattened against his chest, her hard nipples poking and a physical sign of her arousal.

Even though they’d recently coupled, he kissed as if starving. He certainly hungered. He sucked at her lower lip, teasing it with the sharp points of his teeth before delving into her mouth with his tongue.

Sinuous and wet tongues merged, such a sensual dance, he quite enjoyed this Earth custom, but he had a more serious goal this time. A more tempting feast.

But she seemed determined to thwart him. Her slim hand squeezed between their bodies, and she grabbed, wrapping her hand firmly around his thick shaft.

He sucked in a breath. “What are you doing?”

“You’ll see,” was her teasing reply. Using it as a leash, she tugged him into the shower, the largest one aboard given it was in the captain’s quarters. Definitely big enough for two. A good thing, else Dyre might have aimed the vessel at the nearest docking station and ordered one built.

The water came on as soon as they were ensconced in the stall, warm, wet, and utterly decadent given what Betty seemed determined to do to his cock. Under the misting spray, their lips joined and their bodies writhed.

When the soapy stage began, she attacked him with vigor, lathering his skin with such enthusiasm he could only lean back and groan. She seemed determined to test his patience. A good thing he possessed a lot. He managed to get in his own squeezes and rubs, despite his distraction, but when she positioned him for a rinse and dropped to her knees, her intent clear even to him, he just about snapped.

Don’t tell me she means to—

She did. She licked the tip of his cock. He yelled, and his hips thrust forth. It took great effort to keep his hands balled into fists at his sides lest he grab her and take her, bend her over like a rutting beast, and soothe the madness she caused in him.

His mate had the nerve to shoot him a smirk, as if to taunt him. He growled. She smiled wider and leaned forward to blow on the tip of his shaft. Breath whistled out between his lips.

Grasping him tightly around the base of his cock, she pursed her delectable mouth, and her pink tongue flicked out to once again lick him. And lap at him. Then she engulfed him.

By all the stars in the system, he’d never felt something so good—other than her velvety tight sex. But it was close.

With her mouth open wide, she took him deep, and deeper still. How did she manage it? Was she not fearful of choking? He certainly feared rupturing too soon at the tantalizing sensation of her mouth sliding back and forth along his length. His hips twitched when she moaned around her mouthful, the sound vibrating against his dick.

He lost the battle to stand still, and his fingers tangled in her wet hair, pulling at it, attempting to re-establish some control over the moment. She murmured her pleasure, more vibrations to tease his already sensitized length.

“You will make me lose control,” he growled.

She didn’t seem to care. One of her hands grasped his base and stroked in time to her mouth. Dyre could feel his climax approaching, and though a mighty warrior, he’d already spent once today. If he allowed himself to come again, how would he please his mate?

By feasting upon her as she feasts upon me.

Once the idea crossed his mind, he had to try it. Had to have her. He pulled his cock free of her teasing mouth despite her groaned protest. He stepped from the shower and made sure she followed. He crushed his mouth against hers as he allowed the warm air dryers a moment to take care of the majority of the water coating their skin.

Her supple body writhed against his, her hunger as great as his and in need of satiation.

Impatient, he picked her up and carried her to the bed, tossing her on the foam mattress. She landed with a bounce and a soft squeal. Splayed across the sheets, Betty awaited him, naked and tempting. Dyre took a single moment to admire the view of her heavy breasts, the large nipples puckered, inviting him to bite. His glance took in her indented waist and flaring hips, oh and her rounded abdomen, so soft looking, so pillowy. He wanted to bury his face in her, luxuriate in her femininity. Her rounded thighs were pressed together, but not for long. He’d soon explore their hidden treasure.

First, though, he wished to worship her breasts. Only two of them, one for each hand, which was, he realized, a perfect number, and they demanded attention. Who was he to deny them? Kneeling on the bed, he grabbed her ankles and pulled her legs apart. A soft cry escaped her, and she gazed upon him with heavy-lidded eyes. Passion-filled eyes.

Invitation clear, he crawled up between her parted legs, and as he did, he admired her cleft, the light hair that covered it making the glimpse of pink even more tempting. It intrigued him to see that her mound sported curls unlike her head, and he ran his fingers through them to the silken slit of her sex.

A shudder went through her at his touch, and wetness coated his fingers. Already her body was so ready for him. He almost gave in to the moist temptation. But he possessed more control, and his longing to taste her breasts kept him from getting distracted.

Forward he moved until the crown of his cock brushed at her nether lips. She sighed and wiggled her hips, rubbing her wetness against his tip, but he didn’t give her what she silently asked for.

He took what he wanted instead. He latched his mouth onto one of her nipples, gave it a big suck, and ended up almost accidentally sheathing his cock within her when she bucked violently under him.

It seemed he’d discovered an erogenous zone. As he sucked and bit at her sensitive peak, her hands grabbed at his shoulders, and her nails dug in. Mewling sounds escaped her as she bucked beneath him. The harder and more vigorously he sucked and played with her breasts, the more she keened.

Grasping her mounds, he pushed them together, the protruding tip of her nipples red and inviting. He nipped one. Then the other. Back again.

How she writhed. How she moaned. How she aroused him with her intense pleasure in his sensual play.

“Dyre.” His name emerged from her lips in a tortured plea.


“Don’t yes me,” she hissed, sucking in a breath as he slid his lips down the rounded contour of her stomach. “Stop teasing me.”

“But it’s fun.”

He expected her to argue, but she surprised him instead by allowing her legs to fall farther open and drawing them up so her knees touched her chest, exposing herself to him in a way that made him groan.

Had a hero ever been so blessed with a damsel so willing to match his passion? He doubted it. Betty was unique. A special treasure beyond compare.
And she’s mine.

Hungry for a taste, and curious too, he placed his mouth on her sex. What decadent sweetness. He could see now why humans were so prized. Delighted with her flavor, he sucked at her moist sex, and she must have enjoyed it as her hips rose almost violently off the bed. Pleased at her response, he continued his sensual feasts, and to prevent possible injury due to her vigorous response, he wrapped his arms around her thighs and held her down.

Anchored and unable to buck, she could only resort to fisting the covers and yelling. A fitting tribute to his prowess. He stabbed his tongue deep into her channel, loving how she squeezed.

But wasn’t there another part of her down here that his research showed enjoyed attention too? A small nub at the top of her sex? He went looking for it with his lips. And found it.

He grazed it with his teeth, and that was all it took for her to orgasm with an intense scream. What a wondrous thing. Intrigued, he flicked his tongue at the nub as he freed one hand from where he held her down. Questing fingers delved between her silken folds, and he plunged them into her sex, in time to catch a rippling wave as she continued to orgasm.

By all the supernovas, he wanted to feel that vise-like undulation around his cock. It took him but a moment to slide up her body. As he caught her lips with his, he sheathed himself in her sex. One deep, penetrating stroke.

Tight. So tight. And wet. Her sex molded around his erection, fisting him with perfection, pumping him as he strove to drive deeper. Her fingers scratched at his back as he pumped, pulling himself in and out of her suctioning sex.

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