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Authors: I.M. Hunter

Heroin Love (9 page)

BOOK: Heroin Love
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I took a couple of steps back to get out of her arms reach. "It's probably just Ann checking in on the status of a bid." I lied-- and I did it poorly.

"Yeah, sure it is Kevin. Let me see your phone," She insisted while stepping towards me.

"Okay okay, here." As I pulled my phone out of my pocket it pulled the heart bracelet with it. It hit the floor drawing attention to itself

Megan's eyes opened up in shock at first but quickly changed to a furious look. "Who's fucking bracelet is that?"

Looking down as the bracelet rested on the carpet, it appeared as though it was staring back with a face of evil. The angel and demon on my shoulders were bickering back and forth.

'Tell her the truth. Work it out'

'Just lie, you can get away with this.'

"Well.." I cleared my throat thoroughly."I bought this for you at Buccellati's I wanted to say sorry for missing the cruise and for putting up with my bullshit," I lied again, the demon won the fight as he usually did.

Megan hesitated to respond. Wiping the tears away from her face she bent down to pick up the bracelet. "It's beautiful." She inspected the bracelet closely.

A dizziness filled my head from the anxiety of the whole situation.

"Let me put it on you," I insisted.

Grabbing the bracelet and wrapping it around her wrist my fingertips started to tingle in remorse. I couldn't believe I was wrapping my girlfriend's bracelet around my wife's wrist.

"This doesn't change anything Kevin," she reiterated "We need to change, you need to change."

Hanging my head in shame, I didn't respond. The phone dinged once more the screen reflecting in my hand. Looking back up in Megan, seeing the disappointment in her eyes.

"It's not important." I put my hand romantically on her face and leaned in to give her a kiss.

She pulled back, "Just go to work, Kevin. You don't deserve a kiss." Megan locked herself back into the bathroom.

She just gave me a hall pass to leave. Great, more decisions.

What was the right move here? If I don't leave she will think I was lying, If I do I am more of an asshole.

Standing in our bedroom motionless contemplating this next chess move. My phone dinged once more. Three new text messages:

Rachael: Just thinking of you

Rachael: I really NEED you.

Attached was a picture. She was standing in the bathroom mirror selfie-style, wearing baby doll lingerie. A vibrant red solid mesh top with a sexy strappy back, accompanied by a matching g-string. Rachael's sideways pose revealed her lean long legs, perfect ass, and a side profile of her luscious breast. The third message revealed even more of her.

Rachael: Come and get it

Another picture was attached. Sitting on the edge of our couch she was completely nude. He legs spread wide open revealing her firm outer lips forming a perfect crease in between her legs. What a beautifully shaved cunt. I recalled the tightness of her around me, the pink flesh was shimmering in the flash from the photo. One of her hands touching her hood while she was sexually biting her finger on the other while slightly pushing her lip down. Her upper arms pushing her breasts together making me eager to slide my dick in between them.

The temptation to leave grew strong. I feel myself squeezing the phone with significant force as I thought about fucking her. I would much rather be there enjoying myself, rather than being interrogated here. I casually walked into the living room placing my phone on vibrant and putting it back into my pocket. I flopped down on the couch, laying my head down on the headrest staring at the white textured ceiling above me.

This is really starting to consume me, my thoughts and my life.

My reflections were rapidly interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. "Did you tell her? What was all the fighting about?" Ben inquired adamantly.

"No Ben. It was about other stuff. I'll tell her, give me some time. I am working on it. I'll do it." Promising Ben I would tell his mother what was going on didn't seem to satisfy him.

"Yeah well you better, or I will!" He threatened again leaving me alone with my thoughts, heading back towards his room.

Megan came out of the room wearing her casual attire, an oversized plain t-shirt and yoga pants. I always loved her in yoga pants, the form fit revealed her tight ass and athletic legs.

"I thought you were going to work?" Acting disappointed to still see me.

"Well I thought about it, and I really want to spend time with everyone, especially you. The work can wait," looking at Megan with compassionate eyes "You think Ben can watch the kids tonight? I really want a date night. We can go get something to eat and maybe go to the movies?"

Reluctantly Megan agrees with one caveat "Only if we talk about what is going on with us?"

An enormous smile came across my face, I was in disbelief that she even agreed to go with me.

But why should I be? I know she is furious with me but she is my wife and the mother of my children.

"I'll go get ready." She said in a monotone.

"Jeez don't sound so excited," I gave her a quick wisecrack.

Megan shot me a furious look trying to hid the smirk that wanted to consume her face.

I wanted to try and reignite our fire, I wanted to fuck Megan. I stealthily went into my office to book us a hotel room. I pondered for a few seconds as to which hotel Megan really enjoyed. Dakota's Sky Resort came to me and I quickly searched for the number to request a booking.

"Thank you for choosing Dakota's Sky Resort, how may I assist you?" Answered the receptionist.

"My name is Kevin Barrick, I need your Estrella Suite for tonight. I need three bottles of Cheval Blanc '47, and six dozen red roses. Also need rose petals scattered throughout, and please light the fireplace." I explained confidently.

"Okay. When should we expect you Mr. Barrick?"

"I will be there at 9 o'clock."

"It will be all arranged for you. See you real soon."

My phone vibrated in my hands Rachael sent me another text message.

Rachael: Wow, completely shut down? Do I need to be even more convincing

It was quickly follow by another cryptic message

Rachael: 8===D 0-:

It took me a minute of staring at my phone from various angles to figure out what that was suppose to mean. Realizing what it was, I started to get aroused, feeling myself get sucked into her vortex.

Kevin: I can't come over tonight. Sry. Pete should of dropped of some stuff for you. Garage behind the air handler. I will come by tomorrow. :-)

Not wanting to wait for a response I opened my desk drawer and threw my phone inside and slammed the drawer shut. I didn't need anything persuading my actions tonight, it was about us tonight. I went back into the living room to wait for Megan to be done. The clicking of her walk towards the living room, I was anticipating to see her all done up again.

Megan stood self consciously in front of me "How do I look?"

Wearing a champagne colored embellished tiered chiffon halter gown, with a slit that went to the bottom of her ass on the right side so you could see her legs when she walked. Champagne colored stilettos that laced all the way up her thighs. My favorite dangle diamond earrings that could blind you when they caught the light just right. Her beautiful golden blonde hair was in a knot bun with silver hair sticks holding it in place.

"Stunning." She looked absolutely gorgeous, if the kids weren't home I would take her and slam her face down into the couch, leaving her ass high in the air. Slowly lift her dress up and fuck her hard. I cleared my throat, "We ready to go?"

"Lead the way, I don't know where we are going."






Chapter Seventeen--Megan


Kevin was acting strange. When he was looking at my outfit for our date he stared at me with piercing eyes. His fist clenched hard, he looked like a lion ready to pounce on it's prey. By all means I wish he would, I want him to take advantage of me. I want him to treat me like his dirty little whore and enjoy having sex with me.

"Where are you going?" Kevin asked me as I made my way towards his truck.

I stopped in my tracks and coming from behind me I hear the sweet explosive roar of the Corvette engine rev up. He was really trying to impress me, he never even moved the car unless it was getting clean. Although you couldn't have a conversation in the car unless you were screaming over the engine, it was still my favorite car to drive in.

Still upset with him I sat in the 'Vette with my legs and arms crossed to set my body language correctly. As we raced down the highway the vibrations and speed of it began to arouse me. The seats vibrated with such force how could you not be. I feel myself beginning to get wet, my back arching in the chair and my toes starting to curl in my shoes. I see Kevin glance over at me.

"You okay over there?" He mocked with a enormous smile on his face.

"Yeah, Kevin I am fine. You know what your doing and I am not falling for it." I reinforced my arms and legs to portray the fact I was still upset.

"I have no idea what your talking about."

Just as I suspected we were at Sushi-Gon. Kevin never ventured outside the box when it came to restaurants. Once he found something he liked he was fixated.

"You know if someone wanted to kill you, they could just sit outside here and you would show up sooner rather than later," I jested towards he ridiculous habits.

"A creature of routine, what can I say."

Kevin pulled up to the valet booth outside the restaurant. The kids tending to the valet rushed over to the car, before they had a chance to even touch the car to open the doors for us Kevin rolled down his window.

"I am going to just park right here," he pointed towards the single spot that sat in front of the restaurant with cones around it. It was there for V.I.P.'s and special cars. Handing the kid some money to pay the valet fee he went and backed the car into the spot.

"Here's forty dollars for you, don't let anyone touch it or takes some ridiculous selfies in front of it."

That was typical anal Kev, wants everything perfect and for everyone to file into line when need be.

We were sat right away, we never waited for a table here, it was like we were royalty. The commanding presence Kevin was giving off was invigorating. Kevin did his typical routine of reviewing the menu even though his order never changed. When he put his menu down, he stared into my eyes. The fierce prominent stare made me nervous, I didn't know what was going through his mind. My breathing hesitated for a second, my knees squeezed together with angst.

"Let me guess, Gon-Gon Boat." I tried to break the tension that filled the air.

"Yeah, yeah. I know predictability. We can share it like we always do if you want."

"Now wouldn't that be lovely."

We were quickly interrupted by the waiter, who appeared rushed or overwhelmed with the busy dinner crowd.

"Hi, my name is George and I will be taking care of you tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"George, don't you have a home? Just kidding, do you remember me?" Kevin hesitated for a second, "Doesn't matter, I'll take a Macallan '27 on the rocks. My wife will have a glass of Cheval Blanc '47. And we are going to split the Gon-Gon."

Scribbling in his little notepad, “Matter of fact, I do remember you. Did you ever go and check out...”

Kevin quickly cut him off “No I didn’t ever find the time George. I’m on a date with my wife, we will talk about it another time.”

“Oh and George, please don’t put on a show. Kevin doesn’t enjoy it. Thanks hun,” Shooting George a flirty smile.

Kevin hated the show and the attention but he never told them not to do thinking they would spit in his food or something, I am sure the staff hated doing it just as much as Kevin hated watching it.

Not sure what the two of them were talking about, Kevin should have no business with a waiter. George left us to go retrieve our drinks.

“What was that about?”

“Just business, I will talk to him another time. Don’t worry about. So what do you want to talk about?”

“As if you already didn’t know? We have lost our connection, we don’t talk to each other. Your consumed in your work, you didn’t even come on vacation with us.”

He sat there looking at me, contemplating his next move. Tapping his fingers on the table I see his brain working hard calculating his next sentence. Running his hand through his slicked back black hair.

“There is just a lot of problems there that need my attention. Buena Vista is having major issues that we just can’t seem to fix. It has just started to rain and it is about to pour.”

“That’s no excuse for ignoring us at home. We need you there too.”

“I know. Just under a lot of stress. I will be better I promise.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

He shook his head, Kevin never dragged me into his business issues, just his successes. He looked at me with disappointed eyes. Grabbing my hands he started to caress the top of them. I could see he was begging for forgiveness even though he was never one to ask for it. He always wanted to assume he was right and never did anything wrong. I couldn’t hold a grudge against him after all. His sharp jawline, his masculine powerful presence--he is my fantasy.

“You know I could never stay mad at you. I just need you to be here with me, with us.”

“I am working on it. Can we enjoy the rest of the night now?”

I nodded my head. The service was quick tonight, George brought our drinks and meal at the same time. I lifted my glass to give Kevin a cheers and he returns it followed by chugging his entire drink down letting out a big
when he finished. I could tell he was stressed, he never drank like that. Picking up my chopsticks I start to casually eat the Tempura shrimp, cucumber, and avocado rolls that rested on my side of the ship. Kevin was never shy and started to shovel in his portion of the meal.

He called George over to get him another drink, finishing his meal. Those hazel eyes stared lovingly at me while I continued to enjoy my meal.

“You always were a slow eater.”

“Are you really making fun of me right now? Maybe you just eat like a bear coming out of hibernation.”

Laughing with each other was a distant memory that I fondly enjoyed. George dropped off his second drink and just like before he chugged it back without any reserve.

“Are you nervous Kev? I never see you drink like this.”

“I’m fine.”

He was very unsettled as if he wanted to be somewhere else or if he didn’t want to be here at all. I finished my last roll of sushi, placing my chopsticks off to the right of me. I grabbed the makeshift ship that just housed our meal and began to push it slowly around on the table as if it was floating in the sea. I see Kevin’s eyes light up in joy, watching my every move.

Smiling at me, “You so cute.”

“Argh, get away from me treasure,” I jested in my best pirate impression.

“Come on, lets get out of here,” he suggested in a hurry.

“What? No dessert?”

“I have something better planned. Let’s go.”

He got up from the table, reaching his hand out to help me get up from sitting. I hesitated for a second, I was never a big fan of surprises. I reluctantly grabbed his hand, he threw some money down on the table and we left the restaurant.

Back in the ‘Vette, I see the perseverance in his eyes to surprise me with something. He didn’t say anything about where or what we were going to go. Kevin was racing down the backroads. Surrounded by darkness the only thing you could see was the forest that engulfed the road and what was illuminated by the bright white headlights in front of you. Going so fast the stripped lines on the road appeared to be solid as you passed them. There wasn’t another car on the road, the anticipation was killing me. After twenty minutes of driving I couldn’t wait any longer.

“Kev, just tell me where are we going?”

“Hold on, we are almost there.”

Just as he said that, the forest around us abruptly stops to reveal Dakota’s Sky Resort. The resort was illuminated by aqua blue lights reflecting of the mirrored glass windows that covered the building. The welcome sign by the side of the road featured Dakota’s Sky Resort sign made of stainless steel lettering housed in a limestone fountain as water flowed over the letters with a matching light scheme.

Driving along the curvy cobblestone path that led towards the entrance of the hotel, you viewed tremendous landscape designs on your right and left. Red Marigolds planted tightly together and trimmed into the shape of a heart, surrounded by white Million Star Bulk Baby’s planted equally as tight and trimmed into a shape of a flower. This design followed you all the way towards the front door where they planted on the wall Dakota’s Sky Resort in highlighter blue Hydrangeas also encased by white Bulk Baby’s.

“No you didn’t,” I said in awe.

“Why not relive the moment.”

Kevin and I had our honeymoon here and we absolutely loved it. He must have been really trying to win me over. We pulled into the circular driveway at the hotel’s front door, the massive overhang was dimly lit to induce a romantic feel. Housed underneath was the check-in line, valet, and several private parking spots marker for the suites. We passed the valet and general check and Kevin begins to back in to the ‘Estrella Suite’ parking space.

I was exhilarated, “You’re just trying to get laid, aren't you?” Giving him a flirty smack on his arm.

He bursted out laughing and continued to laugh, tearing up. He hopped out of the car and rushed over to my door to open it for me. Putting one hand behind his back, slightly bowing while reaching out with his other hand.


“Why thank you kind sir,” I played along while I gingerly placed my hand into his.

He places his hand gently on my lower back as we walk in unison towards the resort. Kevin slowly glides his hand down to my ass, his hand firmly grasping my rump. I smack his hand away playfully, flashes him a smile.

We entered the lobby but it never felt like you were inside a building. Being able to see all of their amazing landscape designs through the large glass panels that surrounded you. The soft brown wood floors filled the air with a fresh oak scent, you could hear the fireplaces crackling as you walked by. The lovely classical piece ‘Meine Freuden’ was playing over the stereo really setting the mood.

We walked hand and hand, fingers interlocked towards the check-In counter. A pleasant young man greeted us.

“Welcome to the Dakota’s Sky Resort, can I have your name please?”

“Mr. and Mrs. Barrick.”

The receptionist tapped away on his keyboard checking our reservation.

“Here we are, one night, the ‘Estrella Suite’. Here is the key, anything else I can help you with?”

“Were all of my requests met?” Kevin asked confidently.

“Says here everything is in order. Have a good evening.”

Kevin and I walk towards the center elevators and pressed the button to call the car down.

“And what requests would those be Mr. Barrick?”

“Now don’t you worry about that,” smiling at me with lustful eyes.

The elevator arrives and inside stood an elevator attendant, which always surprised me. This hotel must be one of the last places on earth that still employees elevator attendants.

“What floor are we staying on tonight?”

“Estrella Suite level.”

As the elevator rose to our floor I glanced over at Kevin and I see his expression change once more. He seemed happy two seconds ago, now he has that vacant stare on his face again.

“Everything okay honey?”

“Yeah, I’m good.”

“And here we are, have a good night.”

The elevator went right up into our room. As the doors steadily slid open to let us out I saw rose petals scattered throughout the entire foyer and living area. An enormous bouquet of red roses rested on top of a circular polished British Elm wood table with Zebrano inlays and flowers carved around the side of the top surface, which greeted you as you stepped out of the elevator. 

I walked towards the living room in awe, the fireplace already had a fire burning, joining the lit candles that lined the walls in contemporary sconces. Floor to ceiling windows in the living room gave you a beguiled view of the forest that surrounds you below. The elevation of the room put you above the horizon, as if you were eye level with the stars.

“So what do you think?” Kevin interrupted my reverie.

“It’s beautiful of course. What do you have planned next Mr. Big Shot?”

He glided over towards the black leather couch and reached for one of the bottles of Cheval that was nestled in a wine chiller on the cocktail table. Uncorking the bottle he pours us a glass of wine into a pair of crystal stem glasses with petite ‘fish’ wedge cuts that cascade down the orbital bowl of the glass.

BOOK: Heroin Love
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