Hers (20 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Hers
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Sammy closed her eyes and leaned into Brock wrapping
her arms around him and listening to his heartbeat as Slater rubbed her back.

Brock cleared his throat. “Angel, you’re my first
real relationship. Before you, my relationships were two of us getting what we
wanted and parting ways. You have changed the game for me. What I’m doing right
now I’ve never done with another woman.”

Sammy closed her eyes relishing the soothing touches
of her men. She liked knowing she was the only woman that Brock had lain in bed
and cuddled.

“I wanted to make sure you are safe. I need you. I
love waking up to you in the mornings. I love coming home to you. Even when you
weren’t living with us it felt so good to know I could come and see you and you
would touch and hold me. I love knowing you’re mine.

Brock kissed her lips gently at first before his
tongue slipped into her mouth. Slater’s hand came down her back and massaged
her arse. She felt Slater’s hot breath on her skin, and her relaxed body came
alive at the feeling of both her men. Sammy didn’t want to talk anymore. She
wanted her men to make love to her.

Pulling Brock closer she devoured his mouth and dug
her blunt nails into his back as Slater bit her arse cheek and growled.

“I told you I was going to take you here. I’m dying
to feel your virgin hole around me.”

Sammy felt cold lubricant slid down her crack and a
finger slowly ease in and out.
moved his mouth from hers and kissed his way down her neck. She let go of his
back and moved around to his chest. She needed something to hold onto as the
strange sensations of Slater’s finger easing in and out of her arse and nothing
in her pussy made her focus on it more.

Brock rubbed his cock against her clit, and his
hands tweaked and caressed her breasts. Sammy needed something. Her body was
awash with building pleasure. Slater added a second finger. The pain and
pleasure with Brock’s mouth and hands were getting too much.

Sammy gripped Brock’s muscular arms moaning as the
two fingers that had been pumping in and out of her arse eased out. She felt a
strange loss as the slight pleasurable pain went. The feeling came back as more
lube was put on her arse, and this time she felt the head of Slater’s cock
nudging the ring of her anus.

“Relax, and push out,” Slater whispered against her

Doing as she’d been told she relaxed back against
Slater and tried to keep her breathing easy as he pushed farther in.
The burning paining intensified, and she
panted, squeezing Brock’s arms.

Brock’s fingers came down to play with her nub, and
his cock rested at her empty core. At the feel of Brock’s fingers rubbing her
clit she closed her eyes and concentrated on the different feelings, a stretching
pleasurable pain and a delicious tingling that coursed through her body at the
feel of a forbidden delight.

“Kiss me. Help me. I need … I feel…” She panted at Brock
unsure of how to reach the orgasm she wanted.

“What do you want, angel?” Brock whispered against
her lips

don’t know. I need help. Please.”

“Fuck. Brock, she’s so tight. I don’t know if we’ll
both fit. I’m fighting to get fully seated in her and not come.” Slater sounded
like he was in agony.

Sammy pushed herself back on Slater pushing him
deeper. She whimpered as he smacked her arse.

“I’m in, Brock. I’m not going to last.”

Brock groaned, and Sammy squealed as she felt Brock’s
dick slowly thrust into her pussy.

“Oh my God.
feel so full. Nothing has ever felt like this.” An onslaught of wicked
sensations bombarded her. It was like her senses overloaded. Sammy didn’t know
what feeling to go for as they all came at her.

Sammy was done for when Slater and Brock
into her, one coming out as the other slid in.

Slater moaned. “I’m sorry, beautiful. Next time we’ll
last longer.”

Brock murmured against her lips as he pressed a kiss
to them every now and then. “Angel, you feel
good. We’ll make it better next time.”

Christ, if they made it any better than what Sammy
felt right now she’d die of ecstasy. Their thrusts became faster, and she let
herself fall. She blew apart screaming as the best orgasm she’d ever had washed
over her.

Her men swore, and two loud roars soon joined her
groaning. Euphoria settled over Sammy as she became limp. The only muscles that
worked were the ones she could feel pulsing around Slater and Brock.

was heaven.” Sammy snuggled into the bed. “I love you both so much. I’m one
lucky girl. That is worth anything that anyone can throw at us.” She closed her
eyes, not able to move even if the house burnt down around them.

Brock brushed his lips over hers, and Slater nipped
her shoulder. “We are the lucky ones,” Brick said as he brushed back some hair
stuck to her face.

Sammy didn’t
respond. She just needed to rest for a moment or two.


It took Sammy a while to fully forgive Brock for his
betrayal, but he touched her anytime she was near and he held her throughout
the night and apologized every morning for his behavior. Sammy told him that
she’d forgiven him and that she loved him, but he still said it. Sammy had done
one of the hardest things ever and talked to the DEA. She told them everything
she knew. Sammy didn’t know if she would have the strength to testify in court
and face any of Breakaway
, but she would try.
She felt lighter for telling the secrets, and she knew she’d done the right
thing. Sammy tried not to think about what they said they would do to her if
she told. She had to have faith that her men and the DEA would protect her.

Brock took
her for a driving lesson every day, even when Sammy knew he was tired from
She told him not to bother, to
sleep and relax, but he’d told her she needed to learn. It would help her with
her independence. She would have an extra way to get around and away if she
ever needed it.

As much as Sammy hated to admit it, what Brock had
done at the barbeque had helped her. Sammy knew she was stronger than she’d
thought, and she would fight if anything came at her like Greg did ever again.

Sammy asked Slater and Brock to work on her self-defense
moves. She was determined to never be the victim again.
Slater or Brock drove her to her therapy, and
twice now they had come and supported her at her group therapy. Slowly she was
starting to settle in and come out of her cocoon.

Tonight they were having date night. It was her turn
to choose where they went, and Sammy had chosen ice skating. She knew the boys
weren’t happy with her choice, but Sammy didn’t care. She’d endured barbeques,
football matches, car rallies, and thriller movies, so tonight she was going to
the ice skating rink and having fun.

Sammy had spent the day looking at jobs. She was
ready to get back to childcare full time. Her men never left her alone. They
said until Greg was found and either killed or put back where he belonged, they
weren’t leaving her alone. Brock had taken a couple of days off here and there,
today included, but next week he would make up for the time as he was working

Slater was due home any minute. Once he was changed
they would go out to date night. The doorbell rang,
through the house. Brock, who sat next to her as she sat with her laptop and
looked through jobs while they waited for Slater, kissed her cheek and got up
to answer the door.

Sammy was surprised when Gwen came in with Matty in
Brock’s arms bouncing up and down as Matty babbled. “Mummy took me to the fire
station today. And guess what? Two big guys named Philip and John showed us
everything. I even
hold the big hose that
water comes out of. How cool, huh?”

Matty was so adorable. The look on Brock’s face was
priceless as he tried to keep the squirming boy in his arms and not drop him.
The love in his eyes for the boy shone through, and there was no mistaking what
this boy meant to him.

“That’s awesome, buddy. They were nice to you, were

“Oh yeah, Uncle Brock.
know that they said Mummy is very pretty and they like
her a lot.”

Brock set him down next to her, and Matty bounced up and down.

Sammy had met Matty a couple of times before when
she’d visited Gwen. He was a gorgeous, vibrant, four year old boy.

“Aha. They said they were going puppy shopping next
week, and I could go and choose their doggie.”

Sammy laughed as Brock rolled his eyes and shot Gwen
an “I can’t believe you let them say that to him” look. “What a bribe. Matty
will love them for life,” he muttered.

Gwen shrugged and didn’t look at her brother. “I
broke the engagement off. I’m giving Philip and John a chance.” Gwen bit her
lip. “Mum doesn’t know. She’s too busy with Susie’s and Sandy’s babies.” Gwen
sighed. “Little Abby changed to a bear cub yesterday. Sandy is horrified. She
thought she had a lot more time before they could change. Zack and Jake told
her the babies wouldn’t change for months. They were right. They shouldn’t be
able to, but for Abby and even Emily to be able to change means they’re strong
alpha bears. Mum is ecstatic. She’s bragging to everyone.”

Sammy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “No
way, the babies aren’t even three months old. Why didn’t Sandy call me?
I would have come around and…”
She had no idea what she would
have said or done to help Sandy.

Gwen smiled sadly. “Yeah, she probably didn’t call
you because you couldn’t have helped. Mum is happy to help. Mum and Dad are
lapping up having cubs.”

Sammy felt bad. She knew Matty was human and couldn’t
shift. Sammy knew how Adele felt about it, too.

Gwen shook herself like she was shaking off bad
thoughts. “Look, I can find a babysitter if you say no. I know what I’m going
to ask is last minute, but … Mum can’t look after him because then she’d find
out and … and…” Gwen was getting herself all worked up.

Sammy stood and hugged Gwen. “You don’t even have to
ask. I would love to look after Matty.” Sammy let go of Gwen and turned to
Matty, who was jumping on the sofa and all over Brock. “Would you like to come
over and play with me, Uncle Brock, and Slater? Maybe you could sleep over and
all night.”

little brown eyes lit up, and he squealed. “Yes. Yes. I’ll stay tonight and
kick Uncle Brock’s butt.”

Sammy laughed. “Not tonight, but tomorrow, or the
next day would be awesome.”

His little fist pumped in the air as he said, “Oh
yeah.” Then Matty launched himself into Sammy’s arms.

“What have I missed?” Slater said as he came in and
took Matty out of her arms and flew him around the room.

“Guess what, Uncle Slater?
I’m coming to stay the night this week, and
I’m going to kick your butt at

Slater placed Matty on the ground and tickled him.
“No one can beat me. I am the games king.
Slater tickled Matty until
he was screaming for mercy and saying he would let him win at least one game.

Sammy watched the scene as Brock pretended to come
in and save Matty. Gwen laughed next to her.
. Slater and Brock would be awesome fathers. She was so lucky to
have them. As she watched the scene before her, Sammy fell even more deeply in
love with her men.



Matty giggled as he slapped his hand down on the Snaps
card. “Aunty Sammy, you’re really bad at Snap. You’re going to lose again if
you’re not quicker.”

Sammy smiled down at the adorable four-year-old. His
brown eyes shone, and his dark curly hair sat in tangles on his head. Gwen had
dropped him off a couple of hours ago so she could go on a date with Philip and

babysitter, was helping Susie and Sandy with their twins. Gwen also didn’t want
her mother to know she was dating John and Philip and that she’d secretly
called off her engagement. The man Gwen had been engaged to
bowed out happily when he’d learned that John and Philip were Gwen’s true

They all knew Adele would be furious. She’d been
excited that one of her children would mate a shifter and keep the bloodlines
pure, as she called it. So everyone had kept quiet about the situation. Sammy
offered to look after Matty when Gwen went out on late night dates, and Gwen
happily took her up on her offer knowing how much she loved Matty.

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