Hers (Snowy Mountain Wolves) (3 page)

Read Hers (Snowy Mountain Wolves) Online

Authors: Christin Lovell

BOOK: Hers (Snowy Mountain Wolves)
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I rolled my eyes. “I don’t have a thing for him, but a lot of girls do. I can blend into a crowd much easier without pretty boy beside me.”

He was quiet for a minute. “I don’t like it,” he snapped.

“I don’t either, but, it’s better this way.”
I knew I had to appeal to his sensible side.

He blew out a breath. “I’m sending him with a few thousand cash and a burner phone for you. I want you to check in with
Jared or me every two hours. One of us doesn’t hear from you and I’ll have every security company I can hire within the hour move in on you. You go on the move again, I better be your first call. Deal?”


“I’ll meet with a PI tonight and get the ball rolling on that end. If I thought me flying out of the area wouldn’t draw attention from the dickhead, I would be on that flight tomorrow.” I heard the heaviness in his words. It was killing him not being able to personally come to my rescue. “The moment you can come back, I’ll be waiting for you, Kitty Kat.”

I always felt safe with Billy. I doubted anyone would love and protect me the way he did.
“Thanks, Billy.”

“Take care. I’ll be waiting by my phone tomorrow.”


He hesitated a moment. “I love you.”

Pressure flattened my chest as my heart cracked; new tears wet my eyes. I knew Billy loved me, but he didn’t say it often. We didn’t grow up with overly warm, expressive parents. “I love you too.”

I was left standing there with the phone, staring blankly at the receiver for a while after he hung up. How had things gone to shit so quickly? I never imagined meeting one person could change my entire life to this degree.



What the hell did my mate just agree to?

Her voice carried to the car. I’d threatened and annoyed my alpha into parking outside Andy’s when I caught her scent so strong there.

Hearing her tell a man named Billy ‘I love you too’ had damn near cost me my freedom. My wolf roared to the surface quicker than I was prepared for. My hands flew into heavy fists, ready to take on the world to gain her attention. A growl vibrated through me, erupting past my lips. It was a menacing declaration, waging war on whoever this Billy was that dared to own my mate’s heart.

My muscles cramped; my limbs
trembled beneath the pressure mounting in my joints. My wolf was demanding her freedom, demanding the opportunity to claim her mate.

Teeth clenched, jaw taut, I fought the change with everything I could. I didn’t want her running scared away from me; I wanted her running into my arms, something unleashing my wolf wouldn’t accomplish.

Over and over her declaration of love replayed in my mind. I was powerless to stop it, powerless to control my fury. Fate fucking sucked. What was the point of giving me my mate if she was already attached to someone else? Talk about injustice.

I blinked repeatedly; each time I opened my eyes, less and less color lit my vision.

Through gritted teeth, I begged my best friend for help. “Don’t…let…me…hurt her.” My gums ached; my sinuses felt ready to explode as my lips curled around sprouting canines.

The pressure became unbearable.

In the distance, I heard Jerry get out of the car. “Close the doors, Andy!” he yelled.

My wolf broke free. Next thing I knew, glass shattered around me and my alpha was standing between my mate and me.



I hung up the phone. I only had a couple hours before nightfall. I needed to find a place to sleep tonight and hopefully a place to grab something to eat nearby.

“Close the doors, Andy!” a man yelled.

I turned just in time to see Andy fly out from under the Buick. He moved incredibly fast. Chills chased down my spine as I struggled to process what I was witnessing. No human moved like he was.

In the blink of an eye, glass
broke and a burly man was barricading me against the far wall. My heart thundered in my chest; my pulse echoed behind it in my head. Breathing was hard as I stared into the man’s back.

A growl echoed around me. The man’s body vibrated as he ret
urned his own growl; his was much louder and far more intimidating.

I clung to my purse, haphazardly shoving the paper with the quotes inside it. Fear had me frozen in place, but
curiosity was doing a good job of slowly quelling it.

“Heel, El. Now!” The man leaned forward enough
to give me a glimpse of a blonde wolf crouched a few feet away.

A wolfing snarl was
its response; its sharp teeth were on full display.

I knew I was supposed to be afraid of the wolf, but, oddly, the sight of
it propelled my fear into oblivion. Like the woman in the coffee shop, there was just something about the animal that was almost…intriguing. I found myself leaning around the man to study it.

“What does it want?” I asked, watching the wolf closely. The flickers of blue in the wolf’s eyes were mesmerizing, reminiscent of the woman’s from earlier today.
Golden hairs appeared silky despite their coarse texture.

“You,” the man bluntly stated.

I frowned, confusion mangling my thoughts. “Me? Why?”

Why did Donovan single me out? Why was I suddenly attracted to
a woman after twenty-six years of being straight? Why was this wolf targeting me? Why was any human facing these issues period?

“You’re her mate.”

I felt my features scrunch. I shook myself, trying to understand what kind of shit these people were pulling.

Abruptly, the wolf launched itself at the male. My eyes shot
open as his clothes shredded. In the blink of an eye, two wolves were scuffling around the shop, sending parts and tools flying.

“Duck!” Andy yelled.

I squatted down, pressing myself against the wall. I clamped my purse down over my head, trying to protect myself from the debris. I had to be dreaming. Maybe all of this was a dream. Maybe I never met a Donovan in real life and the entire year was just one long drawn out dream. Maybe I was in a coma or something…Maybe…

shuddered as something smashed, the noise of it thundering around me. Pieces of plastic went flying, several sharp edges of it slicing into my skin. “Ow!” I hissed. My flesh stung as blood began to trickle down my face.

“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
The feminine voice rang out keenly.

I looked up to see a naked woman moving towards me. I gasped as my mind registered who it was. It was

She was flawless, not a scratch on her. Concern creased her brow
s. Her full lips puckered as her eyes scanned me.

I don’t know what came over me. I just couldn’t help myself. My gaze fell to her tight little figure. Her breasts moved just enough to prove they were natural. Small rosy nipples had me licking my lips right before my conscience slapped me.

What the hell is wrong with me?
I closed my eyes, stopping myself from further gaping at her.

“Dammit, Jerry! I told you not to let me hurt her.” Tender fingers
brushed along my surface, leaving a trail of tingles.

“Don’t give me that shit. I fucking protected her. You were the one acting out.” His words were declared, not offered.

My eyes popped open at the slap reverberating off the walls.

The woman crouched before me gave me a warm smile. Shrugging, she said, “He deserved it.”

She extracted my purse from my death grip and set it aside. “Jerry, make yourself useful and get the first aid kit.”

My gaze flickered to the male.
His nostrils flared with every breath as he watched me. Noting my observance, he stood a bit taller. A smirk turned up his lips. He was a perfect specimen of masculine beauty. Toned, defined muscles, those belonging to most any Roman statue, eluded to his power and strength. Any woman would feel protected in his arms. And any woman would be satisfied with his package too.

I immediately looked away from his nakedness; I knew my cheeks were flaming red. Granted I lived in Miami, a city full of speedos and itty-bitty-bik
ini clad people year round, but I’d never been exposed to full nudity in such a nonchalant manner. They weren’t the least bit embarrassed. They didn’t try to cover themselves. It was clear they were comfortable.

“You can look all you want, sweet cheeks. We don’t mind.” I met her gaze just in time for her to wink at me.

Unsure how to respond, I remained quiet. In no time, I was lost in her pretty blues again. I’d heard the saying a thousand times, “The eyes are the window to the soul,” but I couldn’t say I believed it. People stared into your eyes, showing you their own as they lied to you every day.

This time was different though.

Pale blue striations danced with deeper hues of the color. Ribbons of gold broke up the palate. But, it was more than a picture, a piece of her I was staring at. It was more so what was being conveyed through that portrait of blue.

My breathing grew shallow as I was wrapped in anxiety, in
panic; I recognized that fear: the fear of loss. Overshadowing that heavy layer was warmth, assurance, and determination. She was a fighter, fighting for what she cared about…who she cared about.

Here.” I jumped, blinking rapidly as Jerry handed off a metal box. I didn’t hear him move.

He openly studied me, making me aware that I’d been gaping at the woman.

I didn’t need a mirror to know I was blushing…again. I was baffled. I didn’t understand what it was about
woman. In Miami, I’d met my fair share of beautiful women, but, it was…it was
specifically for some reason.

She took the box only to jam it backwards against the man’s jewels.

A vicious roar erupted from him. “What the fuck was that for, El?” he demanded through gritted teeth.

My brows furrowed. That’s the same name he’d called the wolf. I felt stupid
for not putting the two together; I felt stupid trying to put the two together. Rational told me werewolves existed only in fiction, not in reality.

Her eyes twinkled as she looked at me
. “For letting my mate get hurt.”

His hands balled into fists as h
e growled again, snarling down at her. “I’m going to find clothes.” He gave me and El a thorough once over before he stormed off.

“Stay still, honey.”

I froze, watching her every move, melting under her every move.

Gingerly, she cupped my face. As she leaned in, her
pine and floral scent filled my lungs, warming me in places I hadn’t been warmed in too long. Her breasts looked luscious from this angle, forcing me to mash my lips together and remain motionless.

I closed my eyes as her tongue traveled up the side of my face. There was something so intimate about her lick
ing away my blood. Anyone could wipe it away with a wet cloth, but she made my pain hers. And in that moment, rather than be grossed out, I found myself falling a little harder, appreciating the woman a little more.

She softly pressed
her lips over the wound at my temple. Moments later she placed a Band-Aid over the cut. Opening my eyes, I was mesmerized as she did the same on my arm. No one had ever done anything so touching. I wanted to gather her in my arms and hug her, to kiss her, to show her my appreciation on a deeper level.

Before I could do anything stupid,
Jerry returned dressed in a pair of jeans. He assessed me as he drew closer. “You okay?” he asked.

I don’t know why I looked to the woman for assurance; she gave it to me though. She smiled, nodding her head
once in encouragement. Her aura was warm, swaddling me in security though she wasn’t touching me anymore.

I stared up at the well-muscled male. “Yeah, thanks.”

He shook his head. “You have any questions, Ellie can answer them for you.” It looked like he wanted to say more, possibly something different altogether, but he didn’t.

I knew what he was referencing; he knew I knew too.

“Here, El.” He passed the clothes to her.

Shamelessly, she rose up before me, giving me a full view of her well-groomed pussy. She slipped into the oversized t-shirt and athletic shorts; she was forced to tie the string as tight as possible, but they still slid down a bit.

She extended a manicured hand towards me. When I didn’t immediately accept, a tidy brow arched, challenging me into submission.

Her hand slid easily around mine. I gasped as she hauled me up with one swift jerk,
pulling me against her.

Involuntarily, my body melted against hers. The feel of her breasts so close to mine had my nipples pebbling. I bit back a breathless moan as she arched her hips into mine, jerking me
taut against her. What was she doing to me? She was so strong, so persuasive; my body responded to her as if she had a hold over it, as if she was the puppeteer.

“Stop teasing the poor girl, El.” I heard the disapproval in his voice.

I averted my gaze, feeling foolish. This girl was beautiful. She was probably used to men
women falling over themselves for her. Hell, she probably used her body to her advantage with them all. I was just one of the masses…which mortified me more.

“Um, thanks for the help.” I attempted to put some space between us, but she held me tight.

“Where are you staying tonight, sweet cheeks?”

My chest constricted.
The urge to run returned. I was ready to flee, to abandon ship. Anxiety coursed through my veins, unveiling my disadvantage. I didn’t like the power she had over me any more than I liked the power Donovan had over me.

Sensing my unease, she released me.

Unlike Donovan, she let me go. And for some fucked up reason, that made me want to cling to her. I suddenly felt like I was about to lose her, and I was desperate not to.

Emotions whirled inside me, overwhelming me. I couldn’t make sense of them, of this…of her.

“Hey.” Her voice was a soft whisper as she brushed the back of her hand across my cheek.

All I could do was stupidly gape at her. I got lost in her every time. I’d never wanted to disappear down a hole more.

She returned my gaze with confidence. “You hungry, Jer?”

“Starving,” he replied. I caught movement out the corner of my eye, but didn’t bother looking to see what he was doing.

“How about you, sweet cheeks?” Her eyes visibly glowed.

The fact that I gawked at her so much made me all the more aware of
the bumbling fool I appeared to be. I practically fell over myself every time I came face to face with her. I was a stumbling bimbo who could barely form a sentence. I’d never reacted that way to any man…or other woman. I felt like my IQ dropped a hundred points around her, and it was outright humiliating.

I forced myself to look to Jer
ry. His body was stiff, but his expression was of relaxed amusement. “A little,” I answered.

“Good. Then me and
Jer can take you out on a proper date to make up for our rudeness.” She laced her fingers through mine and tugged me forward. “Be a doll and grab her purse, Jer.”

I looked back at the
suddenly steaming six-foot-something male. He ground his teeth as he swiped my purse up from the floor. “Sorry,” I mouthed.

He immediately softened as he met my worried gaze. He gave me enough of a smile to tell me he wasn’t truly mad.

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