He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3) (42 page)

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Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3)
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“So are we going to sleep then?” I ask with a smirk on my face.

“Christ, Libby. I want to do so much more than just sleep with you, but I will settle for that. I want you to believe and trust me. I won’t rush you.”

“What if I want to be rushed?”

“Then I will struggle saying no to you. You know this.”

Taking his hand, I lead him to our bed that neither of us has slept in lately. I drop the towel on the floor and climb in, leaving the covers unturned for him. I know he’s just told me he won’t push me, but I desperately need our physical contact. I want to feel complete and whole again, and it’s the only way I know how. I want him.

Alex joins me in bed and turns on his side facing me. He winces a little in pain as he moves closer, closing the distance between us. Our lips brush ever so gently before he slides his tongue between mine. Our kiss isn’t demanding. My heart swells with love as the tenderness of our kiss grows to something more.

A sexy groan comes from him, which sends all the right signals to my core. I reach my hand out and run it slowly up his chest, careful of all his bruising. Goose bumps prickle my sensitive skin as the sensations sweep through me that my body has missed these last few weeks.

I look at him through my blurred eyes and I’m met with his own tear-filled eyes. I don’t want him upset. Our gaze stays locked on each other, a silent conversation held between us.

I’m sorry.

I didn’t want to hurt you.

I need you.

I want you.

I forgive you.

But the most important one. I love you.

My breathing starts to change as his eyes burn through me. Suddenly he shifts position until he is above me, hands on either side holding his weight off me. His mouth crashes onto mine, taking what he wants, and claiming ownership. There is so much more to this kiss than the previous one. I reach up and fist his hair. The temperature is heating up between us. I pull away panting. Alex can only smile.

“I want to be careful with you, baby,” he tells me.

“Isn’t it I who should be careful with you?”

“Don’t worry about me. My only concern is you. You are the most important part of my life. I’m nothing without you.” With his words I’m lost.

He flashes me that boyish grin I love so much just before his mouth meets mine again. I sense some urgency in our kiss this time. His tongue meets with mine, dancing, tasting. I feel him, pressing against me as his hips begin to move. He’s in control of our movements and there’s nothing I can do except enjoy this moment with my precious husband.

The sound of our breathing is heavy in the air around us. He presses firmly against me; I nod acknowledging what he’s about to do. I feel so tight as he enters, my muscles contracting tightly around his length. He pauses. I nod.

He pulls almost all the way out and drives back in with one swift movement. My eyes flutter, closing before I reopen them and hold his gaze.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I moan with pleasure as he moves. My fingernails dig into him as I struggle to contain my excitement. Well, it has been a few weeks since we were in this situation. Alex continues with slow strokes, in and out. I feel as though I’m in heaven, instead of the hell I’ve been in for the last few weeks. I love this feeling.

“I love you,” I pant, telling him.

He picks up the pace, setting a rhythm that will send us both over the edge sooner rather than later. I have no control and neither does he from the look on his face. His hands stay at the side of me holding his weight. Deeper and deeper. Over and over. I feel myself tightening around him. My eyes close as the pace changes again.

He plunges once more before stilling. My body muscles pulse around him. Alex drops to the side of me and pulls me in tight toward him. I snuggle in and close my eyes.

“Sleep, my beautiful girl. We could both do with some.”

My eyes fly open and I feel guilty about what just happened. I shouldn’t have let it go so far, he must still be in a lot of pain. “Alex . . .”

“I’m fine, just tired and I know I will sleep well if I have my girl in my arms.”

my eyes to know Alex is no longer in bed with me. Rolling onto my back, I stretch out and feel that the covers beside me are cold. My body aches a little, in a good way. My mind starts to wander to where Alex is.

“So, sleeping beauty is awake.” I open my eyes as he walks toward me all dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. “Just in time. I didn’t want to wake you earlier, but I had to now. We are having visitors soon.”


“Yes, sorry baby, there was really nothing I could do about them. My parents will be here soon and so will yours. And Michael is already here; he wants to see you.” I pull the covers up over my still naked body. Alex laughs. “He’s not coming into our bedroom; he’s waiting downstairs.”

“So I suppose that means I need to get up and dressed?”

“Sorry, but yes.” He sits on the edge of the bed. “So get moving,” he says, planting a kiss on my lips.

“So I take it everyone is having dinner here?” I ask, looking at the clock.

“Yes, but we will just get take-a-way. I’ve given Joan and Murphy the night off, they’re going out.” I smile. “Yeah, I thought they both deserved it. Joan more so because of the way she’s looked after you,” Alex tells me.

“I really like her,” I tell him.

“I know you do and she likes you. Now,” he says, leaning in and kissing me again before standing up and pulling the covers from me. “Mrs. Mathews get your naked ass from that bed and get some clothes on.”

“Okay. Okay.” I giggle. “First things first, tell me what Michael said to you.” I can see him mulling this over.

“He had come into the hospital early hoping to try and make me see sense. I wasn’t listening. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. He even had pictures from our wedding. He was so mad with me, for everything I said to you the other day at the hospital. But just before he left, he said, ‘You know Alex, Libby doesn’t deserve to have you in her life at all. She deserves so much more. Maybe I’m the more she needs. Maybe it’s a real man she needs. A man that can love her the way she and the babies deserve.’’’

I don’t know what to make of that statement.

“Alex . . .”

“The minute he said it, I remembered the conversation you overheard the morning of the football game, back in October. He was trying to get a reaction from me, and it worked. I got so worked up I could’ve killed him. But he walked out of the room and left me. The angrier I got, the more I remembered.”

“I’m not sure what to say to all that. Although if we had known that’s what it was going to take, I would’ve got Michael to say it before now. It would’ve saved us all a lot of pain.”

“I know. I will continue to apologise for everything,” he says, turning away from me.

“Alex, we need to try and move on and we won’t be able to do that if you keep apologising all the time.”

“I’ll let you get ready, see you downstairs,” is his dry reply before leaving the bedroom.

Sometimes that man infuriates me and this is one of those times. We will need to get a few things straight and the first thing to straighten out is not to walk out on me in a mood. I get the last few weeks have been tough on us both. But we need to move on. We need to clear the air, because I don’t want these last few weeks to affect our relationship. We both have so much to look forward to now. Both of our businesses are doing well, the hotel, casino and even the nightclub are all running well.

I quickly wash and dress in comfy leggings and a vest. I grab a cardigan before heading downstairs. Both men are in the kitchen when I enter, both with a bottle of beer in their hands. Alex is not a man for getting drunk, and I do hope he doesn't start tonight. Michael turns to face me.

“Bloody hell, woman. For a pregnant chick you look hot, all things considering. I love the hair,” Michael says with a huge smile. Alex, on the other hand, turns away shaking his head. Michael notices his best friend’s cool behaviour. “You, my friend, should phone for dinner,” he tells Alex.

“And you,” I say pointing to Michael. “You and I need to talk.”

I pour some iced water for myself before going into the living room with Michael.

“Libby, what’s wrong?”

“I wish I knew. He was fine earlier.”

“Libby, he’s going to have to do a fair bit of adjusting. I was really angry with him, I couldn’t believe he was just prepared to give up and head back to New York. He’s probably told you what I said to him. I love you both, but you both need to be together.” He smiles. “But in all seriousness, I couldn’t put up with him now the way he was before you. We’ve both changed so much in recent months. I will speak with him. Everything will be fine.”

“Thank you,” I say as I kiss him on the cheek.

“What was that for?”

“For being as good a friend to me as you are to Alex.”

“A toast,” Alex says as he joins us. He sits beside me and wraps his free arm around my waist. I smile and kiss him. “To friends.”

“To friends.”

Alex tells us he’s ordered food for everyone, and Sophie and Ethan and Kirsty are all coming as well. So looks like a full house again now. I wonder if Sarah and Richard will be staying here now that Alex is home; they had booked into a hotel close to the hospital. I will bring it up later with Alex.

We don’t get long to sit and talk before everyone arrives. Alex keeps hold of me. I sense he’s not wanting to let me go and greet everyone, instead everyone comes and speaks to us. My mother tells me she is relieved to see me looking better, but does insist I start eating more to make up for not eating properly. Alex tells her to consider it done. Everyone is happy to see Alex back to his normal self. I discover Michael had to call everyone to tell them about the turn of events this morning. They all wanted to come round straight away, but Michael told them we should be left alone. The only person missing tonight is Lucy; Ethan tells me she is with her other grandparents, Tom and Moria.

My mum and Sarah go about pouring drinks for everyone. I leave them to it and relax into the comforting arms of my husband, whose mood seems to have lifted again. The intercom buzzes again, this will be dinner for everyone. I try to stand to go and pay, but Alex won’t let me; instead he takes money from his pocket and hands it to Michael.

Michael calls everyone into the kitchen. I stand but Alex pulls me down, straight into his lap. “Just a minute. Libby.”


“I will say this once and then I won’t say it again, I promise. I’m sorry for everything. I didn’t mean for you to get stressed. Michael left out that part, about you being stressed and in the hospital. He should have told me about that.”

“Alex, I’m fine and you’re on the mend. I don’t want you to apologise. I want us to move on, we have so much to look forward to.”

His eyes shift to my belly and he smiles. “Yes we do. I love you.”

I take his face in my hands and bring my lips to his. “I love you too.” Our kiss is soft and sincere. I hear footsteps enter the room, but then leave again. Whoever it was, obviously thought we should be left alone.

“Libby, lets go away for a few days, just you and me.”

“Yes, that sounds perfect. Where will we go?” I ask

“I really don’t care as long as I get to spend some quality time with you. We have a few weeks to make up for.” His boyish grin gives me an indication of how our time away will be spent. This appeals to me more by the minute.

“Come on, Mrs. Mathews, lets go and spend some time with our family, because if I get my way I plan on whisking you away tomorrow.”

I stand and take his hand. When he finally stands before me, I see the man I fell head-over-heels for. He might be a bit battered and bruised, but he’s all mine. I was prepared to walk away from the man I love because I thought it was the right thing to do. But I now know standing here in front of him, I could never have managed it.

His eyes soften as he looks at me, and I can see a mixture of emotions sweep quickly across his face. But the one that stands out is his love for me.


10th July

two today?” My voice is raised at the two men behaving like children in the middle of the kitchen. “Karl, Kieran office now.” I point the way to Karl’s office, taking the argument they’re having away from the rest of the staff. “Guys, you’re really not filling me with confidence on my last day. Can this get sorted out now? Because if I call Alex and tell him I need to work on today of all days, well let’s just say it won’t be pretty, especially when this can be sorted. So?” As much as this is my last working day, I will be in contact with them both on a daily basis. I still need to keep them on their toes.

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