Hidden (Final Dawn) (27 page)

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Authors: Darrell Maloney

BOOK: Hidden (Final Dawn)
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     Karen’s plants were taken out of the truck, and the planter boxes were arranged neatly on work tables within Greenhouse number one. Karen would transplant each plant one at a time into larger boxes, where they would be allowed to expand and greatly increase their output.

     The farm tractors were brought over, as were the pickup trucks, golf carts and quad runners. Once they were all parked, Mark gave the all clear.

     For the first time in seven years, the mine they’d all called home would be completely empty. Except for the bodies of Phyllis Snyder and Bill Meyers. And they would be moved whenever a small family graveyard could be constructed in the back of the compound.

     One by one, the residents emerged from the tunnel and into the crisp cool air. Every one of them paused and looked up at the afternoon sun, enjoying its warmth on their faces.

     Like a ragtag bunch of children, they fairly danced in the snow, delighted to see it for the first time in seven years. A couple picked it up and threw it, or kicked it in the direction of others. Between the snow and the sunshine overhead, the short trek between the buildings in the compound was a delightful experience.






Chapter 45


     Once inside the main building, they reassembled in the huge lobby, in front of a large fireplace and a roaring fire. Sarah and Sami handed each of them a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows as they came in, and they were asked to sit on the floor in front of the fireplace, or on one of several couches surrounding it.

     The newcomers who had never been in the building before looked around and marveled at the sight. It reminded some of the lobby of a luxury hotel. Its features were exquisite, the design beautiful. It would be a nice place to call home.

     Mark stood before the group and said, “I hope nobody minds, but we’ve already taken the liberty of designating the three apartments closest to the common area for the elders, out of respect. We’ve also reserved the west wing of the first floor for those among us who have disabilities or use scooters or walkers.

     “The north wing is available for anyone on a first come first serve basis.

     “We’ve placed the third floor off limits for the time being. That’s so we can close off the vents and cut power to that floor and help conserve our resources. We won’t be rationing power or water like we did in the mine, but we still don’t want to waste any more diesel fuel than we have to.

     “Eventually, as our families grow, we’ll start utilizing the apartments on the third floor. But for now we’ll just use it for storage.

     “After we’re finished, feel free to walk through the place and look around. The apartments are all unlocked, so you can feel free to look through them and select the one you want. For those of you with larger families, please note that the two apartments on each end of each hallway have three bedrooms. All the apartments in the middle of the hallways have two bedrooms.

     “The floor plans for the apartments are identical, but they are furnished differently. Some have traditional furniture, some are more modern. A couple of them, and I don’t remember which ones, have antique furniture.

     “Every apartment has either an upright piano or a pool table. Those of you who select an apartment with a piano but don’t know how to play it should see Joe. He has offered to teach anyone who wants to learn.

     “There will be no more restrictions on water, as I said. No more three minute showers. I know that’ll make everyone happy.”

     He looked at Bryan and said, “What am I forgetting?”

Bryan took over.

     “There are kitchens in each apartment. The main kitchen will still operate as it always has. But they will also share the food in their cupboard and freezers for those who would like to prepare their own meals in their apartments. They only ask that you let them know in advance if you won’t be joining them for a particular meal so that they don’t prepare too much.

     “John has informed us that the security console is up and running, and that all of the outside cameras and monitors appear to be working. We don’t expect any threats from the outside world for the foreseeable future, but just to be on the safe side, we want to keep all doors to the outside locked, at least for awhile.

     “We’re asking the people who live in the apartments next to the exit doors to help us keep an eye on them. If you see them standing open, or notice they didn’t close all the way, please secure them.

     “If you go outside, remember that the door will lock behind you. We have hung several keys on the wall next to each exit door. They are on lanyards, so you can place a key around your neck as you go out and won’t have to worry about losing it. Please return the key when you reenter the building.

     “Also, just a reminder, don’t forget to wear your facemask whenever you go outside. This is just for the warm weather months. Once the winter sets in and everything freezes again, we’ll suspend this request. Next year at this time we’ll make a decision whether to continue this precaution. For now, please wear your mask.

     “That’s all I’ve got. Anyone else?”

     Hannah spoke up.

     “There is a small whiteboard for messages on the wall in the hallway, next to each apartment. Once you select your new home, please write your name on the whiteboard so your neighbors can find you.

     “The keys for each apartment are on the counter in each kitchen. Each apartment has two keys. If you need more than that, see Mark or Brad or Bryan. They have a key machine in the basement and they can make you some more. If you lock yourself out, just go to the security console. It will be manned twenty four hours a day, and they have a master key you can borrow.

     “Helen tells me that the dinner bell will ring at 7 p.m. sharp. Have fun picking out your new apartment, and welcome to your new home.”










Thank you for reading
. I sincerely hope you liked it. Please enjoy this preview from the next book in the series,




     Hannah ran from the security center screaming.

     “Oh, my God! They’re knocking down the gate!”

     Skully slammed the Humvee into reverse and backed up forty feet to get a running start. This time the heavy steel gate gave way, but still didn’t break free. He backed up to try again.

Bryan scrambled from one corner of the roof to the other, trying to get a clean shot. But there simply wasn’t one. The high steel fence they’d built to protect themselves now protected their attackers by hiding them from view.

Bryan knew he wouldn’t get a shot until Skully and his gang broke through the gate. And then it would be too late.

     John had sounded the evacuation alarm twenty minutes before, and most of the residents were already in the tunnel, headed back to the mine.

     Sarah and Hannah went from room to room to make sure everyone got the word. Karen was in the tunnel counting heads.

     Sami was conscious and able to walk, but had lost a lot of blood and was light-headed. The pain from the bullet would come later. Right now she was just numb and in semi-shock. Helen led her toward the safety of the mine.

     Skully hit the steel gate a third time. This time one of the hinges popped. He knew one more time would do it.

Bryan trained his rifle on the inside of the gate, ready to fire as soon as the vehicle broke through. His plan was to take out the driver first, then as many of the passengers as he could.

     Skully didn’t know it now, but he was living his very last seconds on earth.

     The fourth time was the charm. The Humvee hit the gates and flattened one of them, driving over it and then over Mark. The huge front wheel drove over Mark’s chest, shattering his ribcage and collapsing one lung, and leaving him in agony and unable to move. Or breathe.

Bryan squeezed off a shot that went through the windshield and hit Skully squarely in the chest. His heart exploded and he was dead even before his head slumped forward and rested on the steering wheel.

     Five other men scrambled out of the Humvee and scattered in all directions.
Bryan was able to clip one in the leg before he hid behind a trailer.

     Over the radio on his hip,
Bryan heard Hannah’s panicked voice: “All clear! All clear!”

Bryan took two more shots in the general direction of his enemies, just to keep them from coming out of hiding. Then he scrambled down from the roof, ran between the greenhouses, and to the ladder leaning up against the inside of the fence on the south side of the compound. He shouldered his weapon and fairly ran up the ladder, dropping down to the other side and turning his ankle as he did so. He heard bullets hitting the fence behind him as he hobbled away to safety.




will be available for purchase from Amazon.com and through Barnes and Noble Booksellers in April, 2014.








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