Authors: Frank Tallis
Feinstein, Bertram 112-13
Ferenczi, Sandor 74, 87
fight/flight response 135
filter theory 98
fixed idea 33
Fleiss, Wilhelm 69
Flournoy, Theodore 29, 76
From India to the Planet Mars: A Study of a case of Somnambulism with Glossolalia
Fontanelle, Bernard de 15
Franklin, Benjamin 18
free association 63
free will 178
Fregoli delusion 139-40
Freud, Sigmund x, 53-71, 108, 117,126,143,145,171-74, 179-80
Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis
x, 71, 171-73
Notes upon a case of obsessional neurosis
’ 69
On the psychical mechanisms of hysterical phenomena: preliminary communication
’ 51-52,56
Studies on Hysteria
The Interpretation of Dreams
59-60, 72, 73
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
The Unconscious
’ 68, 126
Totem and Taboo
70, 80
Friedrich, Caspar David 5
Freudian slip 63
Functionalism 133
Galvani, Luigi 30
Commentary on the Effect of Electricity and muscular motion
Gassner, johann 20-21
Gauss, Carl Friederich x
Gazzaniga, Michael 120-22
The Split-Brain in Man
’ 122
general anesthesia (and learning) 169-70
Gershwin, Ira 89
Gibert (Dr) 36-38
Gluck 16
Gmelin, Eberhardt 27
Goethe, johann Wolfgang von x,5
Goldwyn, Samuel 88-89
good guylbad guy experiment 128-29
Great Synthesis 51
Grunbaum, Adolf 174
Grund 6
GSR 96
Gur, Ruben 144-45
Self-deception: a concept in search of a Phenomenon
’ 144-45
habituation 161
Hall, Marshall 31
Hall, Stanley 87
Hardaway, Richard 159
Haydn, joseph 16
Hart, Moss 89
Hartmann, Eduard von 14
Philosophy ofthe Unconscious
Heike crab 142
Helmholtz, Hermann von 32, 113
hemispheric asymmetry 118-23
Herbart, johann Friederich 13
Knowledge Newly Founded on Experience Metaphysics and Mathematics
Herring, Ewald 66
Hervey de Saint-Denis, Mariejean 12, 163
Dreams and the Means to Direct Them
Hitchcock, Alfred 89
Hogg, james 29
Hooker, joseph 130-31
homunculus solution 175-76
Huxley, Aldous 168
Huxley, Thomas Henry 32, 92, 177
hypnopaedia 168
hypnosis x, 25, 55, 63
hysteria 39-40, 46, 49-52, 54, 58-9
hysterical aphonia 84
id 61
implicit memory 169
incubation period (in problem solving) 166
Independent Television Commission 150-51
inflation 82
james, William 47
janet, jules 36, 39, 51-52
janet, Paul 35
janet, Pierre 35-52, 58, 76-77
Note sur quelques phenomenes de Somnambulisme
’ 35
jastrow, joseph 14
jones, Ernest 73
judas Eye 95
judas Priest 148-49
jung, Carl Gustav 73, 75-83, 87-88, 164
Memories, Dreams, Rej1ections 77-79
On the Psychology and Pathology of So-called Occult Phenomena 76
Kahane, Max 72
Kekule, Friederich x, 166
Keizer, Kenneth 164
The Sun and the Shadow 164
Kihlstrom, john 107-108, 152, 177
‘The Cognitive Uncon’scious’ 107-108, 152
Klein, Melanie 83
Klinger, Mark 149
knowledge compilation 104
Kornhuber, Hans 114
Kubie, Lawrence S. 89
Kubrick, Stanley 85
Kunst-Wilson, William 106
Lady in the Dark 89
Laing, R. D. 83
Lamarck 130
language (rules of) 105
Latent content (of dreams) 64
late selection 99
Lawrence, D. H. 84
‘Psychoanalysis and the unconscious’ 84
‘Fantasia of the Unconscious’ 84
Laycock, Thomas 31, 92, 177
Lazarus, R. S.95-96
Le Doux, joseph 120-21, 135-36
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 1
New Essays on Human Understanding 1
Libet, Benjamin 112-18, 178
libido 61
Liebeault, Auguste Ambroise 33
limbic system 120, 135-36
Linnean Society 131
Locke, john 1-3
Essay Concerning Human Understanding 1-3
Loftus, Elizabeth 149
Lombroso, Cesare 47
lucid dreaming 13, 163-64
Lucie Oanet’s case of) 41
Lyall, Charles 130-31
Madame B (Janet’s case of) 35-39
magnetic sleep 20
Magritte, Rene 86
mandala 82
manifest content (of dreams) 64
Marcelle Oanet’s case of) 48-49
Marie Oanet’s case of) 42-45
McGinnies, Elliot 93
McLean, Paul 134-35
McLean’s Hospital (Harvard Medical School) 123
McLeary, R. A. 95-96
mere exposure effect 106
merging fantasy stimulus 157, 166
Mesmer, Franz Anton 16-19
mesmerism 16-19
minute perceptions 3
Miller, George A. 93
‘The magic number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information’ 93
Mirójoán 86
Mogg, Karin 140
motor cortex 113
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus x, 16, 167
multiple personality 27-30, 46
muzak 150
Myers, Frederick 35-38, 47
‘On telepathic hypnotism and its relation to other forms of hypnotic suggestion’ 38
Subliminal Consciousness 38
neglect (visual) 124
nervous sleep 25
neural Darwinism 146
neurypnology 25
New York University 156
Newton, Sir Isaac 17
Nietzche, Friedrich 30
nightmare disorder 162-63
Nisbett, Richard 105
‘Telling more than we can know: verbal reports on mental processes’ 105
Oedipus complex 62
Oedipal conflict 158-59
Ohman, Arne 138
Okey sisters 23
opium 7-10,167
Orpheus 6
paleoscope 51
Paley, William 146-47
Papaver somniferum 7
Pappenheim, Bertha (Breuer’s case of Anna O) 53-58
parallel distributed processing (PDP) 106-107
Pavlov, Ivan 96
Peirce, Charles 14-15
Penfield, Wilder 110-12
perceptions 3
perceptual defence 94-95
perfect crisis 20
personal unconscious 79
Phi phenomenon 116
pineal gland (in Cartesean theory) 174-75
placebo 18
Plato 12,62
pneuma 31
Poe, Edgar Allan 29
Poetzl, Otto 164-65
Poetzl effect 164-66
Poincare, Henri x
polygraph 96-97
polypsychism 28, 46
post-hypnotic suggestion 21
Postman, Leo 93
preconscious 61
preparedness 137
Presidential election 2000 149
Prevost, Marcel 49
priming 152
problem solving 166
projection 63, 154
projective test 154
prosopagnosia 139
PS (split-brain case of) 122
Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock’s) 89
psychosis (filter theory) 153
psychological analysis 50 Psychoanalytic Society of New York 88
psychological automatism 46
psychology (entry into English language) 7
psychomythology 69
Psychophysics 14
Puysegur, Amand Marie jacques
de Chastenet, Marquis de 19-22
quantum physics (and free will) 178
Race, Victor (Puysegur’s case of) 19,21
racial unconscious 79-80
Rank, Otto 74
rapport 37
reaction formation 63
readiness potential 114
reflex 31
reflex function of the brain 31
Reich, Wilhelm 74
Reitler, Rudolf 72
repression 13, 62
reptiles 137
res cogita 174
res extensa 174
retrograde amnesia 127
Reverdy, Pierre 85
Rite of Spring, The (Stravinsky) 167
Romanticism 5-6
Rorschach, Hermann 155
Rorschach test 154
Sackheim, Harold see also Gur, Ruben 144-46
Salpetriere 47
Samurai (Heike crab) 142
Scherner, Karl Albert 12
‘The Life of the Dream’ 1, 2
Schiller, Friederich x, 5
Schnitzler, Arthur 84-85
Dream Story 85
Schoenberg, Arnold 84
Schopenhauer, Artur 5
Schubert, Gotthilf Heinrich von 6,64
The Symbolism of Dreams 6
SCR (skin conductance response) 96, 138-39, 144-45
self (illusion of) xiii, 179-80
self-annihilation 167-78
self-deception 132, 144-45
self-hypnosis 25,54
Seligman, Martin 137
Selznick, David O. 89
sexual attraction 141
shadow archetype 81
Shostakovich, Dimitri 167
Silverman, Doris K. 157, 160
Silverman, Lloyd 156-60
Psychoanalytic theory: The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated
’ 160
sleep learning 168-70
smile (genuine and false) 143
Smith, Helen (Flournoy’s case of) 29,76
social anxiety 140
Societe de I’Harmonie 18
Societe de Psychologie Physiologique 35, 50
Societe Royale 18
Society for Psychical Research 35
Split-brain studies 118-23
skills (automation of) 104
Spellbound (Alfred Hitchcock’s) 89
Sperry, Roger 119-22
spiritualism 25-26
Stekel, Wilhelm 72,74
Stevenson, Robert Louis 29-30, 122
Stravinsky, Igor 167
subception 96
subconscious 45
subliminal advertising 150, 153
Subliminal Messages (BPS report) 151-52
subliminal perception 15, 96, 101-102, 106, 138, 140, 148-53, 155-62, 165-66
Subliminal Psychodynamic Activation (SPA) 156-60
subliminal scandal (1950s) 150
subliminal stimulation see also subliminal perception x
subliminal therapy 156-62
suggestion at a distance 35
sun-hero archetype 80-81
superego 61
Surrealism 85-86
Swedenborg, Emanuel 26
On Heaven and its Wonders and on Hell 27
Symbolists 26
symbolisation 64
tachistoscope 94, 97
talking cure 54
Taoism 180
Tartini, Giuseppe 167
temporal lobes 111, 139
thalamus 135
time-gap experience 104
transference 63-64
Trivers, Robert 144-45
Tson-Tse 130
Turing, Alan Mathison 91-92, 108-109
‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’ 92
Tyrer, Peter 161-62
‘Treatment of agoraphobia by
subliminal and supraliminal exposure to phobic cine film’161-62
unconscious 61
unconscious cerebration 31
unconscious inference 32
universal gravitation 17
University College 22, 94
V5 (cortical area) 126
Vance, james 148-49
Vance v. judas Priest 148-49
Viennese Psychoanalytic Society 73
Vogel, Philip 118
Voltaire 4
waist-hip ratio 141
Wallace, Alfred Russel 71, 130-32, 147
Darwinism 147
Wednesday Psychological
Society 72-74
weight discrimination 14-15
Weill, Kurt 89
Weinberger, joel 159-60
Weiskrantz, Larry 125
Wells, H. G. 51
Wilde, Oscar 30
Wilson, Timothy see also
Nisbett, Richard 105
wise old man archetype 81
wish fulfillment 64
Wordsworth, William 7
Lyrical Ballads 7
The Prelude 7
Wren, Sir Christopher 5
Wright, Robert 132, 145
The Moral Animal 132, 145
Zajonc, Robert 106