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Authors: Alyssa Brooks

BOOK: Hide and Seek
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They appeared, compared to the other, more complex dildos and vibrators in her collection, to be simple. Plain. Then again, she'd never tried them, simply because she didn't know what to do with them. Not to mention that before this week, she'd never been into toys. Oddly, it took being with a man to really enjoy them.

But Maxim had such a way with…everything. Women, toys,

“Mmm. I give. You've quite distracted me.”

“Uh. I demand my massage first.” His hand closed around the beads. “So get to it, woman.”

She smiled, actually enjoying the prospect of some intimacy between them that wasn't sexual.

“I think I have some oil.” Moving to the floor, she rummaged thru her exposed box of goodies, silently amazed by how very comfortable she felt with Maxim now, even with the presence of sex toys. A wall had fallen between them, one that allowed him to lie naked before her and for her not to think twice about it; one that had her bubbling with anticipation, rather than shaking with apprehension.

If Lizzy knew what she was doing with her gifts, she'd shoot her.

Elisa found the bottle of oil and some protection and climbed on the bed, tossing the condom on the pillow. Straddling Maxim's back, she unscrewed the cap and poured some of the perfumed liquid onto his shoulders. Her fingers met with rock hard resistance.

“You are tense.” She kneaded his muscles slowly, working the knots in his shoulders gently. “I think you did too much.”

“Yeah. Because you worked me like a dog today.” He moaned, practically falling to pieces beneath her touch. “Mmmm…God, that's good. I'm turning into mush.”

“If I didn't know better, Maxim, I'd think you'd enjoyed your day.”

“Hard work?” he mumbled. “Never.”

“Then why haven't you left?” she chuckled, drumming her fingers over his shoulder blades.

He sighed at the touch. “I'll grant you this—you're interesting.”

Interesting? Well, at least he didn't say bitchy…or pathetic.

“I'll take that as a compliment.” She pressed her fingers a little deeper.

He groaned. “You're pretty too.”

“Pretty and interesting…hmmm…”

“And smart.”

“I'm beginning to like this.”


“Sexy,” she repeated in a whisper. Something in her welled up and she smiled to herself. Somehow, Maxim calling her sexy was much more moving than his other compliments. It made her feel good. It made her feel…

Before he'd come here, she'd felt used and sorry for herself. Bitter. But, oddly enough, his presence was giving her a strength she might not have found on her own, secluded in the middle of nowhere with nothing but bad memories and hopeless feelings.

As surprised as she'd been when he'd shown up, she was glad he'd come. Maybe it had just been

“So I take it I've convinced you?” he asked. “Are you finished with your silly vow to be done with men?”

Was she? The sting of the porno fiasco was certainly fading. What's more—she was beginning to trust him.

“I don't know,” she answered honestly. “I don't know how I feel about anything right now. Men. My future.”


“Yes, you.” Unconsciously, her grip on his muscles tightened, squeezing hard as she rolled the flesh in her hands.

“Too much,” he protested, pulling away. “Elisa. Does that mean you think I'll be a part of your future?”

“I don't know. What makes you ask that?”

“I could offer you a job at my parents' hotel.”

Her heart skipped a beat and her massaging came to a complete halt. A job? What did that mean?

Did he actually want to keep her around? Or just help her out?

“I can't believe I just asked you that.” He cleared his throat. “But, um, what do you think?”

She swallowed, commanding herself not to read too much into his suggestion. He wasn't presenting her with forever—not even a commitment—just a job. One she could never take.

“You know that's not the type of work I want to do, Maxim.”

Forget the fact that she wanted to do positive things with her life—what if Maxim wasn't truly changed? What if they broke up? How could she possibly consider resigning herself to watching him fling through women like trash after the time they'd shared together at this cabin?

Ultimately, even if she could tolerate such heartache, it wasn't part of her plan for life. She'd been thrown a curve ball with her porn star status, but she couldn't let it stop her from doing some good in the world.

Ever since she was a kid, Elisa had promised herself she'd serve a purpose in this world.
Hands on.
Before she died, her mother had made a career of funding organizations to help save rainforests and the indigenous people in them…but she talked about doing more. Touching the world…the
one. Unfortunately, those dreams were never realized, her mother's existence cut short by a car accident.

Elisa wasn't going to end like that. She wanted to live…to make a difference. Save those rainforests and so much more for her mother.

Maybe she didn't know exactly what she would do with herself now, but her future
involve running away to Egypt with Maxim. She couldn't center her life around any man.

She'd trusted once before…and been hurt terribly. She couldn't, wouldn't, go through that again. And somehow, she knew with Maxim it would be so much more painful.

Derrick hadn't mattered. Maxim did.

No, the last thing she needed was to imagine them with any kind of future. Lately, she'd lost sight of her goals. But confused as she still was about Maxim, she saw matters clearly now. She could enjoy him for a while, but then she had to move on. Get her life back.

“Elisa? Did you hear me?” Maxim asked, jolting her from her deep thoughts. “What kind of work are you looking for? I know some people. Actually, a lot of people.”

“No, thanks, Maxim. I'll find something when I'm ready.”

“Just think about it, okay?” he insisted. “I mean, maybe a move would do you good and I have a lot of contacts in Cairo.”



Elisa shook her head. It was time to curtail this conversation. Maxim's first priority was himself. He only wanted her in Egypt for
pleasure. Someone like him could never understand her and her reasons. She couldn't expect him to. They were just different…they had different expectations in life. That was that.

“Come on, tell me,” he insisted. “What kind of work are you looking for?”

She ignored him.

She returned to kneading his shoulders, lowering herself to plant kisses along the sore area. “Feel better?”

“Tons. But—”

“Good. I like this position I have you in.” Elisa willed herself strength. Hard as it was, she was shutting him out of her life. She had to remember that the only thing between them was sex, nothing more, nothing less.

Reaching down, she swatted his bum twice in quick succession. “It just might be me giving the spanking.”

“I don't think so.” He reared against her and then flipped over, knocking her off balance. The beads he held dropped to the floor as he reached for her and caught her arms, dragging her onto his lap.

Sitting, his hard cock dancing between her legs, he grasped her hair tightly and pulled her head back. His hold was rough and tough. Unrelenting. He stared into her gaze, not allowing her to look away. “I'm onto you, Elisa Cross. I know—”

Her poor heart…it was under such stress. Unable to beat properly.

“Oh?” She swallowed, feeling caught, trapped, though she didn't even know why. “What's that?”

Thankfully, before he could answer, the telephone rang.


it ring!” Maxim stared in shock as Elisa clambered from his lap, running naked from the bedroom. “Oh, come on!”

She had to be kidding him.


“It might be important!”

It might be ninety degrees in Aspen tomorrow too.

Jesus. Any other woman would have taken the phone off the hook or let it ring…at least shown annoyance at the untimely interruption. But apparently, not even the presence of his hard cock between her legs could prevent his “lover” from fleeing when the opportunity presented itself.

Of course not. Not Elisa.
Never Elisa

“Oh, come on!” he groaned. He'd been so close to busting down a wall between them. So close…

But getting through her barricades was like trying to take down the Great Wall of China. Once up, always up.

Man. Did she seriously care who was on the line?

Yeah right.

Sure, they'd had sex multiple times in multiple ways, but when it came to real, intense conversation or sincere moments between them, she always shut down. As far as relationships went, she was worse than him.

And what was going on in his mind? It seemed he was becoming a man obsessed. He couldn't believe he'd asked her about their future. Asked her to work for him. Suggested she move to Egypt. He'd been talking without thinking.

they have a future?

Did he, the man who would never settle down, actually want one?

Perhaps he'd hit his head in the fall.

With a pathetic whimper, he let himself sink into the mattress. Of course she was answering the phone. She'd found a temporary escape from the intimacy blooming between them and she was taking it.

But temporary it would be.

He didn't intend to let her off so easily. He intended to make her face her feelings. Her desires.

Elisa was no dominatrix, no queen, but a sweet woman who was ultimately turned on by a powerful man.

Maxim listened to the pitter patter of her footsteps as she fled down the hall, tempted to follow her.

Who was she speaking to? Was it important? Why?

Guilt rose up in him, followed by quick shock. Damn it, he was actually thinking about spying. What was wrong with him? How could he even consider it?

He was this far gone…over a woman?

He shouldn't eavesdrop. He shouldn't even care what the phone call might be about. He knew that.

Nonetheless, the urge wouldn't be tamped down. By God, he was too intrigued not to follow. Elisa refused to share her life with him—hell, her affairs weren't any of his business—but oddly enough, he wanted to know her. Very much. Too much.

“This is stupid,” he swore to himself. “Stay in bed.”

But he never was very good at taking advice. Not even from himself.

Before he could stop himself, his bare feet hit the wood floor. Quietly, he wrapped a blanket around himself and crept from the room to the end of hall. Leaning against the wall, he listened.

you going to make it tonight or what?”

Elisa cringed at what her sister's annoyed tone and direct question insinuated. Did Lizzy truly believe just because she was involved with a guy that she'd lost all sense of self?

She'd done that once and it wouldn't happen again. Ever.

Lizzy should know that.

But as typical, when it came to men and relationships, Lizzy was quick to be cynical.

Squeezing her thighs together in an attempt to block the desire flooding her pussy, Elisa twirled the kitchen phone cord around her thumb and breathed in relief at the thought of having some free time away from Maxim this evening. While she enjoyed being with him, things were getting so intense. His insistent behavior, as well as her desire and even worse—
her growing feelings
—were increasing…to the point of danger.

“Of course I'll be there.” Shaking away the troublesome thoughts, Elisa burst out the answer, finally replying to Lizzy's question about tonight. No wonder her sister doubted her. She was acting like an idiot. “Since I've been in Aspen, we've met every Monday night for wine and poker. Now why would I miss it?”

“That was an awful long pause.” Lizzy voice dripped with sarcasm. “Need I remind you that you have company? Company you're

Company she needed space from so she could breathe. Think. Make sense of the situation before it exploded in her face.

Besides, even if she did feel the urge to cling to Maxim, she'd never ditch her own sister.

Elisa squared her shoulders and firmed her voice. “Lizzy, I promise you, just because I'm foolishly falling for some guy doesn't mean I'm going to—”


What was that? Elisa whirled around, her eyes seeking out the cause of the sudden noise in the hall. Her gaze found nothing, which only caused more concern.

Was Maxim spying on her? Worse, had he heard her say that she was
for him?


In a bucket. Dumped over his head.

A smack of bubble gum cracked over the line, regaining her attention. “No kidding, Elisa. I'd shoot him before I let him steal you from me.”

A bark of laughter escaped Elisa. “God help anyone who gave you a gun. Though, if he gets to be a problem, you know, gets too
…well, fire away, by all means.”

“I have an idea. Instead of cards, why don't we meet at your cabin tonight? I know someone willing to supply me with anything I want. I can bring two guns. We'll blast him to bits.”

“You better not shoot him, you brat, at least not until I'm done with him.” Elisa raised her voice, determined that Maxim hear everything she said, especially the part regarding his well-deserved death. “I promise you, I'm having some sex. Off camera. But that's it. I know better than to get involved. And if I do, blow him away with a machine gun.”

“Good thing. I wasn't going to tolerate another episode like the last.” Lizzy popped another bubble and chewed loudly. “Speaking of which, have you given any thought to what you'll do with your life now? And please don't say it might include him.”

“It won't, that I can swear to you.” Elisa held off saying anything more, because it was none of Maxim's concern. “We'll talk about it later tonight, at your club—after hours, same time, same table.”

“Right. And, Elisa?”


“Leave him behind. Please.”

“Don't worry. He's not coming.”

hell he wasn't.

Sure, there'd been references to shooting him—but he didn't care. Fill him with holes. If the conversation tonight was anywhere near as good the one he'd just listened to, he wanted to hear more.

He was going into Aspen with Elisa and she couldn't stop him.

Maxim ran a hand through his hair, aware of the way his very being was glowing with delight. If his smile grew any wider his freaking face would crack.

He just couldn't believe it. Elisa Cross was
for him.

Hallelujah, his whole world had just shifted.

But if he didn't start running right now, his ass might just be blasted into small bits. He better escape back to the bedroom before he was officially caught. After hearing her confession, he'd lost his balance and fallen into the wall like an idiot. No doubt Elisa already suspected him of listening.

Maxim tiptoed down the hall, positive he could fool her. Or at least distract her.

With any luck, she'd simply believe she'd just been hearing things.


Maxim shook his head, surprised at the unfamiliar voice in his head. It was as if the little devil had disappeared, replaced by an angel—no, worse, a cupid, complete with bow and arrow. And his little cherubic brat was steadily firing in the direction of his heart.

Damn, he needed to get a grip.

Her footsteps fell into place behind him. “I never pegged you as the intrusive, eavesdropping type, Maxim,” she called.

Damn it. So much for sliding under her radar.

“Hey, baby.” Caught, he turned around with a wry smile. “I was just using the bathroom. Can't make love with a full bladder.” He held out his arms. “Come here, sweet thing.”

“And now you're bullshitting me.” She lifted a brow, continuing to stalk toward him. And she looked

He forced a smile. “Can't fool you, huh?”

“You asked me earlier today to trust you, Maxim. Do you not trust me?”

Her eyes were steely with anger, her jaw set. She snorted with distaste and shook her head, trying to brush past him. He caught her, drawing her stiff body into his embrace.

“Of course I do.” Swiping her bangs from her face, he kissed the top of her head gently. Despite her anger, he just wanted to smother her with kisses. To rejoice. To sing and dance.

She was falling for him!

His insides swarmed with a feeling he'd never experienced before. Anxious to move past the ugly and into the bedroom, Maxim searched for the right words. “It's just…well…there was a lot of talk of shooting me.”

“Which would be well deserved.” Her voice was cold as ice.

“Hey!” he protested. “That's not nice!” He quickly scooped her up and cradled her in his arms. Her muscles were so tight it was like carrying a board. He kissed her again, this time fully on the lips, and she struggled.

He held her tight as he walked to the bedroom. “I just wish that you would talk to me more. You're so aloof, so—”

She rolled her eyes. “Just shut up, Maxim. Right now, I really don't want to hear it. I can't believe you. In fact, put me down.”



He nuzzled her cheek with his nose. “I do believe I'm still owed a spanking, not to mention some anal sex.”

“Just what you deserve.”

His posture straightened, the lighthearted tone to his voice vanished at the threat. “Funny.”

“Well, you won't be spanking this behind. You're owed sex and that's what you'll get. My way.” She looked away, clearly in “queen” mode. “So get on the bed.”

“I don't think so.” Not this time. This time, he wasn't allowing her to put up walls. To keep her distance. To pretend she was something she wasn't.

He firmed his hold on her. He was taking her, the way they both wanted. “By the time I'm through with you, I'll have you begging for my hands on your bottom and my cock up your ass, baby. That's a promise.”

“What?” she screeched.

Not loosening his grip, he sat on the edge of the bed, locking her in his embrace and forcing her to remain on his lap. He wrenched her legs apart, demanding she straddle him.

If she was truly falling for him, then there was only one thing to do. Drive her over the edge of reason and straight into his arms.

“I want to continue our conversation from earlier,” he whispered in her ear and then seized her chin, forcing her to look at him. His eyes met her defiant glare. “And don't think for one moment I'm forgetting your spanking.”

the one who should be spanked.” A flutter of anticipation danced in her belly, heat filling her loins. Elisa shifted, wishing she could look away from his sharp, all-knowing gaze. But he held her true, forcing her to face not only him, but herself.

“And maybe that would turn you on.” His free hand smoothed over her hips and to her shock, he gave her bare bottom a smart slap. “But not near as much as being spanked yourself.”

She sucked in a breath, hissing through her clenched teeth as she fought against the explosion of desire that followed his unexpected assault. “You're wrong.”

“Please, angel, I can sense your yearning. I breathe your need. Even if you deny it, I know.” The intensity in his eyes was too much. She jerked her head uselessly. How she wanted to look away, but he refused to release her. “The whole dom, in charge, Queen Elisa act…it's bullshit.”

She swallowed back tears. “Correction. It's an attempt.”

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