Hiding His Wolf [Urban Affairs 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (14 page)

BOOK: Hiding His Wolf [Urban Affairs 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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“You trust him?” Levi shook his head doubtfully.


Levi fixed his gaze on Simon. “Did you send anyone here while you were gone?”

“No.” Damn, he’d been afraid of this. “Is that why you used the safe room? Did someone break in?”

“A couple of men with guns. I woke up in time to hide. I don’t think they knew I was here.”

Simon breathed a sigh of relief that Levi hadn’t been caught. “My boss probably sent them to check up on me. The man doesn’t trust anyone. I was lucky to get Noah off the island. I only wish I could have managed it before they hurt him.”

Levi’s expression was like someone who had been struck in the face. He touched a red welt on Noah’s chest. “This is my fault. Everything that happened to you is my fault.”

“No.” Noah’s voice was strong and steady. “I won’t let you take responsibility for someone else’s actions. There are monsters in this world, but you are not one of them.”

“Noah’s right,” Simon broke in. “What the DSA is planning is monstrous. I had no idea. The director was feeding me information piecemeal. Graham wants to breed you, both of you. Maybe others. He’s looking to create a shifter that can be easily controlled.” Simon looked first at Levi, then Noah. “He wants to mate you with a human woman. And if he can get his hands on a female Were, he intends to impregnate her with Noah’s sperm.”

Snarling, Levi turned to Simon,
his features shifted, and for a second Simon saw the face of the predator under the man’s human skin. Levi’s mouth twisted into a
smile that set Simon’s teeth on edge.
“I want that bastard.”

“Are you willing to work with me?” Simon asked quietly.

Levi turned to Noah, a question in his eyes.

Noah nodded. “I trust him with my life. And yours.”

“Count me in,” Levi said.


* * * *


Simon had two gorgeous men in his condo, and yet he lay sprawled on his leather sofa, alone in the living room. Noah and Levi needed to talk, and he’d given them his bedroom so they could have the privacy they deserved. He wished he could shift to a fly on the wall so he could be privy to their conversation. Maybe he was better off not knowing, especially if they were being intimate with each other.

Considering the severity of their situation, Simon knew he should not be thinking about sex, but danger and the accompanying adrenaline rush always ramped up his libido. And Noah and Levi were two of the hottest men he’d ever seen. The two men were so different, and yet Simon wanted both of them. Levi was six foot two, while Noah was only five foot eight. Levi was dark with gold-green eyes. Noah, a blond, had eyes the color of the Pacific Ocean.

Despite the fact he’d been abused and used as man’s sex toy for most of his life, Noah still retained an innocence and faith that was totally endearing. The boy’s sweet, trusting personality brought out Simon’s protective and possessive instincts. He tried to squelch the possessive part. No matter what Noah had said to him, he knew the boy’s heart belonged to Levi.

Simon wondered if they were fucking right now. He knew all too well that Levi liked to bottom, but the half-breed could be dominant, too. Simon had recognized that side of him as well. Now he knew where it came from. Hell, the man was half-Were. An exciting combination. Simon pictured Levi pounding into Noah’s ass. Hot! Cursing himself for being a horny bastard, he slipped a hand inside his pants and stroked his stiff cock.


* * * *


Levi was conflicted. When he and Noah were younger, he’d had some crazy thoughts about the boy, but Noah had been like a younger brother to him and he had stifled any thoughts of a sexual nature. It had been tough. At sixteen, he’d been well past puberty, and wolves were highly sexual. Having to hide his identity from the outside world, he had no outlet, other than his own hand, to relieve his physical urges.

A few times Levi had caught Noah watching him with a hungry and lustful expression, but when they locked eyes, Noah would flush scarlet and turn away. Levi figured it had been his imagination coupled with wishful thinking. He had been so fucking horny back then.

But now he saw that same hungry look on Noah’s face, and it nearly did him in. How the hell was he supposed to handle this? He loved Noah. The younger man brought out all of his possessive and protective feelings, and that confused the hell out of him. On one hand, he wanted to put Noah in a glass cage and pummel anyone who came near him. On the other hand, he wanted to pummel Noah’s sweet ass.

It would be wrong on so many levels. Noah had been victimized. He needed time to heal. And Levi had seen the way Noah looked at Simon, and he suspected they had something going on between them. It was understandable. Simon had become the white knight in Noah’s life. That position should be his, but in reality he was one who had caused every one of Noah’s problems. He’d never meant to do it, but that didn’t matter. Now, maybe he could make it up to the boy in some way.
But no sex
. Fucking Noah would not atone for anything.

Nor would fucking Simon. The DSA agent brought out all Levi’s baser animal instincts, but if Simon had something going with Noah, Levi would not come between them. An image of Simon fucking Noah popped into his head, and he stifled a groan. Here he was confined in an apartment with two perfect men, a dominant and a submissive, and he couldn’t have either one of them.

“What’s wrong, Levi?”

He looked over at Noah. When they were younger, the boy could always read him like a book. Evidently he still could. They were both sitting cross-legged and naked on Simon’s big king-size bed. The boy was half-hard. Levi really had to stop thinking of him as a boy. Noah was all grown up now.

“I was just thinking about what you must have been going through all these years. Do you want to talk about it?”

“No.” The tone of Noah’s voice left no room for argument. “I want to put all that behind me now. There’s no point in dwelling on it or wasting valuable time feeling sorry for myself. We need to focus on the future.”

“Are you sure we have one? Do you really trust Simon?”

“He put his life on the line.”

“For you.”

“For us.” Noah took Levi’s hand. “We need to stick together.”

Levi looked in Noah’s eyes, and the breath locked in his throat. “I’d do anything for you, Noah.”

Noah leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on Levi’s mouth. His lips were like velvet, and Levi submitted, opening for Noah’s hot, searching tongue. Noah wrapped his arms around Levi’s neck, and their kiss grew wild and hungry. Noah straddled Levi’s naked thighs, and his hard cock pressing against Levi’s left no doubt what he wanted. Levi wanted the same thing but his conscience protested and he pushed Noah aside. “This is wrong.”

Noah clung to Levi, encouraging him to continue the kiss—and more. Nothing had ever felt so right, but still Levi pushed him away and stood. Frustrated, he started pacing around the room like an angry predator.

“Levi, I think about you all the time.” Noah bit on his bottom lip. “I thought you were dead, but in my mind I pretended that you would find me and we would be together—lovers like we were meant to be. That fantasy kept me alive all these years. Without it, I might have killed myself.” He started sobbing. “I want to belong to you, to feel you inside me, to scream your name when I come. Is that so wrong?”

Chapter Fourteen


Noah’s cries woke a drowsing Simon, and before he could stop himself, he bolted up from the couch and burst into the bedroom. Noah was huddled in a fetal position on the big bed. Without thinking, Simon settled down next to him and pulled him into his arms. His only intention had been to protect and comfort, but Noah’s bare flesh felt so good against his, he couldn’t help tightening his grip on the boy. “What’s wrong?”

Noah choked back sobs and tried to draw a breath. “Levi doesn’t want me. I disgust him.”

For just a second, Simon wanted to throttle the wolf, and then good sense prevailed. “That’s crazy. The last time you saw each other you were boys. Give him some time to come to grips with the fact that you’re a man now. He still thinks of you as a little brother.”
Where the fuck are you, Levi?

“I’m right here, Simon,” Levi’s voice sounded behind him, as if he’d been reading Simon’s mind. The half-breed stood in the shadows watching them. “Don’t play Dr. Phil with me, I know a man when I see one. I see you do, too.”

Oh, shit.
The wolf must fucking hate him. He released Noah from his tight embrace. “Levi, I’m—”

“It’s okay, Simon, I’m not going to kill you.”

“Good to know,” Simon muttered. He made a move to get up, but a heavy hand landed on his shoulder and kept him from rising.

Levi joined them on the bed. Sandwiched between him and Noah, Simon found it a little hard to concentrate. “I don’t want to intrude on your time, Levi, but I heard Noah crying. All the time we were on the island, I never heard him cry, not once. I don’t want him crying now that he’s home.”

“That’s the second time you said that,” Noah whimpered.

“What?” Simon was honestly confused.


“This is your home, Noah, for as long as you want it.”

Levi growled.

“What is it with you, Levi? How can you be jealous and not want him at the same time? The kid fucking loves you. He always has.”

“He’s traumatized. He doesn’t know who or what he wants.”

“I think he does,” Simon said.

“Of course you do,” Levi told him. “I see the way he looks at you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Did you fuck him?”

“Of course not! It’s gratitude, nothing more.”


Levi and Simon both turned and stared at Noah.

“I’m not a kid, I’m a grown man. Maybe what I went through made me grow up even faster. Okay, I had a rough time. I’m not the only one.” His voice got softer. “Please don’t tell me what I need or want. I don’t have a formal education but I can think for myself.” Noah put his arms around Simon and pressed his lips to his back. “I am grateful. You saved my life and Levi’s. I can never repay you. Doesn’t mean I don’t love you, too. I do.”

Simon froze. Maybe the kid really didn’t know his own mind. He was still in a fragile state. “Why?”

“Because you gave me back my manhood. Because you accepted me for who I am. And mostly because you’re sexy as fuck and you look more like a Werewolf than Levi does.”

Levi snarled, and Simon burst out laughing. “Thanks. I think.”

Noah’s face went all serious as he looked over at Levi. “I’ve always loved you, Rolf. It’s okay if you don’t love me back. It hurts, but I understand. Just please don’t make light of my feelings.”


* * * *


Levi was stunned. Noah was much smarter than he was. He’d come to believe that he would always be alone and unloved. That back-alley sex would be the only way he could get close to another man. Now he had a chance for so much more. Looking at the two men with him, he realized this was exactly what he’d always wanted and needed—a triad, a submissive lover in Noah and a man who could dominate him, Simon. But he couldn’t get past his guilt. And what could he offer Noah? He had nothing. Not exactly true. He had a heart full of love and the means to make a former slave smile again.

“I love you, Noah. I always have. But I feel like I don’t have the right to your love, not after I’ve destroyed your family, your life, everything.”

Noah reached for his hand. “It was your loss, too, Levi. You lost two families—and me.”

Simon put a comforting arm around his shoulders. “You’re not the bad guy here, Levi. You’re just as much a victim as Noah. He sees that. Why can’t you?”

Noah’s gaze locked on his, and his heart bounded into his throat. God, he loved them.
What was he thinking? Levi twisted his head to look at Simon, and the big man kissed him.


* * * *


Noah should have been surprised, but he wasn’t. He knew there was some kind of connection there. Despite the snarls and the glares back and forth, there was a spike of electricity between Simon and Levi whenever they were in the same room. Noah watched Levi’s red, swollen cock rise high against his stomach as his mouth crushed against Simon’s. Simon’s hand moved toward it almost as if it had a will of its own. Noah envied the closeness that seemed to come naturally to them. He wanted to experience a feeling of belonging with someone, to someone…

The kiss ended as quickly as it had begun. Both men were breathless, and they looked guilty as hell.

“I…uh. Sorry, Noah…”
Simon said.

Noah made a little noise and chewed on his lip.

“What’s wrong, Noah?” Simon asked him.

“Tell us, baby,” Levi encouraged Noah. “I’m sorry if we upset you. It won’t happen again.”

upset me,” Noah declared in deadly earnest. “Because I loved watching you two.”

“You’re okay with that?” Levi blurted out.

“I love you both,” Noah replied. “And you look hot together.” Noah looked from one to the other. “You look like you belong together. I want to be part of that. I want to belong.”

“You do belong, baby.” Levi whispered. Simon nodded. “Levi is right. We’re not complete without you.”

Noah nodded because he couldn’t talk over the lump in his throat. His pulse rate increased with his excitement. He’d never been so aroused before. His hand found its way down to his stiff dick and he pumped.


Noah looked up at Levi, surprised.

“That cock is mine. You don’t touch until I say so.”

Noah let out a moan, but he removed his hand.

“Good boy.” Levi rewarded him with a kiss.

It was a kiss he’d waited for, forever. He parted his lips and let Levi claim his mouth. Their tongues sought each other’s out and the kiss turned white-hot. Noah never wanted it to end, but finally Levi pulled back breathless and looked into his eyes.

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